Typo3 LanguageMenu Error "sr_language_menu_pi1" no rendering definition - content-management-system

Shortly, i needed to help a good friend, to move her complete typo3 install to another provider.
There was no chance in getting help from the developer at all.
I exported and imported the tables
downloaded all of the folder and uploaded it again
I set new InstallTool Password and added new Administrator
I updated the MySQL-Connection
Now everything seems to work correctly, BESIDES an error calling at the top of the page (where the language selection is supposed to be) saying:
ERROR: Content Element type "sr_language_menu_pi1" has no rendering definition!
For now, I tried to hide this annoying layer with CSS-property display none ;)
But it's a website where I need to have multiple languages enabled.
I have no experience with typo3, so please describe possible solutions as simple as possible.

This error happens e.g. under TYPO3 6.2.17.
You must have a sysfolder called "Templates" where you create a new extension template setup for the extension sr_language_menu. (Template Module)
Use the title "+ext sr_language_menu".
There you enter a constants part like this:
plugin.tx_srlanguagemenu {
addSelectionListHeader = 0
showCurrentFirst = 0
defaultLanguageISOCode = DE
hideIfNoAltLanguages = 1
showInactive = 0
pointerImage =
defaultLayout = 0
addLinksListHeader = 0
doNotLinkCurrent = 1
separator =
token = |
selectionListSeparator =
showCurrent = 1
useIsoLanguageCountryCode = 1
And you enter a setup like this.
plugin.tx_srlanguagemenu {
flags.stdWrap.split.wrap = <ul id="langmenu">|*| | |*| |</ul>
flag.NO.stdWrap.wrap = <li>|</li>
flag.INACT.stdWrap.wrap = <li>|</li>
flag.CUR.stdWrap.wrap = <li>|</li>
links.stdWrap.split.wrap >
Then go to the tab "Include static (from extensions):" and set the
Selected Items to
"Language Menu setup (sr_language_menu)" and
"Language Menu CSS Styles (sr_language_menu)"
Then go to your main template setup. (Template Module).
Edit Template "Main Template" on page "..."
Go to the tab "Includes" and add the "+ext sr_language_menu". to "Include Basis Template:". You can use the page browser in the new popup window to navigate to the Templates folder and select the record with the template name "+ext sr_language_menu".
Then you must install static_info_tables 6.2.1 or higher, and install the country specific static_info_tables extensions. Deinstall sr_language_menu and reinstall it again. Then open the Extension Manager an see the green round arrow symbol "Execute the update script".
Afterwards the error message has gone and the language menu shows up.

You can see if the templates of this extension is present on the project installation.

Might be you din not include static from template of "sr_language_menu"
Go to Web > Template > Root page
Info/Modify: edit whole template
Something like: http://screencast.com/t/jq3rggQy


Typo3 9.5 Fluid template navigation menu only starts at one page id

Working on Typo3 project, we are using Typo3 9.5
There is already an extension created for the project by my colleague, which has a navigation menu going something like this
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarNavDropdown">
<v:menu pageUid="2">
<ul class="navbar-nav">...
As you can see v:menu is assigned a hard-coded pageUid.
Is there a way to remove hardcoding so that the extension could be transfered between systems and assigned to various pages without worying about changing the value every time it's done.
I can also see it becoming an issue once we need to run more then one root level layout from this template :-(
Have a look into the documentation of that VH
Similar to a typoscript menu you can start a menu with an entryLevel.
0 = root
1 = first level
2 = second level
-1 = current level
-2 = parent level from current
if you do not provide the parameter pageUid an entryLevel = 0 is default.

TYPO3 Remove "Select & Upload Files" button

Removing the "Select & Upload Files" button from Page properties works with the following line in PageTSConfig:
TCEFORM.pages.media.config.appearance.fileUploadAllowed = 0
Now I want to remove the "Select & Upload Files" button within content elements (for example with CType "textmedia"), too.
I tried out several things, but with no success. I found no working PageTSConfig "rule" for this case. Does somebody know how the "Select & Upload Files" button can be removed for content elements like textmedia elements?
Using TYPO3 8.7.1
The code you use is always the same.
In PageTsConfig you have to use:
TCEFORM.[TABLE].[COLUMN].config.appearance.fileUploadAllowed = 0
In TCA you have to use:
$GLOBALS['TCA']['TABLE']['columns']['COLUMN']['config']['appearance']['fileUploadAllowed'] = 0;
You have to replace TABLE with the table you want to modify and COLUMN with the column you want to modify.
In page properties you have pages as TABLE and media as COLUMN.
In textmedia you have tt_content as TABLE and assets (i think) as COLUMN.
You can set for each field separately, see post from Kevin Appelt. In this case you need to remember for any further field in future to add this setting too.
To adapt file upload for all fields globaly, you can use UserTSConfig edit_docModuleUpload. See https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TSconfigReference/singlehtml/Index.html#document-UserTsconfig/Setup/Index
To avoid file upload for all fields simple add to ext_localconf.php of your customer extension (sitepackage):
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addUserTSConfig('setup.override.edit_docModuleUpload = 0');
If you want use a separate configuration file for UserTSConfig, which I recommend add to ext_localconf.php
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addUserTSConfig('<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:sitepackage/Configuration/TypoScript/User/Default.ts">');
and in your extension /Configuration/TypoScript/User/Default.ts
setup.override.edit_docModuleUpload = 0
If you also want exclude file upload and folder creation in file element browser (popup window) add following code to your extension /Configuration/TypoScript/User/Default.ts
# Hide 'file upload' and 'create folder' in link- and element browser
options.folderTree.uploadFieldsInLinkBrowser = 0
options.folderTree.hideCreateFolder = 1
options.createFoldersInEB = 1
This is a very simple way to remove "Select & Upload Files" button
User settings -> Edit and Advanced functions -> File upload directly
in Doc-module(uncheck this checkbox)

Nothing appears in Typo3 with powermail (Frontend)

I need help with powermail.
I'm using Typo3 6.2.4 and powermail 2.0.16.
Something is wrong cause nothing appear in the frontend, but I don't what and I need some helps.
I created a new root page with the basic template "HELLO WORLD!" (ID = 15).
# Default PAGE object:
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = HELLO WORLD!
In this template, I included two statics templates : "Main Template (powermail)" and "Add basic CSS (powermail)"
After that, in the root page, I created the folder "Powermail" to stock the data. (ID = 241)
And I created a second folder ("Form"; ID = 242).
In the folder "Form", I created a new Form ("registration") with the setting : Layout=Layout1; Language=Default; And the checkbox "Hide" is not checked
In this one, one Pages ("registration data") with the setting : Layout=Layout2; Language=Default; And the checkbox "Hide" is not checked
In "registration data", two fields, one for the name (Name of the sender) and one for the mail (Email of the sender) with setting : Mandatory Field=Checked; Layout=Layout3; Language=Default; And the checkbox "Hide" is not checked
And after that, in the root page, I created a new content element "powermail".
In the tab General, I set the header = Registration
In the tab Plugin, I selected Powermail. After, this is the setting : Selected Items=registration; Confirm page=checked;
Receivers Name=My Name; Receivers Email=MyName#gmail.com; Subject=My test;
Sender Name=A Name; Sender Email=AName#gmail.com; Subject=test;
In the tab Behaviour, Recursive=0 levels;
It seems that you are missing the proper typoscript to actually show the form on the page.
The specified typoscript snippet is not enough to show the content elements on the page.
Inside your typoscript template include the css_styled_content static template and change the snippet to this:
# Default PAGE object:
page = PAGE
page.10 < styles.content.get
That should ensure proper showing on the frontend. This is basic as it is, if you want it to be better looking, or different templating you should take a look at templating with TYPO3 first.

Remove RTE Title Text in TYPO3 6.1

RTE still clutters any link with title="Opens external link in new window" and worse, title="Opens internal link in current window".
I've tried removing it with
RTE.classesAnchor.externalLinkInNewWindow.titleText >
RTE.classesAnchor.internalLinkInCurrentWindow.titleText >
in page TSconfig, but no luck. Actually, I'm not even sure if this has to go into TSConfig or TS.
How can I disable this legacy feature?
PS I do still use
config.extTarget = _blank
but if it's really necessary, I can turn it off
To get rid of these texts, right of the beginning of a project (before content is filled in) use this PageTS-Config:
## get rid of "Opens link in ..."
RTE.classesAnchor.externalLink.titleText >
RTE.classesAnchor.externalLinkInNewWindow.titleText >
RTE.classesAnchor.internalLink.titleText >
RTE.classesAnchor.internalLinkInNewWindow.titleText >
RTE.classesAnchor.download.titleText >
RTE.classesAnchor.mail.titleText >
To look for the right names, go into the Module "Info", select a page from the page tree, click "Page TS Config" on the Dropdown-Select on the Top, and then "RTE." on the following Dropdown-Select.
This will remove all title attributes from links when saving:
RTE.default.proc.entryHTMLparser_db.tags.a.fixAttrib.title.unset = 1

In TYPO3 6.1, how to debug why CType is not rendering at all

In one of my TYPO3 6.1 sites, when I insert a content element of the CType "menu" ("MenĂ¼/Sitemap"), this is simply not rendered in the frontend. If I choose another CType, the item is output.
I have checked in the TSOB, tt_content.menu is there (css_styled_content is included).
Also, it is in the right column which is rendered via csc.
temp.maincontent < styles.content.get
temp.maincontent {
select.where = colPos = 0
wrap = <div class="maintext">|</div>
// required = 1
How could I debug this?
There was a weird issue with multiple backend layouts, being rendered in various parts of the PAGE COA. I've solved it by avoiding multiple use of the same temp. object, defining one temp.homecontent and one temp.standardcontent so they are not conflicting anymore.
To answer my own question "how to debug this": Well, by debugging.
I disabled all my TS includes and created the most basic kind of site: page = PAGE and page.10 < styles.content.get. With this setup, the CType menu was appearing. So I tried continuing by adding each TS template and then, when it stopped working, by adding / removing temp.item by tempitem from the corresponding template. Until I found the conflicting part. Fairly basic. But as there were no errors or similar hints in TSOB, probably the only way.