I got a message that I exceeded the maximum number allowed for a particular service when creating a new application from a boilerplate on Bluemix. Is there a way to check the maximum number of the particular service instances i can create on Bluemix? The boilerplate I use has two services, Personality Insights and Monitoring and Analytics. I want to know what is the maximum permitted # of instances I can have for each of these two.
In the Bluemix UI navigate to your Dashboard and below each group you can see your limits, like 3/4 Services & APIs. See picture below for details.
If you're a "trial user", the max # of instances you can have is 10. To remove this limit, convert your trial account to a pay account. See the link below for more details:
We have a lot of users that use SharePoint and also we use only application token to manage the data. So we send lots of requests and we are facing throttling. So the questions are:
Are there any possibilities to increase the requests limit?
How can I see my current quota/resource usage?
You can not request a limit increase, and Microsoft does not provide any specific information regarding the algorithm they use to decide when or why to begin throttling.
The best option you have is to apply incremental back-off logic to account for throttled calls:
You have to contact Microsoft support and open a ticket in order to get information regarding which service principals and users are being throttled. An engineer will have to pull the info from their database.
They can not give you specific quota/resource information. The will only tell you how many calls were throttled for a given principal.
Are the user rate limits applied when using service accounts with delegated users requests to Google APIs?
I think the limits here in this documentation is applicable for both the service account and user account. You can check here the API limits, API quotas and other type of limits. Also, another way to check the limits of API is in the Developers console itself under the Quotas tab in each API.
Is there a way of checking for IBM Bluemix outages, and on expected resolution time for specific services?
Currently the only way I know is to submit a request and check for error code 503. I do not know where to look for information of what services are affected and of expected resolution time for the problems.
The Bluemix Support Status page provides this information. You can filter it for the region or Services that interest you, and subscribe to RSS feeds from it.
Does anyone know if there is a way to increase the quota limit of 10 queries when batching calls to the core reporting API?
This question/answer mentions the limit of 10: How can I combine/speed up multiple API calls to improve performance?
If I try to add more than 10 queries to the batch only the first ten are processed, each one after that contains a 403 quota exceeded error.
Is there a pay option? Would love to speed up the process of reporting on GA data for a bunch of URLs. I looked in my Google Developer's Console under the Analytics API where there is an option to increase the per-user limit and a link to request additional quota but I don't need total quota to increase, only allowed batch requests.
Quota is the number of requests you are allowed to make to a Google API without requesting permission to access more. Most of the Google APIs have a free quota, a number of requests Google lets you make without asking for permission to make more request. There are project based quotas and user based quotas.
Unless it says other wise APIs Quotas are projects based not user based.
User quota example
Per-user limit 10 requests/second/user
Some Quotas are user based, a user is normally the person that has authenticated the request. Every request sent to google contains information about who is making the request in the form of the IP address where the request came from. If you have your code running on a server the IP address is the same all the time so Google sees it as the same user. You can get around his by adding a random Quotauser to your request this will identify the request based upon different users.
If you send to many requests to fast from the same user you will see the following error.
userRateLimitExceeded The request failed because a per-user rate limit
has been reached.
The best way to get around this is to use QuotaUser in all of your requests, and identify different users to Google. Or just send a random number every time should also work.
Answer: You can't apply for an extension of the flood protection user rate limit. But you can get around it by using QuotaUser.
more info on quotas can be found on Google developers console APIs
Does Google Cloud Storage allow setting a monthly budget limit, similar to the one available for Google App Engine?
Google Cloud Storage does not implement usage limits on the XML API or for HTTP GETs of public objects.
It is possible to enable access logs: https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/accesslogs
This would give you detailed logs of all access to your objects. You could monitor the logs, and if the usage is higher than you want to allow, change the ACL on your objects to disable further access.