Why won't my perl daemon print? - perl

I am debugging a daemon and I'm trying to use print statements to output information to the terminal. The gist of my code is:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Readonly;
Readonly my $TIMEOUT => ...;
while (1) {
print "DEBUG INFO";
sleep $TIMEOUT;
However, no output it getting printed to my terminal. Why is this?

Use $| = 1 or add a newline, "\n" to the print.
The reason this isn't printing to the terminal is because perl is buffering the output for efficiency. Once the print buffer has been filled it will be flushed and the output will appear in your terminal. It may be desirable for you to force flushing the buffer, as depending on the length of $TIMEOUT you could be waiting for a considerable length of time for output!
There are two main approaches to flushing the buffer:
1) As you're printing to your terminal, then your filehandle is most likely STDOUT. Any file handles attached to the terminal are by default in line-buffered mode, and we can flush the buffer and force output by adding a newline character to your print statement:
while (1) {
print "DEBUG INFO\n";
sleep $TIMEOUT;
2) The second approach is to use $| which when set to non-zero makes the current filehandle (STDOUT by default or the last to be selected) hot and forces a flush of the buffer immediately. Therefore, the following will also force printing of the debug information:
$| = 1;
while (1) {
print "DEBUG INFO";
sleep $TIMEOUT;
If using syntax such as this is confusing, then you may like to consider:
use IO::Handle;
while (1) {
print "DEBUG INFO";
sleep $TIMEOUT;
In many code examples where immediate flushing of the buffer is required, you may see $|++ used to make a file-handle hot and immediately flush the buffer, and --$| to make a file-handle cold and switch off auto-flushing. See these two answers for more details:
Perl operator: $|++; dollar sign pipe plus plus
How does --$| work in Perl?
If you're interested in learning more about perl buffers, then I would suggest reading Suffering from Buffering, which gives great insight into why we have buffering and explains how to switch it on and off.


Flush output of child process

I created a child process via IPC::Open2.
I need to read from the stdout of this child process line by line.
Problem is, as the stdout of the child process is not connected to a terminal, it's fully buffered and I can't read from it until the process terminates.
How can I flush the output of the child process without modifying its code ?
child process code
while (<STDIN>) {
print "Received : $_";
parent process code:
use IPC::Open2;
use Symbol;
my $in = gensym();
my $out = gensym();
my $pid = open2($out, $in, './child_process');
while (<STDIN>) {
print $in $_;
my $line = <$out>;
print "child said : $line";
When I run the code, it get stucks waiting the output of the child process.
However, if I run it with bc the result is what I expect, I believe bc must manually flush its output
In the child process if I add $| = 1 at the beginning or STDOUT->flush() after printing, the parent process can properly read from it.
However this is an example and I must handle programs that don't manually flush their output.
Unfortunately Perl has no control over the buffering behavior of the programs it executes. Some systems have an unbuffer utility that can do this. If you have access to this tool, you could say
my $pid = open2($out, $in, 'unbuffer ./child_process');
There's a discussion here about the equivalent tools for Windows, but I couldn't say whether any of them are effective.
One way to (try to) deal with buffering is to set up a terminal-like environment for the process, a pseudo-terminal (pty). That is not easy to do in general but IPC::Run has that capability ready for easy use.
Here is the driver, run for testing using at facility so that it has no controlling terminal (or run it via cron)
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use IPC::Run qw(run);
my #cmd = qw(./t_term.pl input arguments);
run \#cmd, '>pty>', sub { say "out: #_" };
#run \#cmd, '>', sub { say "out: #_" } # no pty
With >pty> it sets up a pseudo-terminal for STDOUT of the program in #cmd (with > it's a pipe); also see <pty< and see more about redirection.
The anonymous sub {} gets called every time there is output from the child, so one can process it as it goes. There are other related options.
The program that is called (t_term.pl) only tests for a terminal
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
say "Is STDOUT filehandle attached to a terminal: ",
( (-t STDOUT) ? "yes" : "no" );
sleep 2;
say "bye from $$";
The -t STDOUT (see filetest operators) is a suitable way to check for a terminal in this example. For more/other ways see this post.
The output shows that the called program (t_term.pl) does see a terminal on its STDOUT, even when a driver runs without one (using at, or out of a crontab). If the >pty> is changed to the usual redirection > (a pipe) then there is no terminal.
Whether this solves the buffering problem is clearly up to that program, and to whether it is enough to fool it with a terminal.
Another way around the problem is using unbuffer when possible, as in mob's answer.

How to print before a while loop is started in Perl?

I have this code in Perl:
print "Processing ... ";
while ( some condition ) {
# do something over than 10 minutes
print "OK\n";
Now I get back the first print after the while loop is finished.
How can I print the messeage before the while loop is started?
Output is buffered, meaning the program decides when it actually renders what you printed. You can put
$| = 1;
to flush stdout in this single instance. For more methods (auto-flushing, file flushing etc) you can search around SO for questions about this.
Ordinarily, perl will buffer up to 8KB of output text before flushing it to the device, or up to the next newline if the device is a terminal. You can avoid this by adding
to the top of your code, assuming that you are printing to STDOUT. This will force the data to be flushed after every print, say or write operation
Note that this is the same as using $| = 1 but is significantly less cryptic and allows you to change the properties of any given file handle
You can see the prints by flushing the buffers immediately after.
print "Processing ... ";
If you are using autoflush, you should save the current configuration by duplicating the file handle.
use autodie; # dies if error on open and close.
STDOUT->flush; # empty its buffer
open my $saved_stdout, '>&', \*STDOUT;
# ... output with autoflush active
open STDOUT, '>&', $saved_stdout; # restore old STDOUT
See perldoc -f open and search for /\>\&/

Perl: retrieve output from process in IPC::Run if it dies

I have been running some commands with the IPC::Run module and everything is fine, except that I can't access the output (STDOUT, STDERR), the process produced and were redirected into variables. Is there a way to retrieve those in the error handling?
#commands = ();
foreach my $id (1..3) {
push #commands, ["perl", "script" . $id . ".pl"];
foreach my $cmd (#commands) {
my $out = "";
my $err = "";
my $h = harness $cmd, \undef, \$out, \$err, timeout(12,exception => {name => 'timeout'});
eval {
run $h;
if ($#) {
my $err_msg = $#; # save in case another error happens
print "$out\n";
print "$err\n";
I don't need any input for now, I just need to execute it and get the output.
I have been testing it with running perl scripts which look like this:
for (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
sleep 1;
print "Hello from script 1 " . localtime() . "\n";
I have 3 such scripts with different times and the 3rd takes 20 seconds to complete, which is more than the 12 I have in the timer.
As noted by #ysth, the reason you do not get any output, is that the STDOUT and STDERR of the process corresponding to the command $cmd, is not line buffered, but rather block buffered. So all output is collected in a buffer which is not shown (printed) until the buffer is full or it is explicitly flushed. However, when your command times out, all the output is still in the buffer and has not yet been flushed and hence collected into the variable $out in the parent process (script).
Also note that since your $cmd script is a Perl script, this behavior is documented in perlvar:
If set to nonzero, forces a flush right away and after every write
or print on the currently selected output channel. Default is 0
(regardless of whether the channel is really buffered by the system or
not; $| tells you only whether you've asked Perl explicitly to flush
after each write). STDOUT will typically be line buffered if output is
to the terminal and block buffered otherwise.
The problem (that the program is not connected to a terminal or a tty) is also noted in the documentation page for IPC::Run :
Interactive applications are usually optimized for human use. This can
help or hinder trying to interact with them through modules like
IPC::Run. Frequently, programs alter their behavior when they detect
that stdin, stdout, or stderr are not connected to a tty, assuming
that they are being run in batch mode. Whether this helps or hurts
depends on which optimizations change. And there's often no way of
telling what a program does in these areas other than trial and error
and occasionally, reading the source. This includes different versions
and implementations of the same program.
The documentation also lists a set of possible workarounds, including using pseudo terminals.
One solution for your specific case is then to explicitly make STDOUT line buffered at the beginning of your script:
STDOUT->autoflush(1); # Make STDOUT line buffered
# Alternatively use: $| = 1;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
sleep 1;
print "Hello from script 1 " . localtime() . "\n";
If you cannot modify the scripts you are running for some reason, you could try connect the script to a pseudo terminal. So instead of inserting statements like STDOUT->autoflush(1) in the source code of the script, you can fool the script to believe it is connected to a terminal, and hence that it should use line buffering. For your case, we just add a >pty> argument before the \$out argument in the call to harness:
my $h = harness $cmd, \undef, '>pty>', \$out,
timeout(12, exception => {name => 'timeout'});
eval {
run $h;

Perl bidirectional pipe IPC, how to avoid output buffering

I am trying to communicate with an interactive process. I want my perl script to be a "moddle man" between the user and the process. The process puts text to stdout, prompts the user for a command, puts more text to stdout, prompts the user for a command, ....... A primitive graphic is provided:
User <----STDOUT---- interface.pl <-----STDOUT--- Process
User -----STDIN----> interface.pl ------STDIN---> Process
User <----STDOUT---- interface.pl <-----STDOUT--- Process
User -----STDIN----> interface.pl ------STDIN---> Process
User <----STDOUT---- interface.pl <-----STDOUT--- Process
User -----STDIN----> interface.pl ------STDIN---> Process
The following simulates what I'm trying to do:
use strict;
use warnings;
use FileHandle;
use IPC::Open2;
my $pid = open2( \*READER, \*WRITER, "cat -n" );
WRITER->autoflush(); # default here, actually
my $got = "";
my $input = " ";
while ($input ne "") {
chomp($input = <STDIN>);
print WRITER "$input \n";
$got = <READER>;
print $got;
DUe to output buffering the above example does not work. No matter what text is typed in, or how many enters are pressed the program just sits there. The way to fix it is to issue:
my $pid = open2( \*READER, \*WRITER, "cat -un" );
Notice "cat -un" as opposed to just "cat -n". -u turns off output buffering on cat. When output buffering is turned off this works. The process I am trying to interact with most likely buffers output as I am facing the same issues with "cat -n". Unfortunately I can not turn off output buffering on the process I am communicating with, so how do I handle this issue?
UPDATE1 (using ptty):
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Pty;
use IPC::Open2;
my $reader = new IO::Pty;
my $writer = new IO::Pty;
my $pid = open2( $reader, $writer, "cat -n" );
my $got = "";
my $input = " ";
while ($input ne "") {
chomp($input = <STDIN>);
$writer->print("$input \n");
$got = $reader->getline;
print $got;
There are three kinds of buffering:
Block buffering: Output is placed into a fixed-sized buffer. The buffer is flushed when it becomes full. You'll see the output come out in chunks.
Line buffering: Output is placed into a fixed-sized buffer. The buffer is flushed when a newline is added to the buffer and when it becomes full.
No buffering: Output is passed directly to the OS.
In Perl, buffering works as follows:
File handles are buffered by default. One exception: STDERR is not buffered by default.
Block buffering is used. One exception: STDOUT is line buffered if and only if it's connected to a terminal.
Reading from STDIN flushes the buffer for STDOUT.
Until recently, Perl used 4KB buffers. Now, the default is 8KB, but that can be changed when Perl is built.
This first two are surprisingly standard across all applications. That means:
User -------> interface.pl
User is a person. He doesn't buffer per say, though it's a very slow source of data. OK
interface.pl ----> Process
interface.pl's output is block buffered. BAD
Fixed by adding the following to interface.pl:
use IO::Handle qw( );
Process ----> interface.pl
Process's output is block buffered. BAD
Fixed by adding the following to Process:
use IO::Handle qw( );
Now, you're probably going to tell me you can't change Process. If so, that leaves you three options:
Use a command line or configuration option provided by tool to change its buffering behaviour. I don't know of any tools that provide such an option.
Fool the child to use line buffering instead of block buffering by using a pseudo tty instead of a pipe.
interface.pl -------> User
interface.pl's output is line buffered. OK (right?)

How do I influence the width of Perl IPC::Open3 output?

I have the following Perl code and would like it to display exactly as invoking /bin/ls in the terminal would display. For example on a terminal sized to 100 columns, it would print up to 100 characters worth of output before inserting a newline. Instead this code prints 1 file per line of output. I feel like it involves assigning some terminal settings to the IO::Pty instance, but I've tried variations of that without luck.
UPDATE: I replaced the <$READER> with a call to sysread hoping the original code might just have a buffering issue, but the output received from sysread is still one file per line.
UPDATE: I added code showing my attempt at changing the IO::Pty's size via the clone_winsize_from method. This didn't result in the output being any different.
UPDATE: As best I can tell (from reading IPC::open3 code for version 1.12) it seems you cannot pass a variable of type IO::Handle without open3 creating a pipe rather than dup'ing the filehandle. This means isatty doesn't return a true value when ls invokes it and ls then forces itself into "one file per line" mode.
I think I just need to do a fork/exec and handle the I/O redirection myself.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use IPC::Open3;
use IO::Pty;
use strict;
my $READER = IO::Pty->new();
my $pid = open3(undef, $READER, undef, "/bin/ls");
while(my $line = <$READER>)
print $line;
waitpid($pid, 0) or die "Error waiting for pid: $!\n";
I think $READER is getting overwritten with a pipe created by open3, which can be avoided by changing
my $READER = ...;
my $pid = open3(undef, $READER, undef, "/bin/ls");
local *READER = ...;
my $pid = open3(undef, '>&READER', undef, "/bin/ls");
See the docs.
You can pass the -C option to ls to force it to use columnar output (without getting IO::Pty involved).
The IO::Pty docs describe a clone_winsize_from(\*FH) method. You might try cloning your actual pty's dimensions.
I see that you're setting up the pty only as stdout of the child process. You might need to set it up also as its stdin — when the child process sends the "query terminal size" escape sequence to its stdout, it would need to receive the response on its stdin.