How do I get the instance from a Generic? - swift

I just cannot understand why this causes errors (errors shown as comments in code):
class SomeClass {
var id = 123
class AnotherClass {
func myFunc<T>(object: T) { = 555 // Error: Type 'T' has no member 'id' = 555 // Error: Value of type 'T' has no member 'id'
let someClass = SomeClass()
let anotherClass = AnotherClass()
How do you get the instance of someClass after passing it into the generic function?
Also, I can't do any named downcasting inside AnotherClass (as you would expect with a generic).

You have to look up a little bit more about generics. T has no member called id - that is correct! Just because you pass in some T that has a member (SomeClass) that does not matter for the compiler since at some other point you can insert something else like a Int or [Double] or anything.
Consider adding the following line to your code
What should happen? What should .id do??? It would fail because 1 does not have a member called id.
Your T has no generic constraint telling the compiler anything, therefore it assumes you can just pass in anything. And then you can only use all those properties the possible inputs share.
What you might want to use is for example
func myFunc<T : SomeClass>(object: T) { = 555
That tells the compiler that you are only allowed to pass in objects of type SomeClass or classes that extend SomeClass. Following the logic from above the compiler can look at the code, all possible inputs and allows you to perform the operations that are valid on all possible inputs. Therefore the compiler knows that the id property exists since SomeClass has it and all classes extending SomeClass do as well, since that is how extending works.
Once again the apple docs on generics are a really good place to learn a lot about generics from the basics to the quite complex use-cases.


Using type as a value, why is the "self" keyword required here?

I'm currently learning type as a value in functions and wrote this sample code to play around:
import Foundation
class Animal {
func sound() {
print("Generic animal noises")
func foo(_ t:Animal) {
foo(Animal) //Cannot convert value of type 'Animal.Type' to expected argument type 'Animal'
I'm not surprised by this result. Obviously you cant pass the type itself as an argument where an instance of that type is expected. But notice that the compiler says that the argument I passed was of type Animal.Type. So if I did this, it should compile right?
func foo(_ t:Animal.Type) {
foo(Animal) //Expected member name or constructor call after type name
This is what really confuses me a heck ton, the compiler told me it was of type Animal.Type *but after making this change it once again shows an error.
Of course I listened to the fix Swift suggests and do:
foo(Animal.self) //Works correctly
But my biggest question is: WHY? Isn't Animal itself the type? Why does the compiler require me to use Animal.self to get the type? This really confuses me, I would like for some guidance.
Self-answering, with help of comments, I was able to find out the reason:
Using .self after the type name is called Postfix Self Expression:
A postfix self expression consists of an expression or the name of a
type, immediately followed by .self. It has the following forms:
The first form evaluates to the value of the expression. For example, x.self evaluates to x.
The second form evaluates to the value of the type. Use this form to access a type as a value. For example, because SomeClass.self evaluates to the SomeClass type itself, you can pass it to a function or method that accepts a type-level argument.
Thus, the .self keyword is required to consider the type as a value capable of being passed as an argument to functions.

What exactly is a metatype in Swift?

I am very confused around the concept of "metatype" in the Swift language.
Suppose I have:
class SomeClass {
class func callClassMethod() {
print("I'm a class method. I belong to my type.")
func callInstanceMethod() {
print("I'm an instance method. I belong to my type instance.")
According to the definition:
A metatype type refers to the type of any type, including class types,
structure types, enumeration types, and protocol types.
SomeClass is already a type called SomeClass, then what exactly is the type of SomeClass?
I can create a SomeClass.Type variable:
let var1 : SomeClass.Type = SomeClass.self
var1.doIt();//"I'm a class method. I belong to my type."
but I can also call the static/class function this way:
SomeClass.doIt();//"I'm a class method. I belong to my type."
Are they the same?
They are the same because the compiler guarantees that class names are unique (Swift is name spaced by module), so there is only one thing that is of SomeClass.Type and that is the class SomeClass. The meta type is often useful when you just want to pass the type of something to a function but you don't want to pass an instance. Codable does this for instance:
let decoded = try decoder.decode(SomeType.self, from: data)
If you could not pass the meta type here then the compiler could still infer the return type based on an annotation on the left, but it would be less readable:
let decoded: Sometype = try decoder.decode(data)
Some libraries do use the type inference style instead, although the Apple preference seems to be to use the meta type as its clearer what the right side of the assignment is on its own, without relying on type inference from the left side of the assignment.

Get Type from Metatype

I'm struggling to understand the different between Types and Metatypes in swift 4. In particular I am looking to create an array something like this:
class A { ... }
class B {
func doStuff() {
let otherType = A.self
let itemArr : [otherType] = // Objects of type A
This throws a compile time error of Use of undeclared type 'otherType' which I think is occurring because otherType is actually A.Type. I think this may have something to do with Generics, but the catch is the type might not be known at compile time...
Is there a solution to this problem?
Swift is powerful because you can pass types as parameters and create variable of types. This is attractive, but yet, there is better solution for your issue.
Define protocol CustomArrayPopulatable {} And add this to all subclasses/classes that could be added to the array. E.G. A1: CustomArrayPopulatable ; A2: CusstomArrayPopulatable.
With generic types, you could achieve great abstraction. However, have in mind, if you need to cast to specific subtype later on, you would need to cast it yourself such as: if type as? A1 {...}, so use generics carefully and think before you start, do you really need them.

Swift - how do I pass a type/object (name or instance) into a method and then (a) get the type (b) instantiate it?

I need to do this, but I'm having all sorts of problems:
class MyClass {
class SomeClass {
func callMethod(object) {
let theType = object.type // I need the same result as MyClass.self
let newInstance = object() // I need the same result as MyClass()
let someClass = SomeClass()
let object = MyClass
How do you actually do this?
I want to be able to specify one type (e.g. MyClass). That can be either the type name or an instance of it and then get the two values shown in the code comments.
It would be a lot easier if I passed in two separate variables, but I'm sure I can do it in one.
You can use the .dynamicType property of an instance to get its type. Then you can call a required init method on it (or any other class/static method).
let theType = object.dynamicType
let newInstance = theType.init()
Note: This code compiles, depending on the type of object. If the type has a required init() method, it is safe to call on the dynamicType. However, it also appears that if the type is NSObject the compiler will let you call init() on the dynamicType even though a subclass may or may not have an init() method given how Swift initializer inheritance works. Arguably this is a bug in the compiler, so use this code with caution if you choose to do so. Thanks to #nhgrif for the discussion on the topic.

Store type in variable to use like a type later

I'm trying to store a type in a variable so that I can use it like a 1st class type later on.
class SomeModel {}
let someType = SomeModel.self
let array = Array<someType>()
In this case sure I could have done Array<SomeModel>() instead but I want to generalize it and let subclasses provide the value of someType.
However I get errors like someType isn't a type or use of undeclared type 'someType' on the last line.
If you need to store several type values in array, this works pretty well:
let array: [Any.Type] = [String.self, Int.self]
func someFunc<T>(model: T) -> Array<T> {
let array = Array<T>()
return array
let someType = SomeModel.self
let array = someFunc(someType())
Looks like this does what I want. The only drawback is that I have to create an instance of the desired type to pass. In this case its minimal overhead, but it just seems like a waste.
Another thing with using generics like this is it appears that the generic's possible types are computed at compile time, so at run time model.dynamicType doesn't necessarily match T. In most cases it will, but if you are doing any reflection driven stuff make sure to really check your use case well.
These days, this can be more easily and adaptably achieved by using .Type on a class or protocol. Note that only functions available to that root class or protocol will be accessible however, so you should ensure that a required initialiser of some kind is defined. For example:
protocol MyClass {
init(someValue: Int)
class MyWrapper {
let myClassType: MyClass.Type
init(classType: MyClass.Type) {
self.myClassType = classType
func new(with value: Int) -> MyClassType {
return MyClassType.init(someValue: value)
You can now initialise this rather silly factory class with a specific class implementing the MyClass protocol and when you call the new() function with an integer value it will generate a new instance of that class and return it.