Not able to deploy large wlapp on IBM MobileFirstServer - deployment

I am not able to deploy 35MB Android wlapp on my IBM MobileFirst 7.1 server and got this message "The resource or service cannot be found. Try again later." but can deploy it if I have reduced its size. I am using Liberty profile.

I have found the problem it was that IIS will block any request over 30MB for some security reasons then by increasing this limit to be 50MB it is working now.


Is it possible to create an instance of an application server in the cloud?

I'm new to Bluemix, but fairly skilled in WebSphere Application Server. I recently heard colleagues discussing the potential of IBM hosting an app server in the cloud. I saw this Beta announcement and was wondering how long the beta will last and if there's an actual product/service available.
The IBM Application Server on Cloud is generally available and you can learn more at:
We'd love to hear from you on the forums with your feedback.
Not only can you provision the latest versions of WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile and WebSphere Application Server classic (aka full profile or traditional WebSphere Application Server), now you can also get an early look at the next release with the WebSphere Application Server classic V9 beta. You can provision a virtual machine with an instance of WebSphere Application Server v9 beta running in Bluemix. Details on this open beta are available in the WebSphere Early Programs website:
Or get a quick overview by watching this video Introducing the WAS classic V9 beta:
The beta program for Application Server on Cloud has ended. Planned GA is Sept 24. Here is the announcement:
IBM Application Server on Cloud is extended to Bluemix, which enables simple, repeatable, and quick deployments of WebSphere Application Server
After GA, you'll find the service icon in the Bluemix catalog in the Web and Application category.

How do we deploy a Worklight server in IBM Bluemix platform?

Can we deploy Worklight server in IBM Bluemix platform?
Is that supported currently in Bluemix?
How can I deploy a Worklight application in Bluemix environment?
Worklight is available in Container in Bluemix with name Mobile First Bluemix Container.
This is Beta and very soon it will be come GA.
You can host your Hybrid Apps and Adapters on this.
I see this question is from 8 months ago, currently you are able to run worklight inside a Bluemix container.
You do not have to install the platform, it is all done atumatically.
AFAIK, It is not possible to use the current release of Worklight ("on prem") and use it in Bluemix ("on cloud").
In the coming weeks Worklight will/should/may be available as a mobile service in Bluemix.
You will need to wait a little bit longer.
As others mentioning below, now you are able to run worklight inside a Bluemix container. You do not have to install the platform, it is all done automatically.
More info on Bluemix container here.
This is not currently supported at this time. You can take a look at this thread for some more details:
worklight is not supported on Bluemix PAAS currently,however in future it may be included.
There is no buildpack for Worklight Server so you cannot currently run a Worklight server application on BlueMix.
Buildpack is still not for Worklight server so you cannot run a Worklight server application on BlueMix. However you can run your .war file created in WorkLight studio in liberty of java buildpack on BlueMix.
for more details please follow below link:

Application Can Not Be Deployed on Cloudhub

currently I am working with mule esb in cloud, to achieve this I am using free trial version of Cloudhub. FYI, I am new to cloudhub and right now tring to deploy my mule application there. Unfortunately, everytime I tried to deploy my application, it can not be deployed.
I have tried 2 ways to deploy the apps.
The first one is from the Mule Studio, by following this documentation:
Deploy Apps to Cloudhub From Mule Studio
When I tried that way, I got following error:
I guess it was because of the proxy.
The second way I tried is by deploying it directly from the, by following this documentation:
Deploying Apps Directly From
But, when I check on the deployment section, I found out, that my application is not uploaded. Then I tried to upload it again, update it, and run the application, but it seems that the application still not uploaded and the change I made is not applied.
Here is the error I got:
FYI, before I upload the application to cloudhub, I compressed the application folder into zip file.
How can I solved this problem? Do you think I did something wrong when deploying it? Thanks in advance.
I too faced similar problem, when deploying application in cloud hub, using Mule 3.5. My application inserts Contacts info (FirstName, LastName, Title, Email etc) from CSV file in Salesforce "Contacts" object. With proxy details configured, my application was running fine in local machine but when deployed in cloud hub, I was getting "Unknown host Exception. Root exception in proxy (something similar to this) " exception.
What I did:
I have removed proxy details from Salesforce connector and re-compiled and deployed in cloud hub. When I tested, the contacts from csv file are getting inserted in Salesforce "Contacts" objects.
Note: When Proxy details are removed, it works in cloud hub but fails in local. It seems cloud hub takes care of proxy connection and we don't need to explicitly mention it.
Ravi Nori
Be sure that you configure your http endpoint like this:
<http:inbound-endpoint host="localhost" port="${http.port}".... />
CloudHub will automatically expand http.port property to the correct value.
To make it work deploying from CloudHub you shouldn't compress your project yourself and upload but make Studio create a deployable archive: Right click on your project and then click export, select 'Anypoint Studio Project to Mule Deployable Archive' under Mule category. That will have Mule ESB application structure and should work in CloudHub.
Check your http global endpoint is like that
or you can give in properties file like http.port=8081
these values you can give directly in cloudhub properties.
From flow you can access like ${} , ${http.port}
First check that domain name is available

quickstart Apache DayTrader

I am trying to get the Apache DayTrader benchmarking app on OpenShift quickstart working see link!17609
I have a free 3 gear openshift online account and the quickstart starts up but then after a while posts the message
"Application creation is taking longer than expected. Please wait a few minutes, then refresh this page."
Waiting and refreshing the page shows the whole application rolled back and removed from the gear.
I suspected it might need a larger gear but I can build an openshift gear manually with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 and PostgreSQL 9.2 as per requirements in a small gear
I tried manually building the application via jboss developer studio and downloaded the git locally, imported it as a general project,converted to Mavern project, started openshift application wizard and choose the jbosseap-6 app type with postgresql-9.2 cartridge and went through using the existing daytrader project.
That all seemed to work and the app was created in my openshift online gear
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6
Status: Started
1 small, Storage 1 GB PostgreSQL 9.2
the account webpage then displays
"Welcome to your JBoss EAP application on OpenShift"
but I cant seem to access the daytrader index.jsp or app from there.
If anyone has successfully built Daytrader on openshift either manually or via quickstart could they please post the steps.
I am just starting with jboss and the solution may be an absurdly simple oversight on my part.
Much appreciated John
I am assuming this is not your cartridge. If that is the case, you should try logging an issue on the github project that feeds into that quickstart here:
The creator of the cartridge should be able to help you out.
I posted ( some time ago ) the issue in github for gvijayar but there has been no reponse. I have managed to build via command line as per "Deploying from Source" making allowance for the error.
The application name needs to change in the create command to be consistent across all the commands you list.
rhc app create -a daytradereap -t jbosseap-6 -g large
but the quickstart still fails consistently.

Deploying Websphere Portals onto a 6.1 Server

Any time I try to publish my Portal project on a Websphere Portal 6.1 Server, I get the following error message:
Portal project publishing is not supported on WebSphere Portal v6.1 Server
Is that really true or have I done something wrong?
I'm trying to deploy a portal project, with the underlying goal of publishing a new theme.
Unfortunately, any time I try to deploy, I get the error message listed above from the IDE and no errors in the console.
The RAD version is
Not sure this will help, but:
Limitation: Although the WebSphere
Portal installer contains an advanced
option to install an empty portal,
Portal Designer relies on
administration portlets for setting
access control; therefore, publishing
a portal project to an empty portal is
not supported.
Are you trying to deploy a portlet or an entire portal project? What version of RAD are you using? Any other information in the error log? (Both within RAD & on WP server) Is the error message posted verbatim?
It is possible to deploy such a project to a WebSphere Portal. I use v6.2 and deploy portlets, which are parts of a big Portal project, every day. I'm only a starter in such a stuff, but I can say that WebSphere is really buggy. You know, it is a big difference to run a deployed app "locally, in a workspace" or "on a server". I suggest you to work out with server options - administrative console.