How to encode text when generating an xml file using rythm - rythm

I have to encode text in an error message tag while generating an xml file. My tag is
"ErrorMessage" any text with special character suchs as <>#$%^& "/ErrorMessage". Is there a way to encode those special characters when generating file using rythm template engine?

They should be escaped automatically unless you use .raw() extension. If some chars are not escaped properly please submit an issue on github


Can't encode HTML special characters in Sublime Text 2

I've always been able to encode html special characters in Sublime Text 2 with the keyboard shortcut [Shift]+[Cmd]+[p] then HTML: Encode special characters. For some unknown reason, the latter is no longer available when I type the keyboard shortcut. Is there a particular package that needs to be installed in order for the encoding to be applied?
You can use more functional plugin SublimeStringEncode.
Install it using Package Control, type "StringEncode".
cmd + shift + P then "HTML entitize"
In addition you will have some other useful commands:
html_deentitize: Converts HTML entities to a character
url_encode: Uses urllib.quote to escape special URL characters
url_decode: Uses urllib.unquote to convert escaped URL characters
json_escape: Escapes a string and surrounds it in quotes, according to the JSON encoding.
json_unescape: Unescapes a string (include the quotes!) according to JSON encoding.
base64_encode: Uses base64 to encode into base64
base64_decode: Uses base64 to decode from base64
md5_encode: Uses sha package to create md5 hash
sha256_encode: Uses sha package to create sha256 hash
sha512_encode: Uses sha package to create sha512 hash
escape_regex: Escapes regex meta characters
escape_like: Escapes SQL-LIKE meta characters
safe_html_entitize: Converts characters to their HTML entity, but preserves HTML reserved characters
safe_html_deentitize: Converts HTML entities to a character, but preserves HTML reserved characters
xml_entitize: Converts characters to their XML entity
xml_deentitize: Converts XML entities to a character

XML Parsing issue with special characters

I am trying to display “Administrative File & Express” but it is displaying as "Express". So I am unable to show anything that is before the “&”.
You need to escape chars like '&' in XML Parsing. See following link...
What characters do I need to escape in XML documents?
Now check XML you are receiving. if you are not receiving chars with escape sequence then you need to handle it in your code.....
Write here if you need further details.....

escape character & stopping parsing

I am trying to parse some data using nsxmlparser, whenever there is a &(ampersand) present in the text being received it just stops reading the parsed data. How can I read & normally, similar to other normal characters.
A lone ampersand in an XML document is not valid except in a CDATA section. You can either have your XML provider provide valid XML by either:
Using the & character entity where you want ampersands.
Putting text containing ampersands into a CDATA section.
Could not find the solution so i had to replace the & with some characters in backend and then again replace it in iphone while using it

Character '&' in XML Parsing iphone

I am using NSXMLParsing to parse an XML , whose formatting is not in my control
From XML it seems it's using UTF-8 encoding, however i get illegal character encoding error when a character like '&' comes into picture.
Due to this i have to go the dirty way of breaking strings and parsing.
Any way out?
Suggestions ?
It sounds like you have malformed XML. "&" is the start of an entity in XML, e.g. & or <. Having a raw "&" by itself that doesn't match an entity is illegal.

UTF8 charset, diacritical elements, conversion problems - and Zend Framework form escaping

I am writing a webapp in ZF and am having serious issues with UTF8. It's using multi lingual content through Zend Form and it seems that ZF heavily escapes all of these characters and basically just won't show a field if there's diacritical elements 'é' and if I use the HTML entity equivalent e.g. é it gets escaped so that the user will see 'é'.
Zend Form allows for having non escaped data, but trying to use this is confusing, and it seems it'd need to be used all over the place.
So, I have been told that if the page and the text is in UTF8, no conversion to htmlentities is required. Is this true?
And if the last question is true, then how do I convert the source text to UTF8? I am comfortable setting up apache so that it sends a default UTF8 charset heading, and also adding the charset meta tag to the html, but doing this I am still getting messed up encoding. I have also tried opening the translation csv file in TextWrangler on OSX as UTF8, but it has done nothing.
'é' and if I use the HTML entity equivalent e.g. é it gets escaped so that the user will see 'é'.
This I don't understand. Can you show an example of how it is displayed, as opposed to how it should be displayed?
So, I have been told that if the page and the text is in UTF8, no conversion to htmlentities is required. Is this true?
Yup. In more detail: If the data you're displaying and the encoding of the HTML page are both UTF-8, the multi-byte special characters will be displayed correctly.
And if the last question is true, then how do I convert the source text to UTF8?
Advanced editors and IDEs enable you to define what encoding the source file is saved in. You would need to open the file in its current encoding (with special characters being displayed correctly) and save it as UTF-8.
If the content is messed up when you have the right content-type header and/or meta tag specified, then the content is not UTF-8 yet. If you don't get it sorted, post an example of what it looks like here.