Creating new Team Projects with TFS Power Tools on server fails - powershell

I'm trying to create a powershell script, which creates new Team Projects in a given Team Project Collection. This script will have to run on the Team Foundation Server.
I'm using Team Foundation Server 2012, Visual Studio Team Explorer 2012 and TFS Power Tools 2012.
The script (based on this):
$tpcUrl = "http://localhost:8080/tfs/mycollection";
$teamproject = "TestProject"
tfpt.exe createteamproject /collection:$tpcUrl /teamproject:$teamproject /processtemplate:"Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 2.2" /sourcecontrol:"New" /noportal /noreports
This works if I only run it once (if I only have to add one project), but when I run it again (with a different project name, of course), it gives an exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: Unexpected error occurred
when Visual Studio tried to load Team Foundation Server client application.
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.PowerTools.CommandLine.TeamProjectCreator.CreateProject()
I found only one solution for this exception here, but it did not help, because I'm not running TFS Admin tool while the exception occurs.
I could only make this work if I manually (in TfsMgmt.exe) restart the collection (stop and start collection, not detach and attach). After that, the script worked, but again only for one new project. However, this is not a good solution, since I cannot restart a collection from script, so the project creation would require manual actions, which defeats its purpose.
This only occurs when I run this script on the Team Foundation Server, it works if I try to run it from my development PC. The problem is that I have to run it on the server.
Has anyone met this exception? Is there a way to fix it? Or is there a way I can restart a collection from script?
There are no error messages on Logs page in TFS Administrator Console, or in the Event Viewer.


Visual Studio 2017 Communnity Incorrectly Updates Roslyn Scripting

I am using Roslyn for application scripting via Nuget Package Manager. Setup should be rather simple. Create new project and, in Nuget manager, add Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Sripting package. After couple of confirmations you are ready to go.
Next step should be checking for installed packages update. Currently, there are 5 updates that are shown after initial installation. Again, it is pretty straightforward to do this.
However, immediately after the update, two of those packages show yellow triangle in Reference node of the project.
I have tried to resolve this following SO and other hints but nothing helped me so far.
At the end, I have installed new VM with Windows 10 Pro (with all updates) and VS2017 Community Edition. After that new Windows Forms project (.net 4.6.1. based for x64) was created and scripting package is added. Unfortunately, yellow triangles are still there (after update).
Problematic packages are System.ValueTuple and System.Security.Cryptography. X509Certificates.
Also, after cleaning and rebuilding the solution, a number of warnings (MSB3836) - explicit binding redirect on "System..." conflicts with autogenerated binding redirect.
Solution to this problem might shed a light on problem with more complex solution that I stumbled upon after migration to VS 2017.
So, what is the reason for such behavior? Remember, this happens on new installation of OS and VS with simplest project possible.
Visual Studio 2017 Communnity Incorrectly Updates Roslyn Scripting
I got the same result with you steps. This issue only occurred on the Visual Studio 2017 not Visual Studio 2015. That should have some issue with package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.
To resolve this issue, I would like provide you a workaround:
Update packages "System.ValueTuple" and "System.Security.Cryptography. X509Certificates" first, then update other packages.
It works fine on my side, you can check if it works for you.
In order to track this issue, I have create a new issue on GitHub:
If you have additional information to add, you can add comments below that issue. And you can check the feedback from this link.

How to run scheduled Coded UI Tests on Virtual Machine without having a RDP connection

Situation in short:
Virtual Machine with Visual Studio 2013 installed. PowerShell script
runs on the VM to execute Get Latest, Build and Execute Coded UI
Tests. Windows Scheduled Task to execute PowerShell nightly.
auto-logon is enabled (or I'm doing something wrong?)
yes, I've read post Is it possible to run Coded UI tests without having to connect via remote desktop?
I've seen posts about TCM. Does this help and how can I use it in my
I made some tests in Microsoft Test Manager and I also executed and recorded them.
I've loaded these tests in a test project (and changed the script providing categories and custom checks).
I then categorized these (as Development or Acceptance).
I executed out using a PowerShell script on a VM (with Visual Studio 2013 installed) with following actions:
Get Latest
Run latest build with a selected set aka category using mstest.exe
So far everything is going perfectly. All the tests pass.
However, when I create a Scheduled Task on my VM run the PowerShell script everything fails because of a missing session.
Do I have the VM (I have no knowledge of Virtual Machines) then unlock or something?
I also tried to fix this with a Test Agent and Controller, but once I had installed these, all other users of TFS lost their rights, so I prefer not to do this again.
I would be very grateful if you know something that can solve this.
I spent hours on Google finding a solution for this issue, but no solution helped me.
Do I need to provide more information?
The problem you're seeming to have is that the testagent is not setup correctly. You need an active desktop session for Coded UI to be able to run (it needs it to perform all the actions such as clicks).
Microsoft has some nice info about setting up your test agent here.
But to tackle your exact problem of the test failing because of a missing session I'd suggest the following:
Run AutoLogOn.exe from the sysinternals suite (can be found at It will automatically log in with specified user when the machine starts, and keeps the desktop session active.
Alright...I'm making progress.
I've installed test agent and controller. It's all running fine.
Next I've opened Lab Center on my own MTM to create a new environment.
Test Controller is found, but I receive the message in this post "Microsoft Test Manager cannot install test agent on these machines" when creating new Lab Center environment
File and Printer sharing exception is enabled. I don't get the other message.
I don't understand what is wrong.
Maybe I'm completely on the wrong track and it's not necessary to use the Lab Center.
Then the only remaining issue is the non-active desktop issue.

TFS to VisualStudio Online Migration - Access to directory is denied

I'm trying the new OpsHub TFS to Visual Studio Online migration tool and have run into a snag. After successfully setting up the migration configuration, I begin the migration.
On the first changeset of the migration, I receive the error:
"OH_SCM_009: Error occurred while sync. Access to the path 'O:\w15_2\ProjectName'"
Where ProjectName is the name of my project.
Through deletion and recreation of the project in VSOnline, I found that the folder 'w15_2' would change, an indication that this path (and subsequent access failure) is in VSOnline. I have confirmed the user I am using for migration is a project collection admin, project admin, and project collection service account (per the OpsHub help page).
I'm not really sure where to go from here... any ideas how to get around this access denied error?
The error indicates that the utility does not have ability to write at location at :\Program Files\OpsHub Visual Studio Online Migration Utility\TFS_Temp which is used by the utility for temp work space. (It is aliased to O drive). Please check to make sure that this location is writeable.

Error when opening Word document that was created by VSTO Template

I have created a new Visual Studio Word 2010 Template project, now I want to deploy it using a Windows Installer setup.
I followed this tutorial using Visual Studio 2012 with InstallShield 2013LE.
After installing the setup and opening the Word Template, it seems to work fine. However, after saving the template as *.dotx-document and opening it again the Installing Office customization dialog appears.
The message says There was an error during installation: Downloading file file:///[Path to the dotx file]/WordTemplate.vsto did not succeed.
To check whether I've made an error creating the setup and registry entries, I also tried Advanced Installer 10.9 Office Add-In setup, that creates the required entries automatically. It also fails with the same error message.
There is nothing special about the VSTO Addin. I started a new project for testing purposes, that adds a ribbon and a header to the Word Template file.
Finally I tried the built in Click-Once installer, with success, newly created documents can be opened without any exception. But it comes with some limitations. I would like to add some files and let the user choose the installation path, what doesn't seem possible.
So what am I missing to deploy my VSTO AddIn?
I believe that such a problem is coming from proxy server issues. The proxy server on the client machine is blocking the download of your vsto file that is considered as an executable file.Unfortunately the only solution I see was stipulated in an old post proposing to zip your installer and to send it to users ( which is not optimal, I must agree).
You must also run a command to clear the app cache any time you deploy (from your windows console):
rundll32 dfshim CleanOnlineAppCache
Hope that helps !

TFS Manual Mstest Publish Results?

Following a MSDN web page, I am trying to manually run mstest within my tfsbuild.proj and put the results into the pass/fail logic so the build will fail if this particular test fails. It's kind of like running a FxCop or something else from CMD and capturing a "0" or "1" and force-fail the build.
MSTest /testcontainer:test.dll /publish:http://ourtfsmachine:8080 /teamproject:ProjectName /publishbuild:BuildNumber01 /platform:AnyCpu /flavor:Release
I could understand running this inside an Exec task, butI don't know what the BuildNumber is, for example.
Instructions for getting the Build Number from
Open Visual Studio and connect to a Team Foundation Server.
Open Team Explorer.
Open your team project and expand the team project node.
Under the build, double-click All Build Types or a specific build type to see its builds. Build names that you can use are in the Name column.