Gradle + Buildship - Switch dependency between JAR and projects - eclipse

I'm having some trouble configuring Buildship for Eclipse the way I want. I currently have > 50 projects always open in Eclipse, but I want to move to having only the projects I am actively working on in Eclipse, and the other projects would use a Maven repository to resolve their dependency.
Lets say ProjectA (which contains a main) depends on ProjectB (a library project). If ProjectB is opened in Eclipse, I would like ProjectA to use ProjectB directly. A change in the code in ProjectB would be noticeable when running ProjectA. However, if ProjectB is closed, I would like ProjectA to use the ProjectB's JAR located in the Maven repository mentioned in the build.gradle file.
The behavior that I am talking about is detailed here.
Is there a way to do that using Buildship? Or should I use another Gradle Eclipse plugin?

There's a new composite build support feature added in Gradle 3.1. This feature is a game changer and makes it simple to work on more than one project at once.
You can use dependency substitution rules to swap out repository dependencies with local project dependencies.
If each project is within it's own separate git/subversion repository you can use prezi pride to manage the 'pride' of projects. You could import the (dynamically generated) multi module build into buildship.
If you wanted to use the eclipse plugin instead of buildship you use the whenMerged or withXml hooks to tweak the generated .classpath files to point to the projects within your workspace (note eclipse will now build differently to gradle command line).

For the sake of completion, I ended up going with the dependency substitution as suggested by Lance Java. This approach has the following advantages:
Does not require a third party software.
Is IDE independent. We're not tinkering with the .classpath file directly, we let the Eclipse plugin (or any other IDE plugin) handle this.
Other plugins can access the actual dependency we want to use.
However, there are some gotchas with that approach:
Dependency substitution cannot be done inside a task. It needs to be done either in the build.gradle file or in a method that is called from the build.gradle file.
You need to refresh the workspace.


With the gradle plugin in Eclipse, how can I get project dependencies like maven?

I'm looking into migrating some of our ancient maven projects over to gradle (so shiny). Things are looking pretty good however I'm unable to get Eclipse/Gradle to adjust the project dependencies appropriately when I have 2 projects checked out. I'm hoping to use a repo for standard jar dependencies but be able to depend directly on a project if it is checked out.
Let's say ProjectB depends on ProjectA. As far as I understand the Eclipse/Maven plugin, it is able to a:
Interrogate the maven dependency for ProjectA and understand its group/artifact/version tuple.
Look through ProjectA eclipse project (if imported) to see if has the same group/artifact/version.
Replace the jar dependency with a project dependency.
This is a powerful feature because it means that a developer does not need to import ProjectA when they are working on ProjectB -- they just get it from the repo. But if they do have it imported, they can make a refactor to ProjectA in Eclipse and it will automagically refactor the dependent code in ProjectB.
How can I get eclipse/gradle to adjust the build-path so that there is a project dependency when available otherwise use the jar?
Things I've looked into:
Gradle "multi-projects" but our code isn't in a hierarchy like that.
Gradle includeFlat but this isn't some simple single directory structure.
resolutionStrategy.dependencySubstitution but I couldn't seem to get it to work. I doubt that findProject(...) is able to find a project that is loaded into Eclipse to it can link the 2 projects together in the classpath.
composite builds seem to use some of the language I'm looking for but it is about importing a build into another build.
Anyone else figured this out? Thanks much in advance.

Do dependencies need to be added through both the Eclipse GUI and the Gradle configuration files?

Two Gradle Git projects need to be created, within the same repository, using the Eclipse IDE. Project A depends upon a third-party library (a JAR, source code, Javadoc and natives) and project B depends upon project A.
Without Gradle, both projects would be created and Git would be enabled with Project Explorer > [Project Name] > Team > Share Project. Then, dependencies would be added via Project Explorer > [Project Name] > Build Path > Configure Build Path, followed by Projects > Add and Libraries > Add External JARs (which would also allow the specification of the locations of related source code, Javadoc and natives). This would enable automatic code completion of Project A from Project B as well as source code and Javadoc integration, within Eclipse.
With Gradle, should the settings.gradle or build.gradle files be manually edited, without adding dependencies through the Eclipse GUI, or must both be used simultaneously? Additionally,how does this effect which hidden files should be indexed by Git (.project, .classpath, .settings, .gradle)?
How is this setup through Eclipse and Gradle?
When you use a build-tool like Gradle (or maven), it is kind of assumed that the build-tool is in charge of configuring stuff like project dependencies and classpaths.
This kind of conflicts with the Eclipse UI which is kind of built to allow you to manage classpath / dependencies via its own ui.
But the Eclipse UI only controls what eclipse uses as the classpath when the Eclipse JDT compiler compiles your code... inside Eclipse.
So if you change things that way, then Gradle will not know about these dependencies and the build won't work.
Yep, this is definitely confusing :-)
The proper thing to do is manage your dependencies and project configuration entirely through gradle. So that means editing the build.gradle and settings.gradle.
The tools (BuildShip or STS Gradle Tools) provide a 'bridge' to try and configure Eclipse projects in conformance with your build.
E.g they may offer a 'Update Project' or 'Refresh Dependencies' command in project context menu.
Even if you don't use Gradle tooling, this kind of holds true. You then would use Gradle's 'ecplise' plugin and run a command like
gradle cleanEclipse eclipse
To generate the eclipse project config from the build config. Then import the project into Eclipse as configured by gradle. Also in this case, it would be a bad idea to use Eclipse UI to make changes to the buildpath since ultimately it has the same issue, changes you make to those generated files may make things compile inside Eclipse, but Gradle doesn't know you changed anything. And the next time you run gradle cleanEclipse eclipse your changes are also blown away.
As to your specific questions:
should the settings.gradle or build.gradle files be manually edited ...
... without adding dependencies through the Eclipse GUI ...
... or must both be used simultaneously?
No, only configure things in gradle. Then 'synch it up' to eclipse with some tool (BuildShip / STS Gradle / gradle cleanEclipse eclipse)
How does this effect which hidden files should be indexed by Git (.project, .classpath, .settings, .gradle)?
General rule of thumb. Only index the stuff that defines gradle's behaviour (there may be some exceptions, but in general try to minimize them only violate this rule if you have a good reason).
So specifically don't put in git these 'eclipse metadata'
Do put in git: the gradle wrapper and its properties file.
Gradle also has a .gradle folder. It belongs to gradle, not eclipse, buts is caches and things which are 'transient'. You don't want those in git either.

Eclipse adding the project overrides maven dependency

I have a maven project that uses other small projects. And I added them to master's pom file.
So my Eclipse project properties looks like following:
>Master project
>Java Resources
>JRE System Library
>Maven dependencies
The thing is I do not have the all code for smallProj1 and smallProj2 and whenever add them to my workspace Eclipse overrides the maven dependencies and simply calls the two projects instead the jar files from my local maven repository and then I have all over the code those red underlines. Project properties in Eclipse looks as following after I add them to my workspace:
>Master project
>Java Resources
>JRE System Library
>Maven dependencies
>smallProj1 (not jar anymore - folder)
>smallProj2 (not jar anymore - folder)
Since I also want to have a look to smallProj1 and smallProj2 code while I am coding, I want to keep them both in my workspace. But I want my Master project to use the jar files that I provided, not the small projects in the workspace.
Any ideas on that?
You could right click on a project and set "Maven" -> "Disable Workspace Resolution". This will let Maven find the dependencies from Maven and not within the workspace. I don't think it is possible to do this on a dependency basis.
But I think in your case it would be better to fix the broken smallProjX in your workspace (as they exactly contain the code you need), so that the master project could be build correctly.

Extract eclipse project .classpath dependencies into ant script

I have a list of Eclipse projects that I would like to compile based on the existing project configuration.
As far as I can tell, if an ant script could read the .classpath files, it would pretty much be able to infer the project dependencies and perform a "javac" compilation in the right order. This would save time in describing the same dependencies again in the ant script or a Makefile.
The dependencies I am interested in are JAR Dependencies, JRE dependencies, and inter-project dependencies. These are -- as far as I can tell -- part of the .classpath XML file.
Any ideas on how Eclipse project dependencies could used in an ant script?
Right click on your Project -> Export
"General/Ant Buildfiles".
Choose the projects and there you go.
I have some experience with ant4eclipse and it is a hassle to get it stable.
Go check Buckminster or Maven Tycho for a good solution.
I'm currently using Ivy along with Ant, Eclipse and Maven.
I just love the way Ivy works.
Currently, we have a workspace with many projects using Liferay (with Tomcat) for the front-end and Glassfish for the back-end.
We were looking for a way to manage our dependencies a lot better than how we were doing it.
So I took Ivy, replaced all of the classpaths and deployment dependencies in eclipse and was able to build my application using 1 ivy file per project using either Eclipse or Ant.
Ivy integrates like a charm in ant and builds are done either from the workspace or by command line.
I strongly suggest you look at this avenue. Additionnaly, by adding Artifactory, we have a local repository in which the ivy files look for dependencies. This helps us maintain and rule which jars are to be used by developpers. Once everything is setup, we will build our application nightly using Jenkins and these builds will be using our Artifactory repository to resolve dependencies since our build servers do not have access to the internet.
Hope this helped
If you are running the Ant script only from eclipse using the "External Tools Configurations", you can add the variable ${project_classpath} to the Classpath.
Depending on if you are in a plugin project and dependencies you might need to add the
In case you get an error launching Variable references empty selection: ${project_classpath}, make sure the ant xml file or at least the project is selected. This is important.
I believe the ant4eclipse project provides support for executing Ant builds based on Eclipse metadata files.
However, in my opinion that is doing things back to front. You shouldn't have your build (Ant) depending on your IDE (Eclipse) environment. But it is useful if you can derive your Eclipse environment from your Ant build.
This is an approach used successfully in a team I worked in. We had a helper Ant target which applied XLST to project build.xml files to transform these into Eclipse .classpath files. Thus the Ant build.xml files were the single configuration point for our projects.

What's the best way to manage dependencies with CounterClockwise/Eclipse?

I have a dependency on clj-record in my CounterClockwise project. What's the best way to manage this? Copy the source code or compile to a JAR and add it as a referenced library?
There are tools to help you: <- project based <- dependencies not project based <- alternative build tool
Assuming your dependencies are available in a Maven repo (like central or clojars), you have a couple of options.
First, if you're using Leiningen, there is an eclipse plugin for it now that will manage project dependencies for you, based on the dependencies you define in your project.clj file. The plugin is in beta now, but has been working great for me so far. (Note that it uses Leiningen 2.0 under the covers, though that detail won't matter for many (most?) simple cases.)
If you're using Maven, the m2eclipse plugin makes it so that the dependencies you declare in your Maven pom.xml are automatically added to your eclipse project's build path, and are therefore available in CCW REPLs and such.
there seems to be no pattern for specifying dependencies apart from hacking the code into your project or building a jar externally.
Of course you can, just as with any java project. While dependency resolution isn't tied into eclipse (yet), once you retrieve the deps (via one of the command line tools nickik listed), you can specify which jars are to be included in the java build path of your eclipse project:
Retrieve the deps via cake, leiningen, etc.
Refresh the eclipse project so you see the deps (usually in the lib directory)
Highlight the jars you want eclipse to know about
Right-click, select Build Path > Add to Build Path
That's it. You can fiddle with the build path by going to the Java Build Path section of the project's properties window.