Adding tweening engine to my libgdx game project (Eclipse) - eclipse

I've finished my first game with LibGDX (I'm using Eclipse). I run the game in the desktop launcher and it works. Now I want to run my game on android and IOS. From some guides I have read, I understood that for running the game on devices I must have the tween-engine libraries in my project. I tried but couldn't add the library to my project. Can someone help me?
(I already tried to do that at "add jars"; it shows me only my project and not the tween-engine library.)


unity exits when clicking the play button after adding MRTK packages

I have a problem in development of mixed reality app and there has been 2 days that I'm stuck.
My problem is that after adding packages of MRTK to the unity project, if I click the play button, the unity exits (closing) without any error massages or warning.
I tested two versions of unity (2020.3.32f1 and 2020.3.33f1) and both had the same problem.
I am using this link (MRTK document) and also this one Mixed Reality Feature Tool as a guide for configuration and adding the packages of MRTK to my project.
I have also tried two different versions of the packages i.e. (Mixed Reality Toolkit Foundation and Mixed Reality Toolkit Extensions both versions of 2.7.3 and 2.7.2 and for Mixed Reality OpenXR Plugin package I tried 1.4.0 and 1.3.1 versions).
I am using Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.14
Inside Unity, I am choosing Universal Windows Platform from the Build Settings and I want to practice a little development of mixed reality applications, but I am stuck at the beginning and when ever I press the play button the unity exits (closed) without any warning or error.
Just for more information → I don't have Microsoft Hololens2, therefor I am considering to use Windows Mixed Reality simulator (Mixed Reality Portal).
I can't get what mistakes I am doing, please if you have any idea help me.
Thanks in advance.
There are many steps to configure a Unity Project for Mixed Reality. According to the description, it is hard to determine which step causes the issue. I have created a repository which is implemented with the necessary MR packages, and the configuration has been done. Feel free to pull the repo from Please open it and click run to test.
If you still have this issue, you may need to have a clean installation of Unity 2020.3.33f1 (LTS), Visual Studio 2022 and make sure all the required components have been installed, including a comparatively new Windows SDK.
If you have a dump file for the crash, you may also share it and find support from Unity forum -- General Discussion - Unity Forum

I'm not getting an .exe for my game after building?

I am new to Unity3D and have been building a zombie survival game for my university course. My issue is after building my game I am not given a .exe file.
Some of the things I have already tried:
Reinstalling Unity
Spoke to my tutor who said I had missed out on some components needed when installing Unity - UWP Build Support (.NET) & UWP Build Support (IL2CPP). Reinstalled Unity with these components, still no .exe file.
Posted this question on the Unity Community - still waiting for an answer.
Try to reinstall unity with a different version or to change machine probably there are problems with your set up
Try to build without checking the Create Visual Studio Solution checkbox
File > Build Settings… is the menu item to access the Build Settings window
It’s simply a matter of choosing the build target in the build settings dialog, and hitting the ‘Build’ button. When building standalone players, the resulting files will vary depending on the build target. For the Windows build target, an executable file (.exe) will be built, along with a Data folder which contains all the resources for your application. For the Mac build target, an app bundle will be built which contains the file needed to run the application as well as the resources.
(you may have to complete your options in player settings or probably you missed to select platform)

Google Cardboard SDK not working in Unity 5.4.1f (Gvr Controller script not loaded)

I'm trying to use Google Cardboard SDK with Unity 5.4.1f (Free). After importing the unitypackage with SDK, I tried to run the demo scene, but I see only freezing camera. I can't look around with mouse, just static picture. And I see the errors in Console and Inspector tab. Here is the screenshot:
I tried to import different versions of Cardboard SDK and also tried Unity 5.3, but got the same errors. Please help me, I don't know what's wrong with it.
The project is likely corrupted. Make sure that the version of Unity you have is > the version used to build the Google Cardboard SDK.
If that's not the problem, close Unity, delete the current Google Cardboard SDK project and plugin. Download fresh version here.
After downloading it, import the GoogleVRForUnity.unitypackage file. This should fix your problem.
Things changed in the latest Google VR SDK update. The VR Demo Scenes now require VR
Technical preview to work. You can get the latest Unity version for VR here. Scroll down to the end of the page.
The latest version 5.4.2f2-GVR10.
Once you download this version of Unity UNITY_HAS_GOOGLEVR will be defined in Unity and you can now run the ControllerDemo demo.
You can run the DemoScene scene in Assets\GoogleVR\DemoScenes\HeadsetDemo directory without downloading the Unity GVR version. Right click on the Project tab then click Reimport All.
You just cannot run the ControllerDemo scene in Assets\GoogleVR\DemoScenes directory without downloading the Unity GVR version.

Integrating GPGS and AdMob or Vungle

Using Unity 5.2.3.
Using Android SDK Rev. 23.1.1
Using Google Play Game Services Package 0.9.31a (Services Version 8.4.0) for unity.
Using AdMob 3.0.1
Using Vungle (can't link, stackoverflow not allowing more than 2 links)
Note: I am using AdMob and Vungle separately with Play game services.
I have integrated Play game services with my app and that's work fine but whenever I try to include any other packages like AdMob or Vungle following happens.
AdMob: I have included the package, whenever Compile or Reopen the project play-services-basement-8.4.0 get deleted, Play Games Package has Resolve Client Jars and I am 100% sure that to blame.
Vungle: I configured Vungle Package as described in their documentation but again whenever I compile or reopen the Project several of Vungle files along with Vungle's main file Assets/Plugins/Android/libs/"android-support-v4.jar" get deleted. Again maybe Resolve Client Jars to blame.
In both cases above, I have manually copied the missing files and include them while Unity was closed but those were gone as soon as project opens.
I have issued a bug report with Unity but they said they can't help with 3rd party and they don't have issue on Unity's end.
Please Help and let me know any additional information, ill be happy to assist you.
Since PlayServicesResolver just find dependency by rules and copy "NEWEST" to project folder and Google Play Games already have dependency on support-library-v4 23.1.+. , we can not resolve this within Unity Plugin.
I would recommend:
As work around, you can navigate to Assets>Google Play Services>Settings>uncheck-"enable background resolution"
and manually copy support library from
Assets/Plugins/Android, and run Assets>Google Play Services>Resolve Client Jars and keep 21.0.3"
This will leave "older version" of "android-support-v4.jar", but Google Play Games might not work with this version of "android-support-v4.jar".
Can you please try this?

Unity3D error Fix [duplicate]

I want to use c++ dll on unity android application. To use native dll on a android device, I learn that I should use Unity 5. I download unity5 from here. My application requires vuforia. So I download vuforia package from here.
Unity 5 is 64 bit.
On unity editor, I delete MainCamera and add ARCamera. There is an error message on unity console. The message is below :
Failed to load 'Assets/Plugins/QCARWrapper.dll', expected 64 bit architecture (IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64), but was IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386.
There is a solution for this problem on vuforia forum. But I don't find unity editor(32 bit)
To use Vuforia with Unity 64 bit, just move the QCARWrapper DLLs from /Plugins to /Plugins/x86. These are the DLLs:
This should solve the problem!
Go to Under there, you will see ADDITIONAL DOWNLOADS Under that you will see FOR WINDOWS. Click it and choose Unity Editor (32-bit).
I see lots of dowvotes. This was the ONLY solution when this question was asked. Unity 5 64bit just got released when this question WAS asked and this was the ONLY solution back then. This answer was changed to the current answer that was provided 5 months later when Vuforia released 64bit version of their plugin.
Vuforia 5.0 supports the 32bit version of the Unity Editor on Windows, and the 64bit version on Mac.
So, There are two possible solutions:
you just need to install and use the Unity 5 32bit Editor, on Windows.
Create a new folder "x86" inside
inside your unity project structure
Then move the following files from "Plugins" to newely created "x86" folder.
After that check log message, If you see the log like:
Setting platform to 'Editor' for plugin: Assets/Plugins/x86/VuforiaWrapper.dll
Vuforia.EditorClasses.ExtensionImport:UpdatePluginSettings() (at Assets/Vuforia/Editor/Scripts/ExtensionImport.cs:43)
Then , Congrats !! You are ready to Go!
I had the same problem /Failed to load 'Assets/Plugins/QCARWrapper.dll'/ with vuforia plugin and latest version of Unity ( currently 5.1.2f 64bits ) and also couldn't get my laptop camera to work.
Everything is fixed with the 32 bit release of Unity, even if my os is 64 bits (Windows 7).
If you are using Unity 5.1, make sure to set the right Graphics API settings in the Player Settings for Android and iOS:
disable the "Automatic Graphics API" checkbox
in the Graphics APIs list, make sure that only OpenGL ES 2.0 is included:
Android: remove OpenGL ES 3.0
iOS: remove OpenGL ES 3.0 and METAL
Important :
1. In your Unity project:
Select the QCARWrapper.bundle in the Unity Project view (located under Assets > Plugins ), so that its settings are shown in the Unity Inspector
Change the settings of QCARWrapper.bundle in the Unity inspector from "Any Platform" to "Standalone + Editor".
In the Xcode project generated by Unity:
Go to Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources
Remove the QCARWrapper.bundle file from the list
My unity3d version is 5 and 64bit
,Os is Windows7 64 bit.
my Problems solved .
Edit :
Unity editor couldn't show laptop camera ,But Rebuild Project , camera work .
for example rebuild Android platform , and install .apk on device => application Ok .
Go to Name_Vuforia_Unity_Project\Assets\Plugins and you will find QCARWrapper.dll.
Delete it and try again (could be necessary to restart unity).
Unity 64 bit