how to make opencart multi-store share same cart and other? - share

my website information :
opencart 2.0.2
vqmod :current last.
databese information:
store 1 and 2 no database.its redirect default site.(with config.php)
htaccess :
default Store : same, store 1:same, strore 2 :same
admincp server setting : Use Shared Sessions activated.
(SEO URLs Active : yes)
ı want to share cart and logins
ı wait for this 4 month help me please

Easy Solution,
OPEN FILE: system/library/session.php
FIND LINE: session_set_cookie_params(0, '/');
APPEND : session_set_cookie_params(0, '/','.DOMAIN.COM);
Make sure to include the period "." before DOMAIN.COM
That's it... Now login sessions started on is shared with


How to disable redirect /web/xxxxxx with 2 domains on Liferay?

I am using liferay DXP 7.0 sp4. I have to handle multiple sites in a single portal instance. For e.g. I have multiple sites name as :
Name : Site1, Friendly URL : /site1
Name : Site2, Friendly URL : /site2
Name : Site3, Friendly URL : /site3
And I have 3 domains of each :
Is there any such feature or property in Liferay to restrict cross site access for e.g. :
Or the only approach available is through Web Server.
Thanks & Regards,

Google Search Console Add Domain and/or Site URL?

If I have added a property as, and then decide I would rather add the whole domain using TXT, should I then remove the url-based property please?
It's not really needed !
Personnaly I kept both of them !
Like that, you can see more details datas : In the url-based you see only the subdomain concerned; and with the domain using TXT you see the all domain.
Sometime could be usefull to have also an or some subdomnains + the global..

GeoIP redirection and Varnish

We have an ecommerce setup that uses GeoIP plugin to redirect users to the right store. The setup is as below:
Cloudflare -> Nginx -> Varnish -> Apache -> Magneto (GeoIP Plugin)
We have country specific home page redirections setup as per table below: from US goes to from Canada goes to from Australia goes to
and so on...
We were told to add this code to Varnish to bypass first time visitors so the GeoIP module can redirect users properly to the right store instead of Varnish delivering cached home page content all the time.
if (req.http.cookie !~ "PHPSESSID=") {
return (pass);
My understanding is the above varnish code will bypass first time visitors so they can be redirected properly to the right store. Subsequent visits by the same visitor will fetch from Varnish as required/possible.
Without the first-time bypass, visitors will be shown cached default home page irrespective of which country they came from.
Can someone please help clarify?

Customer's Session TimeOut in zen-cart

I have zen-cart's demo site implemented. Customers who are register to my site or have login to my zen-cart site's session time-out is around 1 hour.
Now main question is, I want to decrease my zen-cart customer login session time-out to 10 min. After ideal 10 min customer gets logoff by session time-out.
I have tried one zen-cart's plugin for custom time-out, but it will not get affected. So can any one help me out to solve this issue?
In your sessions.php file Zencart grabs the 'session.gc_maxlifetime' from the php.ini file. If you want to change it you should be able to simply define('SESSION_TIMEOUT_CATALOG',16440);or change the session life var. $SESS_LIFE = 12440;
edit : this worked for me, just change this #ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 10440);
On the customer side, Zen Cart doesn't impose a specific session duration. That's handled by your server's PHP configuration.
Change your php.ini setting for session.gc_maxlifetime to whatever you desire it to be.

Using Facebook php in codeigniter adds PHPSESSID to URLs?

I started using facebook php sdk with codeigniter but since then the urls on my website all have a 'PHPSESSID' added to the end.
I created a config file containing the app id and secret and used the following code to load the library.
Does anybody know of a workaround to this problem??
The Facebook script uses PHP native sessions. You can change this in your php.ini file:
# set
session.use_cookies = 1
# to
session.use_cookies = 0
Instead of changing php.ini setting I went ahead and replaced the $_SESSION usages in facebook.php with Codeigniter sessions $this->session->set_userdata(). Works for me till now. Not very foolproof I guess.
Just figured it out:
session.use_trans_sid = 0
This will hide (make intransparent / invisible) all the PHPSESSID from your URLs.