Overlays in KMZ not showing - overlay

The map is here, http://rockymtngreenway.org/~greenway/GoogleAPImap.html
The KMZ was created in Google Earth.
There are three images overlays on this map, and they are not appearing.
The strange thing is that the overlays appeared once, now every reload the map has the overlays missing.
Stumped, thanks.

The GroundOverlays in the references KML is using a Google Earth extension <gx:LatLonQuad> which is not supported in Google Maps API.
List of supported KML elements in Google Earth API
<gx:LatLonQuad> ***
-104.8533817983386,39.8660912769105,0 -104.7777966394869,39.8660912769105,0 -104.7777966394869,39.88672843848668,0 -104.8533817983386,39.88672843848668,0
</gx:LatLonQuad> ***
Try to convert your KML to standard KML 2.2 without Google Earth extensions using LatLonBox element.
In addition, the visibility of the ground overlays is 0 (false) so they are not visible by default.


Google Earth for iOS / iPad, iPhone support for LookAt and Camera tags missing?

I've developed an app that pulls spatial data from an internal database, and generates a KML file. It consists of some styles, a document-level LookAt tag (for initial positioning), and a couple hundred placemarks with some custom CDATA in the baloons. When I import this into the PC application, it works perfectly, initially zooming to the correct position and altitude. When I load the same value using the Apple Google Earth app, it seems to ignore the LookAt tag, positioning itself in the middle of the placemarks at 1500ft. Below is the actual LookAt tag with xxx substituted for the valid latitude and longitude values.
<LookAt id="LastItem">
Is this a feature that is not supported in the Apple version of the app? I've tried using Camera tags with the same effect.
The original Google Earth app for iOS devices DID support a document level <LookAt> or <Camera> - however at some point it stop doing so :( Instead it now defaults to a view situated 500m (or maybe ft) directly above and looking down at the center point of all the <Placemarks> in the first .kml loaded

How to zoom at particular point in google maps added to uiwebview?

I have google maps added to UIWebview. I want to zoom the map to destination location. Destination location is passed programmatically.
How do I do it? I tried setting parameter z=10 while loading google maps url but it doesn't zoom at particular point.
Please help
Why you dont use MapKit?
It uses google map to provide the map.
if you really want to use google maps inside an webview you will need to do something like that:
where q=latitude,longitude
and you will need to know the latitude and longitude of the point you want to zoom
for more informations you can look at:
I solved it with by adding certain parameters to the google maps url:

Google maps api v3 in the manifest

Is it possible to caching in a manifest file the entire Google Maps Api for an offline ( mobile ) use ?
I don'want the maps images, because i will use an overlay map so, the aim is to use the functionality ( GPS detection, pinch to zoom, marker ecc.. ) but with MY MAP.
I don't believe that is possible. You should look at alternative mapping libraries like osmdroid: http://code.google.com/p/osmdroid/
Finally i have found this javascript library that can works offline:
I have tried to set a single tile ( like a grey PNG ) and add a image layer ( My map ). It works fine without connection , but it have some problems with Android devices ( The overlay map is not displayed ), and the overlay image don't zoom with the gesture, i mean that the image zoom, when the gesture end, users don't have any feedback on how much zoom it will be applicated.

google map link with marker (on iphone & android)

I've tried to open Google Map application on iphone & android. From iPhone developer reference website I am able to open the native google map from link.
However, I have trouble with adding a marker into the map. As in google static map, we can add markers into map. I wonder if we can do the same to google map link.
Hey Borey
You can add markers. But it has to be google's own preset marker.
Try this link :
Use q instead of ll and I think it will work.
Problems I saw:
1) Cannot choose your own marker
2) Cannot remove that 'additional marker' that tells you what's around that area.
I guess, that's the next best thing for you? For your info, I am using it too as I lack other choices.
The only way I am aware of for doing this is to use the My Maps feature of google maps. You can create a public map in My Maps. Add a marker using the toolbar in the map, then use the link button on the top right to get the URL of your public map.
Not sure how this looks on a mobile device, but I assume that it works.
Ok. So my assumption was incorrect. I tried this out on Android and iPhone and got the following results:
iPhone - Switches out to the maps application (no option to view in the browser), displays the correct region, but no markers.
Android - Gives you the option of viewing the URL in the browser or in maps. If you view in the browser, you get the correct region, but no markers.
Android - If you view on the maps application, you get the correct region and the markers.
So basically not very useful to you. When I have done this in my mobile web apps (not native), I have used static maps. You give up the dynamic functionality, but you get lots of flexibility with what gets rendered on the map.

Any recommendation to customize an iPhone MapView?

I want to you iPhone LocationManager and display the position using a custom map, different from the one used by MapView. Is there any way to customize the MapView or should I rebuild my own MapView from scratch ?
Do you think MapView will be open to achieve this kind of customization in a future release of the SDK ?
Do you have any recommendation to rebuild a MapView from scratch. I will have to divided my map in level and each level in tiles. But should I associate a tile with an UIImage or should I build/manage dynamically an UIImage composed of tiles currently displayed ?
Please make sure you file a bug with Apple, asking for this feature (I already have). In the meantime, I think your best bet is to take a look at the route-me library. It emulates the built-in Google Maps application, but uses either OpenStreetMap, Microsoft VirtualEarth or CloudMade as a data source for tiles. You could add support for loading tiles from your own custom service.