generate title for uploaded photos - image-uploading

we have developed an application with which we can generate a new album and than upload many photos into it. The generated album is then shown at the page profile
mimetype: 'image/*',
maxFiles: 3
// console.log(JSON.stringify(error)); - print errors to console
We are using this, but there is no options to mention the "Title" of the album or photos.
Can anyone help me on this?.


How to Get user profile picture URL by Facebook Id?

After Recent Facebook changes" + facebookId + "/picture?type=square
is downloading image instead of displaying image.
Do an API request with one of the SDKs and you will get the following JSON:
"data": {
"is_silhouette": true,
"url": ""
The url is what you can use for display. inetegration with cordova / ionic 1 app. Shared link generated by branch for snapchat does not show image preview and the link not clickable

We have used for implementing deep links in our mobile hybrid app which is developed using ionic 1 framework. We have used branch-cordova-sdk plugin and configured the deep links for sharing with social media apps. We are passing title, description and contentImageUrl for to create the link. It works great on almost all SM platforms except Snapchat.
When the content is shared on snapchat, the link is showing up along with content but it is not clickable from snapchat. There is no preview of the image is shown. I could not find any solution for this yet. Also please see the code down below in reply. thanks.
Here is the code i'm using:
var branchUniversalObj = null;
var props = {};
props.canonicalIdentifier = 100;
props.title = "my title";
props.contentDescription = "my description";
props.contentImageUrl = "";
//create branch object
Branch.createBranchUniversalObject(props).then(function (res) {
branchUniversalObj = res
console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(res))
}).catch(function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(err))
Somewhere in the code:
var analytics = {
campaign: "sharing cards"
var properties = {
cardId : 100,
cardType: "promo",
refUser: "John"
// share sheet
branchUniversalObj.showShareSheet(analytics, properties, "Hello awesome stuff");
When you share a Branch link on various Social Media platforms, it is scraped to display the OG related information (i.e. OG Title, OG Image and OG Description).
When scraped, Branch will return: 1st: any OG parameters that have been defined for the link; 2nd: any OG parameters that have not been defined for the link but that have been defined at the app level (in Social Media Display Customization on the Link Settings page); and finally: any meta tags present on the web site specified in the Default URL ($fallback_url) page.
In order, to ensure that the OG image is displayed correctly, you need to ensure that you have the OG parameters defined at atleast one of the three levels mentioned above.
Here are the various ways to set OG tags
To add the og_image for a particular Quick link on the dashboard:
Visit the Quick links page on your dashboard.
Click on 'Create new Link'
On the 'Configure Options' tab and 'Social Media' section either add the og_image or the og_image_url.
While creating links from the iconic SDK add image URL to the Branch Universal Object using contentImageURL tag as shown below:
Code snippet
var properties = {
canonicalIdentifier: 'content/123',
canonicalUrl: '',
title: 'Content 123 Title',
contentDescription: 'Content 123 Description ' +,
contentImageUrl: '',
price: 12.12,
currency: 'GBD',
contentIndexingMode: 'private',
contentMetadata: {
custom: 'data',
testing: 123,
this_is: true
// create a branchUniversalObj variable to reference with other Branch methods
var branchUniversalObj = null
Branch.createBranchUniversalObject(properties).then(function (res) {
branchUniversalObj = res
alert('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(res))
}).catch(function (err) {
alert('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(err))
To set these OG tags by default for your branch links:
Go to the Link Settings Page on your dashboard:
Scroll down to the "Social Media Display Customization" section
Set the Link Title, Description and an image. Here is a screen shot for your reference.
PS: As a final caution, make sure the image you specify as the OG Image adheres to the Snapchat accepted image dimesions, which I belive is 1080 x 1920 pixels.

get high quality facebook profile picture with cordova plugin

I'm developing ionic 2 app. I'm trying to get high quality image and then resize it to avatar photo.
My code:
_FBUserProfile() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Facebook.api('me?fields=id,name,email,first_name,last_name,picture.width(600).height(600).as(picture_small),picture.width(360).height(360).as(picture_large)', [])
.then((profileData) => {
return resolve(profileData);
}, (err) => {
return reject(err);
But, the photo isn't good quality, since I guess I did something wrong with the resize in this line:
picture.width(600).height(600).as(picture_small),picture.width(360).height(360).as(picture_large)', [])
How can I get good quality of the photo?
If you want to get the public profile picture of the user and you know the user id from the api call then use this url for picture
You've got a couple of solutions, like using type large
As explained here:

How do I use instafeed to show my photos with instagram?

Before all my photos show up on my website. Since June 1 2016, my photos aren't showing on my website. I know that instagram change a lot of things but I don't how it works. What are steps to show up my photos again?
I went to this site for a new token.
What do I have to do to make my photos show up again?
Do I have to start a submission?
This is my website
These are my settings. I have 4 tabs with different hashtags but I think I have to generate a new access token for all 4 hashtags. I did generate a new token but it's not working. I also try to change my userId to clientId.
Should I change userId to clientId?
var bravesMinimal = new Instafeed({
target: 'tab1',
get: 'tagged',
tagName: 'bravesminimal',
limit: 12,
resolution: 'low_resolution',
template: '<div class="insta-wrap"><img src="{{image}}" /><div class="likes-wrap"><div class="likes">♥ {{likes}}</div></div></div>',
after: function() {
if (!this.hasNext()) {

BlackBerry WebWorks to invoke popping BB10 Share panel/screen

How can u get my webworks app to pop open the blackberry 10 share panel?
Ex: open a website in the browser, click the overflow button and then click share
Thank you!
You'll want to look at the invokeTargetPicker API.
Essentially, you create a request
var request = {
action: 'bb.action.SHARE',
// for a file
uri: 'file://' + path,
// for text you'd use 'data'
data: 'I am awesome',
target_type: ["APPLICATION", "VIEWER", "CARD"]
Then you call the API
blackberry.invoke.card.invokeTargetPicker(request, "Your Title",
// success callback
function() {
// error callback
function(e) {
console.log('error: ' + e);
API Documentation is available here:
I wrote a sample app, which you can test out on our GitHub repo:
This should be an option that appears on any link, image or Text: "Share". Is the item not present in the Cross Cut menu shown?