How to solve undefined labels in suiteCRM - sugarcrm

I am getting this error in SuiteCRM:
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -
Please help me that how can I solve it?

Go to Admin > Repair and do a "Quick Repair & Rebuild".
Execute any changes shown at the bottom of the page.
If that doesn't work, go to Admin > Repair and do "Rebuild .htaccess file"
and afterward, Admin > Repair and do a "Quick Repair & Rebuild" again.

Simply remove the cache folder from your instance files, and make a hard reload.

Here are the commands you need to execute in the directory to fix this issue.
find -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

These 3 directories in SuiteCRM should be 777. or at least 775.
As lot of files re-generate while repair or cache build up, it needs to be full permission on those directories.

the issue for me was super simple and none of these: my .htaccess file had an old directory listed so I did a control F, changed the directory name of where suitecrm should have been and currently is, and then saved it, and boom. all 'undefined' errors gone. Hope this helps

This is related to RewriteBase in .htaccess. Either you can manually update it by modifying .htaccess or execute Rebuild .htaccess file

I had this same problem and the above answer did not work.
I found that the file/folder permissions were wrong, once these were updated 644/755 respectively everything started to work as it should.


I can't change permissions

So my "code ." command doesn't work. I get the error
/usr/local/bin/code2: line 6: python: command not found
/usr/local/bin/code2: line 10: ./MacOS/Electron: No such file or directory
I saw that I just have to change python to python3 in the code file in /usr/local/bin. Except when I change the file, I'm unable to save it with the change. I get all sorts of errors telling me I don't have permission to change it. So then I look up how to change it, and it says to click on get info on the file, and then change the permissions in the sharing and permissions section. But my get info doesn't HAVE a sharing and permissions section!
What do I do?
PS: I realized I can see permissions if I do get info on the whole bin directory. I made it so everyone can read & write. Except I still can't save the altered version of the code file. I still don't know what to do anymore.
Ok I still have no idea how to save an edited version of the code file, but here is how I got around it for now.
brew install python
ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python
Now I can use code . but I'm still very upset with my computer for not cooperating with me. 😡

Css changes reflect only after deploy command in magento2

Now i have created custom theme in magento2.Every time i wrote css it doesn't reflect immediately.I have changed mode to "developer".And also disable cache
in backend.I have given the following commands to reflect my custom css.
rm -f var/* -R
rm -f pub/static -R
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
chmod 0777 var -R
chmod 0777 pub/static -R
It takes too much time to do my design work.So please anyone help on this.
The solution suggested by Emizen Tech works fine and helps me out to resolve the same issue in my site.
However, it only requires mode to be set to the developer.
In order to change the mode, here is the command:
bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
you can just write css/js for theme in the app/design same folder
to reflect the changes just remove that deployed file in pub/static folder
Magento2 will auto create the missing/deleted static files
Make sure that pub/static/.htaccess should be there for auto generation of Static Files.
as I can See you have removed the all files and folder into pub/staic folder
copy this .htaccess file form Magento's GIT Repo. :
Easy way to directly change in pub/static folder and then it complete put this change in app/design folder that make it faster.

How can I remove this folder?

I have a folder that appeared suddenly and I want to get rid of it.
I'm using Linux Mint btw.
The location is ~/.local/share/Trash/files/AhCBFJnAYJ
It is about 1GB in size and I have no memory of creating it. I can't list the folder's contents either. I've tried emptying the trash bin and using bleachbit, but nothing seems to help.
I would greatly appreciate any advice. Thanks for reading!
To remove a folder with its contents just type
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/files/AhCBFJnAYJ
This should be able to be removed by giving root permission.
As this didnt work then it requires you to take ownership again:
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/.local/share/Trash/files/AhCBFJnAYJ
where $USER stands for your user name in the path name.

access denied to directory/folder

I just wasted an hour or so chasing this. I was able to resolve it but putting it in q/a form hoping others might benefit.
The symptom was that I could not access a directory. I could browse to it in explorer or command window. I could not even see its security permissions in properties window.
The folder is created by our build process, which meant I could pretty much do no work. Searching on net was no help.
Answer below.
It turns out it has to do with how cygwin does not lock a directory. The build process removed the directory (rmdir /s u:\target) and then recreated it (mkdir u:\target). I had a bash window where that directory was the current directory.
When the build process (bat file) called rmdir it succeeded, even %errorlevel% was 0. However the subsequent mkdir failed with Access is denied.. The build process unfortunately checked only for rmdir failure, not mkdir.
Thanks to handle.exe I found the folder to be in use by bash.exe, From there it was straightforward. Changing the current directory finally deleted the folder and another go at build set everything right.
I realize this is unix behavior to remove a file only after all handled to it are closed, but its simulation in windows is somewhat non-intuitive.

Is there a way to reset the error badges in Netbeans?

Netbeans sometimes displays error badges in situations where no actual error occours. (Often on folders, too)
Although Google finds many pages reporting this issue for various Netbeans versions, I could not found a solution to reset the error badges without deleting and re-creating the project with a different name (!).
How can I remove the badges besides recreating the project?
Somewhere Netbeans has to store the information which folder has an error badge. Perhaps it is possible to delete some kind of cache and be done with it.
I discovered it myself: The Netbeans errors are cached in the index sub-directory of the Netbeans user directory. Here are the some .err and .warn files, which contain the error and the warning messages.
That's also the reason why recreating a project with the same name doesn't get rid of the badges: The data is stored outside of the project.
Deleting all *.err and *.warn files in that directory and all sub directories makes Netbeans forget the error badges until they are recreated because of a real compile error.
PS: Be prepared for a rescan of your projects after deleting files from the cache, but it should be quick if no other files have been deleted.
NetBeans has moved the userdir directory
See here for your specific OS:
Unix-Like Systems (and Mac OS for NB 7.1 and earlier) script:
find ~/.netbeans/7.1/var/cache/index/ -name "*.err" -exec rm {} \;
find ~/.netbeans/7.1/var/cache/index/ -name "*.warn" -exec rm {} \;
Mac OS Systems NB 7.2 and later script:
find ~/Library/Caches/NetBeans/7.2rc1/index/ -name "*.err" -exec rm {} \;
find ~/Library/Caches/NetBeans/7.2rc1/index/ -name "*.warn" -exec rm {} \;
You can download the netbeans's cache eraser plugin:
You have to configure the cache dir path, it appears in netbeans about screen.
Erase the cache with the plugin and the errors disappear.
After 4 years with this annoying red errors badges, i decided to make something on my own as windows user (you can do something alike for others OS) to get rid of this.
You have to create a batch script as follow :
set cache_path=C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\8.2\
set exe_path=C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\bin\netbeans64.exe
del /s /q /f %cache_path%*.err
start "" "%exe_path%"
exit 0
You have to modify the two first var line to change for you own Netbeans paths.
Save this code in a bat file ("run_clean_netbeans.bat" for exemple) and run it.
The script will look for all .err files in the cache directory of netbeans, delete them, and run the Netbeans app just after.
Error badges won't show up anymore (clean .err files on each restart of Netbeans).
I even did a shortcut of this bat file with the Netbeans icon to have something like the original exe (you can put it in your task-bar for exemple).
Capture of the bat file + shortcut to it
You can find a zip containing my bat and my shortcut in the link bellow, just modify it to your liking.
Enjoy :)
On Linux, clear the userdir(.netbeans/8.0.2) and the cache(.cache/netbeans/8.0.2) directories completely and launch Netbeans again. This will remove the incorrect error badges.
In my case, it was not userdir that makes the error, it was cachedir.
The cachedir is separate from userdir and its default path is also system specific:
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\8.2\ on Windows
/Users//Library/Caches/NetBeans/8.2/ on Mac OS X
/home//.cache/netbeans/8.2 on Unix-like systems
I try to find the root cause by finding .err and .warn using find command.
find . -name *.err -type f
find . -name *.warn -type f
I find 0 warn file and 4 error files. However, the error files is not related to my project.
I ended up deleting (or rename to .old) Caches/NetBeans/8.2/, I open up NetBeans and the error icon is gone. Beware that using this approach NetBeans will take a longer time to launch.
On netbeans 11 it was not enough to just remove the .err and .warn files. I had to remove the index directory which was in ~/.cache/netbeans/11.0