Efficient way to Load the scene and Scene Render optimization - unity3d

Our unity3d Most of the Scenes are too heavy. What is the right way and efficient way to load the scene.?? Please dont refer me LoadLevelAsync I have already see that! What is the best practice to load heavy scene without any problem and un-smoothness.

For which platform you are building?
The heaviest thing to load in Unity are Textures. If you are using too much of them in the scene, make sure that they are compressed and try to reduce their max size in the inspector. If you can't see any improvement, consider creating a loading screen transition after calling Application.LoadLevel("YourBigLevel").
You can add an Activity indicator if you are running the app on iOS or Android devices.


Is there any other way to load sprites?

Hi there I was wondering if in unity there is any other way of loading sprites during game, that doesn't include using resources.load. That's because i have some large images and load seemse to be quite consuming.
Any ideas?
Stream classes can be used to control loading process instead of Resources.Load(). In this way, you can partially load a resource, stop loading, and resume the loading later. Below link will be helpful.

Preloading assets in cocos2D

I have some assets for my game that are being loaded when the gameplay layer is loaded. I'd prefer to load them when the application launches in a loading screen, which is obviously a pretty standard thing to do.
My problem is the way in which new scenes are launched within cocos2D. Consider the following code which occurs (with some variations) in several places throughout the project:
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:[CCTransitionShrinkGrow transitionWithDuration:0.5f scene:[GameplayLayer scene]]];
This is the standard way of replacing the current scene with a new one. My question is, given that format, how would I pass a preloaded asset to the new GameplayLayer? Is there an accepted way of doing this in cocos2D? I have a feeling that I'm missing something incredibly simple, but as of now it's a mystery to me.
Cocos2d uses a texture cache that persists between scenes. You can preload assets into this cache in a loading scene and they will still be available from your game scene. How you load these are up to you. For images you can opt to do it asynchronously, to allow your loading scene to maintain a decent framerate and render a progress bar.
This post gets the basic idea across.
This thread may also be of use to you in that regard: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/forum/topic/2242
If you have your own class of assets (i.e. not a supported cocos2d image, or something), you could create your own cache singleton class (look at how the sharedManager instances of various cocos2d classes are implemented) and load your assets into that. As far as memory management goes you'd have to release those assets yourself whenever you deem necessary, but that's rather beyond the scope of this question.

Iphone App Similar to the Talking Larry Application

I am developing iphone application similar to the Talking Larry Application. I am facing an issue of Low Memory when i pre-load the animations into an NSMutable Array. If i do not pre-load the animations and load it into the Animation Images when the user touch the button then it takes Time and it play back the animation very Slow. And during video making it does not play the complete animations. How can i resolve this issue. I want to play back the animations similar to the Talking Larry app and do not want to get Low Memory Issue.
You have to “juggle” the images, freeing those that are not needed and preload those that will be needed soon. The trick is probably preloading a decent number of images beforehand, so that the animation does not slow down when started. You have to experiment to get the right numbers.
And of course, it also depends on the image resolution. I don’t know Talking Larry, but if you are trying to animate full-resolution retina images, it might be too much for the machine.

iPhone Opengl game with ads == fps problem?

I have a game that runs fine as is (around 30fps), but fps went down the drain when I tried to implement ads. I tried Greystripe and iAds but with same result (iAds were maybe bit worse). Average fps is almost same, but there are huge spikes all the times (1-2 spikes per second) and game is unplayable.
I guess it is because ad is in another view. I read somewhere that opengl apps on iphone don't like having another views with them, but there is plenty of games with ads on app store. How do they do it?
My implementation should be ok. I did everything as documentation and samples told me. I have my opengl view and ad view as subviews in app window, adview being in front of opengl view and thus covering part of it. Could this be the problem? Is it better to make opengl view smaller to left space for ad so they don't overlap? Do you have any other ideas what could be wrong?
Lope, I've created a gist at this link with a singleton "AdManager" class I wrote to handle iAds using cocos2d. Cocos2d sits on top of OpenGL, of course, and I've found that this code doesn't affect FPS even for relatively complicated games.
You'll have to modify this a bit to work with your application, changing out the cocos2d calls, etc, but this will give you asynchronous loading of iAds, which should help the FPS issue.
To use this class, include its header and call
[[AdManager sharedManager] attachAdToView:self.view];
wherever you need iAds. The ads will remain hidden until an ad loads, at which time they'll pop up at the top of screen. (The class works for iOS 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2).
Also, I should add that I have cocos2d running inside of an overall UIViewController that I call "Cocos2DController". When I attach the ads to a cocos2d view, I'm using
[[AdManager sharedManager] attachAdToView:[[CCDirector sharedDirector] openGLView]];
Best of luck!
We can hit and miss with apple's choices, but go for the sure thing and implement the ads in other parts to be appealing and not intrusive. It will be better for the framerate, and for you.
Try downloading the ads in a seperate, low priority, thread. You can, thus, nsure that the ads loading does not take too much CPU time. With a bit of CPU synchronisation you can make sure you don't try to display the new ad until it is completely ready to display. Sure it will suck some CPU time away from what you are trying to do but set your priorities right and it should only suck time when you are busy doing nothing.
Please excuse the thread necro'ing here, but I've used Stack Overflow a lot to help me through the problems I've had during coding, and thought my experience might be useful to someone in the future.
My simple cocos2d game ran with decent FPS (rarely changed the FPS display at all) until I implemented AdWhirl (integrating AdMob + iAd only). It would then run OK for the first few iterations, but upon upon the 9th or 10th scene refresh (single screen game, time in each scene < 5 seconds on average) the FPS would dive to ~20FPS, and drop again each time the scene refreshed.
Turns out, in my n00biness (this may be particular to me :) ), I was calling the scene from within itself. That is, once the actions had finished, the last action was to call the main scene again (a lazy way of rebuilding the scene for the user to have another go). This init'd the views and view controllers I had inserted to handle the AdWhirl ads all over again, and not only did I have a memory leak, I had 10+ view controllers all trying to request and service ads from AdWhirl. Once I got a clue and took that self-referring loop out, all was good.

mixing OpenGL and Interface Builder/ UI Controls - bad idea? Why? (iPhone)

I've heard that OpenGL ES and standard iPhone UI controls don't play well together, but I'm wondering if anyone knows why, and what the effects are? I'm writing an OpenGL based game, and the view is loaded from a nib file with ui controls, and it seems to work ok, but the game is really simple at this point... does using ui controls cause some kind of performance hit?
UI events momentarily pause timers, like when scrolling a tableview. You can get around this by using the common runtime mode when creating a timer. It may slow down your rendering if you have a lot of layers because they all need to get redrawn every-time you refresh. So if your game runs at 60fps it will also redraw everything on top of the GLView, like UIImageViews, buttons etc. 60 times a second, which is a huge waste. It might not make a huge impact on your frame rate but it may make the device run hotter and drain the battery faster. Its best to draw your HUD using OpenGL, but it depends on the situation. For something that will be displayed only for a short time, like a menu I think you can get away with it.
Theres nothing wrong with it, its just wasteful.