wordpress - advance custom fields export content - import

Is it possible export the data of advance custom fields saved in the pages of another wordpress installation?
basically, I would like to import this data into my new wp installation, since they have the same contents.
I found the option to export from acf, but it seems to export only the structure of custom fields but not the content.
is it possible? any suggestion?

The data can be exported from the wp_postmeta table in your database. If you're using multisite, the adjust your export for the corresponding table prefix, e.g. wp_2_postmeta.


Laravel Backpack export tables in excel and pdf through code

I am using laravel backpack to brows database entries
To add excel and pdf export functionality, i am using the $this->crud->enableExportButtons(); function inside MyCrudController.
Generating the export by user interface work great, but I would like to be able to generate an export through code, so i can attach it to a daily cronjob.
Does anyone know if its possible to hook into the export function, to save exports to memory or disk.
Unfortunately, Backpack won't help you with server-side exports, since it uses DataTables to export the data, which uses JavaScript. Using Backpack's export server-side would be very very difficult.
But you should be able to export to excel from a cron job using this package.

Import csv in prestashop from an external URL

I'm wondering if is possible somehow to import products from a csv which is allocated in an url instead of from a file.
I need this this because the online shop I'm creating has a product list which is dependant from my main suplier and he has allocated his products in an csv URL.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, it is possible! I have made lot of import/feed scripts using CSV files. Its like XML. Take content, read it and add/update.

tiki-wiki: How to batch import categorized articles from a CSV file

Importing categories as a CSV file is OK in tiki-wiki, But how to import categorized articles to the system. Tiki supports media wiki and word press importing, While my data base has another format.
Is there any module for CSV upload/import?
Is there any flexible migration-like script to import articles?
In case that both of answers are NO, would you please give me a clue to write down the proper code to import articles directly to data base.
I went through understanding database, But I think accessing to database directly should be my last choice!
For custom import jobs, you can use Tiki's profiles. The profiles are a YAML-based format. While it is not the primary use for them, it might be the easiest way to perform what you want to do.
Normally, you need to place the profile in a repository to execute it, but there is a developer option to load content from a textarea. You can simply prepare your YAML definition and paste it in there.
Categorizing elements through the database could be harder than it seems as many tables are involved.

Moving site form typo3 to concrete5

Is there any other way than copy paste text, to move content from typo3 to concrete5?
Best Regards
Mats Krüger
Maybe, if your typo3 page is simple/big enough, it's possible/worth to write a php script that gets data from typo3's database, manipulates and writes into concrete5's. Database logic seems to be quite different though, so it can be tricky.
Without any information about the structure you can import into concrete5 it is difficult to answer. But there are some general possibilities to export data from TYPO3.
There is an Extension l10nmgr which is desined to output TYPO3 content for translation processes. Perhaps you can use the XML and transform it?
You could just write an TypoScript Template which creates an XML File with tags you need. It should be easy to export the build in content elements with that.
Or just have a look at the database and write an connector as kraabus mentioned.

To add image to an excelsheet in iphone

In my app I want to retrieve data from database and add it to an excelsheet.
The Database's data are in string and BLOB format. I have retrieve the data and added to excel sheet using the frameworks:
The problem is that I want to add image to the worksheet too.
If any one has any idea about this please help me.
The RSSheet library does not currently support adding graphics to the sheet. You'll need to do this on the server side unless you expand the RSCell class to support this.
Depending on your backend this can be done easily. In PHP I used the PHPExcel library.