In MATLAB, is there a simple way to shift the X-axis by a constant offset in bar graphs? - matlab

I am generating a bar graph of something vs time of day (i.e., 24 hours). Later, my supervisor tells me that in the dataset, the time is offset by 8 hours, so 7 PM needs to become 3 AM, 12 midnight needs to become 8 AM, etc. In other words, the two axes should remain unaffected. Only the plots in the graph need to be made to shift towards the right by 8 hours (i.e., in a circular kind of pattern, where each value is offset by 8). So, is there a simple, single line function or something to do this in MATLAB? Thanks.
This is my code:


Nurse-scheduling: Largest sequence of no-shifts in N days must be > X

I'm experimenting with the nurse scheduling example,, and trying to figure out how to model the following constraint:
In a sliding 6 week window, each nurse must have at least 14 consecutive days with no shifts (i.e., be assigned to shift O).
add_soft_sequence_constraint isn't the right tool (I think, if I've understood properly) because that will try and enforce that all sequences of no shifts are 14 days, and I want to enforce that there is at least one sequence of no shifts that is 14 days long.
Any suggestions for how to model this would be gratefully received.

Step function between two alternating values

I'm looking to plot connectivity over time to see connection duration and amount of disconnects. Here is the graph I currently have.
This graph is misleading though. It makes it seem like the machine is slowly disconnecting between Sep 29th and Oct 3rd when it reality it is connected that whole time before a brief disconnection.
I'd like the line to remain at 1 / connected until it is not connected.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Tableau is doing this because it draws a line between all data points in the view along the x-axis. I'm assuming you don't have a 1 before October 3rd, so it just slowly slopes to the next point which happens to be a 0.
There are few approaches you could use to visualize this type of data. If the system is always connected, when not disconnected, then you could just visualize points that are disconnects. Additionally, switching to a bar plot may sometimes communicate your intent better than a line in this situation.
Depending on the structure, and assumptions of how the disconnected/connects are ordered in your underlying data, you could create a table calculation that uses the last value in the partition to determine it's value. (connected vs. disconnected)
You could also resample the data to turn your irregular time series into something that is regular. This would add a large number of data points, depending on the time interval you are looking for. (1 million for 15 days at 1 second)
A few suggestions:
Clarify the units on your x-axis: days? hours? secs?
Try using dots instead of a line connector
& Flip the visualization around: plot a transform of your data where 'connected'=0 and 'disconnected'=1

Find and Rank Time Series MATLAB

I know there must be a simple way that I can learn to do this but I cannot imagine how to start. I am tasked with finding a top 10 matching daily wind power time series in a 30-day plus/minus window from the first day in the time series (Jan 1st) matching a single daily wind power time series and it is out of my level of experience in MATLAB. I have successfully done this matching a single time series of the current year with the exact calendar days from previous years, but I need a more robust searching method to find the best correlated time series in a +/- window of time. For example, I'm comparing a 120 day time series (without leap years) with 25 previous years during the same 120-day period (Jan-Apr). The end result will show me the top 10 time series with the years and Julian day or cumulative day listed and a correlation or RMSE value associated with it. My data looks like this arranged in a 365 (days) X 25 (years) array and I thank you very much for your help!
1182573 470528 1638232 2105034 1070466 478257 1096999
879997 715531 1111498 1004556 1894202 1372178 1707984
636173 937769 2119436 742710 1625931 1275567 1228515
967360 1103082 2218855 1643898 1822868 554769 1325642

MATLAB Datenum does not work properly with find

I have two sets of time series data which are collected with different time intervals. One is measured every 15 minutes and the other every 1 minute.
The measured variables are oxygen concentration, oxygen saturation and time, all three of which are measured using the two different instruments which have the different time intervals (6 column arrays in total).
I have two times between which I want to find the index's of all the entries at 15 minute intervals in the time column that sit between them.
for i = datenum('03/11/2014/10/00/00','dd/mm/yyyy/HH/MM/SS'):datenum('03/11/2014/00/15/00','dd/mm/yyyy/HH/MM/SS')-datenum('03/11/2014/00/00/00','dd/mm/yyyy/HH/MM/SS'):('03/11/2014/16/00/00','dd/mm/yyyy/HH/MM/SS');
however, this does not work. I have narrowed it down and its something to do with the time interval that I'm using. I want it at every 15 minutes, but when I produce the 15 minute interval and then datestr that number, it comes up with '12:15AM'. I think this is causing the problem, but have no idea how to produce just times alone i.e I just want 00:15 not 12:15 not 00:15 AM or PM. just spacings of 15 minutes for my for loop.

Matlab change x axis tick label

I am relatively inexperienced with matlab, as I only use it occasionally. I am trying to plot a large range of values against time and I am running into some problems.
The data, which is from a text file, with about 55000 entries, gives the information in the following format:
year month day hour minute second value
The seconds column has accuracy of 6 decimal places and there are about 24hrs worth of data.
What I want to do is plot the values against time, which works fine. However as a result of my code below, the x-axis has label ticks in serial date number format, which is not very useful when looking at the figure. I want to change the labels to something more useful such intervals of hours. However I am not sure how to go about doing this.
Here is the code:
A = dlmread('data.txt',' ');
time = datenum(A(:,1),A(:,2),A(:,3),A(:,4),A(:,5),A(:,6));
axis([min(time) max(time) min(A(:,7)) max(A(:,7))])
I found a solution here: matlab ticks with certain labels however, the process here is manual and with so much information I don't want to do this manually. How would I automate this process? or is there a better way to do what I am trying to achieve?
EDIT: I also found this method:, however, I dont want to show the actual date, I rather want to show intervals of time, ie an hour or 30 minutes.
EDIT 2: I have found a somewhat satisfactory solution. It could still be improved upon, so I don't know if I should submit this as an answer to my own question or not, but here it is:
A = dlmread('data.txt',' ');
time = datenum(A(:,1),A(:,2),A(:,3),A(:,4),A(:,5),A(:,6));
temp= time(1);
timediff = time - temp;
axis([min(timediff) max(timediff) min(A(:,7)) max(A(:,7))])
datetick('x', 'HH')
This takes the original time vector in serialized time format and subtracts the first time from all the subsequent times to get the difference. The it uses the datetick function to to convert that to hours. It isn't ideal because instead of 24 hours it goes back to 00, but its the best I have tried thus far.
With reference to the other article, you will have to follow the same method but in order to automate the process you'll need to form the vectors of xtick and xticklabels as you read in the data and after you've plotted the data change the xticks and xticklabels.
Its not difficult what you're trying to do, but I will need more details of how you want to organize the ticks to be able to exactly say the steps that you'd have to follow
Matlab serial time is simply days since January 1, 0000, so your timediff variable is really elapsed days (and fractions thereof) since the start of your experiment. If you want your x ticks to be elapsed hours you could multiply timediff by 24.
scatter(timediff * 24, values)
This avoids the weirdness that can arise when using datetick as well.