Making a class in Swift 2 - swift

How should I correctly create such a class which can be used from any .swift-file of my project and does not need to be initialized with a variable?
I mean that I want not to have to write something like
someVar = myClass()
in each file where I want this class to be usable. I just want this class to have a global public variables and change them from a .swift-file of my project by doing something like
myClass.myVar = value
I'm thinking about making this class a separate file. What's a correct way to do this?

You can create a static property inside a class or struct and call it anywhere. E.g:
struct Config
static var field1 : String = "Field_Value"
static var field2 : String = "Field_Value"
You can use the property calling StructName.propertyName.
Config.field1 = "New Value"

You can create a new class, make a variable off that class outside any class.
Class Awesome{
let awesomeness = Awesome()
you can than use 'awesomeness' as class instance in every other swift file


Storing script names in a variable

new to unity so please ignore if I sound stupid.
I have to scripts references in a script. Example, script A and B are referenced in script C.
I need to store script A and B variable names in a another variable so that I can use that variable in conditioning.
private FemalePlayerAnimations femalePlayerAnimations;
private MalePlayerAnimations malePlayerAnimations;
private Variable variable; // Got Problem Here
void Awake()
femalePlayerAnimations = GetComponent<FemalePlayerAnimations>();
malePlayerAnimations = GetComponent<MalePlayerAnimations>();
void Start()
if(1 + 1 = 2) // Some Condition
variable = femalePlayerAnimations;
else if(1 + 2 = 3) // Some Another Condition
variable = malePlayerAnimation;
Thanks in advance.
If I understand your question correctly, you'll need to use inheritence and have your male/female animations inherit from the same base class.
public abstract class BasePlayerAnimator : MonoBehavior {}
public class MalePlayerAnimator : BasePlayerAnimator {}
public class FemalePlayerAnimator : BasePlayerAnimator {}
Real question though is why do you need two different classes for male/female animations? wouldn't a single class with 2 different instances cover your needs?
I have a feeling you don't simply want the name of the variable as a string.
The logic you are trying to implement here won't work. You can't have a variable that holds the FemalePlayerAnimations class hold a MalePlayerAnimations class.
You should reconsider the design of your program as you can have two different instances (prefabs) of the same theoratical PlayerAnimations class. This is how Animation Controllers work in Unity.
Alternatively you could use a boolean field to store states, for example: bool useFemaleAnimations that is changed in the conditions and implement the correct "script" where applicable.

How to change the default property of a class from main function in Dart?

So basically what I'm trying to do is to change the default value of property for all the objects of the class.
In the image below:
When I replace Person().new value with abc it doesn't change. Moreover there is no error from the compiler!!
Please help.
If you want a value to be the same across different instances of the same class, use the static keyword:
class Person {
static var defaultName = 'Kshitij';
String name;
name ??= defaultName; // if name is null, use default name.
Now you can change the default name to Agarwal by writing:
Person.defaultName = 'Agarwal';

Hiding property setters by class in Swift

I would like to hide some property setters and initializers on my Swift model objects. These are reference data that the server provides, and under no circumstances should they be created or modified by the application. This is simple enough in Swift.
However, there is application in my project (a separate target) that needs to break this rule. It is a tool I use to populate the data in bulk, so of course needs to be able to initialize new model objects and set their properties.
What are my options for accomplishing this? I would rather not use a completely new project since it will mean a lot of code duplication. Is there some language-level way to keep this mutability hidden from one application but available to another?
If you declare a property with the let keyword. It can then only be set in the init of the type.
You can also declare a private setter to make the property readonly from the caller of the type but read/write inside the type
struct Foo {
private(set) var bar: Bool = true
func toggle() {
var foo = Foo()
let barState = // This works
foo.toggle() // This works too // This will make a compile time error

Creating namespaces with classes in Swift

I am a newb to Swift, I am looking to create some nested namespaces, like so:
import Foundation
public class Foo {
class Moo {
class Bar{}
and then I can do:
var f = Foo.Moo.Bar()
do we not need to use the static keyword here? I don't understand why I don't need to do it like so:
import Foundation
public class Foo {
static class Moo {
static class Bar{}
var f = Foo.Moo.Bar()
can anyone explain why?
Foo.Moo.Bar is just the name of the class. You're not accessing a particular instance of Foo or Moo when you do this:
var f = Foo.Moo.Bar()
You're just creating an instance of the Foo.Moo.Bar class.
can anyone explain why?
Can you explain why not? What would a static class even mean? How can a class be static? Maybe you come from a language where that keyword means something special in this context?
In any case, in Swift it wouldn't mean anything. The word static has just one very simple meaning in Swift: A type member, i.e. a property (var or let) or method (func) is either an instance member or a type member; to distinguish the latter case, we say static (or class). This is neither of those. It is, as you rightly say, merely a namespaced type.

Static Members in a Global class

export class Globals
static m_Name : string = "Hello world";
static m_Version : number = 1.0;
static m_Canvas : HTMLCanvasElement = null;
static m_Foo : Foo = null;
public OnDocumentLoad() : void
Globals.m_Canvas = <HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById('myCanvas');
Globals.m_Foo = new Foo(m_Name, m_Version);
Is this acceptable use of static in TypeScript? I'm unsure of what static is doing in this case other than making the member variables class members that everyone can access regardless of instance. But, for example, is m_Foo and m_Canvas valid instances within the Globals class, kind of like singletons so to speak (without any undefined checking and presumably anytime after OnDocumentLoad of course)
Originally I didn't have Globals as a class and they were just generic var declarations I had in a .ts file I was referencing everywhere. But I wanted to organize them into a nice little Globals class. This works in my experience testing it so far, but I wanted to see if there was anything I was missing about what static is doing here.
The most I found on the subject was here in the Specification:
Member declarations with a static modifier are called static member declarations. Static property
member declarations declare properties in the constructor function type (section 8.2.5), and must specify
names that are unique among all static property member declarations in the containing class, with the
exception that static get and set accessor declarations may pairwise specify the same name.
Note that the declaration spaces of instance and static property members are separate. Thus, it is possible
to have instance and static property members with the same name
From that I gleam that you can make an instance of Globals and its members will have a different meaning from just calling the Globals.m_Name for example, but I don't intend to do that here.
If you want to create a namespace object, use module:
export module Globals
export var m_Name : string = "Hello world";
export var m_Version : number = 1.0;
export var m_Canvas : HTMLCanvasElement = null;
export var m_Foo : Foo = null;
