In drools is there a way to detect endless loops and halt a session programmatically? - drools

in short my questions are:
Is there anything built-in into drools that allows/facilitates detection of endless loops?
Is there a way to programmatically halt sessions (e.g. for the case of a detected endless loop)?
More details:
I'm planning to have drools (6.2 or higher) run within a server/platform where users will create and execute their own rules. One of the issues I'm facing is that carelessly/faulty rule design can easily result in endless loops (whether its just a forgotten "no-loop true" statement or the more complex rule1 triggers rule2 triggers rule3 (re)triggers rule1 circles that lead to endless loops.
If this happens, drools basically slows down my server/platform to a halt.
I'm currently looking into how to detect and/or terminate sessions that run in an endless loop.
Now as a (seemingly) endless loop is nothing that is per-se invalid or in certain cases maybe even desired I can imagine that there is not a lot of built-in detection mechanism for this case (if any). But as I am not an expert I'd be happy to know if there is anything built-in to detect endless loops?
In my use case I would be ok to determine a session as "endlessly looped" based on a threshold of how often any rule might have been activated.
As I understand I could use maybe AgendaEventListeners that keep track of how often any rule has been fired and if a threshold is met either insert a control fact or somehow trigger a rule that contains the drools.halt() for this session.
I wonder (and couldn't find a lot of details) if it is possible to programmatically halt/terminate sessions.
I've only come across a fireUntilHalt() method but that didn't seem like the way to go (or I didnt understand it really).
Also, at this point I was only planning to use stateless session (but if it's well encapsulated I could also work with stateful sessions if that makes my goal easier to achieve).
Any answers/ideas/feedback to my initial approach is highly welcome :)

A fundamental breaking point of any RBS implementation is created where the design lets "users create and design their own rules". I don't know why some marketing hype opens the door for non-programmers to write what is program code, without any safeguarding.
Detecting whether a session halts is theoretically impossible. Google "Halting problem".
For certain contexts you might come up with a limit of the number of rules that might be executed at most or something similar. And you can use listeners to count and raise an exception, etc etc.
Basically you have very bad cards once you succumb to the execution of untested code created by amateurs.


Manually check requests on port in kdb

From what I understand the main q thread monitors it socket descriptors for requests and respond to them.
I want to use a while loop in my main thread that will go on for an indefinite period of time. This would mean, that I will not be able to use hopen on the process port and perform queries.
Is there any way to manually check requests within the while loop.
Are you sure you need to use a while loop? Is there any chance you could, for instance, instead use the timer functionality of KDB+?
This could allow you to run a piece of code periodically instead of looping over it continually. Depending on your use case, this may be more appropriate as it would allow you to repeatedly run a piece of code (e.g. that could be polling something periodically), without using the main thread constantly.
KDB+ is by default single-threaded, which makes it tricky to do what you want to do. There might be something you can do with slave threads.
If you're interested in using timer functionality, but the built-in timer is too limited for your needs, there is a more advanced set of timer functionality available free from AquaQ Analytics (disclaimer: I work for AquaQ). It is distributed as part of the TorQ KDB framework, the specific script you'd be interested in is timer.q, which is documented here. You may be able to use this code without the full TorQ if you like, you may need some of the other "common" code from TorQ to provide functions used within timer.q

Global measure to test when steady state of system is reached

As I stared at the little blue lines inching to the right on my screen I got to thinking that it would be nice to have a feature in Dymola/OpenModelica (if it doesn't exist already).
The feature I'm thinking of would monitor the behavior of the system and either report back when steady state is achieved or can terminate the simulation when steady state is achieved. I imagine this could be tied to monitor the derivatives of all the state variables and when they all equal zero (within some user defined tolerance). Clearly this could be done by the user for simple models but for complex this would need to be an automated feature that occurs "behind the scenes".
I can think of a couple use cases:
When you want to generate a steady state solution to for restarting another simulation this would avoid needing to simulate for very long times and assuming that you simulated long enough.
If there was a function/variable, etc. like time that is built into the solution then the model perhaps reference that variable to add delay for switching on/off behaviors such as controller logic that you don't want to turn on until a steady state condition is reached.
It seems that this would be a fairly simple feature to add but potentially quite useful.
Does a feature like this exist or can you think of good reasons why it doesn't/shouldn't?
As far as I know we don't have this feature in OpenModelica yet, but sounds rather easy to implement. I opened a ticket about it and we'll see when we have time to implement it:

How to implement deterministic single threaded network simulation

I read about how FoundationDB does its network testing/simulation here:
I would like to implement something very similar, but cannot figure out how they actually did implement it. How would one go about writing, for example, a C++ class that does what they do. Is it possible to do the kind of simulation they do without doing any code generation (as they presumeably do)?
Also: How can a simulation be repeated, if it contains random events?? Each time the simulation would require to choose a new random value and thus be not the same run as the one before. Maybe I am missing something here...hope somebody can shed a bit of light on the matter.
You can find a little bit more detail in the talk that went along with those slides here:
As for the determinism question, you're right that a simulation cannot be repeated exactly unless all possible sources of randomness and other non-determinism are carefully controlled. To that end:
(1) Generate all random numbers from a PRNG that you seed with a known value.
(2) Avoid any sort of branching or conditionals based on facts about the world which you don't control (e.g. the time of day, the load on the machine, etc.), or if you can't help that, then pseudo-randomly simulate those things too.
(3) Ensure that whatever mechanism you pick for concurrency has a mode in which it can guarantee a deterministic execution order.
Since it's easy to mess all those things up, you'll also want to have a way of checking whether determinism has been violated.
All of this is covered in greater detail in the talk that I linked above.
In the sims I've built the biggest issue with repeatability ends up being proper seed management (as per the previous answer). You want your simulations to give different results only when you supply a different seed to your random number generators than before.
After that the biggest issue I've seen seems tends to be making sure you don't iterate over collections with nondeterministic ordering. For instance, in Java, you'd use a LinkedHashMap instead of a HashMap.

Make A step in a SAS macro timeout after a set interval

I'm on SAS 9.1.3 (on a server) and have a macro looping over an array to feed a computationally intensive set of modelling steps which are appended out to a table. I'm wondering if it is possible to set a maximum time to run for each element of the array. This is so that any element which takes longer than 3 minutes to run is skipped and the next item fed in.
Say for example I'm using a proc nlin with a by statement to build separate models per class on a large data set, and one class is failing to converge; how do I skip over that class?
Bit of a niche requirement, hope someone can assist!
The only approach I can think of here would be to rewrite your code so that it runs each by group separately from the rest, in one or more SAS/CONNECT sessions, have the parent session kill each one after a set timeout, and then recombine the surviving output.
As Dom and Joe have pointed out, this is not a trivial task, but it's possible if you're sufficiently keen on learning about that aspect of SAS. A good place to get started for this sort of thing would be this page:
I was able to use the examples there and elsewhere as the basis of a simple parallel processing framework (in SAS 9.1.3, coincidentally!), but there are many details you will need to consider. To give you an idea of the sorts of adventures in store if you go down this route:
Learning how to sign on to your server via SAS/CONNECT within whatever infrastructure you're using (will the usual autoexec file work? What invocation options do you need to use?)
Explaining to your sysadmin/colleagues why you need to run multiple processes in parallel
Managing asynchronous sessions
Syncing macro variables, macro definitions, libraries and formats between sessions
Obscure bugs (I wasn't able to use the usual option for syncing libraries and had to roll my own via call execute...)
One could write a (lengthy) SUGI paper on this topic, and I'm sure there are plenty of them out there if you look around.
In general, SAS is running in a linear manner. So you cannot write a step to monitor another step in the same program. What you could do is run your code in a SAS/CONNECT session and monitor it with the process that started the session. That's not trivial and the how to is beyond the scope of Stack Overflow.
For a data step, use the datetime() function to get the current system date and time. This is measured in seconds. You can check the time inside your data step. Stop a data step with the stop; statement.
Now you specifically asked about breaking a specific step inside a PROC. That must be implemented in the PROC by the SAS developer. If it is possible, it will be documented in the procedure's documentation. View SAS documentation at
For PROC NLIN, I do not think there is a "break after X" parameter. You can use the trace parameters to track model execution to see what it hanging up. You can then work on changing the convergence parameters to attempt to speed up slow, badly converging, models.

hooks versus middleware in slim 2.0

Can anyone explain if there are any significant advantages or disadvantages when choosing to implement features such as authentication or caching etc using hooks as opposed to using middleware?
For instance - I can implement a translation feature by obtaining the request object through custom middleware and setting an app language variable that can be used to load the correct translation file when the app executes. Or I can add a hook before the routing and read the request variable and then load the correct file during the app execution.
Is there any obvious reason I am missing that makes one choice better than the other?
Super TL/DR; (The very short answer)
Use middleware when first starting some aspect of your application, i.e. routers, the boot process, during login confirmation, and use hooks everywhere else, i.e. in components or in microservices.
TL/DR; (The short answer)
Middleware is used when the order of execution matters. Because of this, middleware is often added to the execution stack in various aspects of code (middleware is often added during boot, while adding a logger, auth, etc. In most implementations, each middleware function subsequently decides if execution is continued or not.
However, using middleware when order of execution does not matter tends to lead to bugs in which middleware that gets added does not continue execution by mistake, or the intended order is shuffled, or someone simply forgets where or why a middleware was added, because it can be added almost anywhere. These bugs can be difficult to track down.
Hooks are generally not aware of the execution order; each hooked function is simply executed, and that is all that is guaranteed (i.e. adding a hook after another hook does not guarantee the 2nd hook is always executed second, only that it will simply be executed). The choice to perform it's task is left up to the function itself (to call out to state to halt execution). Most people feel this is much simpler and has fewer moving parts, so statistically yields less bugs. However, to detect if it should run or not, it can be important to include additional state in hooks, so that the hook does not reach out into the app and couple itself with things it's not inherently concerned with (this can take discipline to reason well, but is usually simpler). Also, because of their simplicity, hooks tend to be added at certain named points of code, yielding fewer areas where hooks can exist (often a single place).
Generally, hooks are easier to reason with and store because their order is not guaranteed or thought about. Because hooks can negate themselves, hooks are also computationally equivalent, making middleware only a form of coding style or shorthand for common issues.
Deep dive
Middleware is generally thought of today by architects as a poor choice. Middleware can lead to nightmares and the added effort in debugging is rarely outweighed by any shorthand achieved.
Middleware and Hooks (along with Mixins, Layered-config, Policy, Aspects and more) are all part of the "strategy" type of design pattern.
Strategy patterns, because they are invoked whenever code branching is involved, are probably one of if not the most often used software design patterns.
Knowledge and use of strategy patterns are probably the easiest way to detect the skill level of a developer.
A strategy pattern is used whenever you need to apply "if...then" type of logic (optional execution/branching).
The more computational thought experiments that are made on a piece of software, the more branches can mentally be reduced, and subsequently refactored away. This is essentially "aspect algebra"; constructing the "bones" of the issue, or thinking through what is happening over and over, reducing the procedure to it's fundamental concepts/first principles. When refactoring, these thought experiments are where an architect spends the most time; finding common aspects and reducing unnecessary complexity.
At the destination of complexity reduction is emergence (in systems theory vernacular, and specifically with software, applying configuration in special layers instead of writing software in the first place) and monads.
Monads tend to abstract away what is being done to a level that can lead to increased code execution time if a developer is not careful.
Both Monads and Emergence tend to abstract the problem away so that the parts can be universally applied using fundamental building blocks. Using Monads (for the small) and Emergence (for the large), any piece of complex software can be theoretically constructed from the least amount of parts possible.
After all, in refactoring: "the easiest code to maintain is code that no longer exists."
Functors and mapping functions
A great way to continually reduce complexity is applying functors and mapping functions. Functors are also usually the fastest possible way to implement a branch and let the compiler see into the problem deeply so it can optimize things in the best way possible. They are also extremely easy to reason with and maintain, so there is rarely harm in leaving your work for the day and committing your changes with a partially refactored application.
Functors get their name from mathematics (specifically category theory, in which they are referred to a function that maps between two sets). However, in computation, functors are generally just objects that map problem-space in one way or another.
There is great debate over what is or is not a functor in computer science, but in keeping with the definition, you only need to be concerned with the act of mapping out your problem, and using the "functor" as a temporary thought scaffold that allows you to abstract the issue away until it becomes configuration or a factor of implementation instead of code.
As far as I can say that middleware is perfect for each routing work. And hooks is best for doing anything application-wide. For your case I think it should be better to use hooks than middleware.