It seems that nowdays there's no way to allow to post onto facebook user groups via a new, unreviewed app.
I've created an App with live features availible to gen public, with approvements for email, public_profile, user_friends.
I'm trying to post on the wall of a group I've created and I'm an admin of.
Now, when firing up my code, I get the nasty "OAuthException - #200) (#200) Insufficient permission to post to target..." exception.
Posting my wall work perfectly...
public class HomeController : Controller
private const long GroupId = 15473890820xxxx;
// GET: /Home/
public ActionResult Index(string code)
ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to Facebook App Demo!";
//user denied permissions on Facebook.
if (Request["error_reason"] == "user_denied")
//this is not implemented. For reference only.
return RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
ViewBag.Error = "There was an error while loggin into Facebook. Please try again later.";
return RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account");
var fb = new FacebookClient();
dynamic result = fb.Post("oauth/access_token", new
client_id = "93199615018xxxx",
client_secret = "2089ae4447877e7388500b844235xxxx",
redirect_uri = "http://localhost:13301/",
code = code
var appToken = result.access_token as string;
// update the facebook client with the access token so
// we can make requests on behalf of the user
fb.AccessToken = appToken;
//get extended App/User Token
dynamic result2 = fb.Get("oauth/access_token", new
client_id = "93199615018xxxx"
client_secret = "2089ae4447877e7388500b844235xxxx",
fb_exchange_token = appToken,
// code = code
var extendedAppToken = result2.access_token as string;
//generate Extended User Token (valid for 60 days)
Session["Facebooktoken"] = extendedAppToken;
dynamic me = fb.Get("me/accounts");
var response = fb.Get("/me/accounts?access_token=" + extendedAppToken) as JsonObject;
return View(me);
public ActionResult Index(FormCollection collection) //rename to PostWall
ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to Facebook App Demo!";
// Post to the wall..
if (Session["Facebooktoken"] != null)
string message = collection["txtPost"].ToString();
FacebookClient client = new FacebookClient(Session["Facebooktoken"].ToString());
dynamic result = client.Post(GroupId+"/feed", new
message = message
ViewBag.SaveMessage = "Successfuly Post on your wall : " +;
return RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account");
catch (Exception ex)
ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);
return View();
public ActionResult About()
return View();
public class AccountController : Controller
// GET: /Account/
public ActionResult LogOn()
return View();
public ActionResult LogOn(LogOnModel model, string returnUrl)
var facebookAppId = "93199615018xxxx";
var facebookAppSecret = "2089ae4447877e7388500b844235xxxx";
var facebookRedirectUrl = "http://localhost:13301/";
var facebookScope = "email,publish_pages,publish_actions,manage_pages,user_managed_groups,user_hometown,user_website";
if (facebookAppId != null && facebookAppSecret != null && facebookRedirectUrl != null && facebookScope != null)
var url = string.Format(#"{0}&redirect_uri={1}&scope={2}", facebookAppId, facebookRedirectUrl, facebookScope);
Response.Redirect(url, true);
return this.RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
Any clue on how to set up an testing environment for above functionality without the extra-round of establishing a fully fledged App that has to be reviewed by Facebook admins? I've looked on testing versions for Apps and Users, but no groups either.
Many thanks in advance
Darren, thanks for your considerations. It seems like due to my privacy restrictions I couldnt get any group info of my personal account. Either programmatically, nor manually in Facebooks Graph API Explorer.
It worked finally on an business (fan)'Page' profile by getting an 'long-lived' Page Access Token in facebooks Access Token Debuger.
Yes, user_managed_groups and publish_actions had been enabled.
I am new to facebook c# sdk. I followed the tutorial in this link.
I created an application that displays the user name after log in. Here is my code:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private string appId = "appid";
private string extenededPermissions = "offline_access,publish_stream";
private Uri loginUrl = null;
private string accessToken = null;
private string userName = null;
public MainWindow()
/// <summary>
/// Function to get the login url
/// with the requested permissions
/// </summary>
private void GetLoginUrl()
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
// add the client id
parameters.client_id = appId;
// add the redirect uri
parameters.redirect_uri = "";
// requested response
parameters.response_type = "token";
// type of display
parameters.display = "popup";
// If extended permissions are present
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(extenededPermissions))
parameters.scope = extenededPermissions;
// Create the login url
Facebook fc = new FacebookClient();
loginUrl = fc.GetLoginUrl(parameters);
private void WindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// get the login url
// Navigate to that page
private void webBrowser_Navigated(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
var fc = new FacebookClient();
FacebookOAuthResult fr;
// Check the returned url
if (fc.TryParseOAuthCallbackUrl(e.Uri, out fr))
// check if authentication is success or not
if (fr.IsSuccess)
getUserName(out userName);
var errorDes = fr.ErrorDescription;
var errorReason = fr.ErrorReason;
private void getUserName(out string name)
var fb = new FacebookClient(accessToken);
// Get the user details
dynamic result = fb.Get("me");
// Get the user name
name =;
MessageBox.Show("Hai " + name + ",Welcome to my App");
My Problem is with the FacebookOAuthResult.
private void webBrowser_Navigated(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
var fc = new FacebookClient();
FacebookOAuthResult fr;
// Check the returned url
if (fc.TryParseOAuthCallbackUrl(e.Uri, out fr))
// check if authentication is success or not
if (fr.IsSuccess)
getUserName(out userName);
var errorDes = fr.ErrorDescription;
var errorReason = fr.ErrorReason;
After I logged in it is redirecting to redirect_uri. But the fc.TryParseOAuthCallbackUrl(e.Uri, out fr) fails though the webbrowser redirects to the Authentication successful page.
So I couldn't get the access token. What could the problem in my code be?
This doesn't answer the question, but I see you are asking for an offline_access permission. Facebook removed offline_access sometime ago. Instead you need an Extended Access Token. You get it by exchanging the access token you are trying to get, for an extended one. They last for about 2-3 months after which you have to get a new one.
Nevermind i have found out the solution..Thanks to the answers for the question!
I have added the Winforms web browser control to the wpf and the authentication is working.The problem is with WPF web browser. It simply omits the url after # token So the parseurl won't able to authenticate it.
Here's the modified code..
private void WindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// create the windows form host
System.Windows.Forms.Integration.WindowsFormsHost sample =
new System.Windows.Forms.Integration.WindowsFormsHost();
// create a new web browser
webBrowser = new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser();
// add it to winforms
sample.Child = webBrowser;
// add it to wpf
webBrowser.Navigated += webBrowser_Navigated;
void webBrowser_Navigated(object sender, WebBrowserNavigatedEventArgs e)
// do the authentication
var fc = new FacebookClient();
FacebookOAuthResult fr;
// Check the returned url
if (fc.TryParseOAuthCallbackUrl(e.Url, out fr))
// check if authentication is success or not
if (fr.IsSuccess)
accessToken = fr.AccessToken;
// Actions to do
var errordes = fr.ErrorDescription;
var errorreason = fr.ErrorReason;
//Not a valid url
The problem is solved!!
I have a problem logging out of Facebook on Windows Phone. I have the code to login, but I can't log out of it. Can someone show me how to log out of Facebook on a Windows Phone?
Here's the login code:
private FacebookClient _asyncFbClient;
private string _appID = "";
private string _appSecret = "";
private void StartFacebookLogin(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string[] extendedPermissions = new[] { "user_about_me", "publish_stream", "email" };
FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient();
var oauth = new FacebookOAuthClient { AppId = _appID, AppSecret = _appSecret };
var logout = new FacebookUser();
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"response_type", "token"},
{"display", "touch"}
if (extendedPermissions != null && extendedPermissions.Length > 0)
var scope = new StringBuilder();
scope.Append(string.Join(",", extendedPermissions));
parameters["scope"] = scope.ToString();
var loginUrl = oauth.GetLoginUrl(parameters);
webBrowser.Navigated += new EventHandler<System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs>(CheckForAuth);
private void CheckForAuth(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
FacebookOAuthResult result;
if (FacebookOAuthResult.TryParse(e.Uri, out result))
if (result.IsSuccess)
IsolatedStorageSettings Settings = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings;
access = result.AccessToken;
if (Settings.Contains("MyFacebookAccessToken1"))
Settings["MyFacebookAccessToken1"] = result.AccessToken;
Settings.Add("MyFacebookAccessToken1", result.AccessToken);
_asyncFbClient = new FacebookClient(result.AccessToken);
_asyncFbClient.GetCompleted += new EventHandler<FacebookApiEventArgs>(_asyncFbClient_GetCompleted);
Here's the logout code:
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(linkUrl);
request.Method = "GET";
request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(LogoutResponse), request);
private void LogoutResponse(IAsyncResult result)
string responseData = "";
HttpWebRequest request = result.AsyncState as HttpWebRequest;
HttpWebResponse response = request.EndGetResponse(result) as HttpWebResponse;
if (response != null && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
responseData = reader.ReadToEnd();
//responseData = true
catch (Exception ex)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); });
I have tried to use Facebook's logout API and get a successful result, but the next time I open the web browser it's already automatically logged in to Facebook again. How can I get it to log out?
I tried quite a few hacks to get this to work... and then Facebook finally updated their documentation with a good answer:
You can log a user out of their Facebook session by directing them to
the following URL:
YOUR_URL must be a URL in your site domain, as defined in the
Developer App.
there is no FB Logout, it has been removed.
your best bet is to forget your credentials.
Facebook PHP SDK uses a function like this:
public function getLogoutUrl($params=array()) {
return $this->getUrl(
'next' => $this->getCurrentUrl(),
'access_token' => $this->getAccessToken(),
), $params)
Which creates a URL like:{YOUR_ENCODED_URL}&access_token={YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN}
I believe the encoded URL must be owned by the application to whom the access_token belongs.
If you get that URL right, it'll work (just tried for one of my applications).
I'm not 100% sure if it works on windows-phone, but you can give it a try.
Hi Im writing an app that allows users to post status updates from within the application, I believe that ive got the authentication working correctly for the login, I just dont know how to go about posting a status update. Any code/examples/tutorials of how to go about doing this would be fantastic, here is the code that I have so far for the authentication.
public partial class FacebookAuth : PhoneApplicationPage
private string _accessToken;
private WebBrowser _webBrowser;
public FacebookAuth()
_webBrowser = new WebBrowser();
this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(FacebookAuthPage_Loaded);
void FacebookAuthPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Get this from the facebook
string appId = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
string[] extendedPermissions = new[] { "publish_stream", "offline_access", "user_groups" };
var oauth = new FacebookOAuthClient { AppId = appId };
//Telling the Facebook that we want token as response
//and we are using touch enabled device
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "response_type", "token" },
{ "display", "touch" }
//If there's extended permissions build the string and set it up
if (extendedPermissions != null && extendedPermissions.Length > 0)
var scope = new StringBuilder();
scope.Append(string.Join(",", extendedPermissions));
parameters["scope"] = scope.ToString();
//Create the login url
var loginUrl = oauth.GetLoginUrl(parameters);
//Add webBrowser to the contentPanel
_webBrowser.Navigated += webBrowser_Navigated;
//Open the facebook login page into the browser
void webBrowser_Navigated(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
FacebookOAuthResult result;
//Try because there might be cases when user input wrong password
if (FacebookOAuthResult.TryParse(e.Uri.AbsoluteUri, out result))
if (result.IsSuccess)
_accessToken = result.AccessToken;
//Hide the browser controller
_webBrowser.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
var errorDescription = result.ErrorDescription;
var errorReason = result.ErrorReason;
MessageBox.Show(errorReason + " " + errorDescription);
private void PostBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
To publish a status, do an HTTP Post to /me/feed with a post parameter called "message" and it's value being what the authenticate user posted.
Using FacebookClient
var client = new FacebookClient(user_access_token);
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.message = "Hello World!"
dynamic post_id = client.Post("/me/feed", parameters);
See also:
(using server-side flow) i have a facebook application that is attached to a facebook page through one of the tabs, which makes the application within an iframe. i use the following code below which works to get the access token but only when the users click on the facebook logo and authenticate the app. my question is what should i do so i can get a better user experience instead of showing the facebook logo stuff.
ON pageLoad()......
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string code = Request.QueryString["code"];
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["fbAccessToken"] != null)
authToken = HttpContext.Current.Session["fbAccessToken"].ToString();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authToken))
thisUserFBID.Value = HttpContext.Current.Session["fbUserId"].ToString();
else if (code == "" || code == null)
//Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "shareMe();", true);
authToken = appHelp.GetAccessToken(code);
Session["access_token"] = authToken;
HttpContext.Current.Session["fbAccessToken"] = authToken;
var fb = new FacebookClient();
fb.AccessToken = authToken;
dynamic me = fb.Get("me");
thisUserFBID.Value = (string);
HttpContext.Current.Session["fbUserId"] = thisUserFBID.Value;
if (me.locale != null)
lang = (string)me.locale;
lang = "en_US";
HttpContext.Current.Session["lang"] = lang;
catch (Exception)
//Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "shareMe();", true);
Huh? You don't want to have the user know what they're logging into? I'm confused. In a page tab application, you can either prompt them for authorizing the app or if they're logged in already, show them the good stuff. I don't know what would make a better user experience than that.
I'm using DotNetOpenAuth v3.5.0.10357 and each time a user authenticates against Facebook I get a different claimed identifier back. The token looks to be encrypted so I assume DNOA is somehow encrypting the token along with the expiry. Can anyone confirm this? Or am I using it wrong:
public ActionResult FacebookLogOn(string returnUrl)
IAuthorizationState authorization = m_FacebookClient.ProcessUserAuthorization();
if (authorization == null)
// Kick off authorization request
return new FacebookAuthenticationResult(m_FacebookClient, returnUrl);
// TODO: can we check response status codes to see if request was successful?
var baseTokenUrl = "";
var requestUrl = String.Format("{0}{1}", baseTokenUrl, Uri.EscapeDataString(authorization.AccessToken));
var claimedIdentifier = String.Format("{0}{1}", baseTokenUrl, authorization.AccessToken.Split('|')[0]);
var request = WebRequest.Create(requestUrl);
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
var graph = FacebookGraph.Deserialize(responseStream);
var token = RelyingPartyLogic.User.ProcessUserLogin(graph, claimedIdentifier);
this.FormsAuth.SignIn(token.ClaimedIdentifier, false);
return RedirectAfterLogin(returnUrl);
Here's the code for FacebookAuthenticationResult:
public class FacebookAuthenticationResult : ActionResult
private FacebookClient m_Client;
private OutgoingWebResponse m_Response;
public FacebookAuthenticationResult(FacebookClient client, string returnUrl)
m_Client = client;
var authorizationState = new AuthorizationState(new String[] { "email" });
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl))
var currentUri = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
var path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(returnUrl);
authorizationState.Callback = new Uri(String.Format("{0}?returnUrl={1}", currentUri.AbsoluteUri, path));
m_Response = m_Client.PrepareRequestUserAuthorization(authorizationState);
public FacebookAuthenticationResult(FacebookClient client) : this(client, null) { }
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
Also, I am using the RelyingPartyLogic project included in the DNOA samples, but I added an overload for ProcessUserLogin that's specific to facebook:
public static AuthenticationToken ProcessUserLogin(FacebookGraph claim, string claimedIdentifier)
string name = claim.Name;
string email = claim.Email;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
name = String.Format("{0} {1}", claim.FirstName, claim.LastName).TrimEnd();
return ProcessUserLogin(claimedIdentifier, "", email, name, claim.Verified);
It looks as though FacebookClient inherits from WebServerClient but I looked for the source on GitHub and I don't see a branch or a tag related (or at least not labeled) with the corresponding v3.5 version.
Facebook does not support OpenID. Claimed Identifier is an OpenID term. Facebook uses OAuth 2.0, so you're mixing up OpenID and OAuth.
Facebook sends a different access token every time, which is normal for the OAuth protocol. You have to use the access token to query Facebook for the user id that is consistent on every visit.
I think you need to add the offline_access permission in the token request as well, see