Add own hook to stash - bitbucket-server

I am try to develop my own stash hook. Is there any tip, How I can add my own hook to the stash?
I have found only function to load it from marketplace, but I want to add it from my computer, is there any possibilities?

If you are a Stash admin, you can deploy your add-on with the Stash UI:
Does it help? :)


Push to main instead of master from eclipse to git

I have been searching and I found git commands to change the repository but I'm new on github and I don't know how to make that from eclipse, everytime I push I make the changes on the master branch instead of the default main, when I try to push the main it says non fast forward and I can't do it, thanks.
Select Team > Advanced > Rename Branch
Rename local as main
Rename remote to main
when you first commit your project in eclipse and then you click on push
after filling the information of the repository you get this
you will write main here insted of master and your project will be pushed directly to the default main
my solution is only when you first upload your project to GitHub

How to deploy a Javascript application on gitHub?

I have a application built using HTML5,CSS3,Bootstrap,Javascript and Jquery.I want to deploy the application on github .
Any suggestions on how to achieve it ?
I'd suggest you to read some guides firstly. Like this one:
You have to install git on your local PC, then create your own repository on git and clone it to your computer. After that, you will be able to store your JS project in that repository and simply commit, push and pull all tha changes you did.
Have fun!

Disable Gerrit for repository in Eclipse

I accidentally enabled Gerrit for one of my Git repositories when developing in Eclipse. Is there any way to disable this?
I'm primarily asking because it seems to have the side-effect of slowing down my staging processing within Eclipse for that repository ever since the enabling of Gerrit.
I couldn't find anything in the Git config for the repository that pointed to Gerrit or reviewing. So, I tried removing the repository and the projects associated with it from the workspace and then re-importing it, but that doesn't help either..
Turns out that Gerrit is configured through the existing remote configuration (e.g., origin) itself. There are specific push/fetch specs associated with Gerrit that are added by Eclipse. If you simple remove all the existing specs and add the ones you need (or just All Branches Spec) from both the push and fetch spects, then Gerrit is disabled again.
Thanks to #VonC for putting me on the right track!
Both "Eclipse Gerrit" and "EGit/Contributor Guide" mentions a remote named "review"
Check in command line if you can remove it:
cd /path/to/your/repo
git remote remove review

I want to create gradle script to checkout the code from gitHub as soon as deveoper checkin to repository.?

I can checkout the code from github using import org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.tasks.*
. But I want to check out the code immediately after code checkined to github repository automatically and deploys it into web server.Is there any plugin to identify the commit history in github repo.Or some other ways to do it.
Two options I can think of:
Use a git commit hook to trigger the gradle task.
Periodically poll git log to check for new commits (you might be able to use gradle's new continuous mode to achieve this)

Is there any way you can update a project without reinstalling it?

Well, just what I said. So, they recently fixed the security issue with the login through facebook and twitter and stuff, but, in my version, that stuff is still broken. Is there anyway I can update the project? Or do I just have to create a whole new one?
git pull upstream master && npm install
Check here for more info