How to iterate records spark scala? - scala

I have a variable "myrdd" that is an avro file with 10 records loaded through hadoopfile.
When I do
I can get the name. Problem is, I have 10 records in "myrdd". When I do: => {println(x._1.datum.getName())})
it does not work and prints out a weird object a single time. How can I iterate over all records?

Here is a log from a session using spark-shell with a similar scenario.
scala> persons
res8: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [name: string, age: int]
scala> persons.first
res7: org.apache.spark.sql.Row = [Justin,19]
Your issue looks like
scala> => println(t))
res4: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Unit] = MapPartitionsRDD[10]
so map just returns another RDD (the function is not applied immediately, the function is applied "lazily" when you really iterate over the result).
So when you materialize (using collect()) you get a "normal" collection:
scala> persons.collect()
res11: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([Justin,19])
over which which you can map. Note that in this case you have a side-effect in the closure passed to map (the println), the result of println is Unit):
scala> persons.collect().map(t => println(t))
res5: Array[Unit] = Array(())
Same result if collect is applied at the end:
scala> => println(t)).collect()
res19: Array[Unit] = Array(())
But if you just want to print the rows, you can simplify it to using foreach:
scala> persons.foreach(t => println(t))
As #RohanAletty has pointed out in a comment, this works for a local Spark job. If the job runs in a cluster, collect is required as well:
persons.collect().foreach(t => println(t))
The same behaviour can be observed in the Iterator class.
The output of the session above has been reordered
As for filtering: The location of collect is "bad", if you apply filters after collect which can be applied before.
For example these expressions give the same result:
scala> persons.filter("age > 20").collect().foreach(println)
scala> persons.collect().filter(r => r.getInt(1) >= 20).foreach(println)
but the 2nd case is worse, because that filter could have been applied before collect.
The same applies to any type of aggregation as well.


How to use flatMap for flatten one component of a tuple

I have a tuple like.. (a, list(b,c,d)). I want the output like
I am trying to use flatMap for this but not getting any success. Even map is not helping in this case.
Input Data :
Chap01:Spark is an emerging technology
Chap01:You can easily learn Spark
Chap02:Hadoop is a Bigdata technology
Chap02:You can easily learn Spark and Hadoop
val rawData = sc.textFile("C:\\wc_input.txt")
val chapters = => (line.split(":")(0), line.split(":")(1)))
val chapWords = chapters.flatMap(a => (a._1, a._2.split(" ")))
You could map over the second element of the tuple:
val t = ('a', List('b','c','d'))
val res =, _))
The snipped above resolves to:
res: List[(Char, Char)] = List((a,b), (a,c), (a,d))
This scenario can be easily handled by flatMapValues methods in RDD. It works only on values of a pair RDD keeping the key same.

Spark accumulator empty when used in UDF

I was working on optimizing my Spark process, and was trying to use a UDF with an accumulator. I have gotten the accumulator to work on its own, and was looking to see if I would get any speed up using a UDF. But instead, when I wrap the accumulator in the UDF, it remains empty. Am I going something wrong in particular? Is there something going on with Lazy Execution where even with my .count it is still not executing?
val accum = new MapAccumulator2d()
val session = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
//Does not work - Empty Accumlator
val rowAccum = udf((itemId: Int, item: mutable.WrappedArray[Float]) => {
val map = item
.map(ff => {
((itemId, ff._2), ff._1.toDouble)
})"itemId"), col("jaccardList"))).count
dataFrame.foreach(f => {
val map = f.getAs[mutable.WrappedArray[Float]](1)
.map(ff => {
((f.getInt(0), ff._2), ff._1.toDouble)
val list = => (f._1._1, f._1._2, f._2))
Looks like the only issue here is using count to "trigger" the lazily-evaluated UDF: Spark is "smart" enough to realize that the select operation can't change the result of count and therefore doesn't really execute the UDF. Choosing a different operation (e.g. collect) shows that the UDF works and updates the accumulator.
Here's a (more concise) example:
val accum = sc.longAccumulator
val rowAccum = udf((itemId: Int) => { accum.add(itemId); itemId })
val dataFrame = Seq(1,2,3,4,5).toDF("itemId")"itemId"))).count() // won't trigger UDF
println(s"RESULT: ${accum.value}") // prints 0"itemId"))).collect() // triggers UDF
println(s"RESULT: ${accum.value}") // prints 15

Use combineByKey to get output as (key, iterable[values])

I am trying to transform RDD(key,value) to RDD(key,iterable[value]), same as output returned by the groupByKey method.
But as groupByKey is not efficient, I am trying to use combineByKey on the RDD instead, however, it is not working. Below is the code used:
val data= List("abc,2017-10-04,15.2",
val rdd = sc.parallelize(templines)
val rows = => {
val row = line.split(",")
((row(0), row(1)), row(2))
// re partition and sort based key
val op = rows.repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions(new CustomPartitioner(4))
val temp = => (f._1._1, (f._1._2, f._2)))
val mergeCombiners = (t1: (String, List[String]), t2: (String, List[String])) =>
(t1._1 + t2._1, t1._2.++(t2._2))
val mergeValue = (x: (String, List[String]), y: (String, String)) => {
val a = x._2.+:(y._2)
(x._1, a)
// createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners
val x = temp.combineByKey(
(t1: String, t2: String) => (t1, List(t2)),
temp.combineByKey is giving compile time error, I am not able to get it.
If you want a output similar from what groupByKey will give you, then you should absolutely use groupByKey and not some other method. The reduceByKey, combineByKey, etc. are only more efficient compared to using groupByKey followed with an aggregation (giving you the same result as one of the other groupBy methods could have given).
As the wanted result is an RDD[key,iterable[value]], building the list yourself or letting groupByKey do it will result in the same amount of work. There is no need to reimplement groupByKey yourself. The problem with groupByKey is not its implementation but lies in the distributed architecture.
For more information regarding groupByKey and these types of optimizations, I would recommend reading more here.

Filtering in Scala

So suppose I have the following data (only the first few rows, this data covers an entire year) -
(2014-08-31T00:05:00.000+01:00, John)
(2014-08-31T00:11:00.000+01:00, Sarah)
(2014-08-31T00:12:00.000+01:00, George)
(2014-08-31T00:05:00.000+01:00, John)
(2014-09-01T00:05:00.000+01:00, Sarah)
(2014-09-01T00:05:00.000+01:00, George)
(2014-09-01T00:05:00.000+01:00, Jason)
I would like to filter the data so that I only see what the names are for a specific date (say, 2014-09-05). I've tried doing this using the filter function in Scala but I keep receiving the following error -
error: value xxxx is not a member of (org.joda.time.DateTime, String)
Is there another way of doing this?
The filter method takes a function, called a predicate, that takes as parameter an element of your (I'm assuming) RDD, and returns a Boolean.
The returned RDD will keep only the rows for which the predicate evaluates to true.
In your case, it seems that what you want is something like
case (date, _) => date.withTimeAtStartOfDay() == new DateTime("2017-03-31")
I presume from the tag your question is in the context of Spark and not pure Scala. Given that, you could filter a dataframe on a date and get the associated name(s) like this:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import sparkSession.implicits._
("2014-08-31T00:05:00.000+01:00", "John"),
("2014-08-31T00:11:00.000+01:00", "Sarah")
.toDF("date", "name")
Note that the Date above is java.sql.Date.
Here's a function that takes a date, a list of datetime-name pairs, and returns a list of names for the date:
def getNames(d: String, l: List[(String, String)]): List[String] = {
val date = """^([^T]*).*""".r
val dateMap = {
case (x, y) => ( x match { case date(z) => z }, y )
groupBy(_._1) mapValues( )
dateMap.getOrElse(d, List[String]())
val list = List(
("2014-08-31T00:05:00.000+01:00", "John"),
("2014-08-31T00:11:00.000+01:00", "Sarah"),
("2014-08-31T00:12:00.000+01:00", "George"),
("2014-08-31T00:05:00.000+01:00", "John"),
("2014-09-01T00:05:00.000+01:00", "Sarah"),
("2014-09-01T00:05:00.000+01:00", "George"),
("2014-09-01T00:05:00.000+01:00", "Jason")
getNames("2014-09-01", list)
res1: List[String] = List(Sarah, George, Jason)
val dateTimeStringZero = "2014-08-12T00:05:00.000+01:00"
val dateTimeOne:DateTime = org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime.withZoneUTC.parseDateTime(dateTimeStringZero)
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
val df = new DateTime(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse("2014-08-12"))

Problem with outputting map values in scala

I have the following code snippet:
val map = new LinkedHashMap[String,String]
This outputs Some(Dallas) instead of just Dallas. Whats the problem with my code ?
Thank You
Use the apply method, it returns directly the String and throws a NoSuchElementException if the key is not found:
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
scala> val map = new LinkedHashMap[String,String]
map: scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap[String,String] = Map()
scala> map.put("City","Dallas")
res2: Option[String] = None
scala> map("City")
res3: String = Dallas
It's not really a problem.
While Java's Map version uses null to indicate that a key don't have an associated value, Scala's Map[A,B].get returns a Options[B], which can be Some[B] or None, and None plays a similar role to java's null.
REPL session showing why this is useful:
scala> map.get("State")
res6: Option[String] = None
scala> map.get("State").getOrElse("Texas")
res7: String = Texas
Or the not recommended but simple get:
scala> map.get("City").get
res8: String = Dallas
scala> map.get("State").get
java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:262)
Check the Option documentation for more goodies.
There are two more ways you can handle Option results.
You can pattern match them:
scala> map.get("City") match {
| case Some(value) => println(value)
| case _ => println("found nothing")
| }
Or there is another neat approach that appears somewhere in Programming in Scala. Use foreach to process the result. If a result is of type Some, then it will be used. Otherwise (if it's None), nothing happens:
scala> map.get("City").foreach(println)
scala> map.get("Town").foreach(println)