Mongorestore on AWS EC2 MEAN by Bitnami - mongodb

I have and issue with mongodb that was preinstalled on MEAN server pre-configuration.
I want to use mongorestore tool to restore my database from local machine on AWS server. As i know so far this tools have an issue ( so i decided to downgrade version on mongo from 3.0 to 2.6. Unfortunately on Bitnami the instalation is pretty strange and i can't unistall mongo in standard way.
sudo apt-get purge mongodb mongodb-clients mongodb-server mongodb-dev
sudo apt-get purge mongodb-10gen
sudo apt-get autoremove
The same problem i have with trying to replace tools with older version:
sudo apt-get purge mongodb-org-tools
echo 'deb dist 10gen' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org-tools=2.6.0
System just doesn't recognize this names. Does anyone here have any experience with bitnami mean stack for AWS EC2, and can help me with replacing tools or (the best sollution for me) version of mongo to 2.6?

Bitnami developer here.
Bitnami stacks are self contained so you won't be able to use apt-get to downgrade one component.
If you are using a native installer the best you can do is asking for an old version of the mean stack that shipped mongo 2.6.


How to uninstall collectd completely from ubuntu 16.04 server

I had collectd-5.5 installed on my ubuntu-16.04 server and I tried to install the newer version as described in collectd download page..
it seems that it didn't work, so now I'm trying to uninstall collectd from my server completely, to install a fresh version again.
To uninstall, I've run below commands:
sudo apt-get remove collectd
sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove collectd
sudo apt-get purge collectd
sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove collectd
now when I delete the /var/lib/collectd folder, it gets created immediately with the rrd folder in it.
collectd command and service do not exist anymore, but it seems that it's not removed from my server completely, or maybe I have another version of collectd running?
how can I check?
did I miss something in the uninstalling process?
as #Lutz mentioned in question comments, the collectd process was running after the uninstall, so I had to kill it manually, restarting the server would do the work though, but in my case, I was working on a production server, so I decided to kill it this way:
sudo killall collectd

Mongodb Version mismatch Issue 3.6 to 4.0 upgrade

I have installed the latest version of MongoDB i.e 4.0.10. I am using Ubuntu 18.04.
When i run mongod --version in putty command line i get version 4.0.10
But When i run query in Studio3T db.version(); i get version 3.6.3
I ran dpkg -l | grep mongo and got following output.
Please help me in identifying what i am doing wrong here.
Looks like you have two MongoDBs installed, judging from 3.6.3-0ubuntu1 installed by apt, and 4.0.10 versions there.
The page Install MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu stated:
The mongodb package provided by Ubuntu is not maintained by MongoDB Inc. and conflicts with the mongodb-org package. To check if Ubuntu’s mongodb package is installed on the system, run sudo apt list --installed | grep mongodb. You can use sudo apt remove mongodb and sudo apt purge mongodb to remove and purge the mongodb package before attempting this procedure.
The older 3.6.3 appears to be still running in port 27017, thus that was the one connected to by Studio3T.
To ensure a clean installation, it's better to do a clean install by:
Follow the instructions in Uninstall MongoDB Community Edition
Remove 3.6.3 using apt as per the instruction above
Reinstall using the procedure in Install MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu.
It's probably not required to uninstall/reinstall everything again, but you don't want to have conflicting leftover files that will create problems down the road.
If you need the data in the old 3.6.3, please do mongodump before uninstalling it. You can subsequently restore it later.

Howto install PostgreSQL 9.6.6 using apt-get on Ubuntu

Is it possible to use apt-get to install a very specific version of PostgreSQL. I would like to install PostgreSQL 9.6.6. I followed the instructions on the postgres download page. This will get the current latest version which is 9.6.7.
Thanks in advance.

How to upgrade MySQL in a Bitnami Moodle stack?

I have a Bitnami Moodle stack I use for local development. When I upgraded the Moodle version to 2.8.1, which is the current production version, the Moodle install page says I need to upgrade from MySQL 5.5.21 to 5.5.31.
Is there a way to simply upgrade MySQL within the existing Bitnami Moodle Stack?
Bitnami developer here,
Bitnami stacks contain everything you need to run the application. That way, all of the Bitnami-packaged applications you want to run will share a single instance of Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc which will save space and improve performance.
The best way to upgrade all Moodle Stack components (PHP, MySQL, Apache…) it's explained in the link below:
It is strongly recommended that you create a backup before starting the update process. If you have important data, it is advisable that you create and try to restore a backup to ensure that everything works properly.
I hope it helps
I haven't used bitnami but just been reading the FAQs, it looks like you can use ssh to open a terminal
Assuming its Ubuntu, you could try updating Ubuntu first to see if it updates mysql.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
If that doesn't work then you can use the mysql 5.5 ppa from Ondrej to upgade to the latest version of mysql 5.5 - something like this:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/mysql-5.5
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server

How to find pgAdminIII GUI in Ubuntu

I got a machine where the OS is Ubuntu and already PostgreSQL has been installed. And also the credentials being provided
User Name: somename
Password: somepassword
Basically I work in Windows 8 environment and after installation of PostgreSQL, we can find it from Start charms as
How to do the same from Ubuntu?
In Ubuntu, you can install PgAdmin3 using following console command:
sudo apt-get install pgadmin3
After you've done that, you can start it from the console as pgadmin3 or you can find it in Unity by pressing Windows key and typing pgadmin.
If your Ubuntu is older than 12.04, standard provided PgAdmin may be too old to be usable and you may have to install pgadmin3 from alternative Ubuntu repository. For example, when I need to install it on Ubuntu 10.10, I do this:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:rhonda/pgadmin3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pgadmin3