Magento2 : Overall architecture and achitecture layers - magento2

I want to more information about it. could you explain or give some references documents or links.

Start here:
We plan to update this guide in the near future so watch the space.


How to add a layered navigation on a custom product catalog on Magento 2.4

I need to add a custom page as 'Offers' on my client site with layered navigation.
I need to fetch product collection by its attributes 'is_offer_on' and show them on the page.
Most of the answers and topics I found in the internet are either outdated (Magento 1.x or 2.0) or confusing due to missing bits and pieces here and there. I really would appreciate if someone could point out the steps or a tutorial which explains what exactly needs to be done on achieving this.
Thanks in advance!

Size of the DOM structure

I found your topic that was dedicated to "size of the DOM structure".
I would like to ask you if there are tools that can help identify useless DOM structures, so that can easily find non-mirrored nodes from an initially loaded document and delete them.
Also as an option, I would like to ask you which developers can help me with this task. How to find them, who can help me with this?
Thank you in advance!

how do you make the product attributes on view pages into drop downs

i am using magento 2.2. i want to make my configurable product attributes, like Product size, into dropdowns.
how do i do that. i noticed its possible from this picture on another forum
Thanks for the question...
Yes, it's possible.
To do that, please visit on following screenshots:-
But Screenshot 1 is not enough due to the bug in Magento2, so please visit next screenshots to complete it.
2- In the table eav_attribute_option_swatch
I've also tested by doing above steps & I achieve the result & hope you too.

do not know how to install historymod

I find a lot of information dispersed over the Internet. There is nothing concrete. If I can guide point to point, to know what I have to install on the machine, and so to create the historical data for the statistics.
I need to make the "linear graph" widget work properly.
Greetings and thanks!
Please, take a look into the README document available on the github repository. Take into account that this file has been updated recently.
The historymod module is part of an specific application (FIWARE LiveDemo app) and not recommended as general solution. Have a look to the following post about how to persist hitorical context information comming from Orion.

Best examples of data visualisation?

I love data visualisation and to spread that love I thought we could share our favourite examples of data visualisation:
Chess moves
Chris Harrison's Visualisations
I especially like the bible and Wikipedia visualisations.
If you're interested in creating your own visualisations a good place to start would be to check out processing.js (
Information Aesthetics's feed is on my home page and has been the source of many interesting visualizations since I've placed it there.
glTail.rb - real time log info, Linux only.
This is a recent favorite The Ebb and Flow of Movies: Box Office Receipts 1986 — 2008.
Blew my mind is college Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812.
And always check out Tufte.
I always found Gource to be pretty interesting; check out some of the samples. Histories of git projects.
I find codeswarm really amazing. Check out the video of eclipse.
I just came across the JavaScript lib called Raphael, haven't tried it but the demos impressed me:
-- pete
I'm surprised no one has suggested d3 yet. Check out the website, its awesome:
For a large collection of manually selected information visualizations, please see -- some of the online collections that I drew from no longer exist!
I show or link some examples in my blog post here:
There is also a terrific selection of examples on this thread in Quora:
A friend of mine did this and got it exposed at MOMA in NY
It represents the trafic in lisbon over time, it was done with processing and there is no map behind it, just the coordinates of cars with public gps moving around