Facebook Custom Audience Pixel Urls/Domains List - facebook

I'm having a hard time in fb docs to find how I can get a list of all the urls/hosts that I placed my custom audience pixels or any other tracking pixels.
I'm able to get the info through the stats endpoint but that seems to be overkill for me to populate a dropdown list in my web application.
Any suggestion would greatly appreciated.

Go to the Business Manager https://business.facebook.com/ and click
the hamburger menu at the top left.
Click Pixels and then the pixel you want to check
Underneath the graph are some options. Click Domains to see the top level URLs or URLs for a more detailed list
I can't find any way of doing this in code I'm afraid.


Google Search Console performance UI

Perhaps I've missed this in the docs but I'm trying to figure out why at the impressions and clicks within the tabs at bottom of the google search console UI: queries, pages, countries, devices, search appearance, dates are different from the clicks/impressions in blue / purple at the top of the page?
When I click on Devices and add up the total impressions its different from the total impressions show on the main UI page which shows 91.8k and 9.27k clicks. Same goes for Countries tab which matches Devices tab. See picture for what I'm referring to:
Why are they different?
An explanation can be seen on the Google webmaster site under "Data discrepancies"

Force specific line to render for test?

Short version
Is there a way to force a specific banner to show so I can take a screenshot? I know I can Photoshop it etc, but that's not really nice.
The whole thing
In name of an intermediary firm I regularly place banners for their clients on my site via DFP (my account). They always request a screenshot of the site displaying the clients' banner to pass on to them showing that I've started the campaign.
Unfortunately sometimes the frequency is so low that even "As fast as possible" takes a ton of pageviews before the banner shows up (which is also not really nice towards the other advertisers).
You can check documentation for Preview a creative
In short:
You need to open creative, click Preview tab, click on site and put url of the page on your site where you expect to see your creative
Looks like problem related to way you are opening creative. I have reproduced this behaviour.
If you open creative directly trough search it shows no On site link
If you open line item first and from this screen navigate to very same creative, you will see On site link

Facebook Like posting different to what debugger showing

I cant figure this one out, i have built a site with an e commerce system and i want visitors to be able to like an individual product and thus that product be added to their feed.
I have added all the open graph code to the relevant place, but when someone clicks "Like" is shares a default thing rather than the perticular product. this is the one i have been using for an example
so I tried using the facebook debugger to see if i could figure it out, but thats is showing the correct info and exactly what i want to show up on peoples feeds! here is a link for that.
You have your Like button set up to point to http://www.pinnaclesupplement.co.uk – so when people klick like, they only get the “default thing”, your basic site’s description.
If you want customers to like a specific product page’s URL – then you should point the href parameter of the Like button there.

Google Custom Search Element: Styling Ads

I added a Google Custom Search Element to my website. I already modified the look and feel of the CSE to my website, but I can't modify the look of the ads element since it is inside an Iframe.
Does anybody know how to set-up the style of the ads Iframe? I want do put in a background color and change the font.
This feature seems to be available only for Google Site Search customers. If you are one, you'll be able to recieve your search results as an XML feed, and apply a presentation layer on the raw data. All the details on how to do this are available at the official Google Custom Search site.
You can try this api for AdSence search - https://developers.google.com/custom-search-ads/docs/implementation-guide?hl=en , but you can't make ads view like search results.

Link directly to Google Maps transit directions mobile site

If you visit maps.google.com on a mobile device, then press 'Menu', 'Get Directions', and select the 'transit' option, you are taken to a page where you can enter two locations and a date/time, and get directions on public transit. However, the URL is still maps.google.com.
Is there any way to link directly to this page so that I can load it in a UIWebView in my iOS app? Would 'clicking' the buttons in Javascript be (the only/a good) solution?
Try: http://www.google.com/transit
Even clicking the buttons in javascript doesn't seem to be working. The Google Maps code is a little strange- the event listeners aren't assigned directly and I can't get a .click() to work. So what I'll do is have the user enter the two locations in boxes in the app, then load something like http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Coover+Hall&daddr=lied+rec+center in the UIWebView, except I'll add some more specific location information before building the URL, since this is a city-specific app. Not a perfect solution but it gets the job done.
You could create a URL that links to the transit directions with the "dirflg=r" paramater.
Find the other URL parameters here: http://web.archive.org/web/20110714031648/http://mapki.com/wiki/Google_Map_Parameters