Appveyor clone a private repo - appveyor

How to use Appveyor to clone a private repo?
For example, I am in the repo A, I need to clone Repo B.
I don't want to send my personal access token, instead I wanted to send secure token. I tried using appveyor encrypt data tool, and clone the repo. But no luck.
Can someone help me here?

Appveyor documentation can get you the key. I understand that the key is tied with your account. If you use your account to encrypt the key and run appveyor (using another account), then it will not work. So you have to use the same account for encryption and decryption.


Jenkins giving Permission denied (publickey) on adding github repo

I am using Jenkins Github plugin and was using public/private key for one repo, which was working alright. But I got problem when I added another repo, because github doesn't allow sharing public key across multiple repos.
So i integrated jenkins using github token (in Jenkins > manage > configure system and service in github) and removed private/public keys in jenkins server and github. Now when I add repo, I get Permission denied (publickey) error (image attached)
How do i integrate multiple github repos with my jenkins server?
Found the problem. There is key attached to account of user who's token was added to jenkins. My assumption was it should not have mattered as token was added. But that's not correct.
Added private keys of user who's token was used, in jenkins server and everything returns to normal
Got hint from Authenticate Jenkins CI for Github private repository

How to give the push access to github repo without giving the github account credentials?

I wrote the tool which use the one github repo as a cloud storage.
I need to give the write (push) access for this tool to one github repo, but I do not want to use the github user credentials (user name and password), because anyone can use it to logon to github and change the credentials or delete the repo.
You can generate an OAuth authorization for your specific app.
See an example here: it supposed you have registered you app in your account.

Make private changes on Github repo before deploy?

On GitHub sadly, a private repo is for premium users, and i uploaded a repo, but it has lot of login third party, and i want to make those login information private, and i have a MongoHQ connection, and want to make the database private, to deploy it on CloudControl.
How CloudControl and Heroku work, is that by taking the file AFTER the clone on disk or the clone is only 'temporary' file, and they take the one hosted on Github?
There is no need to have any credentials in the repository. It's actually highly discouraged to do so. The recommended way is to have your code read the credentials from the environment.
Refer to the Add-on credential section in the documentation for more details:

github invite non-github users to private repo

I am setting up a private repository in GitHub and I want to invite people to my repo.
I found out that I can invite github users as my team members, but I want to know is it possible to invite non-github users to access my repo for checkin/checkout?
Thanks in advance.
You could add their ssh keys as Deployment Keys.
Deployment keys are ssh keys of users (usually, scripts) that are allowed to read the repository so they can build the code and deploy it somewhere.
This would allow your non-githubber coworkers to clone the repository.
Unfortunately, I don't think there's an equivalent system to allowing non-githubber to use the web interface.

Cloudbees & Github: Error: Key already in use

I would like to push back the results from a build to github and I therefore use the Git publisher plugin. However, when I try to add the SSH public key from Cloudbees as a Deploy Key on Github then Github tells me: 'Key already in use' since it is also part of another repository.
I would like to know why I cannot use the same public key for multiple independent repositories?
The answers so far indicate that the question is unclear. Cloudbees generates a key pair and uses this on github, I've not found a way to create an alternate pair, so I am stuck with one pair.
I've added the public key to repo A so Cloudbees can pull from repo A. However, I want to use the same build to push to repo B. So it seems logical to add the same (my personal Cloudbees key) to to repo B so cloudbees can push to repo B as well.
However, on Github only a single repo can be using the deploy key:
A deploy key is an SSH key that is stored on the server and grants access to a single repo on GitHub. This key is attached directly to the repo instead of to a user account.
So it is clear that the the public key cannot be attached to more than one repo. However, I can't think of a reason why this is the case?
You need to set your ssh key for user, not repository, so you can use it for multiple github repositories. github don't allow using same key on multiple locations
Because the key is used to identify the user. It's like you would only use a password to identify the user: if two users have the same password, how do you know which is which?
A key is supposed to be unique to a user.
You can, however, generate multiple keys on the same machine and configure git/ssh to use a specific key instead of the default ~/.ssh/ (or other id_*.pub key).