Implement an interface that is exposed by a component in a class inside the component and show it in the corresponding class model - class

I have a Component in a component diagram that provides several interfaces. Now i'd like a class in a class diagram that describes this component to implement this interface.
What i tried:
Drag the interface into the class model --> results in the message 'When dropping embedded elements to a diagram, you must drop them on theit correct owner.'
Creating the interface in the class model, then trying to link it with the interface in the component model --> I didn't find a way to accomplish that.
Adding the class to the component model and add a realization to the exposed interface. This results in pretty arrows, but the class is in the component model. If I remove it from the model, the interfaces are still in the linked element list of the class, but i have found no way to add the interfaces to the model then, neither show in another way that this class implements those interfaces.
Any proposals how to accomplish that?

The second way DOES work. I now found the [...] button beside the textfield where to enter the name of the interface. It is possible to add an existing interface there.


How to represent implementing Interface in Activity Diagram

I am beginner in UML and now I am creating one activity diagram to represent interfaces . How can I draw for implementing Interface in activity diagram.
An interface will appear as activity parameter like so:
The parameter to the left is typed with the interface. It can send/receive objects which are defined by the interface via object flow to action(-pin)s inside the activity. That's basically all you need.
Note that I show the interface only for illustration. There is usually no need to include it along with the activity on your AD.

Repeated interfaces in component diagrams

When modelling component diagrams in UML2, is it permissable to repeat an interface on a component if it makes it easier to connect components? Such as below:
Any guidance would be most helpful. Thanks.
Any block that you see on the UML diagram, is merely a view of an object, that can have many views. How you are placing and cloning them is up to your convenience.
Only when creating new interfaces of the same name, be sure that you are creating new views of the same object (interface in your case). If you'll simply copypast your interface'in VP UML, you'll simply clone it.
What is interesting, later, on the class diagram you will have interfaces shown as special class blocks, not as here. And these will be also merely other views of the same interfaces you see now on your component diagram. At least, it is a good style to do it so.
So, yes, you can. It is the default behaviour.

How do I attribute an interface to a class in Visio UML model

I have created a UML model in Visio 2010. I have created several classes and interfaces. In the UML model, how do I configure one of my classes to implement one of my interfaces? In other words, how do I configure interface realization on one of my classes in the model? I can show the realization in a class diagram by connecting the interface lollipop to the class but this does not help establish the realization in the model itself.
According to this SuperUser answer :
Open Model Explorer toolbar (if it isn't already open) and you'll see
your interface there. Drag it again to the page and connect to the new
This was super helpful. In addition, I right clicked and selected "Show as Class-like Interface" to display the Open Triangle-type arrow and dotted line to the interface object in my diagram

While using CellTree where to implement TreeViewModel (View / Presenter)

I am trying to use CellTree, i am confused about placement of class implementing TreeViewModel, This class will need Collection of elements required to be rendered as tree if this is view type class i need to push collection from the presenter. If its a Presenter class i can directly call the server function and get the collection.
I am finding it more near to Presenter.... please sugget
According to GWT docs,
A key concept of MVP development is
that a view is defined by an
interface. This allows multiple view
implementations based on client
characteristics (such as mobile vs.
So, looks like Presenter should know neither about data presentation widgets used in view implementation, nor about specific ViewModels and data providers used by these data presentation widgets (since data presentation widgets may be changed). ViewModels are generally coupled with particular way to implement data presentation, so I usually consider them as a part of View.
I usually create presenter methods like getObjectsList(params), which return array / list of required data, and then transform these results to ViewModel.
BTW, it would be great to hear other opinions :)

Adding Content to a GWT Horizontal Panel from another class

I am trying to populate the right-hand-side of a HorizontalPanel used in an onModuleLoad() method from another class (containing other widgets) so to keep the code separate.
What I am trying to achieve is similar to a PHP include where I can alter the code in another class and it will affect the right-hand panel only.
Does this other class have to be a composite widget? Or can I do a similar thing that I do when creating the Entry class?
I'm not sure if you mean you want to load a complete different GWT module on the right-hand panel or simply want to load a different class. I assume the latter.sense.
In such case a GWT TabPanel, but positioned Vertical. This is a combination of a DeckPanel and a TabBarPanel. In GWT there is standard VerticalTabPanel available, but you can find one in the open source cobogw library, see An example including source code can be found on the demo page:
The example also uses a LazyPanel. This means each class is initialized only when the user clicks on the link, which makes startup a lot faster.
Just add the reference to the horizontalpanel to some other class (like a controller class or main panel class) and then call into this class from your right side panel. You can even have a controller class that holds this static horizontalpanel with a method like
HorizontalPanel hPanel; //set this from on module load, or controller.create method for instance
public static setRightContents(Panel panel){
and just call this from the other class Controller.setRightContents(myNewRightPanel).
Really you just need to stop thinking this is a website and start thinking more of a thick client application using even driven programming.