Firefox JPM not showing any thing - firefox-addon-sdk

I want to develop a Firefox addon, however I'm not able to complete the Addon SDK installation. I followed this link, but when I type jpm in the terminal it shows nothing.

You need to download and install node.js (from here:
Once installed, open a command prompt and install jpm, by typing
"npm install jpm --global".
Close the cmd prompt, open another and jpm should be available

The reason is you didn't install latest version of nodejs so follow this link


Windows neovim vim-plug error: `git` executable not found

I have already installed vimplug I can open the file but has no effect on Neovim 1
The error says that your plugin manager (vim-plug) isn't able to run the git executable. It needs to do this to fetch the plugins you're trying to load. So install git, make sure you can run it from your PowerShell command line, and you should be set.

Code-OSS doesn't open folder or files from terminal command 'code-oss .'

A few days ago I installed Kali Linux. I'm trying to use Code-OSS instead of VSCode, since newest version of Kali doesn't have the libraries needed to install the normal one.
If I try to open a folder in Code-OSS from terminal using code-oss . or code ., it just opens Code on a new 'untitled-1' document, or opens the folder I was before closing Code-OSS. It doesn't open the folder I was in the terminal.
In these cases I need to open the folder I want through File > Open folder > search for folder and then open it.
The same just occurred with git commit or git commit --amend; it opens a new document, not the one I want to open.
I spent sometime searching for a solution on documentation, stackoverflow, google but could not find anything.
I cannot find any way to resolve this problem on Code-oss. Apparently it happened just with me.
Surprisingly for me, I was able to install VSCode following this tutorial, and it apparently managed to ignore the lack of libraries of Kali Linux that I mentioned above.
I hope this solution prevent any person in the future to get stuck on this.
I had the same issue when I first installed Kali-linux on my VM. Pretty anoying.
Just intall vscode by running :
sudo apt update
sudo apt install code
It will unistall code-oss and install VsCode, and it works now.

How to upgrade graphlab create?

I want to know where to paste this command
pip install graphlab-create==1.6.1
so that it can upgrade my graphlab create.
I use windows 10 64 bit.
You should type this in your terminal. If you have installed it using the Dato Launcher, then you can get access to the terminal by clicking on the "Terminal" icon.

Emacs installed with homebrew only works in terminal

I just installed the latest Emacs with homebrew:
brew install emacs --with-cocoa
It installed successfully, but only runs in the terminal. When I installed it on another machine it starts a separate GUI window. Do I need to specify additional flags?
you can add it to your apps just by running the below command:
brew linkapps emacs
Doc on linkapps
Find installed formulae that provide .app-style OS X apps and symlink
into /Applications, allowing for easier access
If you're launching it from within the terminal application, you're more than likely running the emacs that ships with OS-X (v22, IIRC).
To launch the homebrew version, I created an alias in bash:
alias emacs='open -a /Applications/ --args $1'
Then typing 'emacs' from the terminal launches the homebrew version.
Try this one it is not official but much better looking on OSX.
You want aquamacs.
It Just Works.

Error installing Netbean in Windows 8

I have tried everything possible to install Netbean 7.3.1 on my Windows 8 OS supporting laptop. However, it was not going through from here
This is the message I got after downloading all the software from mentioned link when tried to install for each download:
CRITICAll nullnull
I downloaded JDK (Name of the file: jdk-7u25-nb-7_3_1-windows-x64) and when I tried installing JDK I got an error says:
cannot find bundled JVM to run installer
Please can anyone share step-by-step instructions?
Open command prompt in the directory where your netbeans setup file is located. (to open cmd prompt, press shift and right click anywhere in the directory window and hit 'open command prompt here')
Now type the following command in command prompt
netbeans-8.0-windows.exe --tempdir C:\Temp --userdir C:\NBI
hit enter.
This is apparently a bug, though not in netbeans. Check out comments 9 and 10 for a possible work-around.