Tableau - Map is Reversed - tableau-api

Has anyone had issues with Tableau Maps displaying backwards? I believe the only workaround for this would be to have my own custom background image and supply the min/max lat/lon.
My data is outlined as the following, and is plotted using the lat/lon in the data.
City | Latitude_DC | Longitude_DC

The not-so-evident and not-the-best solution that pops to mind is the one provided in the comments, simply dragging/moving the map using the mouse and publishing the dashboard without resetting the axis.
In your dashboard you can even create a small floating text-box alerting people to not pin the map if it's something you might be concerned.
I'm not sure about how Tableau's algorithm works to decide that the best map position for your data is putting the United States at right, and I don't think there's a real fix for that (if it's considered a bug to be fixed).


Why does AWS CloudWatch dashboard widget does not respect scales when drawing two lines?

I'm new to AWS and CloudWatch.
Here is a screenshot of a CloudWatch dashboard showing two parameters related to a Dynamo table.
As you can see in the pop-up the value of the sample for the orange timeseries is 2,252 while the value of the sample for the red timeseries is 7,000, yet the red chart is drawn under the orange chart. If you check the scale on the left, it seems the red series is the one that get drawn correctly, while the line of the orange one is somehow "inflated".
Can you please help me understand what is the reason behind this?
It looks like your mouse hover point data and the popup data are out of sync. Just a UI glitch.
The popup is showing 09:57 and probably on the chart at 09:57 those are the correct values.
The hover point you chose is a particular peak and is at what time? The last digit is cut off from the display but it's definitely not a 7! Looks like "09:50" maybe?
Minor UI glitch is my diagnosis.
Eventually I come up with this different set up, where one of the series has values mapped on the left Y-axis, while the other series has values mapped on the right Y-axis.
The main drawback is that the two series are not directly comparable, but at least the difference in value is more evident.

How can I filter over a bar graph data while showing the average of the entire data set?

I am making an interactive dashboard in Tableau that looks something like this:
(for your best viewing experience, please view the dashboard in the fullscreen view - button on bottom right corner of the board)
I need some help with the bar chart.
I currently have a reference line in place to mark the two averages so that they don’t move as I filter through data. When using the average line feature, the filters on the left change all the graphs on the dashboard in real-time (and thus the average with it). So, it seems like the average line is built from the data points currently on display rather than all the data points in our data set.
I want to show the averages on the bar graph as they are in the image (a constant for the whole data set) without having to manually set the average each time I add/update the data.
How do I make it so that when I change the filters, the bar graph changes but the average stays constant?
Thank you so much!
You can self-blend the data sources - duplicate the data source, but DON'T join any fields/set up relationships. The lack of join can make the secondary source act as a constant.
Alternatively create a FIXED calculation to calculate the average. This should also act as a constant - just make sure none of your filters are in context.

Google Charts trendline y-intercept

I've been trying to force a trendline through 0,0 for my scatter graph, but I can't seem to find a way to do this.
From the docs here, they don't give any information on it:
But, I know there are lots of undocumented stuff in charts.
This is an example of what i am trying to do within Google charts(Done within excel)
The red dotted liner is the trendline, on the left is the default liniear regression that Google charts can give, but in many situations you would want to force a Y-intercept, in this example its forced to be at 0
No, you should NOT need values to force an intercept. This is a pretty standard option in graphing programs. Unfortunately, I don't see where Google Sheets gives you the option, which is one reason I don't recommend it for serious data analysis.
It's odd that the LINEST function allows you to force a zero Y-Intercept, but the trend-line tool in the Chart Editor does not. Excel offers a checkbox to force the line through the origin. (Of course, one should exercise caution when doing so. You really have to know something about the data your analyzing.)

Colorizing russian map with leaflet

I'd like to colorize russian map with leaflet.But there is a problem with a region (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug), that is placed on the "bend" line of the map. Part of the region appears on the other part of the map (here's a link to the picture I've already tried to use noWrap option, but it didn't help. Any help will be highly appreciated!
That happens when you cross the international dataline. What you want can be done but you've got to edit your geometries. In your case you would need to add 360 to every coordinate you encounter that's left of the prime meridian, thus every negative longitude. Mapbox has a nice example on the matter:

Leaflet.js display of a non-geo map ( – I need a concrete example

I'm displaying a map that's been tiled (-p raster) using The X-coordinate is about [0..-1160]. The Y-coordinate, for some reason, is [-700,0]. Zoom-levels 0-5.
I simply cannot get a plausible display to work. Sometimes, if I zoom-out to level-zero, I see the map way down at the bottom of the display ... not centered. Nothing at all appears at other levels.
I am also seeing the display "bounce back and forth" between about a 3-o'clock and a 6-o'clock position. (Only, once again, at zoom-level zero.)
I am at my wit's end. Please give guidance. Complete examples. Anything ...
Well, I found my answer:
If you're going to be using several layers in your Leaflet map, add them in the constructor-call, using the layers parameter.
If you try to do things with the layers before joining them all together, or with the map with no layers added, "strange and default things will happen." (For example, although I requested the Simple CRS when constructing things (separately...), the net-effect was to actually try to use a different one. Therefore, "do what the author expected." Specify all the layers at once, to the Map constructor. Then, customize them as you need to. Make very sure that they all know about each other from the very start of things.