Swift Boolean checking - swift

So in Objective-C when using Booleans it's possible, and encouraged, to write code using a variable's non-zero value as it's boolean value, which means you can write code like this:
if (someBool) {
// Stuff
Also, there are reasons why code like the following is discouraged:
if (someBool == YES) {
// Might run into problems here
The reasons why checking a boolean against another boolean are better explained here, but briefly the issue is just that when you're comparing equality to YES or NO directly, you're actually comparing against 1 and 0, respectively. Since Objective-C allows for using non-zero values as a truth value, you could end up comparing something that should be considered true against YES and have the expression resolve to NO, e.g.
int trueNumber = 2;
if (trueNumber == YES) {
// Doesn't run because trueNumber != 1
Is this still an issue in Swift? Code style issues aside, if I see something like the following
var someBool = true
if someBool == true {
// stuff
is that going to be an issue, or does it not really matter? Are these C-style comparisons still happening under the hood, or is there something built into the Swift BooleanType that prevents these issues?

The if <something> {} structure in Swift requires the <something> to conform to the BooleanType protocol which is defined like this:
public protocol BooleanType {
/// The value of `self`, expressed as a `Bool`.
public var boolValue: Bool { get }
If the type doesn't conform to this protocol, a compile-time error is thrown. If you search for this protocol in the standard library you find that the only type that conforms to this protocol is Bool itself. Bool is a type that can either be true or false. Don't think of it as the number 1 or 0, but rather as On/Off Right/Wrong.
Now this protocol can be conformed to by any nominal type you want, e.g.:
extension Int : BooleanType {
public var boolValue : Bool {
return self > 0
Now if you do this (you shouldn't honestly), you're defining it by yourself what "True" and "False" means. Now you'd be able to use it like this (again, don't do this):
if 0 {

Swift has Bool type. This is different from objective-c's BOOL which is not actual type. It is actually typedef unsigned char. When swift expects Bool you have to give it Bool otherwise it is compile error. The following code will not compile because check is not Bool
let check = 2
if check {
But this will work because == returns Bool
let check = 2
if check == 2 {

To understand the ObjC style, you need to go back to C. In C, this statement:
if (something) {
// Do something
will evaluate to false if something is null or 0. Everything else evaluate to true. The problem is C doesn't have a boolean type. Objective-C added YES and NO which is basically 1 and 0. So:
if (aBoolValue == YES) { } // Work as expected
if (anIntValue == YES) { } // False unless anIntValue == 1
The "discouraged" recommendation was to align with the behaviour in C. Swift has no such backward compatibility requirements. You can't write these:
if anIntValue { } // Syntax error
if anObject { } // Syntax error
Instead, the expression must evaluate to a boolean value:
if anIntValue != 0 { } // Ok
if anObject != nil { } // Ok


Swift short syntax of execution

I am looking for the way to write short syntax.
For instance. In JS, PHP and etc.
var a = 1 ;
function Foo ()-> void {}
a && Foo() ;
if a exists, run Foo.
a and Foo itself already mean exist or not, the syntax is away better looks....
However, in Swift, the typing checking is kinda of tough.
var a = 1 ;
func Foo ()-> Foid {} ;
a && Foo();
will generate neither are Bool returning error.
a != nil && Foo() ;
this can resolve and variable condition, but what if the better bypass for the function condition? I just dont want to write something like
if( a != nil ) { Foo() } ;
Yet what is the better syntax for Not Exist?
if ( !a ) or !a //is easy and better looks...
I found not similar thing in swift...
if( a == nil ) // will throws error when its not Optional Typing.
guard var b = xxx else {} // simply for Exist and very long syntax.
Thank you for your advice!
As mentioned by other contributors, Swift emphasizes readability and thus, explicit syntax. It would be sacrilege for the Swift standard library to support Python-style truth value testing.
That being said, Swift’s extensibility allows us to implement such functionality ourselves—if we really want to.
prefix func !<T>(value: T) -> Bool {
switch T.self {
case is Bool.Type:
return value as! Bool
guard Double(String(describing: value)) != 0
else { return false }
return true
prefix func !<T>(value: T?) -> Bool {
guard let unwrappedValue = value
else { return false }
return !unwrappedValue
var a = 1
func foo() -> Void { }
!a && !foo()
Or even define our own custom operator:
prefix operator ✋
prefix func ✋<T>(value: T) -> Bool {
/// Same body as the previous example.
prefix func ✋<T>(value: T?) -> Bool {
guard let unwrappedValue = value
else { return false }
return ✋unwrappedValue
var a = 1
func foo() -> Void { }
✋a && ✋foo()
The expectations you've developed from dynamic languages like PHP and JS (and Ruby, Python for that matter) are almost universally inapplicable to static languages like Swift.
Swift is a statically compiled language. If you reference a variable that doesn't exist, it's not legal Swift code, and the compiler will fail your build. Given that, the question of "how do I check if a variable is undefined?" is completely moot in Swift. If you have a successfully compiling program that references a variable a, then a exists. There's absolutely no reason for a check, and so a mechanism for it doesn't even exist.
Static vs Dynamic typing
Static type systems are like mathematical proof systems. They produce rigerous proofs that certain aspects of your program are valid. This has trade-offs. The rigidity buys you many guarantees. For example, you'll never have a valid Swift program where you accidentally pass an Int where a Bool is expected. The static type system makes that class of error literally impossible, so it's not something you have to remember to check for yourself.
On the other hand, many truths are easier to intuit than to prove. Thus, there's great utility in scripting and dynamic languages, because they don't demand the rigorous proofs of your claims that static languages require. On the down side, their type systems "do" much less. For example, JS happily lets you reference an undefined variable. To remedy this, JS provides a way for you to do a run-time check to see whether a variable is defined or not. But this isn't a problem Swift has, so the "solution" is absent.
When static typing is too hard
Swift actually takes a middle ground position. If you find yourself with a statement that's obviously true, but hard to prove to the compiler, various "escape hatches" exist that allow you to leave the safety of the type system, and go into dynamic land. For example, if you look at an IBOutlet, and see that it's connected to an element in a storyboard, you can intuitively be sure that the IBOutlet is not nil. But that's not something you can prove to the compiler, and hence when you see implicitly unwrapped optionals being used for IBOutlets.
Implicitly unwrapped optionals are one such "escape hatch". The Any type is another, as is unsafeBitcast(_:to:), withoutActuallyEscaping(_:), as!, try!, etc.
Swift takes type safety very seriously. Unlike C or JS we can not use anything that doesn't resolve to Bool value type in If statement in Swift. So there won't be a short hand for that(at-least that I know of). Regarding below code
if( a == nil ) // will throws error when its not Optional Typing.
Swift doesn't allow you to set nil to non optional types. So there is no need to check for nil. By the way both Obj-C and Swift use verbose syntax, we need to get use to that.
In this case you are trying to force Swift to work in a way that you are used to with other languages like JavaScript or PHP, as you say in your comment. There are a few reasons why your code won't compile, but it mainly falls on the fact that Swift doesn't do the same truthy and falsy stuff JS does.
var a = 1
if a {
print("won't compile")
//'Int' is not convertible to 'Bool'
In Swift it's better to use an actual Bool value if that's what it's supposed to be, or if it's truly supposed to be an Int you're just going to have to check the value
var a = true
if a {
print("this compiles")
var a = 1
if a > 0 {
print("this compiles too")
Swift really isn't meant to be as loose as JS, so you should just embrace that and take advantage of the safety and readability.
Here is one way most similar to what you designed.
You may have to set the type of a to Int?:
var a: Int? = 1
func foo ()-> Void {}
a.map{_ in foo()}

How to check if dictionary contains a bool values in Swift iOS?

Like in objective c I write:
if([[dictionary objectForKey:#"myKey"] boolValue])
// action after condition is true
How do we write this in Swift? I have'nt been able to figure this out.
if let booleanValue = dict["MyKey"] as? Bool {
This utilises optional binding in Swift, and will only enter the if statement in the case that booleanValue can be derived from "MyKey". It also has the added benefit that booleanValue has actually been declared as a constant within the scope of the if statement.

Type 'Int' does not conform to protocol 'BooleanType'?

I know there is another thread with the same question, but it doesn't tell what is actually causing the problem
Im new to swift, so Im a bit confused on this.
I wrote a very simple program that is supposed to start with a default number of followers (0) and assign that to 'defaultfollowers' and once that becomes 1 its supposed become "followers", but I get the error "Type 'Int' does not conform to protocol 'BooleanType'". What is causing this and why
var followerdeafault = 0
var followers = 0
if (followerdeafault++){
var followers = followerdeafault
In Swift you can't implicitly substitute Int instead of Bool. This was done to prevent confusion and make code more readable.
So instead of this
let x = 10
if x { /* do something */ }
You have to write this:
let x = 10
if x != 0 { /* do something */ }
Also you can't pass an Optional instead of Bool to check if it's nil, as you would do in Objective-C. Use explicit comparison instead:
if myObject != nil { /* do something */ }
As the comments said, you're trying to use an Int in a Bool comparison statement. What you're looking for is probably something like this:
if followerdeafuaut++ == 1 { ... }
Also side note: the ++ operator is deprecated, moving towards using +=

Swift is unable to type infer variable containing closure that returns Bool

I have a method, and it contains the following:
let downloadNextPagination = {
if current.integerValue < amount.integerValue {
if current.integerValue != amount.integerValue - 1 {
return true
return false
if downloadNextPagination() {
// Do something
This code will not compile: Unable to infer closure return type in current context
Changing the definition of downloadNextPagination to
let downloadNextPagination: () -> Bool
fixes the issue. Question is: Why can Swift not work out the correct type of the closure here? All code paths return Bool, yet this can't be worked out? Is this a fundamental limitation / am I missing something in my understanding here, or is this simply a question of improving the compiler's type inference ability and something like this may well work come Swift 3?
Swift can currently infer only single-return closures. You can rewrite your closure to:
let downloadNextPagination = {
return current.integerValue < amount.integerValue && current.integerValue != amount.integerValue - 1

Proper way to handle a fail to init

I am looking for a proper way to handle a invalid argument during a initialization.
I am unsure how to do it using Swift as the init has't a return type. How can I tell whoever is trying to initialize this class that you are doing something wrong?
init (timeInterval: Int) {
if timeInterval > 0
self.timeInterval = timeInterval
//???? (return false?)
Thank you!
Use a failable initializer. Such an initializer looks very similar to a regular designated initializer, but has a '?' character right after init and is allowed to return nil. A failable initializer creates an optional value.
struct Animal {
let species: String
init?(species: String) {
if species.isEmpty { return nil }
self.species = species
See Apple's documentation on failable initializers for more detail.
In swift, you can't really abort a task half way through execution. There are no exceptions in swift and in general the philosophy is that aborting a task is dangerous and leads to bugs, so it just should't be done.
So, you verify a value like this:
assert(timeInterval > 0)
Which will terminate the program if an invalid value is provided.
You should also change timeInterval to be a UInt so that there will be a compiler error if anybody tries to give a < 0 value or an integer value that could be < 0.
It's probably not the answer you're looking for. But the goal is to check for bad parameters as early as possible, and that means doing it before you create any objects with those parameters. Ideally the check should be done at compile time but that doesn't always work.
I think this is the best solution, took it from:How should I handle parameter validation Swift
class NumberLessThanTen {
var mySmallNumber: Int?
class func instanceOrNil(number: Int) -> NumberLessThanTen? {
if number < 10 {
return NumberLessThanTen(number: number)
} else {
return nil
#required init() {
init(number: Int) {
self.mySmallNumber = number
let iv = NumberLessThanTen.instanceOrNil(17) // nil
let v = NumberLessThanTen.instanceOrNil(5) // valid instance
let n = v!.mySmallNumber // Some 5
In the Swift book by Apple, at the very bottom of this section:https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/swift/conceptual/swift_programming_language/TheBasics.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014097-CH5-XID_399
They say:
When to Use Assertions
Use an assertion whenever a condition has the potential to be false,
but must definitely be true in order for your code to continue
execution. Suitable scenarios for an assertion check include:
An integer subscript index is passed to a custom subscript
implementation, but the subscript index value could be too low or too
high. A value is passed to a function, but an invalid value means that
the function cannot fulfill its task. An optional value is currently
nil, but a non-nil value is essential for subsequent code to execute
This sounds exactly like your situation!
Thus your code should look like:
init (timeInterval: Int) {
assert (timeInterval > 0, "Time Interval Must be a positive integer")
// Continue your execution normally