Circuit simulation in Pspice - simulation

I have this circuit to be simulated in Pspice. I'm a complete newbie to it. But so far have managed to make the schematic (adding external components, which were not available already in the library).
I have added models for AD8336, AD736 and AD8551 externally (models for which were available on Analaog devices website). Now when I try to run my simulation, I get errors as to the sub circuits used by AD8336 and AD736 are undefined (although I have added the libraries for these components to my design in the simulation profile).
P.S: I wanted to include the .cir file (model file) for AD8336 and AD736 here in for your reference as well as the list of errors that I get in my system log on running the simulation. But I'm unable to do so here. How do I share that so that I'm able to be more specific?
AGC circuit:
**** 10/07/15 10:45:53 ****** PSpice Lite (October 2012) ****** ID# 10813 ****
** Profile: "SCHEMATIC1-AGC Analysis" [ C:\OrCAD\OrCAD_16.6_Lite\tools\capture\agc_sim-pspicefiles\schematic1\agc analysis.sim ]
** Creating circuit file "AGC Analysis.cir"
* Profile Libraries :
* Local Libraries :
.LIB "C:/OrCAD/OrCAD_16.6_Lite/tools/pspice/library/ad736.lib"
.LIB "C:/OrCAD/OrCAD_16.6_Lite/tools/pspice/library/ad8551.lib"
.LIB "C:/OrCAD/OrCAD_16.6_Lite/tools/pspice/library/ad8336.lib"
* From [PSPICE NETLIST] section of C:\Users\Sakshi_Project_staff\AppData\Roaming\SPB_16.6\cdssetup\OrCAD_PSpice/16.6.0/PSpice.ini fi
.lib "nomd.lib"
*Analysis directives:
.TRAN 0 10ms 0
.PROBE64 V(alias(*)) I(alias(*)) W(alias(*)) D(alias(*)) NOISE(alias(*))
.INC "..\"
**** INCLUDING ****
* source AGC_SIM
V_V5 N13626 GND 5Vdc
X_U1 N13234 N13194 N13510 GND N13478 GND GND N13478 N13910 N133221
+ N13784 AD8336
R_R4 GND N13194 1k TC=0,0
C_C9 GND N13330 4.7n TC=0,0
R_R6 N13258 N13290 10k TC=0,0
X_U2 GND N13590 N15826 N13578 GND N13626 N13290 N13310 AD736
V_V3 N13784 GND 5Vdc
V_V1 GND N13030 5Vdc
R_R7 N133221 N13330 100 TC=0,0
C_C3 GND N13082 0.1u TC=0,0
C_C5 N13234 N13258 0.022u TC=0,0
V_V6 GND N13578 -5Vdc
R_R5 N13230 N13258 10k TC=0,0
C_C11 N13510 N13478 1n TC=0,0
C_C1 GND N13030 0.1u TC=0,0
R_R10 N13510 N13478 1k TC=0,0
C_C6 N13578 N13310 33u TC=0,0
V_V4 GND N13672 5Vdc
R_R1 N13118 N13082 9.09k TC=0,0
R_R9 N13768 N13510 1k TC=0,0
X_U3 N13672 N13234 GND N13258 N13648 AD8551
R_R3 N13194 N13082 1k TC=0,0
C_C4 N13230 N13234 2.2u TC=0,0
R_R11 GND N13590 1Meg TC=0,0
C_C7 N13330 OUTPUT 10u TC=0,0
C_C10 N13590 OUTPUT 0.1u TC=0,0
R_R13 N13118 N13648 500 TC=0,0
V_V2 N13910 GND -5Vdc
R_R12 GND N13648 500 TC=0,0
C_C12 N15826 N13290 10u TC=0,0
V_V9 N13768 GND AC 5V
+SIN 0V 5V 50 0 0 0
**** RESUMING "AGC Analysis.cir" ****
X_U1.E_U4_E8 X_U1.VPBUF 0 TABLE { V(10#, 0) } 0 0 2.8 0 3.0 1.6 5 3.6
+ 12 10.6 15 13.6 uselim
ERROR(ORPSIM-16152): Invalid number
ERROR(ORPSIM-16049): Values must be monotonic increasing
+ E_U4_E9 VNBUF 0 TABLE { V(8#, 0) } -15 -13.6 -12 -10.6 -5 -3.6 -3.0
+ -1.6 -2.8 0 0 0 uselim
X_U1.X_U4_D5 N13478 X_U1.VPBUF DC_1mV_1A_1V_1nA
X_U1.C_U4_C3 0 X_U1.U4_S3 1n
X_U1.R_U4_R4 0 GND 450K
X_U1.C_U4_C5 0 X_U1.U4_N24227 2.5p
X_U1.E_U4_E7 X_U1.U4_N254725 0 VALUE {V(U4_N349891,0)*V(POK,0)}
X_U1.R_U4_R6 0 N13510 450k
X_U1.C_U4_C1 N13510 N13478 2p
X_U1.G_U4_G4 0 X_U1.U4_N24227 X_U1.U4_S3 0 1
X_U1.C_U4_C4 N13510 0 6p
X_U1.X_U4_D6 X_U1.VNBUF N13478 DC_1mV_1A_1V_1nA
X_U1.X_U4_S1 X_U1.PWRAL 0 X_U1.U4_N254725 X_U1.U4_S3 PrA_U4_S1
X_U1.E_U4_E6 X_U1.U4_N349891 0 GND N13510 1.0
X_U1.C_U4_C2 GND 0 6p
X_U1.G_U4_G3 X_U1.U4_N24227 N13478 TABLE { V(U4_N24227, 4#) } -15
+ -60m -1m -50m 0 0 1m 50m 15 60m uselim
ERROR(ORPSIM-16152): Invalid number
ERROR(ORPSIM-16049): Values must be monotonic increasing
+ G_U2_G8 8 0 PWRAL 0 11m
X_U1.X_U2_U12 PARAMS X_U2_U12.TH -2.8 N13910 X_U1.U2_N958367
X_U1.R_U2_R14 0 N13910 50K
X_U1.R_U2_R11 0 N13784 50K
X_U1.G_U2_G6 N13910 0 X_U1.POK 0 14m
X_U1.X_U2_U16 X_U1.U2_N968984 X_U1.POK X_U1.PWRAL AND
X_U1.X_U2_U14 X_U1.U2_N958933 X_U1.U2_N958855 X_U1.POK AND
X_U1.R_U2_R13 0 N13910 50K
X_U1.V_U2_V1 X_U1.U2_AGAINDB1 X_U1.U2_AGAINDB2 12.04
X_U1.G_U2_G3 0 X_U1.U2_AGAINDB1 TABLE { V(VGN, 6#) } -1.0 -14.0 -0.7
+ -14.0 -0.6 -12.5 -0.52 -9.3 0.0 17.0 0.2 27.0 0.4 37.0 0.5 42.0 0.6
+ 46.0 1.0 46.0 uselim
ERROR(ORPSIM-16152): Invalid number
ERROR(ORPSIM-16049): Values must be monotonic increasing
+ X_U2_D13 1 10 GEN_DIODE
X_U1.R_U2_R8 0 X_U1.U2_AGAINDB1 1
X_U1.E_U2_E1 X_U1.VGN 0 N13194 N13234 1
X_U1.X_U2_U15 X_U1.U2_N967091 GND X_U1.U2_N968984 COMPARATOR
X_U1.G_U2_G7 N13784 0 X_U1.PWRAL 0 11m
X_U1.X_U2_U13 X_U1.U2_N958367 X_U1.U2_N958855 INVERTER
X_U1.E_U2_ABM1 X_U1.AGAIN 0 VALUE { (10**(V(U2_AGAINDB2)/20))*V(POK)
+ }
X_U1.R_U2_R12 0 N13784 50K
X_U1.C_U2_C5 0 X_U1.U2_AGAINDB1 20n
X_U1.X_U2_U11 PARAMS X_U2_U11.TH 2.8 N13784 X_U1.U2_N958933
X_U1.G_U2_G5 N13784 0 X_U1.POK 0 14m
X_U1.X_U2_D14 N13910 N13234 GEN_DIODE
X_U1.E_U2_E2 X_U1.U2_N967091 0 TABLE { V(10#, 0) } 0 0 3 0.7 5 1.2 12
+ 3.2 uselim
ERROR(ORPSIM-16152): Invalid number
ERROR(ORPSIM-16049): Values must be monotonic increasing
+ X_U2_D16 0 10 GEN_DIODE
X_U1.X_U2_D15 N13910 N13194 GEN_DIODE
X_U1.E_U3_E8 X_U1.U3_CMOUT X_U1.U3_N55982 GND 0 1
X_U1.E_U3_ABM1 X_U1.U3_N62113 0 VALUE { MIN(PWR(V(AGAIN),1),1.6) }
X_U1.E_U3_E7 X_U1.U3_N55982 0 TABLE { V(VGN, 0) } -0.7 -2m -0.6 -4m
+ -0.5 -8m -0.45 -10m -0.4 -14m -0.35 -15m -0.3 -11m -0.25 -9m -0.2
+ -11m -0.1 -22m 0.0 -25m 0.1 -16m 0.2 -19m 0.3 -32m 0.4 -52m 0.5
+ -80m 0.6 -120m 0.65 -128m 0.7 -127m uselim
ERROR(ORPSIM-16152): Invalid number
ERROR(ORPSIM-16049): Values must be monotonic increasing
+ E_U3_ABM2 U3_N61993 0 VALUE { (V(U3_RIN)-V(U3_ROUT))/nonzero(V(U3_N62113))
+ }
X_U1.G_U3_G3 X_U1.U3_N48981 X_U1.U3_N48971 TABLE { V(U3_N48981, U3_N48971)
+ } -15 -75m -1m -64.8m 0 0 1m 64.8m 15 75m uselim
ERROR(ORPSIM-16152): Invalid number
ERROR(ORPSIM-16049): Values must be monotonic increasing
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit DC_1mV_1A_1V_1nA used by X_U1.X_U4_D5 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U4_D15 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U4_D13 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit DC_1mV_1A_1V_1nA used by X_U1.X_U4_D6 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit PrA_U4_S1 used by X_U1.X_U4_S1 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit COMPARATOR2 used by X_U1.X_U2_U12 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit AND used by X_U1.X_U2_U16 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit AND used by X_U1.X_U2_U14 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit COMPARATOR used by X_U1.X_U2_U15 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit INVERTER used by X_U1.X_U2_U13 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit COMPARATOR2 used by X_U1.X_U2_U11 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U2_D14 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U2_D15 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit DC_1mV_1A_1V_1nA used by X_U1.X_U3_D7 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U3_D18 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit DC_1mV_1A_1V_1nA used by X_U1.X_U3_D6 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U3_D17 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit VGA_U3_S1 used by X_U1.X_U3_S1 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U3_D15 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit AEIOPAMP0 used by X_U2.X3 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit AEIOPAMP1 used by X_U2.X1 is undefined
Edit: The links to the the ad8336.cir model file and the AD736.cir model file are as follows in the same order:! (AD8336.cir)! (AD736.cir)


Ceph OSDs are full, but I have not stored that much of data

I have a Ceph cluster running with 18 X 600GB OSDs. There are three pools (size:3, pg_num:64) with an image size of 200GB on each, and there are 6 servers connected to these images via iSCSI and storing about 20 VMs on them. Here is the output of "ceph df":
cephfs_data 1 0 B 0 0 B 0 0 B
cephfs_metadata 2 17 KiB 22 1.5 MiB 100.00 0 B 3 0 B 0 0 B 0 0 B
defaults.rgw.buckets.index 4 0 B 0 0 B 0 0 B
.rgw.root 5 2.0 KiB 5 960 KiB 100.00 0 B
default.rgw.control 6 0 B 8 0 B 0 0 B
default.rgw.meta 7 393 B 2 384 KiB 100.00 0 B
default.rgw.log 8 0 B 207 0 B 0 0 B
rbd 9 150 GiB 38.46k 450 GiB 100.00 0 B
rbd3 13 270 GiB 69.24k 811 GiB 100.00 0 B
rbd2 14 150 GiB 38.52k 451 GiB 100.00 0 B
Based on this, I expect about 1.7 TB RAW capacity usage, BUT it is currently about 9TBs!
hdd 9.8 TiB 870 GiB 9.0 TiB 9.0 TiB 91.35
TOTAL 9.8 TiB 870 GiB 9.0 TiB 9.0 TiB 91.35
And the cluster is down because there is very few capacity remained. I wonder what makes this and how can I get it fixed.
Your help is much appreciated
The problem was mounting the iSCSI target without discard option.
Since I am using RedHat Virtualization, I just modified all storage domains created on top of Ceph, and enabled "discard" on them1. Just after a few hours, about 1 TB of storage released. Now it is about 12 hours passed and 5 TB of storage is released.

Is graycomatrix's NumLevels and GrayLimits the same thing MATLAB

Ive been looking at implementing GLCM within MATLAB using graycomatrix. There are two arguments that I have discovered (NumLevels and GrayLimits) but in in my research and implementation they seem to achieve the same result.
GrayLimits specified bins between a range set [low high], causing a restricted set of gray levels.
NumLevels declares the number of gray levels in an image.
Could someone please explain the difference between these two arguments, as I don't understand why there would be two arguments that achieve the same result.
From the documentation:
'GrayLimits': Range used scaling input image into gray levels, specified as a two-element vector [low high]. If N is the number of gray levels (see parameter 'NumLevels') to use for scaling, the range [low high] is divided into N equal width bins and values in a bin get mapped to a single gray level.
'NumLevels': Number of gray levels, specified as an integer.
Thus the first parameter sets the input gray level range to be used (defaults to the min and max values in the image), and the second parameter sets the number of unique gray levels considered (and thus the size of the output matrix, defaults to 8, or 2 for binary images).
For example:
>> graycomatrix(img,'NumLevels',8,'GrayLimits',[0,255])
ans =
17687 1587 81 31 7 0 0 0
1498 7347 1566 399 105 8 0 0
62 1690 3891 1546 298 38 1 0
12 335 1645 4388 1320 145 4 0
2 76 305 1349 4894 959 18 0
0 16 40 135 965 7567 415 0
0 0 0 2 15 421 2410 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
>> graycomatrix(img,'NumLevels',8,'GrayLimits',[0,127])
ans =
1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 17670 1431 156 50 31 23 15
1 1369 3765 970 350 142 84 92
0 128 1037 1575 750 324 169 167
0 46 361 836 1218 747 335 260
0 16 163 330 772 1154 741 547
0 10 74 150 370 787 1353 1208
0 4 67 136 294 539 1247 21199
>> graycomatrix(img,'NumLevels',4,'GrayLimits',[0,255])
ans =
28119 2077 120 0
2099 11470 1801 5
94 1829 14385 433
0 2 436 2410
As you can see, these parameters modify the output in different ways:
In the first case above, the range [0,255] was mapped to columns/rows 1-8, putting 32 different input grey values into each.
In the second case, the smaller range [0,127] was mapped to 8 indices, putting 16 different input grey values into each, and putting the remaining grey values 128-255 into the 8th index.
In the third case, the range [0,255] was mapped to 4 indices, putting 64 different input grey values into each.

Matlab #fmincon error: "Supplied objective function must return a scalar value"

EDIT: To help clarify my question, I'm looking to get a fit to the following data:
I can get a fit using the cftool function, but using a least squares approach doesn't make sense with my binary data. Just to illustrate...
So, my goal is to fit this data using the fmincon function.
I have data from a movement control experiment in which participants were timed while they performed a task, and given a score (failure or success) based on their performance. As you might expect, we assume participants will make less errors as they have more time to perform the task.
I'm trying to fit a function to this data using fmincon, but get the error "Error using fmincon (line 609)
Supplied objective function must return a scalar value."
I don't understand a) what this means, or b) how I can fix it.
I provide some sample data and code below. Any help greatly appreciated.
%Example Data:
time = [12.16 11.81 12.32 11.87 12.37 12.51 12.63 12.09 11.25
7.73 8.18 9.49 10.29 8.88 9.46 10.12 9.76 9.99 10.08
7.48 7.88 7.81 6.7 7.68 8.05 8.23 7.84 8.52 7.7
6.26 6.12 6.19 6.49 6.25 6.51 6 6.79 5.89 5.93 3.97 4.91 4.78 4.43
3.82 4.72 4.72 4.31 4.81 4.32 3.62 3.71 4.29 3.46 3.9 3.73 4.15
3.92 3.8 3.4 3.7 2.91 2.84 2.7 2.83 2.46 3.19 3.44 2.67 3.49 2.71
3.17 2.97 2.76 2.71 2.88 2.52 2.86 2.83 2.64 2.02 2.37 2.38
2.53 3.03 2.61 2.59 2.59 2.44 2.73 ]
error = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1];
% initial parameters - a corresponds to params(1), b corresponds to params(2)
a = 3.0;
b = -0.01;
LL = #(params) 1/1+params(1)*(log(time).^params(2));
LL([a b]);
pOpt = fmincon(LL,[a b],[],[]);
The mistakes comes from the function LL, that returns a number of values equal to the length of time.
To properly use fmincon, you need to have a function that returns only one value.
I believe logistic regression would fit your data and purposes nicely. In that case, why not simply use Matlab's built-in function for multinomial logistic regression?
B = mnrfit(time,error)
Regarding your function LL, are you sure you have entered the function correctly and are not missing a parentheses?
LL = #(params) 1/(1+params(1)*(log(time).^params(2)));
Without the parentheses, you function is equivalent to 1 + a*log(x)^b

CEPH raw space usage

I can't understand, where my ceph raw space is gone.
cluster 90dc9682-8f2c-4c8e-a589-13898965b974
health HEALTH_WARN 72 pgs backfill; 26 pgs backfill_toofull; 51 pgs backfilling; 141 pgs stuck unclean; 5 requests are blocked > 32 sec; recovery 450170/8427917 objects degraded (5.341%); 5 near full osd(s)
monmap e17: 3 mons at {enc18=,enc24=,enc26=}, election epoch 734, quorum 0,1,2 enc18,enc24,enc26
osdmap e3326: 14 osds: 14 up, 14 in
pgmap v5461448: 1152 pgs, 3 pools, 15252 GB data, 3831 kobjects
31109 GB used, 7974 GB / 39084 GB avail
450170/8427917 objects degraded (5.341%)
18 active+remapped+backfill_toofull
1011 active+clean
64 active+remapped+wait_backfill
8 active+remapped+wait_backfill+backfill_toofull
51 active+remapped+backfilling
recovery io 58806 kB/s, 14 objects/s
OSD tree (each host has 2 OSD):
# id weight type name up/down reweight
-1 36.45 root default
-2 5.44 host enc26
0 2.72 osd.0 up 1
1 2.72 osd.1 up 0.8227
-3 3.71 host enc24
2 0.99 osd.2 up 1
3 2.72 osd.3 up 1
-4 5.46 host enc22
4 2.73 osd.4 up 0.8
5 2.73 osd.5 up 1
-5 5.46 host enc18
6 2.73 osd.6 up 1
7 2.73 osd.7 up 1
-6 5.46 host enc20
9 2.73 osd.9 up 0.8
8 2.73 osd.8 up 1
-7 0 host enc28
-8 5.46 host archives
12 2.73 osd.12 up 1
13 2.73 osd.13 up 1
-9 5.46 host enc27
10 2.73 osd.10 up 1
11 2.73 osd.11 up 1
Real usage:
/dev/rbd0 14T 7.9T 5.5T 59% /mnt/ceph
Pool size:
osd pool default size = 2
ceph osd lspools
0 data,1 metadata,2 rbd,
rados df
pool name category KB objects clones degraded unfound rd rd KB wr wr KB
data - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
metadata - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
rbd - 15993591918 3923880 0 444545 0 82936 1373339 2711424 849398218
total used 32631712348 3923880
total avail 8351008324
total space 40982720672
Raw usage is 4x real usage. As I understand, it must be 2x ?
Yes, it must be 2x. I don't really shure, that the real raw usage is 7.9T. Why do you check this value on mapped disk?
This are my pools:
pool name KB objects clones degraded unfound rd rd KB wr wr KB
admin-pack 7689982 1955 0 0 0 693841 3231750 40068930 353462603
public-cloud 105432663 26561 0 0 0 13001298 638035025 222540884 3740413431
rbdkvm_sata 32624026697 7968550 31783 0 0 4950258575 232374308589 12772302818 278106113879
total used 98289353680 7997066
total avail 34474223648
total space 132763577328
You can see, that the total amount of used space is 3 times more than the used space in the pool rbdkvm_sata (+-).
ceph -s shows the same result too:
pgmap v11303091: 5376 pgs, 3 pools, 31220 GB data, 7809 kobjects
93736 GB used, 32876 GB / 123 TB avail
I don't think you have just one rbd image. The result of "ceph osd lspools" indicated that you had 3 pools and one of pools had name "metadata".(Maybe you were using cephfs). /dev/rbd0 was appeared because you mapped the image but you could have other images also. To list the images you can use "rbd list -p ". You can see the image info with "rbd info -p "

Memcached using more than max memory

i have an installation on memcache which i want to use in my production environment but when i have ran a couple of tests it seems that memcache doesn't free up memory even after it has used up all of it allocated memory, Also i logged in and ran a flush_all command but the objects are still in the cache.
Here are outputs from some tests
memcache-top v0.6 (default port: 11211, color: on, refresh: 3 seconds)
INSTANCE USAGE HIT % CONN TIME EVICT/s READ/s WRITE/s 427.1% 0.0% 18 1.4ms 0.0 244 261.0K
AVERAGE: 427.1% 0.0% 18 1.4ms 0.0 244 261.0K
TOTAL: 4.3MB/ 1.0MB 18 1.4ms 0.0 244 261.0K
memcached-tool display
No Item_Size Max_age Pages Count Full? Evicted Evict_Time OOM
1 560B 4s 1 1872 yes 0 0 15488
2 704B 32s 1 559 no 0 0 0
3 880B 4s 1 1191 yes 0 0 1335
4 1.1K 9s 1 116 no 0 0 0
5 1.4K 21s 1 14 no 0 0 0
6 1.7K 4s 1 17 no 0 0 0
7 2.1K 84s 1 24 no 0 0 0
8 2.7K 130s 1 60 no 0 0 0
9 3.3K 25s 1 290 no 0 0 0
10 4.2K 9s 1 194 no 0 0 0
11 5.2K 9s 1 116 no 0 0 0
15 12.7K 816s 1 1 no 0 0 0
16 15.9K 769s 1 5 no 0 0 0
18 24.8K 786s 1 1 no 0 0 0
21 48.5K 816s 1 1 no 0 0 0
memcached-tool stats Field Value
accepting_conns 1
auth_cmds 0
auth_errors 0
bytes 4478060
bytes_read 23964596
bytes_written 546642860
cas_badval 0
cas_hits 0
cas_misses 0
cmd_flush 0
cmd_get 240894
cmd_set 4504
conn_yields 0
connection_structures 21
curr_connections 18
curr_items 4461
decr_hits 0
decr_misses 0
delete_hits 0
delete_misses 0
evictions 0
get_hits 43756
get_misses 197138
incr_hits 0
incr_misses 0
limit_maxbytes 1048576
listen_disabled_num 0
pid 8731
pointer_size 64
reclaimed 0
rusage_system 5.047232
rusage_user 4.311344
threads 4
time 1306247929
total_connections 3092
total_items 4504
uptime 1240
version 1.4.5
-m tells memcached how much RAM to use for item storage (in megabytes). Note
carefully that this isn't a global
memory limit, so memcached will use a
few % more memory than you tell it to.
Set this to safe values. Setting it to
less than 48 megabytes does not work
properly in 1.4.x and earlier. It will
still use the memory.