In my application i have Included a formatter.js file in a seperate folder of sap ui5 application and declared this file in controller of the view
<Page title="{i18n>MasterTitle}" >
items="{/SalesOrderCollection}" >
<ObjectAttribute text="{ path: 'OrderedDate', formatter: '' }" />
<ObjectStatus text="{OverallStatus}" />
but could not able to format the date it is showing as blank. iam able to log in to formatter.js file using console.log statements but the date function is not getting triggered
How can i check the whether the date function is getting triggered ?
You can use debug mode in web ide.
You can use this path.
project settings-run configurations-web application-url components
Add the sap-ui-debug=true parameter to your URL.
Solved by adding data-sap-ui-xx-bindingSyntax="complex" in index.html.
I'm using liferay 6.2 and I want to add a new table on service.xml.
The new entry on service.xml is:
<entity name="FeedError" local-service="true" remote-service="false" cache-enabled="false">
<column name="feId" type="long" primary="true" id-type="identity" />
<column name="errorCode" type="String" />
<column name="translation" type="String" />
<column name="facility" type="String" />
<column name="recordId" type="long" />
<column name="dateTime" type="Date" />
Then, when running Build Service with Ant or Liferay Plugin, I got the following error:
/Liferay/liferay-plugins-sdk-6.2/build-common-plugin.xml:443: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Liferay/liferay-plugins-sdk-6.2/build-common-plugin.xml:147: Service Builder generated exceptions.
Looking at build-common-plugin.xml:443 is:
439: <build-service
440: service.api.dir="${basedir}/${service.base.dir}/service"
441: service.sql.dir="${basedir}/${service.base.dir}/sql"
442: service.test.dir=""
443: />
The error is only when adding a new entry to service.xml; for existing ones, it builds without any issue.
Any help is great appreciate!
I hardly remember that there was an issue with the keyword "error" in table or column names. The service builder once greped for this keyword. You might give it a try to not use the word "error" in your column definition.
I've generated an event stream with an lttng-ust, using the header file, contatining the following event declaration:
int, value_arg
ctf_integer( int, value, value_arg )
After successfully opening it in a TraceCompass, I've tried to write an analysis with an XYChart, showing this value stream as a simple plot. My XML file contains the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- The state provider assigns states from events -->
<stateProvider id="org.eclipse.linuxtools.ust.random_chart" version="1">
<traceType id="org.eclipse.linuxtools.lttng2.ust.tracetype" />
<label value="Value chart analysis" />
<!-- Event handlers -->
<eventHandler eventName="random_chart:point">
<stateAttribute type="constant" value="Dummy" />
<stateAttribute type="constant" value="Value" />
<stateValue type="eventField" value="value" />
<!-- This is the definition of the XY chart view -->
<xyView id="my.test.xy.chart.view">
<analysis id="org.eclipse.linuxtools.ust.random_chart" />
<entry path="Dummy/Value">
<display type="constant" value="Value" />
<name type="self" />
I can't see what's wrong with it (even after reading all the related xml-schema files in a git-repository).
I can import this successfully, but after clicking on an 'XML XY Chart View' I see an empty plot and a single (last in the event stream) value under the 'type filter text'.
AFAIK the 'State System Explorer' shows me correct 'Value at timestamp' corresponding to the 'Full attribute path' equal to 'Dummy/Value'. Probably I miss something.
EDIT1: I've tried to fix, but still have no luck:
<entry path="Dummy"> <display type="constant" value="Value" /> <name type="self" /> </entry>
EDIT2: Same problem with:
<entry path="Dummy/Value">
<display type="self" />
<name type="self" />
You have 2 possibilities to fix the problem, given that you have only one attribute with data:
1- Change the <entry path="Dummy/Value"> to <entry path="Dummy"> and keep the rest
2- Keep your entry and change the display element to <display type="self" />
A display of type constant means it tries to read an attribute of that name under the main path, so here, it was trying to read "Dummy/Value/Value", which doesn't exist
EDIT: Here's a working example of the view part for your analysis:
<xyView id="my.test.xy.chart.view">
<analysis id="org.eclipse.linuxtools.ust.random_chart" />
<label value="Random view" />
<entry path="Dummy">
<display type="constant" value="Value" />
<name type="self" />
Using WiX 3.7 and .NET 4.0.
How does one set burn variables when running a WiX bootstrapper EXE from the command line?
First of all, the burn variables that you wish to set need to be set as Overridable. To do this you must include the follow namespace in your WXS: xmlns:bal="" and if you're using Visual Studio like me you need to include WixBalExtension.dll in your project references. Next you need to add the following attribute to all of the burn variables that you want to set via the command line: bal:Overridable="yes".
Now you can set the variables via the command line in this fashion:
BootstrapperSetup.exe /i /passive MyBurnVariable1=1 MyBurnVariable2=2
Below is an example of a WXS file that satifies all of the conditions described above:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns=""
<Bundle Name="MyProduct" Version="1.0.0" Manufacturer="MyManufacturer" UpgradeCode="PUT-UPGRADE-CODE-HERE">
<BootstrapperApplicationRef Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.HyperlinkLicense">
<bal:WixStandardBootstrapperApplication LicenseUrl="MyLicense.htm" ThemeFile="MyThemeFile.xml" LocalizationFile="MyLocFile.wxl" />
<Variable Name="MyBurnVariable1" bal:Overridable="yes" Type="numeric" Value="0" />
<Variable Name="MyBurnVariable2" bal:Overridable="yes" Type="numeric" Value="0" />
<MsiPackage Id="MyFirstMsiPackage"
InstallCondition="MyBurnVariable1 = 1" />
<MsiPackage Id="MySecondMsiPackage"
<MsiProperty Name="MY_PROPERTY" Value="[MyBurnVariable2]" />
How do I expand a property with value "download\${bulidmode}\project\setup.msi" to "download\Debug\project\setup.msi" if the property buildmode contained debug so I can use it as the file="" part of < copy >
I have a bit of a requirement to be able to expand properties within a string in nant.
For example I have a target that is copying file A to B. A and B both come from a simple two field CSV file which I'm iterating through using
<foreach item="Line" in="filelist.csv" delim="," property="source.file,target.file">
<property name="sourcefile" value="${path::combine(source.dir,source)}" />
<property name="targetfile" value="${path::combine(download.dir,destination)}" />
<echo message="Copy ${sourcefile} to ${targetfile}" />
<copy file="${sourcefile" tofile="${destination}" />
and the filelist.csv will be
(The reason we split these out is that we write multi-tiered applications and deploy by MSI to each tier - so one product has multiple msi's all built with the same version numbers)
Anyway - I want to change this to that I no longer have "Release" in the filelist.csv file but something like ${build.mode}. I would wrap the above code with a
<foreach item="String" in="Release,Debug" delim="," property="build.mode"> above
and the property embedded within the string in the file gets expanded.
I've been beating my head against a brick wall for a few hours, but just can't figure it out.
It is possible with a custom function :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<script language="C#" prefix="vbfox" >
public string ExpandString(string str)
return Project.Properties.ExpandProperties(str, Location.UnknownLocation);
<property name="hello" value="{path::combine('_hello_', '_world_')}" />
<property name="hello" value="${'$' + hello}" />
<echo message="${hello}" />
<echo message="${vbfox::expand(hello)}" />
If I want to create the registry key
with the string value
EventMessageFile : C:\Path\To\File.dll
how do I define this in my WiX 3.0 WXS file? Examples of what the XML should look like is much appreciated.
You seem to want to create an event log source. If that is the case, you should take a look at the <EventSource> element in the util extension.
Check out this page. An example would be:
<registry action="write"
root"HKLM" key="SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\MyApp"
type="string" value="EventMessageFile : C:\Path\To\File.dll" />
I went with this:
<Component Id="EventLogRegKeys" Guid="{my guid}">
<RegistryKey Id="Registry_EventLog" Root="HKLM" Key="SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\MyApp" Action="create">
<RegistryValue Id="Registry_EventLog_EventSourceDll" Action="write" KeyPath="yes" Name="EventMessageFile" Type="string" Value="C:\Path\To\File.dll" />
It would be better to refer to File.dll using file reference syntax, to ensure that the actual path it's installed to is used. Use [#filekey], where filekey is the Id of the File element describing the file.
Use the following under DirectoryRef --> Directory...
<Component Id="RegisterAddReferencesTab32" Guid="D9D01248-8F19-45FC-B807-093CD6765A60"> <RegistryValue Action="write" Id="RegInstallDir32" Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\MyApp" Root="HKLM" Type="string" Value="C:\Path\To\File.dll" /></Component>