Access facebook public profile newsfeed without using access token - facebook

Can we access news-feed, posts and other public information of public celebrity profiles (some of them can we verified too)
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without having access token using spring social or other better way.

You can use an App Token or User Token, for example:
It is not possible without a Token.


Getting Public Facebook Posts with an App Token

I'm using the facebook graph api to access publicly posted information of an arbitrary user. I'm using my own profile for testing and have posted a single public post.
The endpoint that I'm using is:{id}/feed
However, this endpoint returns an empty set of data:
"data": [
This occurs regardless of which type of access token I use. I've tried an app access token, a regular access token with no additional permissions, and a regular access token with 'user_posts' selected. I'm especially confused about receiving no data with the last access token as that should include all posts that I've made.
I'd much prefer to use an app access token if possible - it's much easier to get a new one than it is to prompt a user to allow access. What am I doing wrong here?
This can't be done for all users. Facebook requires a person to be logged in order to see public posts from certain users. App credentials won't work to see an arbitrary user's public posts.

How I can fetch Facebook user only public posts if he didnt allow or authenticate my Facebook application

I want to pull all public posts made by any user even who didn't allow or authenticate my Facebook application using access_token of user who authenticated my application.
This is similar to :
If a user login on facebaook using their credentials and then access following page then he is able to view "Mark Zuckerberg" public posts.
I am able to fetch all posts of a user who authenticate my application using their access token. Is their any way that I can access other users public posts using application secret key or application access token.
Thanks in advance
Ansh Jain
You can do it by making \GET request to PAGE_ID/feed

How is a Facebook access token generated?

I use the following code:
$access_token = $object->getAccessToken();
This method sometimes generated an access token (118-char string)
and sometimes it's a 49-character string with a pipe symbol which does not work properly.
Can I use same access token to post feed with different user id?
Why do access tokens not work properly in safari with iframe & non iframe?
Is there any link do access token documentation?
Firs of all there are two type of tokens that are generated by Facebook
Application without User
When there is no user using the application the application uses what is known as "App Access Token". The app access token can be represented as
<APP ID>|<APP Secret>
This token can retrieve all the public domain information for different Objects in Facebook, like it can be used to retrieve basic information about a User with specific ID, likes on a Public Page, Public Posts on a Page.
Application with User
When User authorizes the application Facebook generates a "User Access Token" which is the access token with longer length. You can't use User Access Token of one user to do the actions on behalf of another User and if you try the action will be done as the User for whom the token was generated for(If you are not Using Extended Access Token it will also expire).
There is issue in setting the Cookies within an iframe in the safari due to which there is some issues in the application working.
For further clarification on Access Token check this documentation

Public Access Token for Facebook, Permissions

I'm new to the Facebook Graph API!
I want to display the 5 latest news feed items from my public Facebook page. I understand you can do that through, but it requires an access token, however, doesn't.
When these access tokens are generated through Facebook's Graph API Explorer, what permissions are given for the token? Just the information already displayed in the above link?
So would it be safe to use the access token via cURL's PHP? I only need read access. Would it be insecure to display the access token in the source code? I'm confused as to why the latter link doesn't need an access token while the /feed/ does, even though it's a public facebook page.
when you use your app in a website there is a parameter that defines how much access you have from the user, u can set up params like, email, photo_stream, friend_stream, etc. when the user accepts the conditions, the generated AUTH TOKEN has permisions from that scope.

Application level auth token for Facebook?

So I have an app that needs to access public info, but needs an auth token. Specifically, I want to get the comments from public pages, and that requires an access token. Ideally, I'd like some sort of "global" auth token, since I'm not trying to access anything that isn't public anyway. Is there any way to have an app-level auth token?
Yes, you can authenticate as an application instead of using the user.