AVR-GCC Compiler not in toolchain list eclipse - eclipse

I'm trying to program in C for arduino and I'm trying my very best to avoid having to use Atmel Studio
I've installed the AVR plugin for eclipse on the MARS release.
I've downloaded and extracted WinAVR (and added it to PATH)
In Eclipse preferences under AVR/Paths, all paths are correctly recognised
but the New C/C++ Project Wizard doesn't show AVR-GCC in the toolchain list, not on project type executable, not on AVR Cross Target Application project type, not even when Show project types and toolchains only if they are supported on the platform is unchecked.
I also have MinGW in PATH for normal C applications.
Is there any way to fix this? (as in, get AVR-GCC in the toolchain list). A friend on linux (I'm on Win10) did get AVR-GCC in his toolchain list without issues on the same eclipse version.


Can not create 8051 project in Eclipse on Mac

I'm using macOS. I have downloaded sdcc for Mac and installed it followed INSTALL.txt inside the downloaded folder (simply copy it to Developer folder), and have Eclipse IDE for Embedded C/C++ Developer installed. Then I installed eclipseSDCC (I don't know if the plugin is platform specific). Seems everything in the right way.
However, when I new a project in Eclipse. I found the Toolchains is empty, so I can't create one. So, how can I deal with it?
Without knowing the prerequisites that renders a toolchain as "supported", these steps enables you to create an 8051 project:
Specify a project name.
Uncheck the checkbox at the bottom that reads "Show project types and toolchains only if they are supported on the platform".

Error while trying to compile imported project from Mbed compiler

I have completely followed installing the GNU MCU Eclipse compiler along with the arm gnu toolchain and its complementary GCC toolchain provided in the
tutorial link.
When I want to build a project which I exported from the Mbed online compiler, I set the PATH variable in the project's properties to wherever the where gnu-arm-none-eabi-g++ command refers. But Regarding all the instructions I followed I am still getting this compile error:
**Error:Program "make" not found in PATH**
It seems that there is a way around in order to avoid the multi-step process for setting up the Eclipse IDE for Max devices.
The Maxim Integrated company has special eclipse neon dedicated for maxim arm processors which can be downloaded from this link.
Warning!!: when you install the arm toolchain and run the Eclipse IDE, be aware that you don't update the IDE tools and libraries via the IDE itself. However, if you want to update the libraries you can do this by the Arm cortex management app which is included in the toolchain setup.

Eclipse on MAC OS X Does not detect LLVM toolchain

I'm trying to work with eclipse to compile/debug C/C++ applications on MAC OSX using LLVM/Clang.
I know I have the toolchain correctly installed as I can compile with it from the terminal using a makefile, and when running clang -v I get the LLVM version + install dir correctly.
I downloaded a fresh copy of eclipse C++ (Mars) + installed the LLVM support plugin and followed: Unable to install LLVM toolchain for Eclipse CDT
Copied the install dir path from the clang -v output to the LLVM part in the preferences -> c++ -> LLVM, but it seems eclipse does not detect the toolchain.
It does not appear as an option when creating a new C++ project unless I uncheck the "only show supported toolchains on the target" checkbox , and when I do uncheck it and create a LLVM project for MACOS in the build process it says:
Toolchain "LLVM with Clang (MacOSX)" is not detected.
Refer to "C/C++ Development User Guide", "Before you begin" how to install toolchains.
All it says in the manual is to install Xcode to get the toolchain running , which I obviously did as it is working from the terminal.
Any ideas? How does Eclipse detect the toolchain exists?
In Xcode app menu > Toolchains > set the one you want to use.
And set the environment variable export TOOLCHAINS=org.llvm.12.0.1. See the following steps to find the correct value of the env var.
If you just downloaded the compiler, headers etc., and no xctoolchain, then do this:
Copy /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain to ~/Library/Developer/Toolchains/
Delete the contents of ~/Library/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr.
Either copy the share, libexec, lib, include, bin folders from the LLVM binaries to these locations inside ~/Library/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr. Or you can create symlinks.
Edit the ~/Library/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/ToolchainInfo.plist to change the Identifier to whatever you want.
Simply downloading the binaries doesn't make it a "toolchain" that Xcode expects like in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain
Its highly likely this is fixed in latest version of Eclipse. At date this question was asked, you were using 'Mars'. This version of Eclipse is superseded by 'Neon' and then 'Oxygen' which is current as of end of January 2018. I've seen a reference to this issue being solved with 'Neon' edition as it was a bug in 'Mars'. I cannot personally confirm this though.
In addition if you manually installed clang/llvm instead of included apple version try using homebrew instead. There are some clear instructions here on using it under OSX/macOS in relation to clang/llvm.

Building OPCUA for vxworks using cmake

I am building OPCUA for vxworks 6.6. I got a information in
It is mentioned as below "create a new CMake project for "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" with the vxWorks CMake toolchainfile."
Here what does author mean by "vxWorks CMake toolchainfile."?
I am also looking for steps in building in generate project for vxworks workbench from CMake, like what are prequestie software to be avialable (I have CMake 3.2.2 installed on windows 7 machine). It would be good if steps are explained with simple Helloworld application how do we generate vxworks workbench project from windows CMake3.2.2.
Here what does author mean by "vxWorks CMake toolchainfile."?
A toolchain file is a file with informations about the toolchain used for a target platform. It contains compiler to use, include paths, libraries etc.
The problem: CMake doesn't support VxWorks.
What you can do:
Does OPCUA already contain one (or other kind of cmake support)?
If so, you are on the lucky side ...
Write your own toolchain file
It's not that difficult
Recommendation: Write a toolchain file and platformfiles describing your target platform (Some info: here (useful!), here and here)
Search if you can find one in the internet
Use the basic Cross-compile features of CMake
(in the CMake GUI: Use "Specify options for cross-compiling")
In some cases this is enough; set compilers and include paths
This is more or less what the toolchain file does
I am also looking for steps in building in generate project for vxworks workbench from CMake
As VxWorks, the Workbench is not an official supported IDE. Therefore you can't generate Workbench project directly. But since the WB is Eclipse based, you may use the usual Eclipse project files. Disadvantage: Not all WB features are available (but you can achieve most of these with CMake).
like what are prequestie software to be avialable
Just CMake, the Workbench and the usual VxWorks platform (Compiler, libraries, BSP, ...).
It would be good if steps are explained with simple Helloworld application how do we generate vxworks workbench project from windows CMake3.2.2.
As you have seen: this is not that easy. But the basic steps:
Write a toolchain file (if you don't have one) and maybe platform files (depending on how many platforms / compiler you want to support). You get some help from the link above
Check if your toolchain file leads to successful compilation
Generate Eclipse project files (infos: CMake:Eclipse UNIX Tutorial and Eclipse CDT4 Generator)

Photran says "At least one configuration should be available. Project cannot be created." when creating a fortran project in eclipse

I downloaded Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers, Kepler version, on my Debian x64 system, as well as gfortran 4.7.2 from the repository. When I open Eclipse, I select File -> New -> Project -> Fortran Project, then select Executable -> Empty Project. After entering a project name and selecting the only toolchain available (Intel Fortran Toolchain on Intel 64) and clicking Next, I get to a window with an error message that says
At least one configuration should be available. Project cannot be created.
and I can't progress from there (the Finish button is greyed out). What am I doing wrong? How can I create a fortran project in Eclipse?
According to the user's guide, you should select Executable (GNU Fortran) and not Empty Project.