SQL Select where exclusive Or /Case - sql-server-2008-r2

I need a query based on an exclusive Or statement for this I try using the case but I won't get a result in case of Null...
and b.[U_Periode] = CASE
when (b.U_Periode= #period) then #period
when (b.U_Periode is NULL ) then null
The Case that won't be catched is... if B.U_Status is null and b.U_Periode is null.
If the var Periode match the Value and the U_Status = 0 or 1
the only way getting this working for me was this:
ISNULL( b.[U_Status],'0') = CASE
when (b.U_Status= '1') then '1'
when (isnull( b.U_Status,'0')= '0') then '0'
ISNULL (b.[U_Periode],'01.01.1901') = CASE
when (b.U_Periode= #period) then #period
when (ISNULL (b.U_Periode,'01.01.1901') = '01.01.1901' ) then '01.01.1901'
are there any other better solutions for this?
Best regards
Okay... here is my Problem
InsID ContractID
1 1
2 1
ID insid Period Status Count
1 1 null null 100
2 1 30.09.2015 1 500
3 2 null null 100
4 2 30.09.2015 1 500
Case '31.08.2015'
in total Value should be 200
in case of '30.09.2015'
the Value should be 1.000
XOR /OR will do the same in this case.
Value case '31.08.2015' = 200
value Case ' 30.09.2015 = 2200
So this is somesing like a subquery
left join (
inner join [dbo].[Table 3]K on k.DocEntry = b.DocEntry and CAST( k.U_CSetID as int) >0
on b.[U_InsID] in(select... but here I should have an if statement...
If there are results matching the Date join this
If not than join the result NULL is matching to periode...

Okay.. here is the complete query
the Table2 with the Date of 31.08.2015 should have one Record that include
B_STATUS = Null and B.Preiode = null and there is no available record with the U_Periode '31.08.2015' and a Staus ...
with a date of 30.09.2015
there is a Record matching U_Period = '30.09.2015' in this case the Record with U_Period=null should not effect the result...
Declare #period as varchar(20)= '31-08-2015 00:00:00'
declare #Customer as Varchar(15)='12345'
declare #Contract as varchar(30) = '123'
declare #test as varchar(1) = null
select SUM(cast(K.U_Count as decimal))as counter, K.U_CounterTyp
from [dbo].[Table1] a
left join (
inner join [dbo].[Table 3]K on k.DocEntry = b.DocEntry and CAST( k.U_CSetID as int) >0
on b.[U_InsID]=a.[insID] and b.[U_ObjectType]in ('5','1') and
ISNULL( b.[U_Status],'0') = CASE
when (b.U_Status= '1') then '1'
when (isnull( b.U_Status,'0')= '0') then '0'
ISNULL (b.[U_Periode],'01.01.1901') = CASE
when (b.U_Periode= #period) then #period
when (ISNULL (b.U_Periode,'01.01.1901') = '01.01.1901' ) then '01.01.1901'
where a.[customer] =#Customer and a.[Status]='A' and a.[U_ContrCount]='1'
and a.[manufSN] in(
select c.[ManufSN] from [dbo].[Table4] c
inner join [dbo].[OCTR]d on d.[ContractID] = c.[ContractID]
where c.[ManufSN]=a.[manufSN]
and d.[CstmrCode] = a.[customer] and d.[ContractID]=#Contract
group by K.U_CounterTyp

you must use the "^" operand, this is XOR operand in TSQL
expression ^ expression
the expression must return or 0 or 1...
stupid example:
WHERE (name like "stackoverflow") ^ (age > 10)
font: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190277(v=sql.105).aspx
Update for your check
WHERE (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), a.[U_Periode], 104) = '30.08.2015') != (a.U_Periode IS NULL)

Olay here is my funktion that chek either a Date Result is there or not.
The only thing is, that the performance is not the best if I run hundreths of sentences ... foreach record (up to app. 1000) I need to query each subtable... and there are many many records in...
Anyway this is the function
CREATE FUNCTION fn_GetInsCounters(#InsId as Varchar(30), #Date as datetime)
returns datetime
declare #count as int = 0
declare #Retruns as Datetime
set #count =
select count( b.Docentry)
from [dbo].[Table2]b
where b.U_Insid =#InsID
and b.U_Status <> '2'
and b.[U_ObjectType]in ('5','1')
and b.U_Periode=#Date
set #Retruns = #date
set #Retruns = '01.01.1901'
return #Retruns
if anyone gets a better idea???
Best regards


Unexpected "Subquery returned more than 1 value"

Tables have this structure: groupTable > lineGroupJoinTable > linesTable (name are obfuscated names)
I have the following query which returns this error:
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the
subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as
an expression.
The thing is that I expect that since the subquery is group, I should not get this error. I'm probably missing something.
UPDATE dbo.groupTable
SET fieldToUpdate = CASE WHEN fieldToUpdate IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE
SELECT sumTable.fieldToSum FROM
dbo.groupTable gt
SELECT lgjt.groupdId1, lgjt.groupdId2, SUM(lt.fieldToSum) as fieldToSum
FROM lineGroupJoinTable lgjt
INNER JOIN linesTable lt
lt.fieldToSum IS NOT NULL AND lt.fieldToSum > 0 AND
lgjt.lineId1 = lt.lineId1 AND lgjt.lineId2 = lt.lineId2
GROUP BY lgjt.groupdId1, lgjt.groupdId2
) sumTable
ON sumTable.groupdId1 = gt.groupdId1 AND sumTable.groupdId2 = gt.groupdId2
This variation was also try following a suggestion but return the same error:
UPDATE dbo.groupTable
SET fieldToUpdate = CASE WHEN fieldToUpdate IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE
SELECT SUM(sumTable.fieldToSum) FROM
dbo.groupTable gt
SELECT lgjt.groupdId1, lgjt.groupdId2, SUM(lt.fieldToSum) as fieldToSum
FROM lineGroupJoinTable lgjt
INNER JOIN linesTable lt
lt.fieldToSum IS NOT NULL AND lt.fieldToSum > 0 AND
lgjt.lineId1 = lt.lineId1 AND lgjt.lineId2 = lt.lineId2
GROUP BY lgjt.groupdId1, lgjt.groupdId2
) sumTable
ON sumTable.groupdId1 = gt.groupdId1 AND sumTable.groupdId2 = gt.groupdId2
GROUP BY gt.groupdId1, gt.groupdId2
Probably because dbo.groupTable has multiple value for the combination id1 and id2. I suggest to group on the id1 and id2 column and do a SUM, that case you will have only 1 result.
UPDATE dbo.groupTable
SET fieldToUpdate = CASE WHEN fieldToUpdate IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE
SELECT SUM(sumTable.fieldToSum) FROM
dbo.groupTable gt
SELECT lgjt.id1, lgjt.id2, SUM(lt.fieldToSum) as fieldToSum
FROM lineGroupJoinTable lgjt
INNER JOIN linesTable lt
lt.fieldToSum IS NOT NULL AND lt.fieldToSum > 0 AND
lgjt.id3 = lt.id3 AND lgjt.id4 = lt.id4
GROUP BY lgjt.id1, lgjt.id2
) sumTable
ON sumTable.id1 = gt.id1 AND sumTable.id2 = gt.id2
GROUP BY gt.id1, gt.id2

SQL Server Select in if (subquery Result 0 rows use different statement)

I have a table in SQL Server 2008 R2 where I need to get a result with a subquery. In some case the subquery returns no results, and in this case I need these query with a null condition.
declare #InsID as int =12288
declare #docentry as int = 28
select *
from [Table1] a
where a.U_InsID = #InsID
and a.DocEntry <> #docentry
and a.U_ObjectType in ('1','5')
and (month(a.U_Periode) in
(select max(MONTH(U_Periode))
from [Table1] e
where e.U_InsID = a.U_InsID
and e.DocEntry <> #docentry
and (a.U_Status <> '2' or a.U_Status is null))
or (a.U_Periode is null and a.DocEntry <> #docentry and (a.U_Status <> '2' or a.U_Status is null))
In this query I get the "OR" result on any time... But I only want the result of the "OR" when the subquery result nothing...
Any ideas?
Best regards
Okay this is one Table. The query exclude the row that I'm working on and should return a result based on Max Date(Month) and if not there, there is a Row that has no Value in Period. and I need to get this.
In my first example the where "OR" get these sentence but on any time... I figuerd out a working solution a minute ago... but I geues this is not a nice one but it is working..
declare #InsID as int =12288
declare #docentry as int = 31
declare #var as varchar(30)
--- get the max Month to U_InsID and not the actual Row '31'
set #var = (select max(MONTH(U_Periode))
from [TABLE1] e
where e.U_InsID=#InsID
and e.DocEntry <> #docentry
and (e.U_Status <> '2' or e.U_Status is null))
--- If there was no result do this....
if #var is null begin(
select * from [Table1] a
where a.U_InsID = #InsID
and a.DocEntry <> #docentry
and a.U_Periode is null and (a.U_Status <> '2' or a.U_Status is null)
else ---- do this if there was a result...
select * from [TABLE1] a
where a.U_InsID = #InsID
and a.DocEntry <> #docentry
and month(a.U_Periode)=#var and (a.U_Status <> '2' or a.U_Status is null)
And I'm looking for a smoother way of doing this instead using this IF... Else
I thought there should be a solution within the query itself...
best regards

Using the result of a subquery in a CASE expression with T-SQL

I'm writing a query with some CASE expressions and it outputs helper-data columns which help me determine whether or not a specific action is required. I would like to know if I can somehow use the result of a subquery as the output without having to perform the same query twice (between WHEN (subquery) THEN and as the result after THEN)
The dummy code below describes what I'm after. Can this be done? I'm querying a MS2005 SQL database.
SELECT 'Hello StackOverflow'
,'Thanks for reading this question'
SELECT count(*)
FROM sometable
WHERE condition = 1
AND somethingelse = 'value'
) > 0 THEN
-- run the query again to get the number of rows
SELECT count(*)
FROM sometable
WHERE condition = 1
AND somethingelse = 'value'
SELECT 'Hello StackOverflow'
,'Thanks for reading this question'
SELECT count(*)
FROM sometable
WHERE condition = 1
AND somethingelse = 'value'
) AS subqry_count > 0 THEN
-- use the subqry_count, which fails... "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'"
Just use the subquery as the source you are selecting from:
SELECT 'Hello StackOverflow'
,'Thanks for reading this question'
,CASE subqry_count.Cnt
ELSE subqry_count.Cnt
FROM ( SELECT count(*) AS Cnt
FROM sometable
WHERE condition = 1
AND somethingelse = 'value'
) subqry_count
As an aside, if you are just going to return 0 if the output from COUNT is 0, then you don't even need to use a CASE statement.

Check for equal amounts of negative numbers as positive numbers

I have a table with two columns: intGroupID, decAmount
I want to have a query that can basically return the intGroupID as a result if for every positive(+) decAmount, there is an equal and opposite negative(-) decAmount.
So a table of (id=1,amount=1.0),(1,2.0),(1,-1.0),(1,-2.0) would return back the intGroupID of 1, because for each positive number there exists a negative number to match.
What I know so far is that there must be an equal number of decAmounts (so I enforce a count(*) % 2 = 0) and the sum of all rows must = 0.0. However, some cases that get by that logic are:
ID | Amount
1 | 1.0
1 | -1.0
1 | 2.0
1 | -2.0
1 | 3.0
1 | 2.0
1 | -4.0
1 | -1.0
This has a sum of 0.0 and has an even number of rows, but there is not a 1-for-1 relationship of positives to negatives. I need a query that can basically tell me if there is a negative amount for each positive amount, without reusing any of the rows.
I tried counting the distinct absolute values of the numbers and enforcing that it is less than the count of all rows, but it's not catching everything.
The code I have so far:
intGroupID INT
,decAmount DECIMAL(19,2)
INSERT INTO #tblTest (intGroupID ,decAmount)
VALUES (1,-1.0),(1,1.0),(1,2.0),(1,-2.0),(1,3.0),(1,2.0),(1,-4.0),(1,-1.0);
DECLARE #intABSCount INT = 0
,#intFullCount INT = 0;
SELECT #intFullCount = COUNT(*) FROM #tblTest;
SELECT DISTINCT ABS(decAmount) AS absCount FROM #tblTest GROUP BY ABS(decAmount)
) AS absCount
SELECT t1.intGroupID
FROM #tblTest AS t1
/* Make Sure Even Number Of Rows */
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS intCount FROM #tblTest
AS t2 ON t2.intCount % 2 = 0
/* Make Sure Sum = 0.0 */
(SELECT SUM(decAmount) AS decSum FROM #tblTest)
AS t3 ON decSum = 0.0
/* Make Sure Count of Absolute Values < Count of Values */
#intABSCount < #intFullCount
GROUP BY t1.intGroupID
I think there is probably a better way to check this table, possibly by finding pairs and removing them from the table and seeing if there's anything left in the table once there are no more positive/negative matches, but I'd rather not have to use recursion/cursors.
Create TABLE #tblTest (
intA INT
,decA DECIMAL(19,2)
INSERT INTO #tblTest (intA,decA)
VALUES (1,-1.0),(1,1.0),(1,2.0),(1,-2.0),(1,3.0),(1,2.0),(1,-4.0),(1,-1.0), (5,-5.0),(5,5.0) ;
SELECT * FROM #tblTest;
, MIN(Result) as IsBalanced
SELECT intA, X,Result =
WHEN count(*)%2 = 0 THEN 1
---- Start thinking here --- inside-out
, x =
WHEN decA < 0 THEN
-1 * decA
FROM #tblTest
) t1
Group by intA, X
Not tested but I think you can get the idea
This returns the id that do not conform
The not is easier to test / debug
select pos.*, neg.*
( select id, amount, count(*) as ccount
from tbl
where amount > 0
group by id, amount ) pos
full outer join
( select id, amount, count(*) as ccount
from tbl
where amount < 0
group by id, amount ) neg
on pos.id = neg.id
and pos.amount = -neg.amount
and pos.ccount = neg.ccount
where pos.id is null
or neg.id is null
I think this will return a list of id that do conform
select distinct(id) from tbl
select distinct(isnull(pos.id, neg.id))
( select id, amount, count(*) as ccount
from tbl
where amount > 0
group by id, amount ) pos
full outer join
( select id, amount, count(*) as ccount
from tbl
where amount < 0
group by id, amount ) neg
on pos.id = neg.id
and pos.amount = -neg.amount
and pos.ccount = neg.ccount
where pos.id is null
or neg.id is null
Boy, I found a simpler way to do this than my previous answers. I hope all my crazy edits are saved for posterity.
This works by grouping all numbers for an id by their absolute value (1, -1 grouped by 1).
The sum of the group determines if there are an equal number of pairs. If it is 0 then it is equal, any other value for the sum means there is an imbalance.
The detection of evenness by the COUNT aggregate is only necessary to detect an even number of zeros. I assumed that 0's could exist and they should occur an even number of times. Remove it if this isn't a concern, as 0 will always pass the first test.
I rewrote the query a bunch of different ways to get the best execution plan. The final result below only has one big heap sort which was unavoidable given the lack of an index.
WITH tt AS (
SELECT intGroupID,
CASE WHEN SUM(decAmount) > 0 OR COUNT(*) % 2 = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END unequal
FROM #tblTest
GROUP BY intGroupID, ABS(decAmount)
SELECT tt.intGroupID,
CASE WHEN SUM(unequal) != 0 THEN 'not equal' ELSE 'equals' END [pair]
GROUP BY intGroupID;
Tested Values
(1,-1.0),(1,1.0),(1,2),(1,-2), -- should work
(2,-1.0),(2,1.0),(2,2),(2,2), -- fail, two positive twos
(3,1.0),(3,1.0),(3,-1.0), -- fail two 1's , one -1
(4,1),(4,2),(4,-.5),(4,-2.5), -- fail: adds up the same sum, but different values
(5,1),(5,-1),(5,0),(5,0), -- work, test zeros
(6,1),(6,-1),(6,0), -- fail, test zeros
(7,1),(7,-1),(7,-1),(7,1),(7,1) -- fail, 3 x 1
A pairs
_ _____
1 equal
2 not equal
3 not equal
4 not equal
5 equal
6 not equal
7 not equal
The following should return "disbalanced" groups:
;with pos as (
select intGroupID, ABS(decAmount) m
from TableName
where decAmount > 0
), neg as (
select intGroupID, ABS(decAmount) m
from TableName
where decAmount < 0
select distinct IsNull(p.intGroupID, n.intGroupID) as intGroupID
from pos p
full join neg n on n.id = p.id and abs(n.m - p.m) < 1e-8
where p.m is NULL or n.m is NULL
to get unpaired elements, select satement can be changed to following:
select IsNull(p.intGroupID, n.intGroupID) as intGroupID, IsNull(p.m, -n.m) as decAmount
from pos p
full join neg n on n.id = p.id and abs(n.m - p.m) < 1e-8
where p.m is NULL or n.m is NULL
Does this help?
-- Expected result - group 1 and 3
declare #matches table (groupid int, value decimal(5,2))
insert into #matches select 1, 1.0
insert into #matches select 1, -1.0
insert into #matches select 2, 2.0
insert into #matches select 2, -2.0
insert into #matches select 2, -2.0
insert into #matches select 3, 3.0
insert into #matches select 3, 3.5
insert into #matches select 3, -3.0
insert into #matches select 3, -3.5
insert into #matches select 4, 4.0
insert into #matches select 4, 4.0
insert into #matches select 4, -4.0
-- Get groups where we have matching positive/negatives, with the same number of each
select mat.groupid, min(case when pos.PositiveCount = neg.NegativeCount then 1 else 0 end) as 'Match'
from #matches mat
LEFT JOIN (select groupid, SUM(1) as 'PositiveCount', Value
from #matches where value > 0 group by groupid, value) pos
on pos.groupid = mat.groupid and pos.value = ABS(mat.value)
LEFT JOIN (select groupid, SUM(1) as 'NegativeCount', Value
from #matches where value < 0 group by groupid, value) neg
on neg.groupid = mat.groupid and neg.value = case when mat.value < 0 then mat.value else mat.value * -1 end
group by mat.groupid
-- If at least one pair within a group don't match, reject
having min(case when pos.PositiveCount = neg.NegativeCount then 1 else 0 end) = 1
You can compare your values this way:
declare #t table(id int, amount decimal(4,1))
insert #t values(1,1.0),(1,-1.0),(1,2.0),(1,-2.0),(1,3.0),(1,2.0),(1,-4.0),(1,-1.0),(2,-1.0),(2,1.0)
;with a as
select count(*) cnt, id, amount
from #t
group by id, amount
select id from #t
select b.id from a
full join a b
on a.cnt = b.cnt and a.amount = -b.amount
where a.id is null
For some reason i can't write comments, however Daniels comment is not correct, and my solution does accept (6,1),(6,-1),(6,0) which can be correct. 0 is not specified in the question and since it is a 0 value it can be handled eather way. My answer does NOT accept (3,1.0),(3,1.0),(3,-1.0)
To Blam: No I am not missing
or b.id is null
My solution is like yours, but not exactly identical

Getting the minimum of two values in SQL

I have two variables, one is called PaidThisMonth, and the other is called OwedPast. They are both results of some subqueries in SQL. How can I select the smaller of the two and return it as a value titled PaidForPast?
The MIN function works on columns, not variables.
SQL Server 2012 and 2014 supports IIF(cont,true,false) function. Thus for minimal selection you can use it like
SELECT IIF(first>second, second, first) the_minimal FROM table
While IIF is just a shorthand for writing CASE...WHEN...ELSE, it's easier to write.
The solutions using CASE, IIF, and UDF are adequate, but impractical when extending the problem to the general case using more than 2 comparison values. The generalized
solution in SQL Server 2008+ utilizes a strange application of the VALUES clause:
PaidForPast=(SELECT MIN(x) FROM (VALUES (PaidThisMonth),(OwedPast)) AS value(x))
Credit due to this website:
Use Case:
Select Case When #PaidThisMonth < #OwedPast
Then #PaidThisMonth Else #OwedPast End PaidForPast
As Inline table valued UDF
(#Param1 Integer, #Param2 Integer)
Returns Table As
Return(Select Case When #Param1 < #Param2
Then #Param1 Else #Param2 End MinValue)
Select MinValue as PaidforPast
From dbo.Minimum(#PaidThisMonth, #OwedPast)
This is probably best for when addressing only two possible values, if there are more than two, consider Craig's answer using Values clause.
For SQL Server 2022+ (or MySQL or PostgreSQL 9.3+), a better way is to use the LEAST and GREATEST functions.
SELECT GREATEST(A.date0, B.date0) AS date0,
LEAST(A.date1, B.date1, B.date2) AS date1
WHERE B.x = A.x
GREATEST(value [, ...]) : Returns the largest (maximum-valued) argument from values provided
LEAST(value [, ...]) Returns the smallest (minimum-valued) argument from values provided
Documentation links :
MySQL http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/comparison-operators.html
Postgres https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-conditional.html
SQL Server https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/logical-functions-least-transact-sql
I just had a situation where I had to find the max of 4 complex selects within an update.
With this approach you can have as many as you like!
You can also replace the numbers with aditional selects
select max(x)
from (
select 1 as 'x' union
select 4 as 'x' union
select 3 as 'x' union
select 2 as 'x'
) a
More complex usage
#answer = select Max(x)
from (
select #NumberA as 'x' union
select #NumberB as 'x' union
select #NumberC as 'x' union
select (
Select Max(score) from TopScores
) as 'x'
) a
I'm sure a UDF has better performance.
Here is a trick if you want to calculate maximum(field, 0):
SELECT (ABS(field) + field)/2 FROM Table
returns 0 if field is negative, else, return field.
Use a CASE statement.
Example B in this page should be close to what you're trying to do:
Here's the code from the page:
USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT ProductNumber, Name, 'Price Range' =
WHEN ListPrice = 0 THEN 'Mfg item - not for resale'
WHEN ListPrice < 50 THEN 'Under $50'
WHEN ListPrice >= 50 and ListPrice < 250 THEN 'Under $250'
WHEN ListPrice >= 250 and ListPrice < 1000 THEN 'Under $1000'
ELSE 'Over $1000'
FROM Production.Product
ORDER BY ProductNumber ;
This works for up to 5 dates and handles nulls. Just couldn't get it to work as an Inline function.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.MinDate(#Date1 datetime = Null,
#Date2 datetime = Null,
#Date3 datetime = Null,
#Date4 datetime = Null,
#Date5 datetime = Null)
--USAGE select dbo.MinDate('20120405',null,null,'20110305',null)
DECLARE #Output datetime;
WITH Datelist_CTE(DT)
AS (
SELECT #Date5 AS DT WHERE #Date5 is not NULL
Select #Output=Min(DT) FROM Datelist_CTE;
RETURN #Output;
Building on the brilliant logic / code from mathematix and scottyc, I submit:
DECLARE #a INT, #b INT, #c INT = 0;
WHILE #c < 100
SET #c += 1;
SET #a = ROUND(RAND()*100,0)-50;
SET #b = ROUND(RAND()*100,0)-50;
SELECT #a AS a, #b AS b,
#a - ( ABS(#a-#b) + (#a-#b) ) / 2 AS MINab,
#a + ( ABS(#b-#a) + (#b-#a) ) / 2 AS MAXab,
CASE WHEN (#a <= #b AND #a = #a - ( ABS(#a-#b) + (#a-#b) ) / 2)
OR (#a >= #b AND #a = #a + ( ABS(#b-#a) + (#b-#a) ) / 2)
THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Failure' END AS Status;
Although the jump from scottyc's MIN function to the MAX function should have been obvious to me, it wasn't, so I've solved for it and included it here: SELECT #a + ( ABS(#b-#a) + (#b-#a) ) / 2. The randomly generated numbers, while not proof, should at least convince skeptics that both formulae are correct.
Use a temp table to insert the range of values, then select the min/max of the temp table from within a stored procedure or UDF. This is a basic construct, so feel free to revise as needed.
For example:
' Insert any number of data you need to sort and pull from
INSERT INTO #speed (N'Petty', 165)
INSERT INTO #speed (N'Earnhardt', 172)
INSERT INTO #speed (N'Patrick', 174)
Select MIN(T.V) FROM (Select 1 as V UNION Select 2 as V) T
SELECT (WHEN first > second THEN second ELSE first END) the_minimal FROM table