Is it possible to include request parameter in Fiddler's auto responder feature? - fiddler

I have two post requests to the same URL and the post parameter is different. Is it possible to use the post request parameter to differentiate those to requests and auto respond them (the URL is the same)?

Use the URLWithBody match condition:
URLWithBody:MatchUrl.php TextToFindInBody


Can we parameterize the url of HTTP POST Request while creating Logic apps in devops

Hi I am new to LogicApps and want to understand if it is possible that while creating/designing a logic app to send email, can we parameterize the HTTP Post Method URL, that is auto-generated?
If you're looking for a possibility to accept parameters in the endpoint URL, then: yes, you can.
Taken from Accept parameters in endpoint URL:
When you want your endpoint URL to accept parameters, specify the relative path in your trigger. You also need to explicitly set the method that your HTTP request expects.

AWS API Gateway: Pass Referrer URL

Is it possible for requests to the API-Gateway to pass the referrer URL to Lambda? For example, I'd love to let my lambda functions know if a request comes from the domain "" vs. "".
I'm familiar with the list of supported $context Variables and I know a referrer url is not in there. I'm wondering if there is another way. If it is possible, what steps do I need to take?
Here's how to do it.
As it turns out, the mapping template allows you to map HTTP headers, not just the list of supported variables in the documentation.
The HTTP header that contains the referrer domain is called "Origin". The header that contains the referer page URL is called "Referer".
So, for example, you can put this in your mapping template and it will grab the associated header information:
"origin" : "$input.params('origin')",
"referer" : "$input.params('referer')"
Origin grabs Referer grabs
It's an HTTP header, so if you are mapping HTTP headers in the template it will be passed to the Lambda function. Look at this answer for an example of how to map HTTP headers in the request template.

Firefox SDK: Get type of observed http request

I need to intercept HTTP request done by Firefox to set an additional header to the request (like described here: - but I only want to do this if a Javascript resource is requested (or, equivalent, the request got triggered by an <script>tag).
In case of Javascript this sadly cannot be done via looking at the set "accept-encoding" header because this is set to "/".
I already analyzed the objects I get handed over when a request is done - but I cannot find the needed information in there.
Does anybody know how one can detect this?

How to pass extra parameters in HTTP DELETE request?

I am writing a REST API, which supports POST/GET/DELETE method for the same url.
For the DELETE method, the API needs extra parameters (details of the deletion). But the library I am using doesn't support request body for DELETE method, how can I do it?
If I put the parameter in URL like:
DELETE /API/Resource/id/parameter
Then I break the RESTyness.
Or I need to use another method POST/PUT, which is not RESTy, either.
Why is POST / PUT not RESTy? Take a look at the twitter REST API: You can destroy a status by POSTing to /statuses/id/destroy. That request does accept parameters. You could do something similar to this:
POST /API/Resource/id/destroy
I think that is RESTy enough.

Is it possible to change/modify properties of a CR using OSLC_CM?

Is it possible to modify a property of a change request by using the OSLC-CM REST API of a change management system. The system that I'm trying to achieve that is Rational Change.
I can browse and query via the REST API, but to modify anything I need to resort to command line which is rather slow.
Is there a way?
To update resources using the OSLC-CM REST API you simply just can use HTTP PUT. In order to do this, you'll first need the URL of the Change Request.
The steps to achieve this (using any HTTP client) are:
acquire URL for Change Request (usually done by query, or stored reference, etc)
Perform an HTTP GET on that URL, specifying a format for use in editing. This is done using 'Accept' header, some typical values would be 'application/xml', 'application/json' or 'application/rdf+xml'.
Note, it is a good idea to set the header 'OSLC-Core-Verson: 2.0' as well to ensure you are working with the 2.0 formats.
Once you have fetched the resource, modify the property to the value you want.
Using HTTP PUT, send the modified resource in the content body to the same URL you fetched the resource from.
Additionally you will most likely need to pass along some additional headers to help the server detect any possible conflict.
You should get back a 200 (OK) or 204 (No content) response on success.
An optimization would be to do the same steps as above but only request the properties of interest and only send them by using the selective properties feature of OSLC.
So I've finally got it working with some help from googlegroups
To recap what I've done so that someone else might benefit too (I really have searched for it and the IBM documentation is as in most of the cases not helping):
So to modify PR/CR' implement_actual_effort attribute on the Rational Change server the following procedure was successful (using Firefox REST plugin):
1. In Headers set: Accept to application/xml, Content-Type to application/xml
Put the oslc address of the cr i URL in my case it was:
http://[IP:PORT]/change/oslc/db/[DB hex ID]/role/User/cr/[web_encoded_name_of_the_CR]?
(note in browser http://[IP:PORT]/change/oslc/db/[DB hex ID]/role/User/cr/[web_encoded_name_of_the_CR] will open change page of the CR/PR)
In REST client set Method to GET and press SEND
Click on the Response Body (RAW), copy xml Body
Change Method to PUT, change the value of the attribute (in the xml in Body window)
Press SEND
Attribute should have been changed right now, and the response should be similiar to what you've sent, with the attribute showing the change.
Note that to change an attribute (called property from oslc point of view) one has to provide ?[properties delimited with comma]
and in the request body xml the same properties have to be present, if I remember correctly if the property isn't mentioned in the xml it will be set to default
I hope this helps someone