UIActionSheet can't show as expected in iOS9 - uialertview

I found my app can't show UIActionSheet as expected in iOS9。
when I show action sheet, the cornerRadius is big than normal cornerRadius at first, and it will recover to the normal cornerRadius in a very short time。link of images
Any help and suggestions will be highly appreciable。

Disable Renders with edge antialiasing(UIViewEdgeAntialiasing) in your Info.plist


Incorrect color of UITabBar and UINavigationBar

I have a problem with working UITabBar and UINavigationBar (they are turning grey after changing screen orientation). I tried to reproduce this problem on the devices and have got the same result as I got with Xcode emulator: if I try to change screen orientation to landscape mode after opening my app, I have wrong color (grey) of UINavigationBar and UITabBar. Also if I open my app while screen orientation is in landscape mode, this problem can’t be seen.
So..I have found one worse way of fixing for me: if I set to barTintColor in UIToolbar not nil value, the problem is fixed, but there is no blur effect which I want.
I didn`t find any solution of this problem. Help me, please, if you can. Thanks

Adding image to UIButton makes it unclickable

I am learning to navigate and use the features of Xcode right now and I don't understand why adding an image to a UIButton through the Attributes Inspector makes the UIButton unclickable. When adding the image, it also resizes the button on the storyboard. I can't seem to find any answers online. Could somebody explain why this behavior occurs?
Before adding the image to the UIButton:
After adding the image to the UIButton:
Edit: and preferably how to fix it :D
The unclickable scenario you described is literally impossible unless you deleted everything in the connections inspector tab. In order for the image not to resize you should use autolayout in the bottom right. Set a constraint on width and height.

I added UIButtons to my app and made custom images for them, but when I run the app in the simulator, my buttons are severely stretched

This is what the storyboard looks like in Xcode
This is what it looks like in the simulator
Does anyone have any idea why this may be happening?
Check that the autolayout constraints for each button are setup properly. i.e. your top left button should probably have a constraint for its width and height and should pin its leading and top space to its superview.
Try resizing your images to the frame size of your UIButton and generate an #2x copy for your retina display. You can also try setting the mode to aspect fit in the attribute inspector.
I deleted the buttons and re-added them, and now it's working well. Thanks for the insights.

iPhone Google Chrome - Tab selection screen (Grouped UIViews)

I am working on an app for iOS and I have to do a tab selection screen like the Google Chrome app for iPhone (I attached a screenshot). I searched a lot but I didn't found any similar control to use. As i can see, it groups some UIViews and use a UIScrollView to scroll, but maybe any of you could explain me better how this control works or have any solution.
Thank you!
Create Different UIViews with your controls.(One tab is equal to is on UIView)
Add this UIView's on UIScroll View.(This is optional. It's ok if you don't use the UIScrollView and add UIView on self.view
Implement the touch method on UIView.
When you get a particular UIView is touched change it's center position to Center of the screen.
Which will give you the UIView which is touched in foreground and rest of the Views in background.
Hope this will help you .........
I solved my problem with this ......

how to get a white light on a uibutton click

i just saw a code sample of uiwebview on icodeblog. It has a Address bar button. When i tap over that it displays a white light in the background of button. The image is flashy and looked good to me. Can some one tell me how to do that??
Set the showTouchWhenHighlighted property of your UIButton to YES.