Email notification when Kafka producer and consumer goes down - apache-kafka

I have developed a data pipeline using Kafka. Right now I have one type of producer and two types of consumers setup in the cluster.
Producer: gets the message from a windows server
Consumer: Consumer A uses Spark Streaming to transform and present a real time view. Consumer B stores the RAW data, might be useful for building the schema at a later stage.
For various reasons starting from network, the consumers do not receive any data and also it is possible that the consumer process might die in case there is a system failure.
I would be interested in knowing if there is a way to implement something which sends you email notification when the consumer stops receiving messages or the consumer thread dies altogether. Do Kafka or Zookeeper provide a way of doing it?
Right now I am thinking of checking the target system if it is receiving messages or not. But in future if the number of targets increase it will be really complex to write email notification systems for individual targets.


Is message deduplication essential on the Kafka consumer side?

Kafka documentation states the following as the top scenario:
To process payments and financial transactions in real-time, such as
in stock exchanges, banks, and insurances
Also, regarding the main concepts, right at the very top:
Kafka provides various guarantees such as the ability to process
events exactly-once.
It’s funny the document says:
Many systems claim to provide "exactly once" delivery semantics, but
it is important to read the fine print, most of these claims are
It seems obvious that payments/financial transactions must be processed „exactly-once“, but the rest of Kafka documentation doesn't make it obvious how this should be accomplished.
Let’s focus on the producer/publisher side:
If a producer attempts to publish a message and experiences a network
error it cannot be sure if this error happened before or after the
message was committed. This is similar to the semantics of inserting
into a database table with an autogenerated key. … Since, the
Kafka producer also supports an idempotent delivery option which
guarantees that resending will not result in duplicate entries in the
KafkaProducer only ensures that it doesn’t incorrectly resubmit messages (resulting in duplicates) itself. Kafka cannot cover the case where client app code crashes (along with KafkaProducer) and it is not sure if it previously invoked send (or commitTransaction in case of transactional producer) which means that application-level retry will result in duplicate processing.
Exactly-once delivery for other destination systems generally
requires cooperation with such systems, but Kafka provides the offset
which makes implementing this feasible (see also Kafka Connect).
The above statement is only partially correct, meaning that while it exposes offsets on the Consumer side, it doesn’t make exactly-once feasible at all on the producer side.
Kafka consume-process-produce loop enables exactly-once processing leveraging sendOffsetsToTransaction, but again cannot cover the case of the possibility of duplicates on the first producer in the chain.
The provided official demo for EOS (Exactly once semantics) only provides an example for consume-process-produce EOS.
Solutions involving DB transaction log readers which read already committed transactions, also cannot be sure if they will produce duplicate messages in case they crash.
There is no support for a distributed transaction (XA) involving a database and the Kafka producer.
Does all of this mean that in order to ensure exactly once processing for payments and financial transactions (Kafka top use case!), we absolutely must perform business-level message deduplication on the consumer side, inspite of the Kafka transport-level “guarantees”/claims?
Note: I’m aware of:
Kafka Idempotent producer
but I would like a clear answer if deduplication is inevitable on the consumer side.
You must deduplicate on consumer side since rebalance on consumer side can really cause processing of events more than once in a consumer group based on fetch size and commit interval parameters.
If a consumer exits without acknowledging back to broker, Kafka will assign those events to another consumer in the group. Example if you are pulling a batch size of 5 events, if consumer dies or goes for a restart after processing first 3(If the external api/db fails OR the worse case your server runs out of memory and crashes), the current consumer dies abruptly without making a commit back/ack to broker. Hence the same batch gets assigned to another consumer from group(rebalance) where it starts supplies the same event batch again which will result in re-processing of same set of records resulting in duplication. A good read here :
You can make use of internal state store of Kafka for deduplication. Here there is no offset/partition tracking, its kind of cache(persistent time bound on cluster).
In my case we push correlationId(a unique business identifier in incoming event) into it on successful processing of events, and all new events are checked against this before processing to make sure its not a duplicate event. Enabling state store will create more internal topics in Kafka cluster, just an FYI.

How does a Kafka Consumer behave if a Producer goes down. What happens to the data in the interval when the producer goes down

I just want to know how the Consumer is able to consume data when the producer is down. Let's say Producer keeps sending logs to the consumer at a steady rate and then the producer goes down from 8AM- 6PM. How does the consumer work in such a case and is there a way that the consumer can get the data that would have been sent during 8am - 6pm if the producer was up.
In Apache Kafka there is no relationship between how producer and consumer behaves.
Acting as a messaging system, Kafka allows to decoupling producer from a consumer providing an asynchronous communication channel.
The producer can send messages at its own pace and the consumer can read these messages in real time or later at its own pace (different from the producer one).
The messages are saved in a topic living in the Kafka cluster, and each message has a position in the topic partition (offset).
Of course, it's possible to tune when messages are deleted from the topic if the consumer isn't online for long time reading the messages.
You can set to store messages for very long time (days, weeks, months) and after that they will be deleted; or you can set to store messages based on time (so deleting the ones older than a time).
Furthermore, the consumer is also able to rewind the stream of messages in the topic, actually re-reading the messages if needed.
Finally, the consumer can also seek to a specific position in the topic partition based on offset or specifiying a time.
The Kafka doc has a nice diagram which I copied below. It shows the novelty of Kafka in a succinct way.
Without Kafka, the situation is something like this. We have multiple servers, e.g. Frontend servers, DB servers, Chat servers etc. On the other side, we have probably different metrics and monitoring tools (e.g. DB monitor, UI monitor etc.). Direct one-to-one communications between different servers and collectors might work out for smaller systems, but it breaks down pretty quickly after the system has surpassed a a certain threshold, in terms of scalability. Kafka solves this problem by decoupling the senders and receivers. Both of them talk through the Kafka brokers instead of talking to each other.
So, in your case the consumer would simply ask the broker if there's any new data on the topic it's subscribing to. As the producer is down, and assuming there is no data in the queue, broker would reply, there's nothing to be consumed.. So, the consumer would be perpetually polling in a fixed interval, in an endless loop and do nothing. Whenever the producer comes up and starts pumping out data, consumer would start receiving (and processing) it. There are more involved use cases when you might be losing data if retention period for particular topic is over, and the consumer hasn't processed the backlog. But I don't think that's a concern for you at this point of your journey.

Graphql subscriptions in a distributed system with Kafka (and spring boot)

I have the following situation:
I have 5 instances of the same service, all in the same kafka consumer group. One of them has a websocket connection to the client (the graphql subscription). I use graphql-java and Spring Boot.
When that connection is opened, I produce events from any of the 5 instances (with a message key defined so they go to the same partition and ordered) and I need for all those events to be consumed by the same instance that opened that connection. Not by the other 4.
Even if the partition assignment plays in my favor, a reassignment can by done at any time, leaving me without luck
My implementation is using reactor-kafka but I think it's just an implementation detail.
The options I see are:
Start to listen on that topic with a new group id each time, so that service always receives the messages from that topic (but the 5 in the other group id too)
Create a new topic for each websocket connection, so only the producer knows that topic (but the topic id should be sent in the kafka events so that the producers of those events know where to publish them)
If I receive the message and I'm not the one with the connection, don't ACK it. But this would make things slow and seems hacky
Start using something different altogether like Redis PubSub to receive all messages in all consumers and check for the connection.
I see there's an implementation for node but I don't see how it is solving the problem.
A similar question explains how to program a subscription but doesn't talk about this distributed thing.
Is the cleanest approach any of the one I suggested? Is there an approach with Kafka that I'm not seeing? Or am I misunderstanding some piece?
I ended up using 1 consumer group id per listener with a topic specifically for those events.

Adding to a Kafka topic exactly once

Since 0.11, Kafka Streams offers exactly-once guarantees, but their definition of "end" in end-to-end seems to be "a Kafka topic".
For real-time applications, the first "end" however is generally not a Kafka topic, but some kind of application that outputs data - perhaps going through multiple tiers and networks - to a Kafka topic.
So does Kafka offer something to add to a topic exactly-once, in the face of network failures and application crashes and restarts? Or do I have to use Kafka's at-least-once semantics and deduplicate that topic with potential duplicates into another exactly-once topic, by means of some unique identifier?
Edit Due to popular demand, here's a specific use case. I have a client C that creates messages and sends them to a server S, which uses a KafkaProducer to add those messages to Kafka topic T.
How can I guarantee, in the face of
crashes of C, S, and members of the Kafka cluster
temporary network problems
that all messages that C creates end up in T, exactly once (and - per partition - in the correct order)?
I would of course make C resend all messages for which it did not get an ack from S -> at-least-once. But to make it exactly once, the messages that C sends would need to contain some kind of ID, so that deduplication can be performed. That, I don't know how I can do it with Kafka.
Kafka's exactly-once feature, in particular the "idempotent producer" can help you with server crashes and network issues.
You can enable idempotency via Producer config enable.idempotence=true that you pass in as any other config. This ensures that every message is written exactly once and in the correct ordered if the server crashes or if there are any network issues.
Kafka's exactly-once feature, does not provide support if the producer crashes. For this case, you would need to write manual code, to figure out which messages got appended to the topic successfully before the crash (by using a consumer) and resume sending where you left off. As an alternative, you can still deduplicate consumer side as you mentioned already.
You might want to have a look at kafka's Log compaction feature. It will deduplicate messages for you provided u have unique key for all the duplicate messages.
Log compaction is not very reliable however you can change some settings to work as expected.
The more efficient way is to use kafka streams. You can achieve this using KTables.

Making Kafka producer and Consumer synchronous

I have one kafka producer and consumer.The kafka producer is publishing to one topic and the data is taken and some processing is done. The kafka consumer is reading from another topic about whether the processing of data from topic 1 was successful or not ie topic 2 has success or failure messages.Now Iam starting my consumer and then publishing the data to topic 1 .I want to make the producer and consumer synchronous ie once the producer publishes the data the consumer should read the success or failure message for that data and then the producer should proceed with the next set of data .
Apache Kafka and Publish/Subscribe messaging in general seeks to de-couple producers and consumers through the use of streaming async events. What you are describing is more like a batch job or a synchronous Remote Procedure Call (RPC) where the Producer and Consumer are explicitly coupled together. The standard Apache Kafka Producers/Consumer APIs do not support this Message Exchange Pattern but you can always write your own simple wrapper on top of the Kafka API's that uses Correlation IDs, Consumption ACKs, and Request/Response messages to make your own interface that behaves as you wish.
Short Answer : You can't do that, Kafka doesn't provide that support.
Long Answer: As Hans explained, Publish/Subscribe messaging model keeps Publish and subscribe completely unaware of each other and I believe that is where the power of this model lies. Producer can produce without worrying about if there is any consumer and consumer can consume without worrying about how many producers are there.
The closest you can do is, you can make your producer synchronous. Which means you can wait till your message is received and acknowledged by broker.
if you want to do that, flush after every send.