Getting error for auto increment fields when inserting records without specifying columns - postgresql

We're in process of converting over from SQL Server to Postgres. I have a scenario that I am trying to accommodate. It involves inserting records from one table into another, WITHOUT listing out all of the columns. I realize this is not recommended practice, but let's set that aside for now.
drop table if exists pk_test_table;
create table public.pk_test_table
name text
--example 1: works and will insert a record with an id of 1
insert into pk_test_table values(default,'puppies');
--example 2: fails
insert into pk_test_table
select first_name from person_test;
Error I receive in the second example:
column "recordid" is of type integer but expression is of type
character varying Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the
The default keyword will tell the database to grab the next value.
Is there any way to utilize this keyword in the second example? Or some way to tell the database to ignore auto-incremented columns and just them be populated like normal?
I would prefer to not use a subquery to grab the next "id".
This functionality works in SQL Server and hence the question.
Thanks in advance for your help!

If you can't list column names, you should instead use the DEFAULT keyword, as you've done in the simple insert example. This won't work with a in insert into ... select ....
For that, you need to invoke nextval. A subquery is not required, just:
insert into pk_test_table
select nextval('pk_test_table_id_seq'), first_name from person_test;
You do need to know the sequence name. You could get that from information_schema based on the table name and inferring its primary key, using a function that takes just the table name as an argument. It'd be ugly, but it'd work. I don't think there's any way around needing to know the table name.

You're inserting value into the first column, but you need to add a value in the second position.
Therefore you can use INSERT INTO table(field) VALUES(value) syntax.
Since you need to fetch values from another table, you have to remove VALUES and put the subquery there.
insert into pk_test_table(name)
select first_name from person_test;
I hope it helps

I do it this way via a separate function- though I think I'm getting around the issue via the table level having the DEFAULT settings on a per field basis.
create table public.pk_test_table
recordid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('pk_test_table_id_seq'),
name text,
field3 integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 64,
null_field_if_not_set integer,
CONSTRAINT pk_test_table_pkey PRIMARY KEY ("recordid")
With function:
INSERT INTO pk_test_table (name)
SELECT first_name FROM person_test;
Then just execute the function via a SELECT FROM func_pk_test_table();
Notice it hasn't had to specify all the fields- as long as constraints allow it.


How to check number of rows consistency in PostgreSQL?

I have a database for saving various forms. I have a table of forms:
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_formtype;
CREATE TABLE formtype (
id_ft integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('seq_formtype'),
name text
I have a table of different input fields in the form:
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_formstruct;
CREATE TABLE formstruct (
id_fs integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('seq_formstruct'),
id_ft integer NOT NULL,
name text,
id_fstype text NOT NULL
And finally, I have a table in which I store the results from the form for each trial.
CREATE TABLE results (
id_trial integer NOT NULL,
id_fs integer NOT NULL,
res_value text
When I add the result, I want to check whether all inputs from formstruct were inserted - that means that there will be for each entry in formstruct where formtype = typ_trialu (pseudocode) an entry in results.
Now I am not even sure how to check it or where to start. My idea was to create a trigger that would check the consistency after insertion to results (ie after insertion of all inputfield results).
It could be done with trigger(s) after insert statements.
CREATE TRIGGER check_form_types_trigger
EXECUTE PROCEDURE check_form_types_function();
And, in check_form_types_function (which should be plpgsql) you can raise an exception if your data (as a whole) are not consistent.
But, in the other hand, if you do this, you literally won't be able to insert partial data into results; you will be able to insert only whole data, with a single insert statement. And if you really care about consistency, you should do this check after each update & delete statements too.
names like fs, ft, fstype are terrible, consider rename your columns.
consider using SERIALs (instead of just manually set up sequences)
consider using foreign keys

postgres autoincrement not updated on explicit id inserts

I have the following table in postgres:
"value" text
I am doing following insertions:
insert into test (id, value) values (1, 'alpha')
insert into test (id, value) values (2, 'beta')
insert into test (value) values ('gamma')
In the first 2 inserts I am explicitly mentioning the id. However the table's auto increment pointer is not updated in this case. Hence in the 3rd insert I get the error:
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "test_pkey"
DETAIL: Key (id)=(1) already exists.
I never faced this problem in Mysql in both MyISAM and INNODB engines. Explicit or not, mysql always update autoincrement pointer based on the max row id.
What is the workaround for this problem in postgres? I need it because I want a tighter control for some ids in my table.
I need it because for some values I need to have a fixed id. For other new entries I dont mind creating new ones.
I think it may be possible by manually incrementing the nextval pointer to max(id) + 1 whenever I am explicitly inserting the ids. But I am not sure how to do that.
That's how it's supposed to work - next_val('test_id_seq') is only called when the system needs a value for this column and you have not provided one. If you provide value no such call is performed and consequently the sequence is not "updated".
You could work around this by manually setting the value of the sequence after your last insert with explicitly provided values:
SELECT setval('test_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) from "test"));
The name of the sequence is autogenerated and is always tablename_columnname_seq.
In the recent version of Django, this topic is discussed in the documentation:
Django uses PostgreSQL’s SERIAL data type to store auto-incrementing
primary keys. A SERIAL column is populated with values from a sequence
that keeps track of the next available value. Manually assigning a
value to an auto-incrementing field doesn’t update the field’s
sequence, which might later cause a conflict.
There is also management command sqlsequencereset app_label ... that is able to generate SQL statements for resetting sequences for the given app name(s)
For example these SQL statements were generated by sqlsequencereset my_app_in_my_project:
SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('"my_project_aaa"','id'), coalesce(max("id"), 1), max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "my_project_aaa";
SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('"my_project_bbb"','id'), coalesce(max("id"), 1), max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "my_project_bbb";
SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('"my_project_ccc"','id'), coalesce(max("id"), 1), max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "my_project_ccc";
It can be done automatically using a trigger. This way you are sure that the largest value is always used as the next default value.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION set_serial_id_seq()
RETURNS trigger AS
EXECUTE (FORMAT('SELECT setval(''%s_%s_seq'', (SELECT MAX(%s) from %s));',
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER set_mytable_id_seq
ON mytable
EXECUTE PROCEDURE set_serial_id_seq('mytable_id');
The function can be reused for multiple tables. Change "mytable" to the table of interest.
For more info regarding triggers:


I've got two tables - one is Product and one is ProductSearchResult.
Whenever someone tries to Insert a SearchResult with a product that is not listed in the Product table the foreign key constrain is violattet, hence i get an error.
I would like to know how i could get my database to automatically create that missing Product in the Product Table (Just the ProductID, all other attributes can be left blank)
Is there such thing as CASCADE ON INSERT? If there is, i was not able not get it working.
Rules are getting executed after the Insert, so because we get an Error beforehand there are useless if you USE an "DO ALSO". If you use "DO INSTEAD" and add the INSERT Command at the End you end up with endless recursion.
I reckon a Trigger is the way to go - but all my attempts to write one failed.
Any recommendations?
The Table Structure:
ID char(10) PRIMARY KEY,
Title varchar(150),
Manufacturer varchar(80),
Category smallint,
CREATE TABLE ProductSearchResult (
SearchTermID smallint NOT NULL,
ProductID char(10) NOT NULL,
DateFirstListed date NOT NULL DEFAULT current_date,
DateLastListed date NOT NULL DEFAULT current_date,
PRIMARY KEY (SearchTermID,ProductID),
Yes, triggers are the way to go. But before you can start to use triggers in plpgsql, you
have to enable the language. As user postgres, run the command createlang with the proper parameters.
Once you've done that, you have to
Write function in plpgsql
create a trigger to invoke that function
See example 39-3 for a basic example.
Note that a function body in Postgres is a string, with a special quoting mechanism: 2 dollar signs with an optional word in between them, as the quotes. (The word allows you to quote other similar quotes.)
Also note that you can reuse a trigger procedure for multiple tables, as long as they have the columns your procedure uses.
So the function has to
check if the value of NEW.ProductID exists in the ProductSearchResult table, with a select statement (you ought to be able to use SELECT count(*) ... INTO someint, or SELECT EXISTS(...) INTO somebool)
if not, insert a new row in that table
If you still get stuck, come back here.
In any case (rules OR triggers) the insert needs to create a new key (and new values for the attributes) in the products table. In most cases, this implies that a (serial,sequence) surrogate primary key should be used in the products table, and that the "real world" product_id ("product number") should default to NULL, and be degraded to a candidate key.
BTW: a rule can be used, rules just are tricky to implement correctly for N:1 relations (they need the same kind of EXISTS-logic as in Bart's answer above).
Maybe cascading on INSERT is not such a good idea after all. What do you want to happen if someone inserts a ProductSearchResult record for a not-existing product? [IMO a FK is always a domain; you cannot just extend a domain just by referring to a not-existant value for it; that would make the FK constraint meaningless]

Using the serial datatype as a foreign key

Lets say that I have two tables.
The first is: table lists, with list_id SERIAL, list_name TEXT
The second table is, trivially, a table which says if the list is public: list_id INT, is_public INT
Obviously a bit of a contrived case, but I am planning out some tables and this seems to be an issue. If I insert a new list_name into table lists, then it'll give me a new serial number...but now I will need to use that serial number in the second table. Obviously in this case, you could simply add is_public to the first table, but in the case of a linking list where you have a compound key, you'll need to know the serial value that was returned.
How do people usually handle this? Do they get the return type from the insert using whatever system they're interacting with the database with?
One approach to this sort of thing is:
SELECT lastval()
INSERT into the first table, use lastval() to get the "value most recently obtained with nextval for any sequence" (in the current session), and then use that value to build your next INSERT.
There's also INSERT ... RETURNING:
The optional RETURNING clause causes INSERT to compute and return value(s) based on each row actually inserted. This is primarily useful for obtaining values that were supplied by defaults, such as a serial sequence number.
Using INSERT ... RETURNING id basically combines the first two steps above into one so you'd do:
where the second INSERT would use the id returned from the first INSERT.

auto-increment column in PostgreSQL on the fly?

I was wondering if it is possible to add an auto-increment integer field on the fly, i.e. without defining it in a CREATE TABLE statement?
For example, I have a statement:
SELECT 1 AS id, t.type FROM t;
and I am can I change this to
SELECT some_nextval_magic AS id, t.type FROM t;
I need to create the auto-increment field on the fly in the some_nextval_magic part because the result relation is a temporary one during the construction of a bigger SQL statement. And the value of id field is not really important as long as it is unique.
I search around here, and the answers to related questions (e.g. PostgreSQL Autoincrement) mostly involving specifying SERIAL or using nextval in CREATE TABLE. But I don't necessarily want to use CREATE TABLE or VIEW (unless I have to). There are also some discussions of generate_series(), but I am not sure whether it applies here.
-- Update --
My motivation is illustrated in this GIS.SE answer regarding the PostGIS extension. The original query was:
CREATE VIEW buffer40units AS
g.path[1] as gid,
g.geom::geometry(Polygon, 31492) as geom
(ST_Dump(ST_UNION(ST_Buffer(geom, 40)))).*
FROM point
) as g;
where g.path[1] as gid is an id field "required for visualization in QGIS". I believe the only requirement is that it is integer and unique across the table. I encountered some errors when running the above query when the g.path[] array is empty.
While trying to fix the array in the above query, this thought came to me:
Since the gid value does not matter anyways, is there an auto-increment function that can be used here instead?
If you wish to have an id field that assigns a unique integer to each row in the output, then use the row_number() window function:
row_number() over () as id,
t.type from t;
The generated id will only be unique within each execution of the query. Multiple executions will not generate new unique values for id.