Maven Plug In for Eclipse that comes with ADT Bundle - eclipse

I need to run Maven in the cmd line as follows:
mvn clean install
using a pom.xml file within a locally cloned git repository that is an MQTT client.
Specifically, the git repository is:, within which the pom.xml exists.
This URL was used for the cloning of the above git repository:
**I need to use only an Maven Plug In for Eclipse, since most of the pom.xml files specify version numbers in the Eclipse plug in for various artifacts.
I cannot use a stand alone Maven downloaded and installed separately, or the Plug In which comes with Android Studio, for this reason.**
The problem now is that I am using the Eclipse that comes with the ADT Bundle, and it does not have Help  Eclipse Market Places menu option, and there seems to be no way to Integrate Maven with the Eclipse that comes with the ADT Bundle.
Is there anyway to integrate Maven as a Plug In into the Eclipse that comes with the ADT Bundle?
Jaisimha Narahari


Where maven is installed (eclipse plugin)

I have M2Eclipse plugin installed on my eclipse, and now I am reading a book that says to use the mvn command, I think that I could use eclipse IDE to follow the book, but I want to know a little more about maven. Of course, the command "mvn" is not recognized, I need to edit my PATH variable.
I googled where is maven installed, and the answer is that it is an apache tool and the path is where you want to unzip the package.
BUT, what if I don´t want to install the apache project?? Is there any other option, because how I say at the beginning, I have M2Eclipse plugin installed, so I image that the executable file must to be in some folder into the plugin eclipse path... or does it use only java jar libraries without a binary??
Thank you very much.
M2E is a plugin in Eclipse and not Maven. You are using an embedded Maven version which is part of Ecilpse. You should always install Maven to be useable via command line cause there are difference between M2E/Eclipse and command line.
You can run any mvn goal by clicking on a maven project, than right click and select Run As -> Maven Build... and type any goal you want.

Regarding Maven

I am new to Maven and if you feel i am asking really basic question then please forgive me.
I am facing couple of problems with Maven mentioned below.
I am using Eclipse Luna 4.4.1 (Which comes with the Maven Plugin).Now i installed two plugins..out of which one is for subclipse(with SVNKit) and m2e-Subclipse which is used for integrating the maven with SVN.I downloaded the project in eclipse using svn plugin as "checkout as Maven project" and i could see the project being downloaded and now to remove all the errors related with the POM.XML i downloaded the Maven and given the local path of the Maven in the preferences > Maven > installations and changed the Global Settings and user settings files which are project specific.
1). Now even after doing all this circus i still can not see the Maven build options in my Eclipse.
2). I am not even able to clean the project from command prompt.
when i go to my project directory and type "mvn -version" which shows me the correct version of maven.
But when i try to clean it using mvn clean. it does not work.
Please help.

Using maven generated sources in Eclipse

I have an application made up of a number of maven projects. I work on it in Eclipse. Some of the projects use Maven plugins to generate stub classes for web services etc.
When i import the projects into a new workspace I have to issue a maven generate sources command followed by attach source folders to build path on each project. The application i work on has more than 5-6 projects which require these steps.
Is there a plugin I can install in Eclipse to pick up the generated sources, or even one that generates the sources and updates the build path to save the manual steps?
I'm pretty sure the m2e plugin takes care of this automatically. m2e is included in the primary Java and Java EE packages of recent Eclipse versions, so you probably already have it. If you right-click on your project, and there is a Maven submenu, then the project is already managed by m2e. Otherwise, right-click and choose Configure > Convert to Maven project.
Well, it depends on exact maven plugin you are using.
generate sources
Before I considered that m2e connector would be needed for any non common plugin, like generator. But I came recently on some plugins (1), that do it without special m2e connector.
attach source folders to build path
For this part check build-helper-maven-plugin and answer to M2E and having maven generated source folders as eclipse source folders

Where does Eclipse install maven?

As far as I know eclipse ships with maven already installed. But in order to set up my M2_HOME in order to work with maven from the command line I need to know where eclipse stores it?
I don't want to download maven separate and have 2 instances of that on my PC. That can only create headaches.
In Eclipse there is only installed a maven-embedder which is a part of Maven which means you have to install maven for the command line separately.
Maven plugin, uses java implementation for calling maven.
What you can do is download and unzip/untar maven for mvn command-line scripts and bin, later you can configure eclipse to point to your created maven home.
Eclipse Embedded Maven is installed into:
Where XXX - version and timestamp

Setting up project is eclipse

I want to setup my work project in Eclipse, with following features:
1) Connect to SVN repository
2) It is a maven - multi module project
3) It is a spring project
If I import this project as Maven project I am not able to connect it to SVN repository.
If I check - out SVN repository, I am not able to set it up as Maven/Spring project.
And ideally I want to make it hot deployable, (as eclipse dynamic web project), so Development can be efficient.
How can I possibly do this.
I have setup eclipse Juno SR1 with Maven, STS, and SVN plugins.
What you can do is follow the below steps :-
Checkout from svn to your local drive.
As it is a mave nbuild project you will have the pom.xml file in the root of the project. Do a mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0 on the project.
3.Open eclipse and go to File-->Import--> Existing projects into workspace.
This should do.
FYR see this
After the project is checked out into the Eclipse workspace, just remove the project by using the following action: -
right click at the project ---> delete ---> click ok
Please take a note, do not check the check box named "Delete project content on disk". We have just want to remove and re-import again.
All we need to do is re-importing by using the following action: -
File ---> Import ---> Maven ---> Existing Maven projects
This will help us to integrate the Maven with the SVN in Eclipse. We will see the revision information after the project name, folders, packages, classes, etc.
Anyhow to use Maven in the Eclipse, you should install the Maven Integration (m2e). Furthermore there is a useful plug-in to integrate the Eclipse WTP with the Maven as well. It is named Maven Integration for WTP.
I hope this may help.