i used datepicker in my web application. when i select a date, i have not the selected date(dd/mm/yy) but the result of view after selection date is : yy-1/mm-1/yyyy.
Example : i would select 08/10/2015 but it's selected 07/09/2015 .
any help please !
I am using react-native-modal-date-picker for select date and time. But when picker appearing every time it shows today date.
I have used Moment.js for formatting date.
Date picker :
titleIOS="Pick a Date"
Selected date:
date: Moment().add(10, 'days').format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm A')
selectedDate: new Date(this.state.date)
It should show my selected date instead of today date. It is working fine in debug mode but not working without debug mode.
I have facetwp installed in wordpress and after the search was made, the search widget doesn't show the correct date as per selected before search
how to override this display issue (selected date) by javascript?
To view this problem in action : https://www.sweetpictures.com.my/product-category/photographers/?fwp_photo=2018-01-31%2C2018-01-31%2C1&fwp_productcategory=ampang&fwp_expertise=wedding-reception
Supposed the calendar picker selected date was 31st jan 2018
but instead it shows Aug 20th 2018
Kind help and assistance appreciated
Use the documentation of Flatpickr to set the default date to the one you want : https://chmln.github.io/flatpickr/examples/#supplying-dates-for-flatpickr
That way you can add the following parameters to you flatpickr instance :
//example with jQuery
minDate: 'today',
dateFormat: 'd/m/Y'
If this is not working, try setting the input to the good date with the onReady function in the flatpickr instance :
//example with jQuery
minDate: 'today',
dateFormat: 'd/m/Y',
onReady: function (selectedDates, dateStr, instance) {
$('#your-date-element input').val(
instance.formatDate(new Date(), 'd/m/Y')
I am using ComboBox for Dropdown. and when I am select the item,it doesnot pick the value of it.
Code for comboBox :
final SimpleComboBox<String> combo = new SimpleComboBox<String>();
combo.setFieldLabel("Calculation MethodNames");
I am retrieving the value as below:
Can somebody please help
I'm using a date field in which I want to limit the date selection to a maximum of 90 days from the current date. How can i achieve this?
I tried dateField.setMaxvalue(maxDate), but I'm not able to limit the selection
I don't think the GWT datepicker has support for this.
You could use a library like GWT-Bootstrap3 which does have all this (https://gwtbootstrap3.github.io/gwtbootstrap3-demo/#dateTimePicker).
Or you could listen for events and rollback changes made by the user if selection was outside the valid range, and display a message to the user.
I second to the suggestion given by #Knarf. You could use GWT DatePicker class and listen for a ValueChangeEvent and in ValueChangeHandler, you could put your logic to check if the selected date is within your range - if not, you could show a message on your UI for the User to reselect a date within the date range (as per your requirement).
DatePicker datePicker = new DatePicker();
final Label text = new Label();
// Listen for a ValueChangeEvent and implement a ValueChangeHandler on your datePicker element
datePicker.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Date>() {
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Date> valueChangeEvent) {
Date inputDate = valueChangeEvent.getValue();
// Put your logic to test whether the selected date is within your range
String dateString = DateTimeFormat.getMediumDateFormat().format(inputDate);
Hope that this helps!
You can add a ShowRangeHandler to your datePicker. This is an example to restrict the datePicker to dates in the past only, you can adapt it to limit to 90 days:
datePicker.addShowRangeHandler(new ShowRangeHandler<Date>() {
public void onShowRange(ShowRangeEvent<Date> event) {
Date today = new Date();
Date date = new Date(event.getStart().getTime());
while (date.before(event.getEnd())) {
if (date.after(today) && datePicker.isDateVisible(date)) {
datePicker.setTransientEnabledOnDates(false, date);
CalendarUtil.addDaysToDate(date, 1);
The above mentioned solutions worked exactly the way i expected..Thank you.I used the bootstrap datepicker in the link (https://gwtbootstrap3.github.io/gwtbootstrap3-demo/#dateTimePicker).
My page uses a JQuery UI Datepicker and loads with the current day selected and weekends and selected dates restricted.
I would like the current selected day to become unavailable at 2pm and the day move forward.
Can anyone help.
I would just use a variable for the the minDate
var dt = new Date();
if (dt.getHours() > 14) {
dt = dt.setDate(dt + 1); // go one day in the future
$(selector).datepicker({minDate: dt});
You'd just need to use the real javascript Date class methods - which I haven't used in a little while.