Count elements of array matching condition in Swift - swift

I'm basically looking for the swift equivalent of the follow c++ code:
std::count_if(list.begin(), list.end(), [](int a){ return a % 2 == 0; }); // counts instances of even numbers in list
My problem isn't actually searching for even numbers, of course; simply the general case of counting instances matching a criterion.
I haven't seen a builtin, but would love to hear that I simply missed it.

Like this:
let a: [Int] = ...
let count = a.filter({ $0 % 2 == 0 }).count

An alternative to Aderstedt's version
let a = [ .... ]
let count = a.reduce(0){
(count, element) in
return count + 1 - element % 2
My intuition says my way will be faster because it doesn't require the creation of a second array. However, you'd need to profile both methods to be sure.
Following MartinR's comment about generalisation of the function, here it is
extension SequenceType
func countMatchingCondition(condition: (Self.Generator.Element) -> Bool) -> Int
return self.reduce(0, combine: { (count, e) in count + (condition(e) ? 1 : 0) })
let a = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 12].countMatchingCondition { $0 % 2 == 0 }
print("\(a)") // Prints 3

Default array:
let array: [Int] = [10, 10, 2, 10, 1, 2, 3]
filter(_:) method
let countOfTen = array.filter({ $0 == 10 }).count // 3
count(where:) method
Update: This Swift 5.0 feature was withdrawn in beta testing because it was causing performance issues for the type checker.
let countOfTen = array.count(where: { $0 == 10 }) // 3

You can use Collection.lazy to have the simplicity of Aderstedt's Answer but with O(1) space.
let array = [1, 2, 3]
let count = array.lazy.filter({ $0 % 2 == 0 }).count

The most compact reduce statement that will do this is:
let a = Array(1 ... 20)
let evencount = a.reduce(0) { $0 + ($1 % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0) }
Reduce takes two variables: starts with 0 (var $0) then for every element in Array a (var $1) if the value is divisible by 2 with no remainder then add one to your count.
This is also efficient as it does not create an additional array unlike using a.filter(){}.count .

You can also do this with reduce()
let a = Array(1 ... 20)
let evenCount = a.reduce(0) { (accumulator, value) -> Int in
guard value % 2 == 0 else { return accumulator }
return accumulator + 1
Almost everything you want to do with the map() and filter functions can actually be done with a reduce although it's not always the most readable.

Swift 5 or later:
public extension Sequence {
func occurrences(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int {
try reduce(0) { try predicate($1) ? $0 + 1 : $0 }
public extension Sequence where Element: Equatable {
func occurrences(of element: Element) -> Int {
reduce(0) { element == $1 ? $0 + 1 : $0 }
let multiplesOf2 = [1,2,3,4,4,5,4,5].occurrences{$0.isMultiple(of: 2)} // 4
"abcdeabca".occurrences(of: "a") // 3
extension BinaryInteger {
var isOdd: Bool { !isMultiple(of: 2) }
var isEven: Bool { isMultiple(of: 2) }
(-4).isOdd // false
(-3).isOdd // true
(-2).isOdd // false
(-1).isOdd // true
0.isOdd // false
1.isOdd // true
2.isOdd // false
3.isOdd // true
4.isOdd // false
(-4).isEven // true
(-3).isEven // false
(-2).isEven // true
(-1).isEven // false
0.isEven // true
1.isEven // false
2.isEven // true
3.isEven // false
4.isEven // true
let odds = [1,2,3,4,4,5,5,11].occurrences(where: \.isOdd) // 5
let evens = [1,2,3,4,4,5,5,11].occurrences(where: \.isEven) // 3


Topological Sort Swift

I'm trying to implement a topological sort in Swift using the following theory.
My code is:
func canFinish(_ numCourses: Int, _ prerequisites: [[Int]]) -> Bool {
guard (prerequisites.count > 0) else {return true}
var graph : [[Int]] = Array(repeating: [], count: numCourses + 1)
var inDegree : [Int] = Array(repeating: 0, count: numCourses + 1 )
for x in prerequisites {
graph[x[0]] = [x[1]]
inDegree[x[0]] += 1
for course in graph.enumerated() {
print ("To finish course \(course.offset) you must have finished \(course.element)")
for course in (inDegree.enumerated()) {
print ("Course \(course.offset) needs \(course.element) courses to be complete")
var outputArr = [Int]()
while let currentVertexIndx = (inDegree.enumerated().first { $0.element == 0 }?.offset) {
outputArr.append( currentVertexIndx )
for course in graph.enumerated() {
if (course.element.contains(currentVertexIndx)) {
inDegree[ course.offset ] -= 1
inDegree[currentVertexIndx] = -1
return outputArr.count >= numCourses
Tests with correct answers:
//canFinish(1, [[1,0]]) // true - to take course 1 you should have finished course 0
//canFinish(2, [[1,0],[0,1]]) // false - to take course 1 you have to have finished course 0, to take 0 you have to have finished course 1
//canFinish(1, []) // true
//canFinish(3, [[1,0],[2,0]]) // true
//canFinish(3, [[2,0],[2,1]]) // true
Test with incorrect answer
canFinish(10, [[5,6],[0,2],[1,7],[5,9],[1,8],[3,4],[0,6],[0,7],[0,3],[8,9]]) // true, but returns false
Question: My code does not work for the input above using the theory linked from What is going wrong?
You should fill the graph correctly:
graph[x[0]] += [x[1]]
Which would yield the right result in the given example:
canFinish(10, [[5,6],[0,2],[1,7],[5,9],[1,8],[3,4],[0,6],[0,7],[0,3],[8,9]]) //true

Can't sort array: "Ambiguous reference to member '<'"

extension Array where Element: Numeric {
func closest(to givenValue: Element) -> Element {
let sorted = self.sorted(by: <)
let over = sorted.first(where: { $0 >= givenValue })!
let under = sorted.last(where: { $0 <= givenValue })!
let diffOver = over - givenValue
let diffUnder = givenValue - under
return (diffOver < diffUnder) ? over : under
In line 3 of this example code, Xcode gives me the incomprehensible error message Ambiguous reference to member '<', along with this great list:
What am I supposed to do here? I just want this array to get sorted.
You have to declare Element to be Comparable:
extension Array where Element: Numeric & Comparable {
let sorted = self.sorted(by: <)
you're not giving a boolean function for the function to use. Maybe try replacing it with :
let sorted = self.sorted(by: { $0 < $1 })
Problem is that you have defined your Element as Numeric only where > will work with Comparable.
Do it as:
extension Array where Element: Numeric, Element: Comparable {
func closest(to givenValue: Element) -> Element {
//... your code here ...
I was just running into a similar problem stemming from the type inference when chaining multiple higher order functions (sort, map, etc), when I found this post and I couldn't help but notice the inefficiency of your function.
Here is an example of how you can implement this same function using binary search, massively reducing the time it takes to execute on large datasets:
extension Array where Element: Numeric & Comparable {
func closest2(to target: Element) -> Element {
if target <= self[0] {
return self[0]
if target >= self[count - 1] {
return self[count - 1]
var i = 0
var j = count
var mid = 0
while i < j {
mid = (i + j) / 2
if self[mid] == target {
return self[mid]
if target < self[mid] {
if mid > 0 && target > self[mid - 1] {
return getClosest(val1: self[mid - 1], val2: self[mid], target: target)
j = mid
} else {
if mid < count - 1 && target < self[mid + 1] {
return getClosest(val1: self[mid], val2: self[mid + 1], target: target)
i = mid + 1
return self[mid]
private func getClosest(val1: Element, val2: Element, target: Element) -> Element {
return target - val1 > val2 - target ? val2 : val1

TwoSum Swift Solution

I just started learning coding with swift, and was trying TwoSum.
"Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.
You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice.
Given nums = [2, 7, 11, 15], target = 9,
Because nums[0] + nums[1] = 2 + 7 = 9,
return [0, 1]."
I found some solutions from GitHub that I cannot understand.
code is from
class TwoSum {
func twoSum(_ nums: [Int], _ target: Int) -> [Int] {
var dict = [Int: Int]()
for (i, num) in nums.enumerated() {
if let lastIndex = dict[target - num] {
return [lastIndex, i]
dict[num] = i
fatalError("No valid outputs")
Could someone be so kind to explain to codes. Thanks a lot.
The dict initialised in the method stores the numbers in the input as keys, and their indices as values. The program uses this to remember which number is where. The dict can tell you things like "the number 2 is at index 0".
For each number num at index i in the input array, we subtract num from the target to find the other number that we need, in order for them to add up to target.
Now we have the other number we need, we check to see if we have seen such a number before, by searching dict. This is what the if let lastIndex = dict[target - num] part is doing. If the dict knows what index the other number is at, we return that index, and i.
If we haven't seen that number before, we record i into the dictionary under the key num, hoping that in later iterations, we can find a number that when added to num, makes 9.
Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.
var arr:[Int] = []
func twoSum(_ nums: [Int], _ target: Int) -> [Int] {
var toggle = false
for i in 0..<nums.count {
for j in i+1..<nums.count {
if toggle == false {
toggle = true
arr.insert(i, at: 0)
arr.insert(j, at: 1)
return arr
Given nums = [2, 7, 11, 15], target = 9,
Because nums[0] + nums[1] = 2 + 7 = 9,
return [0, 1].
In Sweeper's excellent answer, he explained what dict is used for: It lets you use a value from the array to find that value's index. It would be more obvious what the dictionary was used for if we called it indexes, and this code builds the same dictionary in a more explicit way:
var indexes = [Int: Int]()
for index in 0..<array.count {
let value = array[index]
indexes[value] = index
After that, you get a dictionary:
[2:0, 7:1, 11:2, 15:3]
You could write the function this way:
func twoSum(_ array: [Int], _ target: Int) -> [Int] {
var indexes = [Int: Int]()
for index in 0..<array.count {
let value = array[index]
indexes[value] = index
for index in 0..<array.count {
let value = array[index]
if let otherIndex = indexes[target - value],
index != otherIndex {
return [index, otherIndex]
fatalError("Unable to match values")
That is a much more long-winded (and less efficient) way of doing the same thing. It loops through the array twice instead of once, but the results should be the same.
func twoSum(array: [Int], target: Int) -> [Int] {
var dict = [Int:Int]()
for (index, number) in array.enumerated() {
let value = target - number
if let sum = dict[value] {
return [sum, index]
dict[number] = index
return [0,0]
array=[1, 2, 3] -> target=4
enumerated() => [0,1], [1,2], [2,3]
(i, n)
v4 - 1 = 3
v4 - 2 = 2
v4 - 3 = 1
output [0,2]
var numbers: [Int] = [1, 3, 6, 7, 7, 14, 12]
var target = 26
var result = [Int]()
for i in 0..<numbers.count {
for j in i+1..<numbers.count {
if numbers[i] + numbers[j] == target {
func twoSum(_ nums: [Int], _ target: Int) -> [Int] {
var dict:[Int:Int] = [:]
for i in 0..<nums.count {
if dict[target - nums[i]] != nil {
return [dict[target - nums[i]] ?? 0, i]
} else {
dict[nums[i]] = i
return [0]
Here is a link to the discussion section of the TwoSum problem on Leetcode.
Lots of great Swift solutions there.
My personal two cents -
func twoSumA(_ nums: [Int], _ target: Int) -> [Int] {
var numsHashMap: Dictionary<Int, Int> = [:]
var outputArr: [Int] = []
for index in 0..<nums.count {
let currentNum = nums[index]
if numsHashMap.keys.contains(target-currentNum) {
outputArr.append(numsHashMap[target-currentNum] ?? -1)
return outputArr
numsHashMap[currentNum] = index
return !outputArr.isEmpty ? outputArr : [-1, -1]

Group dictionary by key in Swift

I'm trying to implement a groupBy functionality where all the numbers of a nested list are grouped. My code so far:
struct MyClass {
var numbers: [Int]
var dict: [String : MyClass] = ...
let numbers = dict
.filter{ $0.0.containsString(searchString) }
.flatMap{ $0.1.numbers }
This yields me an Array of Ints. However I'd like to have a dictionary [Int : Int] with each unique number and the count of its occurence. So for example:
should be:
[1 : 2, 2 : 3, 3 : 1, 4 : 1]
I know there's a groupBy operator, but Swift doesn't seem to have one. I've tried with reduce:
func reducer(accumulator: [Int: Int], num: Int) -> [Int : Int] {
var acc = accumulator
acc[num]! += 1
return acc
filtered.reduce([:], combine: reducer)
But it crashes when I want to run it. Not sure why, I get a EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION.
I'd appreciate any help.
let numbers = [1,2,3,4,1,2,2,1]
var results = [Int: Int]()
Set(numbers).forEach { number in results[number] = numbers.filter { $0 == number }.count }
print(results) // [2: 3, 3: 1, 1: 3, 4: 1]
Actually I'm not very sure if this is what you want. I just looked at your examples.
Using NSCountedSet:
var objects = [1,2,3,4,1,2,2,1]
let uniques = NSCountedSet(array: objects)
uniques.forEach { results[$0 as! Int] = uniques.countForObject($0) }
print(results) // [2: 3, 3: 1, 1: 3, 4: 1]
I would expect the crash to be ocurring on this line:
acc[num]! += 1
The first time this is called for a number, the entry doesn't exist in the dictionary yet so acc[num] is nil. Forcefully unwrapping it would cause a crash.
Not sure if this is the best solution but you can simple check for this case:
if (acc[num]) {
acc[num]! += 1
} else {
acc[num] = 1
Cleaner code from #vacawama in the comments:
acc[num] = (acc[num] ?? 0) + 1
Here's an extension to Array that does what you're asking:
extension Array where Element: Hashable {
var grouped: [Element:Int] {
var dict = [Element:Int]()
self.forEach { dict[$0] = (dict[$0] ?? 0) + 1 }
return dict
The key is the closure: { dict[$0] = (dict[$0] ?? 0) + 1 }.
It takes the current value in the array, tests to see if it's a key in the dictionary, returns the value for that key if it exists or 0 if it doesn't, then adds one and sets the key:value to be the pair of the current value and occurrences so far.
Example use:
[1,2,3,4,1,2,2,1].grouped // => [2: 3, 3: 1, 1: 3, 4: 1]
You need something like this:
if let _ = acc.indexForKey(num) {
acc[num]! += 1
else {
acc[num] = 1
It's sort of unclear what you're asking for, but here's a function that will take an array of ints and return a dictionary with the number as the key, and the count as the value:
func getDictionaryOfCounts(accumulator: [Int]) -> [Int : Int] {
var countingDictionary: [Int : Int] = [:]
accumulator.forEach { (value) in
if countingDictionary[value] != nil {
countingDictionary[value]! += 1
countingDictionary[value] = 1
return countingDictionary

Swift: second occurrence with indexOf

let numbers = [1,3,4,5,5,9,0,1]
To find the first 5, use:
How do I find the second occurence?
List item
You can perform another search for the index of element at the remaining array slice as follow:
edit/update: Swift 5.2 or later
extension Collection where Element: Equatable {
/// Returns the second index where the specified value appears in the collection.
func secondIndex(of element: Element) -> Index? {
guard let index = firstIndex(of: element) else { return nil }
return self[self.index(after: index)...].firstIndex(of: element)
extension Collection {
/// Returns the second index in which an element of the collection satisfies the given predicate.
func secondIndex(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Index? {
guard let index = try firstIndex(where: predicate) else { return nil }
return try self[self.index(after: index)...].firstIndex(where: predicate)
let numbers = [1,3,4,5,5,9,0,1]
if let index = numbers.secondIndex(of: 5) {
print(index) // "4\n"
} else {
print("not found")
if let index = numbers.secondIndex(where: { $0.isMultiple(of: 3) }) {
print(index) // "5\n"
} else {
print("not found")
Once you've found the first occurrence, you can use indexOf on the remaining slice of the array to locate the second occurrence:
let numbers = [1,3,4,5,5,9,0,1]
if let firstFive = numbers.indexOf(5) { // 3
let secondFive = numbers[firstFive+1..<numbers.count].indexOf(5) // 4
I don't think you can do it with indexOf. Instead you'll have to use a for-loop. A shorthand version:
let numbers = [1,3,4,5,5,9,0,1]
var indexes = [Int]()
numbers.enumerate().forEach { if $0.element == 5 { indexes += [$0.index] } }
print(indexes) // [3, 4]
Here's a general use extension of Array that will work for finding the nth element of a kind in any array:
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
// returns nil if there is no nth occurence
// or the index of the nth occurence if there is
func findNthIndexOf(n: Int, thing: Element) -> Int? {
guard n > 0 else { return nil }
var count = 0
for (index, item) in enumerate() where item == thing {
count += 1
if count == n {
return index
return nil
let numbers = [1,3,4,5,5,9,0]
numbers.findNthIndexOf(2, thing: 5) // returns 4
EDIT: as per #davecom's comment, I've included a similar but slightly more complex solution at the bottom of the answer.
I see a couple of good solutions here, especially considering the limitations the relatively new language of Swift. There is a really concise way to do it too, but is rather quick-and-dirty. May not be the perfect solution, but it is pretty quick. Also very versatile (not to brag).
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
func indexes(search: Element) -> [Int] {
return enumerate().reduce([Int]()) { $1.1 == search ? $0 + [$1.0] : $0 }
Using this extension, you could access the second index as follows:
let numbers = [1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 9, 0, 1]
let indexesOf5 = numbers.indexes(5) // [3, 4]
indexesOf5[1] // 4
And you're done!
Basically, the method works like this: enumerate() maps the array to tuples including the index of each element with the element itself. In this case, [1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 9, 0, 1].enumerate() returns a collection of the type EnumerateSequence<Array<Int>> which, translated to an Integer array, returns [(0,1), (1,3), (2,4), (3,5), (4,5), (5,9), (6,0), (7,1)].
The rest of the work is done using reduce (called 'inject' in some languages), which is an extremely powerful tool that many coders are not familiar with. If the reader is among those coders, I'd recommend checking out this article regarding use of the function in JS (keep in mind the placement of the non-block argument passed in is inputted after the block in JS, rather than before as seen here).
Thanks for reading.
P.S. not to be too long-winded on this relatively simple solution, but if the syntax for the indexes method shown above is a bit too quick-and-dirty, you could try something like this in the method body, where the closure's parameters are expanded for a bit more clarity:
return enumerate().reduce([Int]()) { memo, element in
element.1 == search ? memo + [element.0] : memo
EDIT: Here's another option that allows the implementer to scan for a specific "index at index" (e.g. the second occurrence of 5) for a more efficient solution.
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
func nIndex(search: Element, n: Int) -> Int? {
let info = enumerate().reduce((count: 0, index: 0), combine: { memo, element in
memo.count < n && element.1 == search ? (count: memo.count + 1, index: element.0) : memo
return info.count == n ? info.index : nil
[1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 9, 0, 1].nIndex(5, n: 2) // 4
[1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 9, 0, 1].nIndex(5, n: 3) // nil
The new method still iterates over the entire array, but is much more efficient due to the lack of "array-building" in the previous method. That performance hit would be negligible with the 8-object array used for the majority. But consider a list of 10,000 random numbers from 0 to 99:
let randomNumbers = (1...10000).map{_ in Int(rand() % 100)}
let indexes = randomNumbers.indexes(93) // count -> 100 (in my first run)
let index1 = indexes[1] // 238
// executed in 29.6603130102158 sec
let index2 = randomNumbers.nIndex(93, n: 2) // 238
// executed in 3.82625496387482 sec
As can be seen, this new method is considerably faster with the (very) large dataset; it is a bit more cumbersome and confusing though, so depending on your application, you may prefer the simpler solution, or a different one entirely.
(Again) thanks for reading.
extension Collection where Element: Equatable {
func nth(occurance: Int, of element: Element) -> Index? {
var level : Int = occurance
var position = self.startIndex
while let index = self[position...].index(of: element) {
level -= 1
guard level >= 0 else { return nil }
guard level != 0 else { return index }
position = self.index(after: index)
return nil