I am working on a joint pdf problem in which the random variable
U = sqrt(X^2+Y^2)
X and Y are uniformly distributed over (-2,2). I want to plot joint pdf of X and Y. Then compute pdf of U and plot it as well. I am using matlab R2011a, and so far, I have come up with the following code. On running the code I got an error message
Undefined function or method 'makedist' for input arguement type 'char'.
I found out that makedist is not on 2011 version. So I tried using
Y= a+(b-a)*rand(-10,10).
However, I am not sure how to compute pdfs of X and Y, and then joint pdf of XY from this. Any help, partial or holistic, is appreciated.
Here is the matlab code for the problem
%% Create distribution objects for X~U(-2,2) and Y~U(-2,2)
%Compute the pfs
% Plot the pdfs
figure 1;
hold on;
ylim([0 1.5]);
hold off;
% Joint pdf of x and Y
figure 2;
%CDF and PDF of U
% plot CDF of U
figure 3;
I am just looking to plot the regions than for any specific sample set. X and Y are continuous independent uniform random variables.
As your x and y are independent at random, the theoretical joint distribution is just a product of the two
P(x,y) = P(x)*P(y)
In terms of MATLAB code, you may think of x and y running along two different dimensions:
N = 10; %// think of a probability mass function over N points
x = linspace(-2,2, N);
y = linspace(-2,2, N)';
Px = ones(N,1)./N;
Py = ones(1,10)./N;
%// Then the joint will be:
Jxy = bsxfun(#times, Px , Py);
You can now plug whatever distribution you like, if they are independent for Px and Py, and it will work
I am trying to achieve 3d reconstruction from 2 images. Steps I followed are,
1. Found corresponding points between 2 images using SURF.
2. Implemented eight point algo to find "Fundamental matrix"
3. Then, I implemented triangulation.
I have got Fundamental matrix and results of triangulation till now. How do i proceed further to get 3d reconstruction? I'm confused reading all the material available on internet.
Also, This is code. Let me know if this is correct or not.
% My surf addition
% collect Interest Points from Each Image
blobs1 = detectSURFFeatures(Ia);
blobs2 = detectSURFFeatures(Ib);
hold on;
plot(selectStrongest(blobs1, 36));
hold on;
plot(selectStrongest(blobs2, 36));
title('Thirty strongest SURF features in I2');
[features1, validBlobs1] = extractFeatures(Ia, blobs1);
[features2, validBlobs2] = extractFeatures(Ib, blobs2);
indexPairs = matchFeatures(features1, features2);
matchedPoints1 = validBlobs1(indexPairs(:,1),:);
matchedPoints2 = validBlobs2(indexPairs(:,2),:);
showMatchedFeatures(Ia, Ib, matchedPoints1, matchedPoints2);
legend('Putatively matched points in I1', 'Putatively matched points in I2');
for i=1:matchedPoints1.Count
figure(1) ; clf ;
imshow(cat(2, Ia, Ib)) ;
axis image off ;
hold on ;
h = line([xa(set)' ; xbb(set)'], [ya(set)' ; yb(set)']) ;
XP = triangulate(pts11, pts22,P2new);
function [ F ] = eightpoint( pts1, pts2,width,height)
X = 1:width;
Y = 1:height;
[X, Y] = meshgrid(X, Y);
x0 = [mean(X(:)); mean(Y(:))];
X = X - x0(1);
Y = Y - x0(2);
denom = sqrt(mean(mean(X.^2+Y.^2)));
N = size(pts1, 1);
%Normalized data
T = sqrt(2)/denom*[1 0 -x0(1); 0 1 -x0(2); 0 0 denom/sqrt(2)];
norm_x = T*[pts1(:,1)'; pts1(:,2)'; ones(1, N)];
norm_x_ = T*[pts2(:,1)';pts2(:,2)'; ones(1, N)];
x1 = norm_x(1, :)';
y1= norm_x(2, :)';
x2 = norm_x_(1, :)';
y2 = norm_x_(2, :)';
A = [x1.*x2, y1.*x2, x2, ...
x1.*y2, y1.*y2, y2, ...
x1, y1, ones(N,1)];
% compute the SVD
[~, ~, V] = svd(A);
F = reshape(V(:,9), 3, 3)';
[FU, FS, FV] = svd(F);
FS(3,3) = 0; %rank 2 constrains
F = FU*FS*FV';
% rescale fundamental matrix
F = T' * F * T;
function [ XP ] = triangulate( pts1,pts2,P2 )
for i=1:n
[~,~,va] = svd(A);
X(:,i) = va(:,4);
XP(:,:,1) = [X(1,:)./X(4,:);X(2,:)./X(4,:);X(3,:)./X(4,:); X(4,:)./X(4,:)];
function [ P1,P2 ] = compute2Pmatrix( F )
[~, ~, V] = svd(F');
ep = V(:,3)/V(3,3);
P2 = [skew(ep)*F,ep];
From a quick look, it looks correct. Some notes are as follows:
You normalized code in eightpoint() is no ideal.
It is best done on the points involved. Each set of points will have its scaling matrix. That is:
[pts1_n, T1] = normalize_pts(pts1);
[pts2_n, T2] = normalize-pts(pts2);
% ... code
% solution
F = T2' * F * T
As a side note (for efficiency) you should do
[~,~,V] = svd(A, 0);
You also want to enforce the constraint that the fundamental matrix has rank-2. After you compute F, you can do:
[U,D,v] = svd(F);
F = U * diag([D(1,1),D(2,2), 0]) * V';
In either case, normalization is not the only key to make the algorithm work. You'll want to wrap the estimation of the fundamental matrix in a robust estimation scheme like RANSAC.
Estimation problems like this are very sensitive to non Gaussian noise and outliers. If you have a small number of wrong correspondence, or points with high error, the algorithm will break.
Finally, In 'triangulate' you want to make sure that the points are not at infinity prior to the homogeneous division.
I'd recommend testing the code with 'synthetic' data. That is, generate your own camera matrices and correspondences. Feed them to the estimate routine with varying levels of noise. With zero noise, you should get an exact solution up to floating point accuracy. As you increase the noise, your estimation error increases.
In its current form, running this on real data will probably not do well unless you 'robustify' the algorithm with RANSAC, or some other robust estimator.
Good luck.
Good luck.
Which version of MATLAB do you have?
There is a function called estimateFundamentalMatrix in the Computer Vision System Toolbox, which will give you the fundamental matrix. It may give you better results than your code, because it is using RANSAC under the hood, which makes it robust to spurious matches. There is also a triangulate function, as of version R2014b.
What you are getting is sparse 3D reconstruction. You can plot the resulting 3D points, and you can map the color of the corresponding pixel to each one. However, for what you want, you would have to fit a surface or a triangular mesh to the points. Unfortunately, I can't help you there.
If what you're asking is how to I proceed from fundamental Matrix + corresponding points to a dense model then you still have a lot of work ahead of you.
relative camera locations (R,T) can be calculated from a fundamental matrix assuming you know the internal camera params (up to scale, rotation, translation). To get a full dense matrix there are a few ways to go. you can try using an existing library (PMVS for example). I'd look into OpenMVG but I'm not sure about matlab interface.
Another way to go, you can compute a dense optical flow (many available for matlab). Look for a epipolar OF (It takes a fundamental matrix and restricts the solution to lie on the epipolar lines). Then you can triangulate every pixel to get a depthmap.
Finally you will have to play with format conversions to get from a depthmap to VRML (You can look at meshlab)
Sorry my answer isn't more Matlab oriented.
In the theory of tomography imaging a sinogram is recorderded, which is series of projections at different angles of the sample. Taking FFT of this projections gives a slice in polar coordinates of the sample in the frequency space.
The command [X,Y] = pol2cart(THETA,RHO) will not do it automatically. So, how is the polar to cartesian grid interpolation implemented numerically in 2D in Matlab?
You need to do a phase transformation:
theta = 0:0.1:2*pi;
rho = linspace(0,1,numel(theta));
[x,y] = pol2cart(-theta+pi/2,rho);
axis([-1 1 -1 1]);
grid on;
The function [X,Y] = pol2cart(THETA,RHO) only performs the coordinate value conversion, i.e., X = RHO * cos(THETA) and Y = RHO * sin(THETA). However, what you need is the conversion of the data array, thus pol2cart() can do nothing to your problem.
You can refer to the function interp2(). On the other hand, since this problem is the interpolation with COMPLEX data, I am NOT sure whether interp2() could do the job directly. I also need the theory for complex interpolation.
I am trying to understand the TriScatteredInterp in Matlab.
I followed sample program in the help file.
x = rand(100,1)*4-2;
y = rand(100,1)*4-2;
z = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2);
Construct the interpolant:
F = TriScatteredInterp(x,y,z);
What I observe is F.X is same as x and y and F.V is same as z;
ti = -2:.25:2;
[qx,qy] = meshgrid(ti,ti);
qz = F(qx,qy);
I consider linear interpolation is done in the qz = F(qx,qy);. How does it do for the linear interpolation?
Now I understand how TriScatteredInterp works in Matlab.
We have x,y,z points for N X 3 dimensions.
All these points, we need to implement Delaunay triangles in C++.
That is easy. Then, for all your desired grid points x', y', please search the triangle in which your x',y' is located. Then do Barycentric interpolation in a triangle as shown in the link. You will get z' for these x',y'. That is all what we need to do in C++ for TriScatteredInterp. Good Luck!
I am wondering if anyone knows (or is it possible?) how to generate a trend equation from a 3D surf plot from Matlab? I understand that we can create trendline for 2D plots (linear and nonlinear) and show its equation, but how about 3D plot? Can we create something like:
z = ax + by?
If you have the curve fitting toolbox you can fit 3D surfaces using cftool as described here.
Here's an example:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:100,1:100);
X = reshape(X,numel(X),1);
Y = reshape(Y,numel(Y),1);
Z = 3*X+4*Y;
f = fit([X, Y], Z, 'poly11');