How Window authentication works on SQL server? - sql-server-2008-r2

How Window authentication works on SQL server?
While using Windows authentication mode several questions come into mind.
User is not member of any group in login account then how window
authentication work means using my window credential?
If No user not member then which account is used by sql server?
Awaiting for your responses


How can I Issues(or create) kerberos ticket in window?

Microsoft provides a variety of windows credential providers referred to as "security support provider" as part of microsoft windows, such as
・password (*1)
・smart card (certificates in window authentication) (*2)
・window hello, PIN (FIDO 2) (*3)
Kerberos is the primary method of authenticating users on Windows for interactive logon using passwords and network logon using Kerberos tickets.
domain user logon process
From using above (*1) or (*2) or (*3), I really want to know is there any simple method to issues (create) kerberos tickets?
I have also consulted microsoft API set about this model (domain user logon process), but there does not seem to be a API to issues (create) ticket kerberos.
The API I have referenced:
Please let me know. Thanks in advance!
Credential Providers are not SSPs; they are Credential Providers. They ferry the credential you're using from the inputs (keyboard, bio, smartcard) to the SSPs. They're not meant to do heavy lifting. The SSPs do the actual protocol work of authenticating to whatever service is your authority.
The image you reference is not technically accurate as that's the pre-Vista process. Everything on the left side of the image is out of date. The right side is still mostly correct.
Color commentary aside, Samson is correct. AD is the ticket creator and the only way you can get it to create a ticket is by requesting it after you've authenticated with a credential, and its for the named credential to a specific named service. The way you request the tickets is through the SSPI ACH and ISC functions. SSPs are the internal implementations of those functions.
LsaLogonUser will verify a credential and store the resultant ticket in a dedicated cache (separate from the default logged on session cache). Often you call CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials to collect creds, and pass the buffer to LsaLogonUser or the ACH function.

Can IdentityServer3 allow Integrated Windows Authentication with ability to log in as different user

I'd like to know if its worth investing time into developing an IdentityServer3 implementation that would work similarly to how Sharepoint allows for an initial Login using Integrated Windows Authentication, but then allow user to login as a different user with a prompt for credentials. Our hospital has many users where their primary workstation is set up as generic login. I'd like to use integrated Authentication, but allow these users on generic workstations to re-login as themselves.
From my research I think a logout page that actually invalidates the original token along with a secondary external Identity provider running without integrated Authentication is where I'm heading, but would like some validation that its feasible.
You would approach that problem differently with IdentityServer - on the login page you would give the user a choice. Either use integrated authentication or specify some username/password explicitly.
Logging out of identityserver would then also allow to switch identity if needed.
So yes this is possible.
We have an example that does built-in Windows authN (username/password is disabled - but you can re-enable by setting EnableLocalLogin to true here

Login Prompt when accessing new mobile service from browser

I am just learning Mobile Services. I've created a simple one which works fine locally. I published the mobile service to my Azure account. I then tried to access a method on it from the browser and I get a log in dialog. I figured out that I need to provide the application key generated by Azure as the password. Once I do this, it executes correctly. However, is there a way I can execute a method without providing a key? In other words, what if I wanted to expose one or more methods to everyone, without any authentication. How would I do this?
Yes, there is a way. There are four authentication levels in Windows Azure Mobile Services.
scripts and admins
authenticated users
users with application key
By default, the authentication level is set to "users with application key".
Depending on the backend you use, you either have to specify the auth level in the Management Portal in the data-tab (Javascript) or as a method attribute in your Controller-class (.NET) to "everyone".

Live Connect automatic signin without browser windows

I'm creating an desktop application that shall manage my account in the background, without me having to type in username and password every time I switch on the PC.
I've been going through all the signin variants for the Microsoft account, but not one document mentions how to pass the username and password in form of a REST call or similar, and how the access token can be used thereafter.
I don't want any user interaction, I shall be a pure background process.
How can this be realized?

How do you ensure that applications using your domain credentials for login don't store your password?

There are several applications that use your domain credentials for login. Eg: Custom Corporate apps. How do you ensure that such applications don't store your password?
The reason I am asking this is: If you are designing an app which does the same thing, how do you convince the user that your app can be trusted not to store the password?
If you really want the user to be sure your app is not keeping their password, don't use their password.
Microsoft Active Directory Domain Logon uses Kerberos. Kerberos is an SSO solution; an application may make use of a user's Kerberos credentials without requiring that the user enter their password a second time. The credentials obtained by the application may only be valid for as long as the user's Kerberos ticket - probably at most a week.
If you have a web application, it too may take part in the warm goodness via SPNEGO. You may have seen this in the form of Sharepoint sites that don't require a login if you are on the company domain.
If you have used standard AD-based Windows authentication they shouldn't have your password but they could certainly perform actions using your user context.
If you provide a username/password to login using standard Windows authentication then there is no way for you to be sure they haven't saved that.
If Windows auth issued login tokens that expired this might be a different story, but I do not believe that is how it works and certainly would still be useless with the second case.