unity3d-plugin for Teamcity seems doesn't see Unity folder - plugins

Greeting to everyone!
I'm trying to start use of Teamcity Unity3d-runner-plugin.
After Successful install on server and setup build step in project
, it is unable to build project.
Project doesn't start to work with warning message:
Warning: No enabled compatible agents for this build configuration. Please register a build agent or tweak the build configuration requirements.
on the Agent Requirement page there is a message
agent (disconnected)
Incompatible runner: Unity
Unmet requirements: unity.latest exists
Unity was installed in default folder, and works fine with no problem, that's why i can't understand, why does plugin can't see Unity env.parameter on agent.
Anyone know how can it be solved?

The message (unity.any exists) suggests that it's not missing an environment variable (if it were missing a %UNITY% environment variable, it would be complaining about env.UNITY). Instead, it seems to be looking for a build-agent property called unity.any.
To define the unity.any build-agent property on your agent, edit the agent properties file at <agent home>/conf/buildAgent.properties, adding a line like this:
(Read more here.)
I guess whoever wrote the plugin decided that there was no good way (for the TeamCity server) to tell if Unity is installed on any given agent, so the user (you) has to specify this by defining this agent property. Thus, by creating that line you're marking your agent as having Unity installed.
I think the properties file is reread periodically so you needn't restart the agent after you've added the line.
(If this helps, check the plugin's documentation and let the plugin author know if this information is missing.)


How to get latest version of Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Task.Deployment.dll?

Where can I download the latest version of Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Task.Deployment.dll for a release on Azure DevOps?
Microsoft-hosted agents are regularly updated to make sure the latest and applicable images of the softwares are applied to the agents.
If you want to use the latest version of softwares to run the related pipeline tasks on DevOps,you can install the latest softwares on the agents which you used .
If the agent you used is privated agent, you need to manually install or upgrade all the softwares you request on the agent machine.By downloading the latest package from Internet or using the related commands to install/upgrade the softwares.
You can refer to this case for details.
For other SO users could get clearly know more details about this issue when they are checking to this ticket, I add the following ticket which relevant with this ticket:
SO forum: Register-Environment Failing
DC forum: Where to download latest versions of deployment utilities for azure pipeline tasks?
When you using the task(such as AzureFileCopy V1.*) which need/import the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Task.Deployment.dll file, no matter whether the agent you used is hosted agent or private agent, its version are always be the latest version to the task, because these dll files are all exists depend with task.
According to the content you shared in the DC forum ticket:
I suspect that there's a newer version of these with a newer version
of Register-Environment, because with my version of this PowerShell
module, the following line fails claiming that I'm missing parameters,
specifically a "taskContext."
the error you are facing caused by the configuration of the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Task.Deployment.dll file. We did not defined the parameter taskContext in it.
To check and verify it, you can execute the PowerShellOnTargetMachines v2.* task in your private agent, then find the dll file in the path of ~\_work\_tasks\PowerShellOnTargetMachines_3b5693d4-5777-4fee-862a-bd2b7a374c68\2.0.7\DeploymentUtilities. And also, you can see its version is
Then you can use decompile tool, here what I am using is Reflector, to decompile this dll file.
You can see that in the script block of RegisterEnvironmentCmdlet, there does not have parameter taskContext defined in it.
When you use PowerShellOnTargetMachines v2.* task, the parameter for Register-Environment supported only include EnvironmentName, EnvironmentSpecification, UserName, Password, WinRmProtocol, TestCertificate, ResourceFilter, ProjectName, TagsList.
For the parameter taskContext, it is the one which only used in v1.*(See v1.* source code) and does not supported in v2.*. In v1.*, taskContext used for Get-VssConnection cmdlet which dose not used any more in v2.*. That's why you facing the error message in PowerShellOnTargetMachines v2.* task.

Error occurred while starting the build in Openshift 3

I have been trying to deploy a war file as an OpenShift project. The server used is jboss-webserver30-tomcat8. I have followed the below steps -
Put ROOT.war file under 'deployments' directory in local system.
Upload the changes in github.
Create a new JAVA project in OpenShift 3 and provide the github repository details.
No automatic build or deployment starts. On manually clicking on Start Build button, the below error is displayed:
An error occurred while starting the build. Reason: Error resolving
ImageStreamTag jboss-webserver30-tomcat8-openshift:1.2 in namespace
openshift: unable to find latest tagged image
Please suggest how can I resolve the error.
This is an issue with how the jboss-webserver30-tomcat8-openshift imagestream is defined in the cluster. We are working to correct this, it is not currently importing the correct set of tags and as a result the 1.2 tag was stopped being a valid tag, when it should be.
However the short term solution is change your buildconfig to reference one of the tags that has a valid image reference associated (e.g. 1.3) instead of the 1.2 tag it is currently referencing. Your build should then be able to run.
A (temporarily) unavailable builder image may be related to this platform upgrade that correlates with the time of posting your question.
Generally, the best place to check for any incident reports or scheduled maintenance is the Status Page (Starter | Pro clusters; it's linked in the web console too, in the upper right corner of the interface).
If this does not seem to be related (e.g. you're not on the starter-us-west-2 cluster where the platform upgrade is taking place) or persists after the maintenance is over, I would encourage you to check the open issues, and log a new bug report, if it's not in the list.
Thank you.

Visual Studio Team Services: Build universal app for the store

I want to build universal app for release on the store i.e. generating the *.appxupload (building the *.appx to deploy on my machine is fine; have to remove the default /p:AppxBundle=Always though and cannot build Win32: no matter what I do, it always builds ARM). But I cannot get it to work at all following Microsoft's instructions i.e. adding /p:UapAppxPackageBuildMode=CI.
The system simply stops with
Error MSB4126: The specified solution configuration "Release|x86" is invalid. Please specify a valid solution configuration using the Configuration and Platform properties (e.g. MSBuild.exe Solution.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="Any CPU") or leave those properties blank to use the default solution configuration.
My project has obviously an Release|x86 configuration. And it reports this while building ARM release. I tried changing x86 to Win32 but it then report
APPX0502: File 'C:\a\1\s\AppName\BundleArtifacts\Win32.txt' not found. [C:\a\1\s\AppName\AppName.vcxproj]
EDIT: Apparently, I have to manually set the Project to Win32 for it to build x86 release. Previously, it was left blank (and the automatic build configuration generator also leaves it blank).
Update the argument to:
And then queue the build, you should get the appxupload file.
Refer to this link for details: Windows Store app projects stopped generating the .appxupload file.
Similar question here: VSTS build for UWP app not producing a .appxupload file.

NuGet is returning 503 Server Unavailable

Is there a way to load a package from an alternative server when Visual Studio Package Manager (NuGet) is responding with a "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable" message?
This is an obscure condition that will likely only occur on an "enterprisy" network environment. If these conditions apply you:
you are required to access the Internet via an HTTP proxy server
the HTTP proxy server requires a valid user ID & password (or AD authentication) to allow requests to proceed
you've been messing with cool developer tools that were ported to Windows from a Linux/Unix environment
the new cool tool(s) work after adding the HTTP_PROXY (or possibly HTTPS_PROXY or both) environment variable(s)
you can access the NuGet servers from a browser without getting a 503 error
Then it's likely you broke NuGet by inadvertently invoking this configuration feature. I'm not sure exactly how the environment variable breaks NuGet but I suspect NuGet is detecting & using the http_proxy URL but sending an empty user ID & password which causes the HTTP proxy to reject the request.
Fix: remove the environment variable(s) you added and see if the cool tool can be configured to use an HTTP proxy without them.
Update: Ran into a version of this issue with the NuGet config file referenced in the "this configuration feature" link above. Open this file:
in your favorite editor. If it contains elements with http_proxy or https_proxy then removing these elements may fix the issue too.
PS: Hopefully I'll get an up vote from Colonel Panic :-)
If you have used the package in the past it is probably in your cache. You can add the local cache as an available package source by going into the Library Package Manager Settings under the Tools menu in Visual Studio. For Visual Studio 2012, choose Tools, Library Package Manager, Package Manager Settings, and then click on Package Sources.
In the Available package sources section, type a name like "Cache" and then in for the source, browse to %LocalAppData%\NuGet\Cache. You may need to use Windows Explorer to translate %LocalAppData%\NuGet\Cache into the full path (usually C:\Users\YourAccountName\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache).
Once you have the Cache as an available source, you can now use the Package Manager Console (found under the View menu under Other Windows or also under the Tools menu under Library Package Manager).
From the Console (which is a PowerShell window with commandlets for NuGet) you can type "get-help NuGet" to see available commands.
Then using Get-Package, you can get a list of Package ID's. Make sure the "Package source" is set to "Cache" (or whatever you called it) and the Default project is set to the project you need manipulate, both of these are dropdowns located at the top of the Page Manager Console. You can also use the Get-Project to verify you are working against the correct project in your solution.
Finally, you can type Install-Package and when prompted enter the Package ID from the output of the Get-Package commandlet.
i had also this problem, it was becouse of my network.
if you have any blocking on your Internet, (like in companies internet or etc..)
you may not allowed to download the nuget package.
try to download the package in another network, maybe it can help you!
Talbott's answer did not work for me, as my cache was empty. However, if you have used the package in another solution, you can copy the items you want from the "packages" folder in the other solution to a packages folder in your target solution.
If you have no packages installed in the target solution, you may need to add the following to a repositories.xml file in the packages folder:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
After doing that, the packages appeared to be installed in my solution and I was able to add them to projects.
Additional Note: I had to use the "Manage NuGet Packages for Solution" option at the solution level to add the package to individual projects. Using Install-Package from the console still returns a 503 even though the packages is already installed in the solution.
You can also get this error if you are using a VPN client (e.g. Cisco AnyConnect) and you have recently renewed your VPN certificate. The issue can occur after you have updated your certificate, but before you have rebooted. A reboot resolves the issue.
It is a pretty old question, but I have just encountered the same problem. In my case it occurred because I had more than one nuget package source configured in the Visual Studio Package Manager. In my company we use NuGet to get mainstream packages and MyGet for our own stuff.
When I attempted to pull a pretty big package it failed with a 503 code and the error link looked pretty odd, it had MyGet in it istead of NuGet. Turns out Visual Studio package manager tried to pull it from another source despite having NuGet chosen as a current source. Disabling other sources and then proceeding with a download fixed it.
Hopefully it will help somebody who stumbled upon this thread just like I did.
Another possible reason for recieving 503: If you're using Azure DevOps feed, then NuGet packages are limited to 500 MB.

P2 headless update not working

I have taken the org.eclipse.equinox.p2.examples.rcp.prestartupdate project and adapted it for use in my RCP application. I then setup an update repository that gets updated as part of my nightly build.
When I open my application it goes through the motions like it is updating - it finds the update site, generates an uninstall and install operand for each bundle correctly and says that it finished with no errors. The problem is that the plugins never actually get installed in the plugins folder even though the profile gets updated (a subsequent run states there are no updates). Next time my build runs it correctly identifies there are updates, but the same thing happens again.
I have spent days debugging and the only thing that looks out of the ordinary (not that I fully understand what is going on) is that during the final configure phase none of the TouchpointData objects have any instructions so it doesn't look like configure is doing what it should.
I really have no clue where to look next and would like to see if anyone else has any ideas.
I finally figured out what was going on.
The problem started when I built my product without the generating the metadata repository. When building through Eclipse I didn't check the "Generate metadata repository" in the export product wizards because I didn't need a p2 repository, just the product. The problem is that without checking that button the product does not install as P2 enabled causing side effects such as not generating a profile among other things.
I tried to compensate for this by manually creating a profile in code which I have since found out is a really bad idea. My original problems were created because my profile wasn't set up correctly.
Once I started exporting the product with "Generate metadata repository" checked the update started correctly installing the new plugins.
The problem I have now is that although the plugins are being installed correctly, the executable is getting trashed and I cannot launch my application any more. I am building my update site through Hudson and the binary folder which is present when I use the Eclipse Export Product wizard is missing. I am assuming that is what is going wrong now.
Any ideas why the binaries would not be building in my headless PDE build?
Figured this out also. I had assumed that all I needed was the individual launcher plugins for the platforms I wanted to build on. Since I was trying to understand the process I was copying over plugins one by one to the build server. It turns out to include the platform specific binaries in the build you need to have the org.eclipse.equinox.executable feature from the delta pack. Once I added that to the build the binaries started showing up in the output. With the binaries the update mechanism works exactly as intended.
I had assumed that all I needed was the individual launcher plugins for the platforms I wanted to build on. Since I was trying to understand the process I was copying over plugins one by one to the build server. It turns out to include the platform specific binaries in the build you need to have the org.eclipse.equinox.executable feature from the delta pack. Once I added that to the build the binaries started showing up in the output. With the binaries the update mechanism works exactly as intended.