Specify depth > 1 with #Query in Spring-Data-Neo4j Repository - spring-data-neo4j-4

Using a spring-data-neo4j repository, can I use a #Query and load nodes with a depth greater than 1?
My example is
#Query("match (m:NodeTypeA)-[r:REL1]-(n:NodeTypeB {nodeBUniqueProperty: {0}}) return m")
public NodeTypeA findByNodeBUniqueProperty(String uniqueProperty);
Using this query, NodeTypeA is returned. However I also want NodeTypeA's neighbours.
I can #Inject the ogm session and use that to get the results I want, however it would be nicer to do it with #Query.
I notice there is a note in the docs to say:
In the current version, derived finders do not support paging, sorting
or a custom depth
but is a method using #Query a derived finder?

The same applies to #Query. Using the Session methods (with Filters if required) would be the way to go at the moment.


How to dynamically create index on JSON Object properties (JSON Object props are also dynamic)

I have a scenario where I want to dynamically create index on keys of JSON Object (JSON Object attributes will vary). I am able to store the JSON Object as index (by implementing FieldBridge).
eg1: preference:{"sport":"football", "music":"pop")
eg2: preference:{"sport":"cricket", "music":"jazz", "cuisine":"mexican"}
But I am unable to query the individual fields like:
or preference.cuisine
Is there any way / configuration in hibernate search through which we can achieve that?
If your fields are dynamic, there is no pre-defined schema and Hibernate Search is unable to determine how to query these fields. There are significant differences in how a match query should be executed on a text field or a date field, for example.
For that reason, you cannot use the Hibernate Search Query DSL to build your queries.
However, you can use native APIs.
If you're using the Lucene integration, just creating the relevant queries yourself will work fine (as long as you create the right one):
new TermQuery(new Term("sport", "value"))
If you're using the experimental Elasticsearch integration, you can use org.hibernate.search.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueries.fromJson( ... ). You will have to write the whole query as JSON, though, and will not be able to take advantage of the Hibernate Search QueryBuilder at all, even for queries on statically defined fields. See https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/search/5.11/reference/en-US/html_single/#_queries
Better support for native queries, as well as dynamic fields with pre-defined types, which would be targetable in the Query DSL, is planned for Hibernate Search 6, but it's not there yet. See HSEARCH-3273.

How to Query Jackrabbit for same name siblings

Is it possible to find the same-name siblings (SNS) using JCR-SQL2, JCR-SQL or QueryBuilder in Adobe CQ5/Adobe Experience Manager. I'm trying to match those nodes with a query having the following criteria without having to traverse the whole repository (slow and long running operation):
if(node.getIndex() > 1) {
// this node is matching the SNS criteria
SNS are defined as follows:
So the result of the query should include /a/b/c[2], /a/b/c[3], /a/b[2]/c[2], /a/b/c[3], /a/d/f[2].
Adobe published a helpful article for this at:
EDIT: One query for this may be as below:
SELECT [jcr:path] FROM [nt:base] WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE('/') AND [jcr:path] like '%\]'
The idea is that oak queries will be able to find indexed nodes that were migrated via SNS resolution logic. These names will contain ] in their names (paths for URI) which will be selectable via above query.
Use this query with caution as there are a lot of system nodes OOTB that have ] in the name and this is by design.
You can change [nt:base] to other relevant oak index for better filtering.

How to call 'like any' PostgreSQL function in JPQL

I have next issue:
I have list of names, based on which I want to filter.The problem is that I have not full names(Because I'm receiving them from ui), and I have, for example, this array= ['Joh', 'Michae'].
So, I want to filter based on this array.
I wrote query in PostgreSQL
select * from q_ob_person where name like any (array['%Хомяченко%', '%Вартопуз%']);
And I want to ask how to write JPQL query gor this.
Is there an option to call postgresql function like any from JPQL?
JPA 2.1 allows invocation of any SQL function using
FUNCTION(sqlFuncName, sqlArgs)
So you could likely do something like (note never tried this LIKE ANY you refer to, just play around with it)
Obviously by invoking SQL functions specific to a particular RDBMS you lose database independence (in case that's of importance).

ormlite select count(*) as typeCount group by type

I want to do something like this in OrmLite
SELECT *, COUNT(title) as titleCount from table1 group by title;
Is there any way to do this via QueryBuilder without the need for queryRaw?
The documentation states that the use of COUNT() and the like necessitates the use of selectRaw(). I hoped for a way around this - not having to write my SQL as strings is the main reason I chose to use ORMLite.
selectRaw(String... columns):
Add raw columns or aggregate functions
(COUNT, MAX, ...) to the query. This will turn the query into
something only suitable for using as a raw query. This can be called
multiple times to add more columns to select. See section Issuing Raw
Further information on the use of selectRaw() as I was attempting much the same thing:
Documentation states that if you use selectRaw() it will "turn the query into" one that is supposed to be called by queryRaw().
What it does not explain is that normally while multiple calls to selectColumns() or selectRaw() are valid (if you exclusively use one or the other),
use of selectRaw() after selectColumns() has a 'hidden' side-effect of wiping out any selectColumns() you called previously.
I believe that the ORMLite documentation for selectRaw() would be improved by a note that its use is not intended to be mixed with selectColumns().
QueryBuilder<EmailMessage, String> qb = emailDao.queryBuilder();
qb.selectColumns("emailAddress"); // This column is not selected due to later use of selectRaw()!
qb.selectRaw("COUNT (emailAddress)");
ORMLite examples are not as plentiful as I'd like, so here is a complete example of something that works:
QueryBuilder<EmailMessage, String> qb = emailDao.queryBuilder();
qb.selectRaw("emailAddress"); // This can also be done with a single call to selectRaw()
qb.selectRaw("COUNT (emailAddress)");
GenericRawResults<String[]> rawResults = qb.queryRaw(); // Returns results with two columns
Is there any way to do this via QueryBuilder without the need for queryRaw(...)?
The short answer is no because ORMLite wouldn't know what to do with the extra count value. If you had a Table1 entity with a DAO definition, what field would the COUNT(title) go into? Raw queries give you the power to select various fields but then you need to process the results.
With the code right now (v5.1), you can define a custom RawRowMapper and then use the dao.getRawRowMapper() method to process the results for Table1 and tack on the titleCount field by hand.
I've got an idea how to accomplish this in a better way in ORMLite. I'll look into it.

Spring CRUD repository: is there findOneByMaxXYZColumn()?

My requirement:
fetch ONE object (e.g RetainInfo ) from table RETAIN_INFO if VERSION column has max value
Does CRUD repository support for an interface method like
Equivalent db2 sql:
select RET_ID, max(ri.RET_VERSION) from RETAIN_INFO ri where ri. COUNTRY='DEFAULT' group by RET_ID fetch first 1 rows only;
This query selects an ID, but I would actually want the RetainInfo object corresponding the SINGLE row returned by the query.
I prefer to get that without using custom query, i.e using findBy or some other method/interface supported by Spring CRUD.
You could use limiting in combination with sorting (spring data reference:limit query results). Declare a method similar to the following in your CrudRepository interface :
RetainInfo findTopByCountryOrderByRetVersionDesc(String country);
You can also use findFirst to get the first result. Before getting the result, make sure to use Orderby and then the ascending(Asc) or descending(Desc). As an example if you want to order by version and retrieve based on productName
RetainInfo findFirstByProductNameOrderByVersionDesc(String productName);
Spring Data doesn't provide an expression to select a max value. All supported query parts could be found in the Spring 1.2.0.RELEASE docs: Appendix A. Namespace reference or line 182 of org.springframework.data.repository.query.parser.Part.
Also feel free to create a feature request at Spring's Jira page.