Click Event handler - gwt

when i click on a button the click event handler executes a code . If by mistake(if browser hangs) i click on the button twice the code gets executed twice.i dont want that to happen.
Any suggestions to stop that?
i suppose i should use a schedular or timer but i am not sure
below is the code:
public void onSendButtonClicked() {
eventBus.fireEvent(new SendEmcsDeclarationEvent(getDeclaration(), getMsgType()));

You can - as Abdullah mentioned - disable/enable every widget in GWT with
If you want to lock the whole screen, create a modal popup, show it, after the button is pressed and hide it, after the code has finished.
public void onSendButtonClicked() {;
eventBus.fireEvent(new SendEmcsDeclarationEvent(getDeclaration(), getMsgType()));
If you are using a async call, you have to hide the progessbar in the callbacks. In this case the finally command might be executed before the callback is executed. In your case it might be a good idea to create a ShowProgressBarEvent and HideProgressbarEvent, so that you can use the progressbar in your whole application.
If your are using a widget library f.e.: GXT, you will find a ProgressBar ready to use.
Hope that helps.

The best way I can think of is to enable/disable the button itself so as to make sure that the code in handler is not called again until before the previous call finishes up.
public void onSendButtonClicked()
eventBus.fireEvent(new SendEmcsDeclarationEvent(getDeclaration(), getMsgType()));
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;

When I create a button, I always also add an animating gif (ajaxloader).
When the button is clicked I make the button invisble, the ajaxloader visible.
When the action is done, I make the ajaxloader invisible, and the button visible.
This way the user has some visual feedback that something is happening (what you don't get when disabling the button), and not the entire application gets blocked (as a modal does) which is one of the plus points using ajax.


GWT - How to handle multiple handlers for the same event

I'm currently working on a GWT project. I have a common block shared between multiple pages. I have some action buttons on that common block and the pages have a handler for the event launched on the click of those action buttons.
The problem I'm facing is that when I click on one of those action buttons on Page A, the handler from Page B previsouly registered would be called too.
So the solution I thought of was to remove the handler from a page when we leave it so there would be only one page at once with a registered handler to the same action button event.
First, I register to the action button click events and save the HandlerRegistration object returned from the addHandler method:
HandlerRegistration actionButtonClickEventHandlerRegistration=eventBus.addHandler(CommonBlockActionButtonClickedEvent.TYPE, someHandler);
And then, on page change event, I call removeHandler from the previously saved HandlerRegistration object
eventBus.addHandler(PageChangeEvent.TYPE, new PageChangeEventHandler() {
public void onMainPageChange(PageChangeEvent event) {
So I do that on every pages, except that when I lauch my app and go to two of those pages, I get this error:
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: redundant remove call
Do you guys have any idea of why I'm getting this error or another way to solve my issue ?
Thanks a lot !
I would set the handler to null after removing it and I would check if it is actually null before removing it.
Like this:
eventBus.addHandler(PageChangeEvent.TYPE, new PageChangeEventHandler() {
public void onMainPageChange(PageChangeEvent event) {
if(actionButtonClickEventHandlerRegistration != null ) {
actionButtonClickEventHandlerRegistration = null;
Nevertheless you seem to remove the handler at least twice and should check your program logic for that.
A good approach to do that is to set a breakpoint in the debugger (of your browser) on the line removing the handler. If you look at the call stack for every call to it, you should be able to spot the duplicate call and fix it.

GWT Forward Button

I'm having an issue handling the forward button.
Basically, when a user is on a page and has made changes without saving then presses the backwards or forwards button they are presented with a prompt and two options: Leave or Stay.
I have implemented the backwards button fine, and choosing to stay on the page works well using History.newItem(currentToken) - the back button is still clickable.
However with the forwards button, if I use History.newItem(currentToken), it brings this to the front of the history stack and the forward button can no longer be clicked.
History.replaceItem(currentToken) causes the same issue.
How do I handle the cancelling of a forwards action so that I stay on my current page, but the forwards button is still enabled?
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) {"back button pressed: " + event.getValue());
String evenVal = event.getValue();
String token = History.getToken();
AbstractPresenter presenter = sessionKiosk.getCurrentlyShowingPresenter();
if (presenter instanceof NSRCommonWorksheetPresenter && sessionKiosk.isDirty()) {
else {
The dialog is shown and when I click on stay on page the following is called.
public void stayOnCurrentPage() {
if (eventMap.get(prevPage) != null) {
History.newItem(prevPage, false);
Update: Basically history.newItem(value) removes the use of the forward button. Is there another way to cancel the event? If I just do nothing, th page stays where i want but the url still updates
None of the 3 options in the else statement seem to work.
You can simply cancel the event without touching History or tokens.
It appears from your code that you are not intercepting the event (back/forward button), but let it go through, get the new token, and then force a return to the previous state under certain circumstances.
I suggest using Activities and Places pattern where every "place" within your app has a corresponding "activity". Each activity in your app will implement GWT Activity interface which includes mayStop() method. This method is called before a user navigates away from a specific place in your app, giving you an opportunity to warn a user and cancel the navigation if necessary.
In general, this pattern offers a very robust support for the History mechanism, covering many use cases.
If you want to support History mechanism yourself, take a look at PlaceChangeRequestEvent - it allows you to warn a user who tries to navigate away from a place in your app.

How to close a dialog in code?

So I'm making a eclipse plugin and I have a made my own dialog by extending the dialog class.
My dialog basically populates a treeview with data from a server. Sometimes the data cannot be populated (because the server is down) so my treeview is empty.
I have made another dialog appear reporting the error if I am unable to connect to the server.
My problem is that I would like to close the initial dialog when I press ok in the error dialog.
I have not been able to find a good way to do this.
I have tried setting setBlockOnOpen to false.
I have tried calling cancelPressed.
Neither of them have worked.
I called them in the createDialogArea function.
Any Ideas on how I could get this to work?
It is basically user cancelling dialog. you need to invoke cancelPressed() so it will be consistent handling if you have any code that depends on returnCode
Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
You need to do the close call after the dialog creation has finished. You can do this by using this code:
parent.getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable()
public void run()
in your createDialogArea method. However the dialog may appear briefly. It would be better to do your check before creating the dialog.

How can I cancel the Window.ClosingEvent?

I want to show a modal window (instead the confirm) when a user close the browser. The GWT documention remarks that (during the handler operation) no user UI may be displayed during the shutdown. Exists any way cancel the operation, from the client not from the user?
Thanks in advance,
You can't cancel the close event. The best you can do is to let the user press cancel. I think the reason for this is to prevent "bad" javascript from not letting you close your browser.
This displays a dialog with a cancel option.
Window.addWindowCloseListener(new WindowCloseListener()
public String onWindowClosing()
return "You are about to exit from the application. Are you sure?";
public void onWindowClosed()
//cleanup code

What events can I catch when the user leaves a GXT grid?

I have a web app that uses GXT (version 1.2.2) grids extensively. I'd like to warn the user if they make changes but don't save.
When I use the grid in a popup dialog, the only way for the user to leave is via a button (either Close or OK). If I add a SelectionListener to the Close button, I can do my "isDirty()" check and warn the user.
If I am not using a dialog, the restriction for leaving the page isn't there. The user can click on a side menu, select a different tab, hit a refresh or next page button that we have on each page. I could listen for an event on everyone of those, but is there an easier way? Something like a "before unload" event that gets fired?
Or in GWT 1.6:
You cannot prevent the window from closing, but you can prompt the user to click cancel which will leave the page open. You can also perform a last-chance save operation after the user chooses to confirm the window close, but before your page is unloaded.
Try this:
new Listener<ComponentEvent>() {
public void handleEvent(ComponentEvent be) {
//Do something
new Listener<ComponentEvent>() {
public void handleEvent(ComponentEvent be) {
//Do something