EXPLANATION - Google activation link weird - email

I have a question about a Google activation link.
When you create a new mail address, you receive a link like this (Fake One):
But what is that? How is it generated ?
For my website, I use GET information with a token in the link.
If someone know that :)

First of all, to open links in a new tab, so you can go back easily, use this shortcut: CTRL + left click.
And now, for your question:
Google makes their links and codes hard to decipher, in order to prevent anyone from copying their ways of doing things.
Just like when you search something on Google, it says google.com/query-your-search-words-or-whatever but also with a whole longer code after.
For example, just the homepage gets a link like this one:
And, when you view the code of Google's home page: are we serious? (if link doesn't work, go to https://www.Google.com , then hit CTRL + U (Command + Option + u on Mac).
This can't be necessary, right?
All the best!


Google Analytics Split Test -> Redirecting

I have a problem... I have set up a Google Analytics split test. If you go to www.meebility.com you will see that Google is adding some GET parameters. But that isn't the problem...
The problem is, if you klick on a link in the menu you get redirected to to homepage by Google Analytics... But I don't get why and how I can turn this off... Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
I have even googled but didn't found anybody with this problem...
Kind regards and Thanks
If you are running a Google Content Experiment then the experiment code goes only into the original page (it's the experiment code that does the redirection, and if it's on the variant page it might assign the user to the original variant and redirect them back there).
Since content experiments are deprecated in any case the best workaround would be to use Google Optimize, but simply removing the code from the variant page should help, too.

K2: How may I open a file in a new window unless I already have such a window open?

I have a K2 Smartform that displays a list of file names. When the user clicks a file name, the program opens that file (all of them are PDFs) in a new tab in the browser (IE). This is good so far. If you click on a second file from the list, it opens in a third tab. That is not what the user wants.
They want the second file selection to open in the same window as the first file.
This is the process I can see:
Click on the file in the list.
Open in a tab.
Click on a second file in the list.
If there is already a tab open with a file from the list, open this file there. Otherwise, open a new tab for the file.
I suppose automatically closing the first tab when they click on the second file would accomplish the same thing.
How can this be done?
When you deal with opening links, first of all, what you can do is limited. Indeed, browsers (IE, Chrome, etc...) can be configured by the users to open links in new tabs, windows, etc... and you as form developer cannot change that.
I have made a jsfiddle to reproduce your situation and propose a solution you can test. I don´t guaranty it will work as I use a Mac but I also describe a better solution below.
You can find it here:
I guess the first example (#1) is what happens for you at the moment.
Using the 'target' attribute, I tried to implement a solution that may work for you. Click on #2 and #3 and check whether this work.
I cannot test that since I use a Mac.
You can read more about the target attribute here:
Another solution that would give you more control is to use an iFrame control. I think it comes in standard with SmartForms now. If not, you can for sure get it from the community site. I recommend you create a new View with this iFrame and define one parameter (string) called "url".
Let´s speak in K2 rules languages :)
"When the parameter changed", "and the parameters is defined", if you 'Transfer data' passing your URL to the iFrame control, it will display your doc. If the user clicks another document, it will update the SAME iFrame. With this solution, no tab will ever be involved.
Please note that it will work great for any document supported by your browser. Some types may require a plugin. Other documents (ie zip, etc..) will NOT appear but be downloaded instead.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,

How to create a custom button, specifically the exact button from Facebook sign up

First of all, go to Facebook. Then make sure you're not logged in. When you log out of Facebook it will bring you to the log in/sign up page. At the bottom of the Sign Up section, after the user has filled out their information, there is a green button with rounded edges that says "Sign Up".
What I want is to create that exact button on my form in Visual Basic. I've been trying to create a form that looks almost exactly like the Facebook sign up page, just a little different. I have a lot to do still. But so far, this is what I have: http://tinypic.com/r/2zz1cwm/8 (Sorry I can't upload pictures in my posts here yet, requires 10 reputation points. Soon enough though. For now, I have to upload the pictures to tinypic, then get the url and post it here.)
The button I made was very difficult for me to make, I had to go on YouTube to find out how to make a rounded button, and it looks horrible, absolutely horrible. I cannot use a button looking like that. You can see the pixels! :(
So what I'm trying to learn is how to make a button that looks exactly like the Facebook sign up button. Any suggestions? And please, don't just give me the code to do it. Explain it a little so I know what I'm doing exactly. I don't want to just take code and put it in my program and be done with it. I want to know what I'm doing. Thank you very much for reading my question and for lending a hand. I appreciate any and all help. Have a wonderful day.
http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?611776-RESOLVED-round-button. hope this helps you out . you should download a few vb pdf's from google that will help you a lot to get the basics .
Solved my own problem.
Use a picture box instead of a button. Double click the picture box and add the code as if you were for a button. For example, when you click my picture box it opens form2. Because I put form2.show() in the button_click section.
Hooray for figuring it out on my own! Took me long enough. Two days..

How to redirect a link address (from 3rd party site) to address of my choosing

I am looking for a program, or add-on, app, or Anything really, that will allow me to make it so that when one clicks on a certain link, this program redirects the click to go to a website of my choice. Only on the computer with the program installed.
So like, take the "Home" button up top. I would like to be able to do something like this with it:
0. install this program on my machine
1. Right-click and copy link address
2. plug this address into the program
3. plug in the address to redirect to
4. when someone on my machine clicks the link with the original address (in 1.) it now is redirected to go to the new address (3.)
Does anyone know of ANY thing for a computer that can do this? I have searched for days, and only found code/script for websites that I created. (I know this is a primarily coding website, but I could not find anywhere else to ask with smart enough computer-savvy people who might know an answer)
Thank you SO much for all your help. You have no idea how much this will help me.
You can do this with a proxy, sounds pretty malicious however.
Solved (after much personal research): use the 'Redirector' add-on for FireFox. It does exactly what is requested above. Let's one take a link URL, and anytime one clicks on that link within FireFox, it may redirect to a link URL of the user's choice.

Chrome view-source versus POST

When you ask Chrome to View/Source, it resubmits your URL as a GET, even if it got there in the first place as a post. Is there some way around this for those of us debugging JAX-RS services invoked from forms that can't work with GET?
Two workarounds from this page:
Find a working View Source plugin such as "View Source With": http://members.iinet.net.au/~bertdb/ryan/ViewSourceWith/help.html
Open developer tools.
Turn on resource tracking
LEAVE THE TOOLS OPEN. Click on Elements.
Top half should be page. Bottom half should be source code.
Click the Submit button in the top half. Your source code should now update to the proper POSTed source.