Changing writer prefix when (is => “rwp”) - perl

If I want to change write protected attribute ie.
use Moops;
class foo {
has attr => (is => "rwp");
one have to use _set_attr().
Is it possible to change that to _attr() without using explicit writer?
Tried use MooseX::::AttributeShortcuts -writer_prefix => 'prefix'; but it did not work.

No, you need to do that yourself by setting the writer.
TLDR: At the bottom is a monkey-patch to do it anyway.
The Moops docs say (emphasys mine):
Moops uses MooseX::MungeHas in your classes so that the has keyword
supports some Moo-specific features, even when you're using Moose or
Mouse. Specifically, it supports is => 'rwp', is => 'lazy', builder =>
1, clearer => 1, predicate => 1, and trigger => 1.
Now let's go look at Moo. In the has section of the doc, it says (emphasys mine):
rwp stands for "read-write protected" and generates a reader like ro,
but also sets writer to _set_${attribute_name} for attributes that are
designed to be written from inside of the class, but read-only from
outside. This feature comes from MooseX::AttributeShortcuts.
Ok, on to MooseX::AttributeShortcuts:
Specifying is => 'rwp' will cause the following options to be set:
is => 'ro'
writer => "_set_$name"
However, this is just where it was inspired. It is actually implemented in Moo in Method::Generate::Accessor1.
} elsif ($is eq 'rwp') {
$spec->{reader} = $name unless exists $spec->{reader};
$spec->{writer} = "_set_${name}" unless exists $spec->{writer};
} elsif ($is ne 'bare') {
And even more actually, that is also not where it is done in Moops. In fact, that happens in MooseX::MungeHas, which Moops uses, but only if the caller is not Moo:
push #code, ' if ($_{is} eq q(rwp)) {';
push #code, ' $_{is} = "ro";';
push #code, ' $_{writer} = "_set_$_" unless exists($_{writer});';
push #code, ' }';
Looks pretty clear. It's in generated code. The below solution might work if it uses only Moo, but I don't know how to force that.
You are indeed able to change that in Moo by hooking into Moo's Method::Generate::Accessor using Class::Method::Modifiers and adding a bit of logic in an around modifier to generate_method. This does not work works for Moops as long as there is no Moose-stuff involved.
use Moops;
require Method::Generate::Accessor; # so it's in %INC;
require Class::Method::Modifiers;
Class::Method::Modifiers::around( 'Method::Generate::Accessor::generate_method' => sub {
my $orig = shift;
# 0 1 2 3 4
# my ($self, $into, $name, $spec, $quote_opts) = #_;
if ($_[3]->{is} eq 'rwp') {
$_[3]->{writer} = "_explicitly_set_$_[2]" unless exists $_[3]->{reader};
class Foo {
has attr => ( is => "rwp" );
use Data::Printer;
my $foo = Foo->new( attr => 1 );
p $foo;
Foo {
Parents Moo::Object
public methods (2) : attr, new
private methods (1) : _explicitly_set_attr
internals: {
attr 1
1) I found that using


How to get name of the called aliased subroutine?

How could I get know which alias was used to call aliased subroutine? caller gives the original sub-name, but I'd like to see name used on calling.
use 5.010;
sub x_y_z {
return ( caller(0) )[3];
*foo_bar_baz = \&x_y_z;
say x_y_z(); # x_y_z
say foo_bar_baz(); # x_y_z, but need foo_bar_baz
Edit to address XY problem
I add another example to show my deeper intentsions. I want to create dispatch-table to route some tasks:
my $dispatch = {
x => {
y => {
z => sub {
a => {
b => {
c => {
d => sub {
sub foo {
my #arg = ( split '_', ( split( '::', ( caller(0) )[3] ) )[1] );
return #arg;
*x_y_z = \&foo;
*a_b_c_d = \&foo;
As you may imagine, this tree may grow pretty big. Now many leaves in dispatch-tree needs basically same sub, they differ just how they are called (named) and I'd like to have just one sub and alias it for specific task.
What you're trying to do is simply not possible within Perl's datamodel. An alias is just an alias, not an object with its own identity.
Note that it's possible to copy a subroutine and give it a new name, for example:
use Sub::Name;
*x_y_z = subname x_y_z => \&foo;
But you will have to do this manually.
It is not a good idea to depend on subnames for anything except for stack traces. Trying to build any logic on top of these names will likely end up in a hard to debug mess, not elegant software.
It might be better to pass the route name into the handler function as an explicit parameter, and to create a helper function to abstract over the necessary plumbing. For example:
my %routes;
sub route {
my ($name, $handler) = #_;
$routes{$name} = sub { $handler->($name => #_) };
sub common_handler { ... }
route a_b_c => \&common_handler;
route x_y_z => \&common_handler;
route foo_bar => sub {
my ($route) = #_;
say "Custom handler invoked for route $route";
If absolutely necessary you can of course implement such a route function so that it installs the handlers as a named subroutine. But at that point you are building some kind of framework like Moo(se), not an ordinary Perl module.
You can't. foo_bar_baz is an alias. caller reports the name of the subroutine as declared, not the name by which it was called. Note that not all subroutines have names and not all calls are by name. (Anonymous subs exist only as a CODE reference; they don't have an entry in the symbol table. Any sub—named or not—can be called via a reference.)
That said, you don't need aliasing here. What you really want is extra parameters for the database, table, etc., on which the sub should operate. The idiomatic way to do that is to wrap the generic sub and pass that information via the wrapper:
my %dispatch = (
a => { b => { c => sub { foo('a', 'b', 'c', #_) } } },
x => { y => { z => sub { foo('x', 'y', 'z', #_) } } },
sub foo {
my $db = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $task = shift;
my #params = #_;
say "$db $table $task: #params";

Perl / Moose - How can I dynamically choose a specific implementation of a method?

I've written a simple Moose based class called Document. This class has two attributes: name and homepage.
The class also needs to provide a method called do_something() which retrieves and returns text from different sources (like a website or different databases) based on the homepage attribute.
Since there will be a lot of totally different implementations for do_something(), I'd like to have them in different packages/classes and each of these classes should know if it is responsible for the homepage attribute or if it isn't.
My approach so far involves two roles:
package Role::Fetcher;
use Moose::Role;
requires 'do_something';
has url => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str'
package Role::Implementation;
use Moose::Role;
with 'Role::Fetcher';
requires 'responsible';
A class called Document::Fetcher which provides a default implmenentation for do_something() and commonly used methods (like a HTTP GET request):
package Document::Fetcher;
use Moose;
use LWP::UserAgent;
with 'Role::Fetcher';
has ua => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Object',
required => 1,
default => sub { LWP::UserAgent->new }
sub do_something {'called from default implementation'}
sub get {
my $r = shift->ua->get(shift);
return $r->content if $r->is_success;
# ...
And specific implementations which determine their responsibility via a method called responsible():
package Document::Fetcher::ImplA;
use Moose;
extends 'Document::Fetcher';
with 'Role::Implementation';
sub do_something {'called from implementation A'}
sub responsible { return 1 if shift->url =~ m#foo#; }
package Document::Fetcher::ImplB;
use Moose;
extends 'Document::Fetcher';
with 'Role::Implementation';
sub do_something {'called from implementation B'}
sub responsible { return 1 if shift->url =~ m#bar#; }
My Document class looks like this:
package Document;
use Moose;
has [qw/name homepage/] => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str'
has fetcher => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Document::Fetcher',
required => 1,
lazy => 1,
builder => '_build_fetcher',
handles => [qw/do_something/]
sub _build_fetcher {
my $self = shift;
my #implementations = qw/ImplA ImplB/;
foreach my $i (#implementations) {
my $fetcher = "Document::Fetcher::$i"->new(url => $self->homepage);
return $fetcher if $fetcher->responsible();
return Document::Fetcher->new(url => $self->homepage);
Right now this works as it should. If I call the following code:
foreach my $i (qw/foo bar baz/) {
my $doc = Document->new(name => $i, homepage => "http://$i.tld/");
say $doc->name . ": " . $doc->do_something;
I get the expected output:
foo: called from implementation A
bar: called from implementation B
baz: called from default implementation
But there are at least two issues with this code:
I need to keep a list of all known implementations in _build_fetcher. I'd prefer a way where the code would automatically choose from every loaded module/class beneath the namespace Document::Fetcher::. Or maybe there's a better way to "register" these kind of plugins?
At the moment the whole code looks a bit too bloated. I am sure people have written this kind of plugin system before. Isn't there something in MooseX which provides the desired behaviour?
What you're looking for is a Factory, specifically an Abstract Factory. The constructor for your Factory class would determine which implementation to return based on its arguments.
# Returns Document::Fetcher::ImplA or Document::Fetcher::ImplB or ...
my $fetcher = Document::Fetcher::Factory->new( url => $url );
The logic in _build_fetcher would go into Document::Fetcher::Factory->new. This separates the Fetchers from your Documents. Instead of Document knowing how to figure out which Fetcher implementation it needs, Fetchers can do that themselves.
Your basic pattern of having the Fetcher role able to inform the Factory if its able to deal with it is good if your priority is to allow people to add new Fetchers without having to alter the Factory. On the down side, the Fetcher::Factory cannot know that multiple Fetchers might be valid for a given URL and that one might be better than the other.
To avoid having a big list of Fetcher implementations hard coded in your Fetcher::Factory, have each Fetcher role register itself with the Fetcher::Factory when its loaded.
my %Registered_Classes;
sub register_class {
my $class = shift;
my $registeree = shift;
sub registered_classes {
return \%Registered_Classes;
You can have something, probably Document, pre-load a bunch of common Fetchers if you want your cake and eat it too.

Perl - Overloading package/class properties?

I am attempting to port some code from PHP that basically boils down to property overloading. That is, if you try to get or set a class property that is not actually defined as a part of the class, it will send that information to a function that will pretty much do anything I want with it. (In this case, I want to search an associative array within the class before giving up.)
However, Perl is... quite a bit different from PHP, given that classes are already hashes. Is there any way that I can apply some equivalent of __get() and __set() to a Perl "class" that will remain completely encapsulated in that package, transparent to anything trying to actually get or set properties?
EDIT: The best way to explain this may be to show you code, show the output, and then show what I want it to output.
package AccessTest;
my $test = new Sammich; #"improper" style, don't care, not part of the question.
say 'bacon is: ' . $test->{'bacon'};
say 'cheese is: ' . $test->{'cheese'};
for (keys $test->{'moreProperties'}) {
say "$_ => " . $test->{'moreProperties'}{$_};
say 'invalid is: ' . $test->{'invalid'};
say 'Setting invalid.';
$test->{'invalid'} = 'true';
say 'invalid is now: ' . $test->{'invalid'};
for (keys $test->{'moreProperties'}) {
say "$_ => " . $test->{'moreProperties'}{$_};
package Sammich;
sub new
my $className = shift;
my $this = {
'bacon' => 'yes',
'moreProperties' => {
'cheese' => 'maybe',
'ham' => 'no'
return bless($this, $className);
This currently outputs:
bacon is: yes
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./ line 11.
cheese is:
cheese => maybe
ham => no
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./ line 17.
invalid is:
Setting invalid.
invalid is now: true
cheese => maybe
ham => no
Now, I need to make modifications to Sammich only, without making any changes at all to the initial AccessTest package, that will result in this:
bacon is: yes
cheese is: maybe
cheese => maybe
ham => no
invalid is: 0
Setting invalid.
invalid is now: true
cheese => maybe
ham => no
invalid => true
As you can see, the desired effect is that the 'cheese' property, since it's not a part of the test object directly, would instead be grabbed from the 'moreProperties' hash. 'invalid' would attempt the same thing, but since it is neither a direct property nor in 'moreProperties', it would act in whatever way programmed - in this case, I would want it to simply return the value 0, without any errors or warnings. Upon attempting to set the 'invalid' property, it would not be added to the object directly, because it's not already there, but would instead be added to the 'moreProperties' hash.
I'm expecting this to take more than the six or so lines it would require in PHP, but as it is a very important concept of OOP, I fully expect Perl to handle it somehow.
As I have said in my comments, the reason this problem is hard is that you aren't following one of the golden rules of Object-Oriented Programming, namely encapsulation. How can you expect to intercept a call that isn't a method? If your exposed API consists of getter/setters then you can intercept an unknown method call with an AUTOLOAD method. If you don't you may use #pilcrow's noble suggestion of using a tied hash (Edit: or #tchrist's valiant use of the overload pragma); still this is more a tribute to Perl's flexibility than your API.
To do this more correctly (and yes I see you "require" that the API not be modified, if you choose to ignore this, then call this post a message to future readers).
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.10; # say
use strict;
use warnings;
use MooseX::Declare;
use Method::Signatures::Modifiers;
class Sammich {
has 'bacon' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', default => 'yes' );
has 'more' => (
isa => 'HashRef',
is => 'rw',
default => sub{ {
cheese => 'maybe',
ham => 'no',
} },
method AUTOLOAD ($val?) {
# get unknown method name
my $attr = (split( /::/, $AUTOLOAD))[-1];
my $more = $self->more;
# see if that method name exists in "more"
if (exists $more->{$attr}) {
# if so, are there new values? then set
if (defined $val) {
$more->{$attr} = $val;
# ... and return
return $more->{$attr};
# attr does not exist, so set it or initialize it to 0
$more->{$attr} = defined $val ? $val : 0;
return $more->{$attr};
# I don't care that you don't care
my $test = Sammich->new();
say 'bacon is: ' . $test->bacon;
say 'cheese is: ' . $test->cheese;
for (keys %{ $test->more }) {
say "$_ => " . $test->more->{$_};
say 'invalid is: ' . $test->invalid;
say 'Setting invalid.';
$test->invalid( 'true' );
say 'invalid is now: ' . $test->invalid;
for (keys %{ $test->more }) {
say "$_ => " . $test->more->{$_};
Some may say that my wording here is harsh and perhaps it is. I try to help those who will be helped, therefore seeing a bolded message like
I need to make modifications to Sammich only, without making any changes at all to the initial AccessTest package
then demanding that Perl bow to your whim
I'm expecting this to take more than the six or so lines it would require in PHP, but as it is a very important concept of OOP, I fully expect Perl to handle it somehow.
is irksome. I hope that future readers will see this as a case example of why encapsulation helps in the long run.
Update to the update
(I am receiving anonymous downvotes, presumably for abetting your misguided approach. :) )
Just to be clear, the question you pose is an "XY Problem", specifically an artifact of the mistaken translation of OO technique from PHP to Perl. For example, as mentioned passim in this question, object properties in perl generally should not be implemented as directly accessed hash(ref) elements. That's the wrong "X".
Jumping from one language to another introduces more than merely syntactical differences.
You can accomplish what you want with something like this:
package UnfortunateHack; {
use Tie::Hash;
our #ISA = qw(Tie::StdHash);
sub FETCH {
my ($self, $key) = #_;
return exists $self->{$key}
? $self->{$key}
: $self->{moreProperties}->{$key};
package Sammich;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
tie my %this, 'UnfortunateHack';
%this = ( bacon => 'yes',
moreProperties => { ... } );
bless \%this, $class;
Original Answer
If I understand your intent — to intercept $obj->property calls where TheClass::property isn't necessarily defined — then perl's AUTOLOAD in an OO context will do what you want.
From the linked docs (perlobj):
If you call a method that doesn't exist in a class, Perl will throw an error. However, if that class or any of its parent classes defines an AUTOLOAD method, that AUTOLOAD method is called instead.
You are completely violating encapsulation. To prove it to you, comment out the bless from &Sammich::new so that it returns a plain hash reference.
package Sammich;
sub new {
my $className = shift;
my $this = {
'bacon' => 'yes',
'moreProperties' => {
'cheese' => 'maybe',
'ham' => 'no'
# don't even bother blessing it
# return bless($this, $className);
The only way to get what you want it is to use magic.
In Perl classes are more than hashes, they are built on packages and you can define there whatever method you want and it remains encapsulated in that package/class.
You can see a code example in the Object-Oriented Programming in Perl Tutorial.

How can I make all lazy Moose features be built?

I have a bunch of lazy features in a Moose object.
Some of the builders require some time to finish.
I would like to nvoke all the builders (the dump the "bomplete" object).
Can I make all the lazy features be built at once, or must I call each feature manually to cause it builder to run?
If you want to have "lazy" attributes with builders, but ensure that their values are constructed before new returns, the usual thing to do is to call the accessors in BUILD.
sub BUILD {
my ($self) = #_;
is enough to get the job done, but it's probably best to add a comment as well explaining this apparently useless code to someone who doesn't know the idiom.
Maybe you could use the meta class to get list of 'lazy' attributes. For example:
package Test;
use Moose;
has ['attr1', 'attr2'] => ( is => 'rw', lazy_build => 1);
has ['attr3', 'attr4'] => ( is => 'rw',);
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
my $meta = $self->meta;
foreach my $attribute_name ( sort $meta->get_attribute_list ) {
my $attribute = $meta->get_attribute($attribute_name);
if ( $attribute->has_builder ) {
my $code = $self->can($attribute_name);
sub _build_attr1 { 1 }
sub _build_attr2 { 1 }
I've had this exact requirement several times in the past, and today I actually had to do it from the metaclass, which meant no BUILD tweaking allowed. Anyway I felt it would be good to share since it basically does exactly what ether mentioned:
'It would allow marking attributes "this is lazy, because it depends
on other attribute values to be built, but I want it to be poked
before construction finishes."'
However, derp derp I have no idea how to make a CPAN module so here's some codes:
Put the above into and then you can use it like so:
package Thing;
use Moose;
use Late;
has 'foo' => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub {print "setting foo to 10\n"; 10},
has 'bar' => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub {print 'late bar being set to ', $_[0]->foo*2, "\n"; $_[0]->foo*2},
late => 1,
#If you want..
package main;
#`bar` will be initialized to 20 right now, and always after `foo`.
#You can even set `foo` to 'lazy' or 'late' and it will still work.

How can I create internal (private) Moose object variables (attributes)?

I would like some attributes (perhaps this is the wrong term in this context) to be private, that is, only internal for the object use - can't be read or written from the outside.
For example, think of some internal variable that counts the number of times any of a set of methods was called.
Where and how should I define such a variable?
The Moose::Manual::Attributes shows the following way to create private attributes:
has '_genetic_code' => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
builder => '_build_genetic_code',
init_arg => undef,
Setting init_arg means this attribute cannot be set at the constructor. Make it a rw or add writer if you need to update it.
You can try something like this:
has 'call_counter' => (
is => 'ro',
writer => '_set_call_counter',
is => 'ro' makes the attribute read only. Moose generates a getter. Your methods will use the getter for incrementing the value, like so:
sub called {
my $self = shift;
$self->_set_call_counter( $self->call_counter + 1 );
writer => '_set_call_counter' generates a setter named _set_call_counter. Moose does not support true private attributes. Outside code can, technically, call _set_call_counter. By convention, though, applications do not call methods beginning with an underscore.
I think you want MooseX::Privacy.
The perldoc tells you all you should need - it adds a new trait to your attributes allowing you to declare them as private or protected:
has config => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Some::Config',
traits => [qw/Private/],
I haven't been able to figure out a way to make Moose attributes completely private. Whenever I use has 'name' => (...); to create an attribute, it is always exposed to reading at a minimum. For items I want to be truly private, I'm using standard "my" variables inside the Moose package. For a quick example, take the following module "".
package CountingObject;
use Moose;
my $cntr = 0;
sub add_one { $cntr++; }
sub get_count { return $cntr; }
Scripts that use that module have no direct access to the $cntr variable. They must use the "add_one" and "get_count" methods which act as an interface to the outside world. For example:
### Call and create
use CountingObject;
my $co = CountingObject->new();
### This works: prints 0
printf( "%s\n", $co->get_count() );
### This works to update $cntr through the method
for (1..10) { $co->add_one(); }
### This works: prints 10
printf( "%s\n", $co->get_count() );
### Direct access won't work. These would fail:
# say $cntr;
# say $co->cntr;
I'm new to Moose, but as far as I can tell, this approach provides completely private variables.
Alan W. Smith provided a private class variable with a lexical variable, but it is shared by all objects in the class. Try adding a new object to the end of the example script:
my $c1 = CountingObject->new();
printf( "%s\n", $c1->get_count() );
# also shows a count of 10, same as $co
Using MooseX:Privacy is a good answer, though if you can't, you can borrow a trick from the inside-out object camp:
package CountingObject;
use Moose;
my %cntr;
sub BUILD { my $self = shift; $cntr{$self} = 0 }
sub add_one { my $self = shift; $cntr{$self}++; }
sub get_count { my $self = shift; return $cntr{$self}; }
With that, each object's counter is stored as an entry in a lexical hash. The above can be implemented a little more tersely thus:
package CountingObject;
use Moose;
my %cntr;
sub add_one { $cntr{$_[0]}++ }
sub get_count { return $cntr{$_[0]}||0 }