Define a field in Filemaker by date - filemaker

In FileMaker 12 I'm trying to define a field based on a date, but it's not working. Here's what I'm using for the definition for fieldB: If (fieldA < 10/1/2014; "old"; "new"). Any suggestions?

Here's what I'm using for the definition for fieldB: If (fieldA <
10/1/2014; "old"; "new").
10/1/2014 is a mathematical operation that results in about 0.005, and no date will ever be less than that.
Here's what you should be using:
If ( fieldA < Date ( 10 ; 1 ; 2014) ; "old"; "new" )
This assumes that:
fieldA is a Date field;
the cut-off date is October 1, 2014 (otherwise you need to use Date ( 1 ; 10 ; 2014).

It's hard to say for sure without more information (see comment on original post), but I just noticed that you've written the comparison fieldA < 10/1/2014. To FileMaker's calculation engine, that means "10, divided by 1, divided by 2014".
UPDATE: As #michael.hor257k pointed out, just wrapping it in quotes ("10/1/2014") is not enough. However, you can both wrap it in quotes and use GetAsDate() as follows:
If ( fieldA < GetAsDate ( "10/1/2014" ) ; "old" ; "new" )


Rewrite dynamic T-SQL date variables in DAX

We're currently rebuilding basic emailed reports built using T-SQL to be paginated reports published on Power BI.
We're muddling through by creating the tables we need with the appropriate filters in Power BI Desktop to reconcile the numbers, then taking the DAX code from them using the Performance Analyser.
The one I'm working at the minute has a simple bit of SQL code to get data for a previous calendar month. I have no idea how or if it's possible for this to exist in DAX?
-- Validation to get previous month
IF (MONTH(GETDATE()) - 1) > 0
SET #MONTH = '12'
-- Validation to get year of previous month
IF (#MONTH < 12)
-- Set start date and finish date for extract
It needs to become a hidden SSRS parameter or just inline code to be used with this DAX variable:
VAR __DS0FilterTable =
TREATAS({"202212"}, 'Org View_VaultexCalendar'[Calendar Month No])
So the "202212" would become #period or the equivalent if doable without a parameter.
SSRS Parameter:
Month(Today()) > 1,
Year(Today()) & RIGHT("00" & Month(Today()) - 1, 2),
Year(Today())-1 & "12"
DAX expression:
IF (
MONTH ( TODAY () ) > 1,
YEAR ( TODAY () ) & FORMAT ( MONTH ( TODAY () ) - 1, "00" ),
YEAR ( TODAY () ) - 1 & "12"
In both cases we look at today's month and check if it's after January. If it is, take the current year and concatenate it with the current month less one and padded with a leading zero when needed. In the other case we know that the month is January so take the current year less one and concatenate it with "12"

How to pass a date into a ColdFusion collection to be searched

I'm using a ColdFusion collection to search events and I need to pass a date into the collection as a "mmm" so it can be searched. Every time I try I get an error.
custom4="DateFormat(start_date, "mmm")"
I'm trying to search "month" of the current year
You should use the above code like
custom4=dateFormat(start_date, "mmm")
(Remove the outer double quotes)
Quotes aren't the problem and the suggestion of removing them will actually cause an error. The problem is DateFormat() can't be applied to an entire query column. It's only capable of operating on a single value.
It would help to have more context about what you're trying to achieve, to determine the best approach.
If you want to find items dated in July of a specific year (i.e. July 2019) - then storing the full date, and searching for a date range, is probably a better way to go
If you want to find items dated in July of ANY year, then it's simpler to extract a month number within your SQL query, and store it in the collection. Then you need only search for a number.
Date Range Search
To search for a specific month/year, like July 2019, populate the collection with a timestamp field from your SQL query. Add the suffix _dt to the custom field name so it's treated as a date field
cfindex( query="yourQuery"
, collection="yourCollection"
, action="Update"
, type="Custom"
, Start_Date_dt="yourTimeStampColumn"
, ...
In the search criteria, use the date range July 1 through August 1, 2019 (yes - August 1st). Dates must be formatted for Solr, which expects YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. NB: Dates should be in UTC (not local time).
cfsearch (name="searchResults"
, collection="yourCollection"
, criteria=' start_date_dt:[2019-07-01T04:00:00Z TO 2019-08-01T04:00:00Z}'
[ and } - Brackets indicates a range (i.e. from dateX TO dateY)
[ - Square bracket means inclusive (i.e. include July 1st)
} - Curly bracket means exclusive (i.e. exclude August 1st)
Field names should be in lower case
Month Number Search
To search for a specific month in any year, like July, extract the month number within your SQL query. (The exact syntax will be DBMS specific. You didn't mention which one you're using, so see your database's documentation on date functions.) Add the suffix _i to the custom field name so it's handled as an integer
cfindex( query="yourQuery"
, collection="yourCollection"
, action="Update"
, type="Custom"
, monthNumber_i="theMonthNumberColumn"
, ...
Then simply search for the desired month number, i.e. 7 - July
cfsearch ( name="searchResults"
, collection="yourCollection"
, criteria=' monthnumber_i:7 '
Full Example
Sample Query
sampleData = queryNew("MyID,Start_Date,MonthNumber"
, "integer,timestamp,integer"
, [{MyID=10, Start_Date="2019-06-30 12:30:00", MonthNumber=6}
, {MyID=20, Start_Date="2019-07-01 00:00:00", MonthNumber=7}
, {MyID=30, Start_Date="2019-07-01 16:30:00", MonthNumber=7}
, {MyID=40, Start_Date="2019-07-31 23:50:00", MonthNumber=7}
, {MyID=50, Start_Date="2019-08-01 00:00:00", MonthNumber=8}
Create Collection
cfcollection ( action="create", collection="MyCollection");
Update Collection
cfindex( query="sampleData"
, collection="MyCollection"
, action="Update"
, type="Custom"
, key="MyID"
, title="SampleData"
, MonthNumber_i="MonthNumber"
, Start_Date_dt="Start_Date"
, body="MyID"
Find July, by month number
cfsearch ( name="monthNumberResults"
, collection="MyCollection"
, criteria=' monthnumber_i:7 '
// results
writeDump( var=monthNumberResults, label="Month Number Search" );
Find July 2019, by date range
// Search range: July 1 to August 1, 2019
fromDate = "2019-07-01";
toDate = dateAdd("m", 1, fromDate);
// Format dates for Solr
// Note: DateTimeFormat uses "n" for minutes. Valid in CF2016 Update 3 or higher
fromDate = dateTimeFormat( dateConvert("local2UTC", fromDate), "yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:nn:ss'Z'");
toDate = dateTimeFormat( dateConvert("local2UTC", toDate), "yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:nn:ss'Z'");
cfsearch ( name="dateRangeResults"
, collection="MyCollection"
, criteria=' start_date_dt:[#fromDate# TO #toDate#} '
// results
writeDump( var=dateRangeResults, label="Date Range Search" );

Is there a way to count days INSIDE a range of dates?

I'm quite a beginner on VB/SQL, I just began my learning few months ago, but I can understand the logic of algorithms as I used to do some Excel VBA .
I'm actually designing a database where I can (wish to) follow up every colleague's activity during the year.
The objective is to have a (Monthly) ratio of =>
Billable days / (Billable + Non Billable - Absent)
The context :
A single person can be : Working internally (Non billable), OR Working Externally (Billable) , OR on Holidays (Absent).
I have a [Planning] Table where it stores the following data : [Consultant_ID] (linked to another table [Consultant], [Activity] (A list with the three choices described above), [Beginning_Date], [End_Date].
Example :
Consultant 1 : Working externally from 01/01/2019 to 01/06/2019,
Working internally from 02/06/2019 to 31/12/2019,
Holidays from 02/03/2019 to 15/03/2019
Is there a way to have the Billable ratio of March for example ?
I created 4 queries (Maybe too much ?)
3 queries : [Consultant_ID] [Activity] [Beginning_Date] [End_Date] [Ratio : Datediff("d";[Beginning_Date];[End_Date]).
For each query : The [Activity criteria] : one Working Internally, one Working Externally, one Absent.
And for the [Beginning_Date] and [End_Date] criterias : <=[Enter beginning date], >=[Enter End date]
And the 4th query [Consultant ID] [Billable] [Non billable] [Absent] (and planning to add the [RATIO]).
Problem is : the Datediff counts the dates of the whole activity of what it finds, and not only the dates between 01/03/2019 and 31/03/2019 as I wish to.
I Expect the output of the ratio to be : Billable days / (Billable + Non Billable - Absent) of the desired period.
The actual output shows the billable, non billable, and absent days of the whole period between the dates which are inputted
So instead of 31 Billable, 0 Non billable, 15 Absent
It shows 180 Billable, 0 Non Billable, 32 Absent
Sorry for the long post, it is actually my first, and thank you very much !
I've been struggling with this for a whole week
We first need to figure out the maxBegin and the minEnd dates for each row
(IIF (Beginning_Date > #3/1/2019#, Beginning_Date, #3/1/2019#) ) as maxBegin,
(IIF (End_Date < #3/31/2019#, End_Date, #3/31/2019#) ) as minEnd,
Datediff("d", maxBegin, minEnd) + 1 as theDiff
FROM Planning
Where Beginning_Date <= #3/31/2019# AND End_Date >= #3/1/2019#
Then use that to compute the durations. Note: DateDiff does not count both ends, so we need to add +1.
SUM(IIF (Activity = "Working Internally", Datediff("d", maxBegin, minEnd) +1, 0) ) as NonBillable,
SUM(IIF (Activity = "Working Externally", Datediff("d", maxBegin, minEnd) +1, 0) ) as Billable,
SUM(IIF (Activity = "Holidays", Datediff("d", maxBegin, minEnd) +1, 0) ) as Absent
(IIF (Beginning_Date > #3/1/2019#, Beginning_Date, #3/1/2019#) ) as maxBegin,
(IIF (End_Date < #3/31/2019#, End_Date, #3/31/2019#) ) as minEnd
FROM Planning
Where Beginning_Date <= #3/31/2019# AND End_Date >= #3/1/2019#
) as z
GROUP BY Planning.Consultant_ID;
Finally, you need to substitute the actual Begin/End dates via params into the sql to run your query. Also note that the Holidays are only 14, not 15.
Also, you can add the Ratio calculation right into this sql, and have only one query.

Calculate the days between two fields in sugarCRM

How to calculate number of days between two date fields of same module without counting the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) using the "Formula Builder" in sugarCRM studio.
Preliminary remarks
As far as I'm aware Sugar Logic doesn't have a function to count the days of a date span.
However we can calculate it using existing Sugar functions like this:
This will return the span from $date_start and $date_end, counting all days, including both start and end date,
so the span 2017-01-01 to 2017-01-01 will return 1 rather than 0.
This does not handle the special cases of any of those fields being empty.
If you want to display the result of this formula directly, wrap it in floor() to display as an integer without .000000
The solution
Since Sugar Logic also does not seem to provide any modulo function and formula scoped variables either,
the resulting formula for what you want (count only Mo-Fr) is as "compact" as:
The formulas above do not handle start dates that are after the end date, you could catch such cases using if() and isAfter()
Holidays and such are not considered at all, so this will not only count actual work days

Quartz .Net - Meaning of BigInt DateTime

we've used sql server as our persisted data store for I'd like to write some queries looking # the Time values. Specifically - Qrtz_Fired_Triggers.Fired_Time, Qrtz_Triggers.Next_fire_time, Prev_fire_time.
For the life of me, I can't find anything that says what this data is - ticks, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds. I've guessed at a couple of things, but they've all proven wrong.
The best answer would include the math to convert the big int into a datetime and perhaps even a link(s) to the pages/documentation that I should have found - explaining the meaning of the data in those fields.
If you have specific instructions on using Quartz .Net libraries to view this information, that would be appreciated, but, I really have 2 goals - to understand the meaning of the date/time data being stored and to keep this in T-SQL. If I get the one, I can figure out T-SQL or out.
On the SQL side, you can convert from Quartz.NET BIGINT times to a DateTime in UTC time with:
Numbers Explanation
Values stored in the column are the number of ticks from .NET DateTime.MinValue in UTC time. There are 10000 ticks per millisecond.
The 864000000000.0 represents the number of ticks in a single day. You can verify this with
SELECT DATEDIFF(ms,'19000101','19000102')*10000.0
Now, if we take March 13, 2013 at midnight, .NET returns 634987296000000000 as the number of ticks.
var ticks = new DateTime(2013, 3, 13).Ticks;
To get a floating point number where whole numbers represent days and decimal numbers represent time, we take the ticks and divide by the number of ticks per day (giving us 734939.0 in our example)
SELECT 634987296000000000/(DATEDIFF(ms,'19000101','19000102')*10000.0)
If we get put the date in SQL and convert to a float, we get a different number: 41344.0
So, we need to generate a conversion factor for the .NET-to-SQL days. SQL minimum date is January 1, 1900 0:00, so the correction factor can be calculated by taking the number of ticks for that time (599266080000000000) and dividing by the ticks per day, giving us 693595.0
SELECT 599266080000000000/(DATEDIFF(ms,'19000101','19000102')*10000.0)
So, to calculate the DateTime of a Quartz.NET date:
take the value in the column
divide by the number of ticks per day
subtract out the correction factor
convert to a DATETIME
SELECT CAST([Column]/864000000000.0 - 693595.0 AS DATETIME)
The value stored in database is the DateTime.Ticks value. From MSDN:
A single tick represents one hundred
nanoseconds or one ten-millionth of a
second. There are 10,000 ticks in a
The value of this property represents
the number of 100-nanosecond intervals
that have elapsed since 12:00:00
midnight, January 1, 0001, which
represents DateTime.MinValue. It does
not include the number of ticks that
are attributable to leap seconds.
So, unless I missed something and am making this too complicated, I couldn't get the dateadd functions in Ms Sql Server 2008 to handle such large values and I kept getting overflow errors. The approach I took in Ms Sql Server was this:
a) find a date closer to now than 0001.01.01 & its ticks value
b) use a function to give me a DateTime value.
* for my application - seconds was good enough.
* I've not tested this extensively, but so far, it has acted pretty well for me.
The function:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[net_ticks_to_date_time]
#net_ticks BIGINT
#dt_2010_11_01 AS DATETIME = '2010-11-01'
, #bi_ticks_for_2010_11_01 AS BIGINT = 634241664000000000
, #bi_ticks_in_a_second AS BIGINT = 10000000
DATEADD(SECOND , ( ( #net_ticks - #bi_ticks_for_2010_11_01 ) / #bi_ticks_in_a_second ) , #dt_2010_11_01)
Here is how I came up with the # of ticks to some recent date:
#dt2_dot_net_min AS DATETIME2 = '01/01/0001'
, #dt2_first_date AS DATETIME2
, #dt2_next_date AS DATETIME2
, #bi_seconds_since_0101001 BIGINT = 0
SET #dt2_first_date = #dt2_dot_net_min;
SET #dt2_next_date = DATEADD ( DAY, 1, #dt2_first_date )
WHILE ( #dt2_first_date < '11/01/2010' )
SELECT #bi_seconds_since_0101001 = DATEDIFF(SECOND, #dt2_first_date, #dt2_next_date ) + #bi_seconds_since_0101001
PRINT 'seconds 01/01/0001 to ' + CONVERT ( VARCHAR, #dt2_next_date, 101) + ' = ' + CONVERT ( VARCHAR, CAST ( #bi_seconds_since_0101001 AS MONEY ), 1)
SET #dt2_first_date = DATEADD ( DAY, 1, #dt2_first_date );
SET #dt2_next_date = DATEADD ( DAY, 1, #dt2_first_date )