How to apply TinyMCE on a textarea in Plone? [duplicate] - tinymce

I have a custom edit (browser page) for my dexterity content type. In template I have defined a form using Bootstrap and added some Angular JS code for form behavior. It is working. :)
I need to replace a simple textarea with rich text widget. So how can I render in my template the rich text widget (one that is normally used in dexterity)?

If you are using Mockup (not sure if anybody use it on Plone 4) you can find tips there: Obtaining the "default" mockup TinyMCE configuration on Plone 5
Otherwise (the Plone 4.3 version of TinyMCE) it's only a matter of CSS classes and configurations.
<textarea name="..."
class="pat-tinymce mce_editable"
I've an add-ons that enable TinyMCE on simple forms; look at the cose to find how to obtain the JSON configuration: See rt.zptformfield.
I've also a blogpost about the approach I used there but it's in italian :-) -

It should suffice to apply the class mceEditor on the textarea.
If that shouldn't work, include the initialization in your template:
elements : "id-of-textarea",


Adding mustache template variables while editing in TinyMCE

I'd like to use the TinyMCE editor to write text that includes Mustache template variables, specifically to include repeating groups. I'm willing to use the html code view within TinyMCE if I have to (this is definitely a rarer use case).
I can do it just fine with an ordered list. That is, in the code view I can write
<p>Blah blah blah</p>
<li>{{course}} -- {{course_title}}</li>
<p>All done!</p>
and I get a nice ordered list of all the courses and titles.
However, if I try the same thing with a table (replace <ol> with <table>, etc) TinyMCE rearranges the code when I exit the HTML code view. It removes the repetition tags and places both in a paragraph before the table.
Any way to get TinyMCE to leave my changes to the HTML alone?
I realize it is asking a lot to change the representation of what TinyMCE is working on, but thought I'd ask.
Alternatively, any suggestions on other approaches to include Mustache tags in the contents of the editor?
I'm currently using version 4.9.4.

RichText in Magnolia CMS is changing HTML text

I would like to ask how I can block richText from changing html text under source view.
I'm using Blossom module and defined richText as #Chris J advised me to do:
Add source button to Magnolia CMS richText control
Whenever I put html code in source code, switch to normal view and get back to source view the code is changed. For example the following part of code is missing :
<div class="components"> <div class="product col img-slider"> <div id="product-image" class="royalSlider productImage rsDefault"> <div class="rsContent"> <div class="rsTmb"><img src="/magnoliaPublic/resources/XXX/products/product_7.jpg" alt="">
and is replaced with folowing
<p><img alt="" src="/magnoliaPublic/resources/XXX/products/product_7.jpg" /></p>
I need to provide the possibility for the user to put html code and next to see in on the web page.
Jan. I'd ask why you are using a rich text area if you are entering HTML. It is not really designed for this usage. Would you be better off with an ordinary text field? In the STK (you mentioned this in your previous question) you will find a component that serves exactly this purpose.
Under "Configuration" you will find it at /modules/standard-templating-kit/templates/components/content/stkHTML
You will see that the template script is simply:
[#if content.editHTML?has_content]
If you want to stick with a purely Blossom approach, you may need to recreate this but it is an incredibly simple component.
Incidentally, in Magnolia 5.4 there is a code editing field used in a similar component that offers syntax highlighting. You can see this by logging into the demo site and trying to add an HTML component to the main area of the page travel/contact.

What is a good javascript HTML editor for adding custom HTML elements?

I want to create a web-based WYSIWYG HTML editor that allows the user to insert pre-defined HTML elements with certain class or id attributes.
For example, any HTML editor allows the user to select some text and click the 'bold' button, and this will wrap the selected text in <b></b> tags.
I would like the user to be able to select some text, click a button called 'somebutton' and wrap the selected text in <div class="someclass"></div>, or click a different button and wrap the text in <h1 id="someid"></h1>, or any other HTML element with a specific attribute as defined by me.
I know that there are a lot of javascript based HTML editors out there, but I am specifically looking for any that are easy to extend in the way described above. I have looked at TinyMCE and Aloha, and in both cases found the documentation very difficult to use or non-existent.
I am looking for:
Recommendations of any editors that are easy to extend in this way
Tutorials or instructions for how to add custom elements as described above
Thank you!
CKEditor provides a flexible styles system, with rules defined as follows (in styles.js or directly in the config):
name: 'My style',
element: 'h2',
attributes: {
'class': 'customClass',
id: 'someId'
styles: {
'font-style': 'italic'
<h2 class="customClass" id="someId" style="font-style:italic;">Custom element</h2>
Once defined, styles are available directly from the Styles Combo Box, possible to apply either to the current selection or to new elements.
Styles can be created dynamically, applied to ranges and elements with the API. The Stylesheet Parser plugin can extract styles directly from CSS files.
Note: Defining custom styles may need a proper configuration of Advanced Content Filter (since CKEditor 4.1).

TinyMCE won't wrap html comments in a <p>

...and this is correct behavior but where is this file with this setting in TinyMCE 3.4.7 (in modx Revolution 2.2.6 it's TinyMCE 4.3.3)?
Is it possible to add some other exceptions? For example if I want everything be wrapped in p except img, etc.?
You can configure what is valid and what is not. For this check the tinymce configuration parameters valid_elements, valid_children and extended_valid_elements.

How do I implement <pre> with tinymce

Glad to see a lot of posts about tinymce but there's nothing here that helps me with my current problem.
What I am trying to do is work out how to add "code" to my text with tinymce.
Something like this
Does anyone know how I can do this.
Help would be appreciated.
You will need to add pre to the tinymce init setting valid_elements
You need to add to the editor the Code Sample plugin to your editor.
This is the example code to include the plugin from the TinyMCE website.
selector: "textarea", // change this value according to your HTML
plugins: "codesample",
toolbar: "codesample"
The codesample plugin uses to embed the code samples within the editor and works out of the box. That is, when a user copies valid code syntax into the editable area the code will be automatically formatted according to Prism default CSS rules.
You need to add prism.js and prism.css to your page for syntax highlighting to work.
Then you will get the code sample button in your editor interface.
Here you can find the Documentation about.